The political world is full of baseless slurs uttered by historically and politically illiterate shock-jocks. The current favourite is ‘far-right’. Pretty much any crime against Woke will see you saddled with this slur. From querying Labor’s ‘Big Australia’ dream, to partaking in capitalism, to defending free speech… You’re ‘far-right’. You’re dangerous. Dangerous to left-wing politics, maybe.
When it comes to the definition of ‘far-right’, the pillars of Western Civilisation serve as scaffolding while common sense and merit pad-out the walls.
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Thank you Senator Robert’s for standing up for what’s right. May God bless you🙏🏼
Thank you for your care towards all Australians
Dear Malcolm,
As a Queenslander you have my unqualified support.
We used to have a ACCC which prevented Corporations from attaining a monopoly in there field and it prevented the selfishness which now pervades corporate modus operandi. The capitalist system, which I believe in a good system, has presently lost its moderator and so its unbridled selfishness has now consumed not only its moderating controller, but also the Government, which appears unable to regain any control. Or maybe this suits an unannounced Government strategy ( both LNP and labour).
But, I think there is an even bigger elephant in the room. This is the banking system.
The banks receive their operating capital from their depositors. Through the FIAT system, they multiply this by a factor of at least ten, Then by applying interest charges and other special deals only available to the banks they can apply other multipliers which enormously increase there returns. The end result is that from their depositors money , the major banks are making over a billion dollars each.
On this massive profit that the Banks make, the return to those who give them the funds to make this profit, is just over one percent. People who see the banks performance as a great business, invest in shares in the bank and make a better return than those who give the bank the funds from which it all happens.
At some stage in the future, this gross injustice to bank depositors has to be discussed and corrected.
There is no other political party who would be willing to confront this issue. One day soon I hope a strategic situation will arise which will allow One Nation, the only party with guts and that precious rare commodity called “common sense”, to dismantle this gross injustice,
Best Regards
There’s a big push to confuse people into believing that black is white and visa versa like the “ Emperour who wore no clothes “ everyone watched him walk down the street naked , yet all but one could see he had no clothes on . All this “ woke “ rubbish that has infiltrated our society has been thought out by some college dropout who probably now has a top paid position in a leftist social science corporation paid to think up new ways to destroy common sense .
The Latin word for ‘Left’ is ‘sinister’.