
In the wake of the sudden and unjust takeover by the ACT Labor-Greens government of Calvary Public Hospital, the Senate conducted a public hearing inquiry.

I asked questions of a representative from the hospital. It is unusual that due process was not followed and a long-term contract was removed without consultation.

Calvary had a very strong workplace culture with well-supported values. It was more than a location for people of faith, and staff often described working there like they were part of a family.

People are deeply upset by this compulsory acquisition and the reasons that could be behind such a move at this time.

I asked the ACT’s Minister for Health questions about the specific reasons behind this move. The answers don’t match the sudden nature of the takeover, as you will hear.

What is clear though is the ACT government does not welcome any interference in its ability to exercise its own powers.

Canberra Health Autocrats have decided there is no place for religion in health care and are trying to take over the Calvary Hospital. It seems nobody is going to get in the way of the Health Autocrats’ agenda to murder babies and murder our elderly.


There is trouble in Pan-em from Hunger Games. Or ‘Canberra’ as some still call it.

Australian Capital Territory Health Autocrats have decided there’s no place for religion in health care and are trying to take over the Calvary Hospital.

Legislation to seize the hospital from the Catholic Church has been presented to the ACT Parliament.

Legislation developed over a long period of time. In fact, this is the second attempt ACT Health Autocrats have made to steal the Calvary Hospital.

Nothing irks autocrats more than an organisation that refuses to buckle to their heathen agenda.

The ACT has legislated abortion and euthanasia. The Catholic Church insists on putting humanity around those rules, which has inflamed the ACT autocrats.

Nobody’s going to get in the way of the Health Autocrats’ agenda to murder babies and murder our elderly.

There are 14 Calvary Hospitals in Australia delivering health services in a faith-based environment, healing millions of Australians since their start in 1885.

Churches around Australia provide hundreds of aged care homes.

Each of these must be looking over their shoulder at what the Canberra Health Autocrats are trying to do at Calvary.

I urge all members of the ACT Parliament to reconsider this evil act.

If not this will go to the Federal Parliament which has precedence over ACT law.

If ever there was a time to use our power of veto it’s now.

The Federal Parliament must send a message to these autocrats and their heathen agenda.

And the message is this:

God decides who lives and dies, not you.