I hope you will be having an enjoyable easter with family or friends and have time to reflect on the things that matter.
Stay safe on the roads.
As a servant to the many different people who make up our one Queensland community, this Easter I refer to Luke 23 describing governor of Judea Pontius Pilate’s trial of Jesus.
Under the custom of thou shalt pardon, Pontius Pilate offered the Jerusalem Passover crowd a choice between pardoning two people convicted of sedition: Barabbas or Judas.
Barabbas was a violent revolutionary who rebelled against Rome and killed indiscriminately. Jesus, though, was convicted of sedition following his Palm Sunday arrival, which led to Pontius Pilate fearing for his own power. As history records, the crowd chose to spare Barabbas in the hope he would protect them from the Romans. The crowds shunned Jesus, who had spoken against violence and in favour of quiet endurance in the knowledge that better times would come.
While Luke 23 is a parable about Jesus dying for the sins of others, there is another interpretation. The crowd chose a person who they falsely hoped would protect their physical selves over someone who fought for their spiritual selves. In a decision that mimics the Jerusalem crowd, during COVID many Australians abandoned spiritual values of love, family and fellowship to achieve what we now know was a false sense of physical safety.
Australians embraced the message from the Pfizer empire’s modern day Pontius Pilate. It was a message broadcast in daily brainwashing sessions from politicians, health bureaucrats, media mouthpieces and over shopping centre public address systems, all with the same billionaire owners as Pfizer. They were messages designed to turn society against those who stayed true to spiritual beliefs.
This Easter let’s reflect on Pontius Pilate’s faith. Emperor Caligula recalled Pilate to Rome, accused him of cruelty and oppression and then executed him. As it turns out, washing one’s hands of blame does not work. In the end, God always wins.
Thank you for your comforting comments and continuous positive and steadfast work for the people
Easter for me, was NOT A NICE EXPERIENCE.
for me
Living in Australia
for me,
Due to some unsavoury behaviours of other people.
Clearly, over many years, personal abuse, directed via covert plus overt means to cause unpleasant outcomes in my life, has been a jolly experience, for some.
Why? No idea, my end.
God saw what you did.
He/SHE know who you are, as do YOU AND YOURS.
I’m bored.
You are not MY STORY.
Look in the mirror, you ugly, malicious CHARACTERS.
Wear the result of your CRUEL GAME
Senator Malcolm Roberts
Pauline Hanson
+ Your Fabulous Goddie CREWS
May Peace be with YOU and Yours,
… AND so it is
… AND so it was
… AND so it always SHALL BE
Our constitution is built on Christian Belief, but it does not exclude and respects people of different faiths. Why is it so difficult to bring to account people that are not adhering to the constitution of the land? Your comments, Senator, that justice is forthcoming is encouraging, but there are still too many people suffering and there is the danger that all will fizzle out. I admire that you stand up for these injustices.
Happy Easter from Canada… Justin Trudeau may have been born on Christmas Day, but he isn’t a savior for the majority, he and his menacing mates are the ones that need to be on trial. The National Citizens Inquiry started up again in Winnipeg…live on Rumble. #WEF GOVs gotta go…
Thank God there have been , it seems, just a few politicians who fear the God of creation and eternity. . The fear of God is the begginning of wisdom, so much lacking in across Australia and the world at large. The media helps to persuade the population on Socialist culture that would bannish the Bible culture and principles for living. We all have to die once in the fu\ture and after that the judgement. Only Jesus offers the gift of salvation for Eternity, on His terms. Graeme
Well said Malcolm. Please keep standing up for us. We need you
Dear Malcolm,
Having read your Easter message I must admit to being rather dismayed.
Firstly, your reference to Luke Ch. 23.
Have you read the chapter recently?
There are considerable differences between Luke 23 and your brief account.
(I will elaborate that comment later if requested)
May I suggest the following website?
Now to the present.
Your frequent claim “as a servant to the people” and incidentally supported by the Australian Tax Payer places you in a position where one would reasonably expect your reports to be truthful and accurate.
To use the Easter season as an excuse to propagate your conspiracy theories re Covid, Pfizer etc. is unconscionable.
How many people in Australia died from Covid infections before vaccines became available and reduced the severity of the viral disease?
Have you and your family submitted to being vaccinated against the disease?
If not, then may I extend my wishes you never have to suffer the disease.
(Remember, Covid almost killed Donald Trump, another conspiracy theorist and vaccine denier)
Awaiting your reply.
When will Australians wake up to the fact that covid was designed to kill people over time. It has already killed many sports people and will continue to hasten the demise of countless more.
An interesting allegation.
Would you please supply all the information and evidence you have to support the claim.
Otherwise ( in the interest of factual information ) you may be expected to withdraw your allegation.