The final report from the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee regarding the Terms of Reference for a Royal Commission into the federal government’s handling of COVID-19 has been released.
This inquiry was initiated after the Senate passed my motion to establish it, which comes after extensive efforts by One Nation to uncover the truth about Australia’s COVID response.
The good news is that the committee recommends the federal government establish a Royal Commission to thoroughly examine Australia’s response to the pandemic and its impacts on the community. The report includes comprehensive terms of reference, covering all aspects that Australians are keen to see addressed, including the vaccines.
I appreciate the committee’s diligent work and welcome this report. I will address this matter further in Parliament next week.


support covid Royal commission Related to the non disclosure that these were actually Mona vaccines that have been proven years ago to be proven unsafe but pushed by state premiers across the country or dont work! They created a daily push to instil a fear into the community which created condemnation on those who had not been vaccinated!
Terms of reference should include forcing masks when international evidence showed they did not work ,mandating vaccines when it was shown they did not stop transmission of the virus .Politicians knew all this when they forced these measures on us .Fines and jail time for those responsible .
Totally agree Michael’s, the States response to Covid was much worse than the Federal issues. They took power from a compliant government via the badly organised Covid joint commission, and the health bureaucracies went overboard with their unproven restrictions as if we were subject to the Plague.
Since then there has been no remorse for their failures, and false remedies for the R C is well over due, well done Malcolm!
COVID-19 instilled fear in the sheep , divided the nation and poisoned us ,, mind you I never got jabbed but I’ve heard that the COVID-19 vaccine is being put into our beef and most popular foods that we are now eating . I put 3 hours of information into why there must be a Royal Commission but appears to have been a waste of time . It’s the ex state premiers who’ arses need to be dragged before the court like that “ flap eared , cock eyed , dickhole “ Daniel Andrews , Palachook and all the rest . Big fines and payouts must be imposed by these grubs who are accountable .
Yep… And take the passports of those ex Premiers, CHOs and other bureaucrats who were playing God.
Don’t forget Skerritt!