
I have no doubt that, as the truth comes to light, history will judge those in this Parliament as cowards for failing to stand up against the COVID B.S.

Read the study, COVID-19 vaccines – An Australian Review by Conny Turni and Astrid Lefringhausen here.

Watch the COVID INQUIRY 2.0 videos here.


As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I note that at the European parliament inquiry into COVID two weeks ago, Janine Small, the President of International Developed Markets for Pfizer revealed that the Pfizer vaccine injection was never tested to see if it would prevent transmission—never tested. Small went on to say this was because Pfizer had to work at the speed of science. Well, it seems the speed of science and the velocity of money are the same thing. Shameful decisions were taken deliberately to facilitate big pharma getting their injections to market in time. The mouthpiece media have the same large investment funds on their share register as big pharma. It’s no surprise the mouthpiece media amplified the COVID scare, doubling down on fear porn and demonising anyone who clung to ‘my body, my choice’, just so the media’s shareholders could line their pockets with tens of billions of dollars in windfall profits.

I remember when the political left walked behind banners reading ‘my body, my choice’. Now real conservatives hold those banners high while the Left abuse us. How fast the Left abandon their principles when an opportunity to tell people what to do comes along, to control people. It was clear after just four months of COVID the scary Chinese videos of people dropping dead in the streets should not have been taken at face value. Measures taken out of an abundance of caution in March 2020 should have been re-examined just a few months later, as we requested and suggested. They never were. At the time, the data clearly showed COVID was no more deadly than a severe flu and well under anything the public would consider to be a pandemic. Let me support that statement.

The following data is from the Australian Bureau of Statistics published in part as a result of a One Nation document discovery a few weeks ago. In 2019, the year before COVID, the seasonal flu cost 4,126 lives. The next year, in 2020, Australia recorded 882 deaths from COVID and 2,287 deaths from the flu for a total of 3,196 deaths, 1,000 less than before COVID, almost a thousand less than the flu alone killed the previous year. In 2021, 1,137 deaths were recorded from COVID and 2,073 from the flu, for a total of 3,210. This means deaths from the flu including COVID across the first two years of the so-called pandemic were right on the long-term average of 3,255. There was nothing unusual about the Australian death rate in 2020 or 2021 yet the COVID substances—I won’t call them vaccines—the COVID injections, were given emergency approval. The only thing about our death rate in 2020 that was unusual was that it was at a seven-year low. These are facts. This makes a joke of provisional approval granted for injections out of urgency. There was no urgency. It is not just the vaccines that were inappropriately approved; dangerous drugs like the antiviral Remdesivir were waved through using the same false urgency. Remdesivir’s side effects include respiratory failure and organ failure. The perfectly safe but out-of-patent antiviral ivermectin was banned to make way for remdesivir—banned, proven, banned. The UK has recently put ivermectin back into use. We must as well. The conclusion an increasing number of Australians are coming to is that our health technocrats tore up our tried and true health systems to shift products for their mates in the pharmaceutical industry, and now people are dying from those same products.

Once the injection rollout started, there was a spike in deaths. It must be noted correlation is not causation. The link between the cause—vaccines—and the effect—death, injury and suffering—must be proven. Well, it has now been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. At my second COVID Under Question inquiry in August, many highly-qualified medical professionals from around the world established that link, providing evidence the injections were responsible for many more deaths than the health technocrats admit.

Late last month, the Clinical and Experimental Immunology journal published an article entitled ‘COVID-19 vaccines—an Australian review’. The authors are Conny Turni and Astrid Lefringhausen, from the University of Queensland. This article details the medical science behind the wide range of medical harms inflicted on Australians as a result of the hubris and the criminal negligence of health technocrats. I promised to hound you people down, and now science has done that for me. The issue of vaccine harm must be referred to a royal commission today. These criminals must be brought to justice. This report is reproduced on my website, and anyone who reads this report and still defends the fake vaccines is as guilty as the companies that made it.

It’s no surprise that COVID has spiked in correlation with the rollout of the fake vaccines. ABS data is not yet available for 2022, although Australian actuarial data is. In the first four months of 2022, death from all respiratory diseases—the flu, pneumonia and COVID taken together—is still at normal levels, yet deaths from cardiac and pulmonary events are up 11 per cent, and unexplained deaths are up 13 per cent. At this rate, an extra 10,000 Australians will die in 2022. Anyone reading the journal article I referred to will know exactly why this is happening. I refuse to believe our health technocrats do not know. A royal commission must ask what they knew and when.

In May 2020 I criticised fear-driven response to COVID in the Senate, within months of this mismanagement of COVID. At that time Senator Hanson and I were the lone voices of dissent in the Senate, and Craig Kelly and George Christensen were the lone voices in the other place, and Senators Rennick and Antic joined us—six representatives out of 227 people. Everyone else in both houses displayed an ignorance of proper scientific process, an inability to read empirical data and a misplaced trust of health bureaucrats. Health technocrats have spent their entire professional lives working closely with the pharmaceutical industry. And we expected them to be impartial. Come on! We delegated authority to the last people who should have been trusted with that authority.

The Senate is the house of review. Every aspect of our COVID response should have been scrutinised to the last detail. The Senate failed in that mission. COVID measures were beyond question, and it seems they still are. Rather than review, the Senate covered up. Senators Rennick and Antic, in company with myself and Senator Hanson, tried to draw out the truth and were demonised for doing so. Not one senator amongst the political Left entertained a moment’s thought that fear-driven response could be harming more people than it helped. ‘Resistance is futile’ was the message repeated at every press conference on every television in every house of parliament. New Zealand, Canada, the UK and America all joined in the circus of despair, designed to scare people into taking a substance they knew would cause serious harm and death.

Even today, vaccine mandates are still in place around Australia. The reality of a falling birth rate, unexplained increases in deaths and more than 130,000 cases of vaccine harm here in Australia is being ignored. Still, we are told the injection is safe and effective. Safe and effective is not one lie; it is two lies. The vaccine is neither safe nor effective. Medical practitioners who stood up for the rights of their patients were deregistered after action from big pharma’s enforcement arm, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency—under the direction, it seems, of CEO Martin Fletcher and Yvette D’Ath, as chair of the Health Ministers Meeting. They’re the ones who were in control. These technocrats decided they knew what was best for patients—better than the patient’s own doctor. AHPRA must be referred to the royal commission—and the TGA, ATAGI, the Chief Medical Officer, the secretary of the federal health department and Greg Hunt, the federal health minister at the time.

The vaccine emergency use authorisation expires early next year. An inquiry into how the vaccines went would normally be conducted, but they need to stop now. The emergency authorisation needs to stop. I do not have confidence the Therapeutic Goods Administration, the TGA, and the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, ATAGI, will be honest and impartial in this inquiry. They have not been so far. Only a royal commission can decide all of the issues I have raised tonight. One royal commissioner will not be enough for the litany of legal and regulatory abuse, medical practice, financial malfeasance, conflict of interest, child abuse, human rights abuse and the shredding of international agreements Australia has endured for 2½ years.

The harm from our COVID response was foreseeable and preventable. If only the Senate, the ultimate house of review, had had the courage to stand up and call bullshit. The Senate did not.

The ACTING DEPUTY PRESIDENT ( Senator Chandler ): Order! Senator Roberts, that language isn’t parliamentary. I ask that you withdraw or find another word.

Senator ROBERTS: I retract that—the brown stuff.


Senator ROBERTS: The Senate did not. As a result, the public has lost confidence in the medical profession, health administration and politicians. To his credit, member of parliament Dan Tehan publicly admitted his silence last year was wrong. This week a survey in the Daily Telegraph found that, based on the 50,000 respondents, 37 per cent of Australians who took the vaccine regret it. Only 43 per cent said they would do it again. The damage to the reputation of our once-trusted medical institutions can only be repaired with a royal commission to unravel the lies and get to the truth, and, in so doing, ensure this tyranny, this suffering and this loss of life never happens again.

I have no doubt that, when the truth comes to light, history will judge those in this place as being cowards all. We have one flag, we are one community, we are one nation, and Australians want justice.

Dear Prime Minister

One of my constituents, Dr Phillip Altman, has approached me with concerning information about the gene-based COVID vaccination rollout.

On 10 September 2022 he delivered a presentation in Melbourne to the Australian Medical Professionals Society, a nationwide body of doctors and allied health professionals.

Fully supported with strong and compelling data, he highlighted the shortcomings of the Australian and State governments’ approaches to COVID-19 management.

Dr Altman has a background of 40 years’ experience working with the pharmaceutical industry and the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

His evidence makes it clear that the previous federal government and agencies, including AHPRA and the TGA and State Governments, made decisions that were detrimental to Australians and the Australian economy.

Many of those decisions led to avoidable deaths and injuries to Australians who had been assured that these new generation gene-based injections, labelled as “vaccines”, were safe and effective.

This was a lie.

The COVID “vaccines” have never been fully approved and, by definition, have not been shown to be safe or effective, as Dr Altman has clearly stated.

The drug companies were aware of the dangers of the injections yet marketed them aggressively in the knowledge that the injections presented serious health risks, including death.

The TGA relied on limited quality, safety and efficacy data to provisionally approve these gene-based “vaccines”, which have never before been used on such a massive scale and in healthy people, including children and adolescents, without due consideration of risk and benefit.

The TGA approvals still remain provisional or conditional and do not have full approval status in Australia, or anywhere else, due to the lack of data, especially the total lack of long-term safety data for these serious gene-based injections that have never before been deployed.

The TGA effectively placed a prohibition on doctors prescribing Ivermectin off-label, citing concerns of toxicity, supply issues and possible interference with “vaccine” uptake. The claims of Ivermectin toxicity were reckless and unsupportable, the supply issues did not eventuate, and the Australian population is largely fully “vaccinated”.

A recently announced TGA review of the poison scheduling of Ivermectin represents the first sign of a long-awaited possible reappraisal of the disastrous COVID health policies that have severely damaged the nation.

Of particular concern to me has been AHPRA’s attitude when dealing with doctors or allied health professionals who have challenged some of the publicly made policy statements that the “vaccines” are safe and effective, or that oppressive mandates are necessary to protect the Australian population.

AHPRA has threatened to revoke, or has actually revoked the registration of some of those challengers, on the alleged grounds that even asking questions represents an imminent risk to public health or safety and should be considered serious misconduct.

I note with deep concern the proposed amendment to the new National Law, that if passed by the Queensland Parliament, would empower AHPRA to deregister or suspend health professionals with a new paramount principal inserted into the scheme.

It would replace the current guiding paramount principle, which is that “health and safety of the public are paramount” with “public confidence in the safety and services provided”.  Public confidence will now replace care and safety.  This is a disgraceful scam.

This conflicts with the doctors’ Code of Conduct in which the “care of your patient is your primary concern”.

This proposed change will reduce the quality of medical care because it now places a wedge into the doctor/patient relationship, preventing a doctor from expressing honest and informed professional advice based on a patient’s individual circumstances when this advice is at any variance to population-wide, one-size-fits-all, general health policy.

It will prevent provision of a complete view about benefits and material risks of a proposed treatment to the patient, thereby failing to gain fully informed consent from the patient, a fundamental principle embodied in the well-established health practitioner Code of Conduct.

A doctor will run the risk of deregistration if they comply with the code of conduct and common law obligations to disclose all material risks prior to seeking the patient’s consent.

They will run the risk of deregistration if the medical view is in contrast with government policy that non-medical bureaucrats or politicians made, even if the doctor’s view is logical and scientifically sound.

This proposed legislation must not proceed and must not become part of the National Law.

I attach a transcript of Dr Altman’s presentation and briefing paper on the proposed changes to the National Law and look forward to your considered response at your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely

Malcolm Roberts

Senator for Queensland

Phillip Altman joins me on TNT radio for a special 2 hours on the Time of COVID.

This man is described as having the best court affidavits in the country. They’re objective, they’re factual. They’re not based on opinions. They’re based on data. There’s no exaggeration. There’s no emotion. This is a wonderfully emotional, sensitive man, but he doesn’t use emotions in making arguments.

He uses logic and data. He has a calm voice. He has a deliberate well-chosen words. This man is accurate. Now, we brought him into the COVID fray to help with getting ivermectin approved some months… well probably 18 months ago.

When I say we, one of my staff recommended him, and we assigned him to a doctor. And he was very helpful there. Then he started to realise what was going on. Now, this man is one of the leading players in this country, fighting for freedom, raising people’s awareness, fighting for the vaccine injured, fighting for the relatives of those who’ve died as a result of the COVID injections. I shouldn’t call them vaccines or injections, unproven gene therapy-based treatments.


Part 1

Speaker 1:

This is the Malcolm Roberts Show on Today’s News Talk Radio TNT.

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, good day and welcome. This is Senator Malcolm Roberts broadcasting from Brisbane in Queensland Australia. Thank you for having me, wherever you are, whether it’s your lounge room, your bedroom, your bathroom maybe, your garage, your men’s shed, your back deck, front porch, wherever you are, whichever country you are on this beautiful little planet of ours. As usual, we will be talking about two themes, freedom and responsibility, the key to human progress and personal happiness in security. We’re going to have two hours today. Both hours are going to be with a very special man who has had decades of experience working with big pharma and with Australian medical bureaucrats.

He will provide the most extensive coverage of COVID to date. Before getting onto that though, we need to acknowledge the news that’s going on in the last week, two weeks since I was last with you. The queen has passed. I want to acknowledge my appreciation, my gratitude for her service. This woman has served remarkably for decades, the longest serving head of state of our country, of Britain, of the longest serving Monarch in Britain’s history. I want to also acknowledge that we are a constitutional monarchy. In that, we are effectively a Republic because the Republic is run by rule of law. It’s a system of governance that requires laws that are supreme.

It’s very important to understand that our constitution is the our governing document of our nation. The queen, unless she’s passed and now the king does not rule us. We are not ruled by these people. They provide a role in there that’s a medium, but we resort to them for clarification on certain decisions. They do not rule us. Unlike in Britain, where they effectively can rule, but in essence, don’t. We are a constitutional monarchy. The constitution recognises the queen or the king, but the constitution is the governing document. Now we’ve got talk, stupid talk about a Republic that people want to dissolve our constitution, and put in place a politician’s constitution.

This country is wonderfully unique I understand, if not unique entirely on its own than with a handful of countries in which the people voted for the constitution, the people voted for the document that governs them. Now, that’s why I remember back when I was in my 20s, there was a movement led by Malcolm Turnbull to replace the constitution with a politician’s constitution. I was in favour of that initially, because I was ignorant of our constitutional monarchy and our constitution. And I supported it, until I heard three justices from the high court, including the chief justice speaker to conference in Brisbane. And I switched because I realised instead of having a people’s constitution, Malcolm Turnbull and his Republic movement wanted a politician’s constitution.

I don’t know about you, but I’m far better off I believe under a people’s constitution. And some people say, “What about Prince Andrew and all the others that have been making headlines for the wrong reasons?” Well, point to me a family that does not have its issues. What we’ve got remember above all is that we have got a constitutional monarchy. The monarchs from Britain do not rule us, the constitution rules us. We’ve also had another topic that’s really serious, probably the most far reaching legislation, very innocent in its call, but taking us to supposedly net zero. The minister pushing it in the Senate just last week could not provide me with any evidence that we need this.

And in fact, she gave me 20 papers supposedly as evidence, but they were papers like the topic, titled something this. The effect of climate change on a tropical mountain. I kid you not, These people do not even understand because and effect. The papers she gave me almost universally assume climate change is real and being caused by us, and then talk about the consequences. That’s not what I want. What I want is proof that we are causing climate change, and we need to do something about it. We also in the Senate, I asked questions about COVID death and birth data. We got an order for production of documents, and we saw some of the ABS data that has been withheld slowly coming out as a result of my effort in the Senate, my staff effort in the Senate.

We got a long way to go, but it’s initially very, very revealing, deaths are up and they’re not aligned with COVID. They’re aligned with something else. We all know what they are, and that’s the huge number of adverse events and adverse effects, and deaths due to the COVID injections. The Mouthpiece Media shuts it up. They’re silent. The Mouthpiece Media misrepresent climate. The Mouthpiece Media misrepresent what’s happening in the Ukraine. Now, we’ve got the US imposing sanctions on China supposedly because of Taiwan. We have got this same people driving all of this agenda, but another thing I’m very proud to have been a part of. My staff and I have been working on the Iron Boomerang project which is billions of dollars’ worth of investment.

And people already lining up major steel companies wanting to set up steel mills in the east coast of Queensland, the west coast of Western Australia, taking the iron ore from Western Australia on a transcontinental railway, especially built for the purpose bringing iron ore to the east, and then taking coal to the west. And we would become a very large significant player in the steel industry. These are wonderful things, and we managed to get that now the subject of a Senate inquiry, but let’s move to my guest, and what a wonderful man he is. Last Saturday, he addressed a group of doctors and communities in Melbourne. When he finished his 22-minute speech, he got a standing ovation.

This man is described as having the best court affidavits in the country. They’re objective, they’re factual. They’re not based on opinions. They’re based on data. There’s no exaggeration. There’s no emotion. This is a wonderfully emotional, sensitive man, but he doesn’t use emotions in making arguments. He uses logic and data. He has a calm voice. He has a deliberate well-chosen words. This man is accurate. Now, we brought him into the COVID fray to help with getting ivermectin approved some months… well probably 18 months ago. When I say we, one of my staff recommended him, and we assigned him to a doctor. And he was very helpful there. Then he started to realise what was going on.

Now, this man is one of the leading players in this country, fighting for freedom, raising people’s awareness, fighting for the vaccine injured, fighting for the relatives of those who’ve died as a result of the COVID injections. I shouldn’t call them vaccines or injections, unproven gene therapy-based treatments. I want to welcome Dr. Phillip Altman. Hi there Phillip.

Phillip Altman:

Hi Malcolm. Thanks for having me.

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, thank you so much for being here. We’re going to have the whole two hours with you, and then we’re going to really, really go into your speech in depth. Before we start, something you appreciate, anything at all.

Phillip Altman:

Well, perhaps I should just let your listeners know a little bit about my history, and where I’ve come from.

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, before then Phillip, something you appreciate, anything at all.

Phillip Altman:

Something that I appreciate?

Malcolm Roberts:

Yes. Right now, what do you appreciate?

Phillip Altman:

Well, I think I appreciate the people around me who are fighting like you wouldn’t believe for truth in relation to COVID. There are so many heroes here, I just cannot name them all. These are people that work night and day to try and overcome the mask censorship, which prevails here and overseas. Most people have no idea what the truth of COVID really is, and there are people fighting against all odds to try and bring the truth to people. And I just admire them so much.

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, I must say I’ve got a copy of your slides from last week, and you said truth and trust, casualties of the pandemic. And I wrote down the words deceit, betrayal, and potentially genocide. They’re pretty startling comments, but let’s take you up on your offer. Tell me your background please, so the listeners understand who this man is.

Phillip Altman:

All right. Well, I’ve been on TNT before and some of your listeners might have heard this story. But basically, my history is one of big pharma. I started off with a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy at Sydney University, went on to complete a master’s at the same department of pharmacy, and then a PhD in drug development. I was researching a new class of car cardio to drugs, and that really set me up for joining the industry. I joined the pharmaceutical industry in Australia. I worked there for many, many years. I think my first job in the industry was probably about 1973. Worked for several big pharma companies as a staff member. And after a number of years, I decided I knew enough, I could become a consultant. And I was a one man band for a while, and very successful.

And it grew and grew and grew, and I eventually ended up with a company which was called a contract research organisation, a CRO. Now, there are CROs all over the world now, but I started Australia’s first CRO. And I employed scientists, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, health economists, statisticians, and so forth. Drug companies could come to me, could come to my company and I could assist them to lodge and evaluate new drug applications, to design clinical trials, to run clinical trials, to write clinical trial reports. We did absolutely everything. We were basically a mini drug company, not with products of our own, but we did all the signs that was needed behind the approval for new drugs.

I was used to evaluating the quality of data. I used to evaluate data packages for big pharma. Before I would submit them, draught applications, draught reports for big pharma. I worked very closely with the TGA over four decades. I know exactly how they operate. I know exactly what their standards are. I knew the people very, very well. They knew me. I have to admit it, I have been a big pharma guy.

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, I think things have changed in big pharma recently, but we all recognise sometimes, we haven’t been with the good guys. And that’s to your credit, you’ve recognised that. And you’ve now become the strongest expose of what they’ve been doing. So, around four decades Phillip?

Phillip Altman:

Yeah, yeah, sure.

Malcolm Roberts:


Phillip Altman:

And when this pandemic first came about, I was as fearful as anyone else, right? And I was a very interested in what was going on with operation warp speed, with these so-called vaccines. This was blue sky tech technology that I had never seen before, and my first interest was picked by the way ivermectin was being attacked in the media. And it just didn’t make any sense to me, because ivermectin is a very valuable drug worldwide. It’s an incredible drug. It’s on the WHO list of essential drugs used for parasitic infections. In general, it’s considered to be a relatively safe drug, much safer than paracetamol, right? And has done amazing things in the world. The discoverers of ivermectin won the Nobel Prize in medicine. It’s that important.

And when it was being demonised, I started to talk to some doctors. And I just couldn’t understand what the hell was going on, and then my interest was peaked in these so-called vaccines. And it began to worry me, because it just didn’t seem to make a lot of sense. The spike protein which these gene-based therapies produce is the toxic component of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. And to use that is a mechanism, to produce the antibodies just to my mind did make a lot of sense. I started to get interested. And since then, I’ve been talking to lots of people. And basically because I’m the only person in Australia that has extensive clinical trial and drug regulatory affairs experience, is prepared to talk about these issues and come forward.

I’m at an intersection between scientists, clinicians, lawyers and so forth. And I’ve spent much of my time in the last year writing affidavits. I write affidavits. They’re not opinion pieces. They’re just factual pieces of evidence to assist the court in terms of vaccine mandates, in cases where you have two parents who split up and one parent wants to inject the child and another doesn’t. They go to family court, there’s that, but there’s big cases too, like the judicial review cases in Australia for the five to 11 year olds. There’s the similar case in New Zealand in the high court there. I wrote leading affidavits for both those cases, and commented on the decisions of the department of health in New Zealand and the Department of Health here, who I know well.

So, that’s been my main activity. But I must say in recent times, having looked at all the data and I follow it… I get up in the morning, and I make myself some coffee. And I sit down and plough through paper after paper that’s been published and sent to me that day. A lot of people send me papers, and I just try and educate myself every day as to what the latest information is. And I’ve really come to a point where this whole situation with COVID is now reached a level, where we know the facts. I’ve gone a little bit past [inaudible 00:18:09] of the data.

Malcolm Roberts:

Excuse me, excuse me Dr. Altman.

Phillip Altman:


Malcolm Roberts:

Excuse me Dr. Altman. Phillip, we need to take an ad break now and then listeners will be back. And we’ll explore exactly what this man said last Saturday, and we’ll get his own comments on it. Stay right here, we’ll be back in just a minute and we’ll be continuing and unlocking what is in Dr. Phillip Altman’s mind and experience in his heart.


You should hear what Jeremy Nell is talking about.

Jeremy Nell:

Yesterday was 911. I’m going to do a full deep dive with Joe Olson, who is an absolute engineering guru. And he has spent years on this.

Joe Olson:

They had copies of the stamped New York city approved structural plans for world trade centres one and two. The buildings are almost identical, and then they also had the stamp plans for world trade centre seven. I sat there and reviewed the plans. And it was like, “My God, there’s no way an aeroplane can knock down this building, and then they had split screen with side by side comparisons of a admitted controlled demolition on one side, and the world trading centre buildings coming down on the other side.” Both of them that free fall because you knock out all of the supports inside the building. I’m watching that and it’s like, “Jesus Christ, this is 100% controlled demolition.”


Jeremy Nell on Today’s News Talk TNT radio.


Let’s take advantage of the freedom that we have while we have them to advance the kingdom’s objective, to be Salton light.


Freedom is hard. Elections security involves you, involves the voters.


This election for people of faith, it’s vital that we see a change because the war against Christians is a all-time high. Transparency is the key not only to having honest elections, but to maintaining public trust in those elections.


Our ability to vote is not being withheld from us. No one’s trying to stop you from voting.


The one place the American people can have a say is at the ballot box. That’s why the Democrats and in the far left are working so hard to get rid of all election integrity.


We cannot let our elections be anything, but transparent. It is at the very heart of freedom and a free society.


And if we lose America, I mean it’s all over because the world has looked to America for hope.


Free and Fair at

Speaker 1:

For the news and talk, you can’t hear anywhere else. It’s TNT Radio.

Malcolm Roberts:

Welcome back. This is Senator Malcolm Roberts in Brisbane, Queensland Australia. I’ve got Dr. Phillip Altman with me. He’s had 40 years working with big pharma, 40 years working with the bureaucrats. He’s got an American accent. We might talk about that later, but he’s been in Australia for decades. He understands the process of approval and every aspect of drug approval, drug testing. He understands the science. He understands how to evaluate data. He’s worked with the TGA for four decades. He’s been very familiar with the wonderful drug, the Nobel Prize winning drug ivermectin, and was stunned. And that’s what woke him coming into this discussion on COVID, because they withdrew ivermectin.

He understands clinical trials and drug regulations. He understands the Department of Health federally. He updates himself every day, and that’s what I look at, someone who can say, “Hang on a minute, there’s something wrong here. And maybe I’ve been a part of it, but I need to do my bit.” And he listens, and he gathers data daily basis, even though he’s retired because he has such care for people. Now, I’m going to go through his speech with him that he delivered last Saturday and got a standing ovation for. It was at a conference entitled Reclaiming Medicine Conference. Reclaiming medicine, that’s right because the title is because they have stolen the medical profession from doctors.

When we go to doctors these days, unless we have a fine doctor who’s courageous and has integrity, we are not getting his opinion or her opinion. We’re getting the medical bureaucrat’s orders. I understand it was organised by the Australian medical professional society, which is now starting to represent and is growing rapidly, starting to represent doctors who are honest and strong, very concerned about where medicine is not going in this country. And I understand that doctors and lawyers spoke. Dr. Phillip Altman was opened his speech with these words. “I’m not going to sugarcoat this presentation, and I’m also not going to waste your time going over the mountain of scientific evidence and statistics that show the Australian people have been deceived. We have been lied to.”

Then he went on and said, “We must face reality the COVID gene-based vaccines have undoubtedly failed to live up to expectations.” Now, this is a man Who’s an expert in this field, not only on the drugs, but in approval process and science and analysis. Then he goes on these so-called vaccines do not prevent infection. They do not prevent transmission of infection, and they are not keeping people out of hospital. These so-called vaccines are not safe. I’ll say that again, are not safe. They have caused more deaths and serious adverse effects than any drug in the history of medicine way, way more by the way. Anyone who disagrees with these simple facts just has not bothered to look.”

Going to be discussing with Phillip, his speech very, very strong, clear, unequivocal statements. Okay, the first statement that I’d like to inquire with is you said countless thousands of health professionals and scientists across the world, including myself that’s you are totally convinced these vaccines are doing more harm than good. Could you please explain?

Phillip Altman:

Yeah. These gene-based vaccines are a completely new class of therapeutic good of drug, and they were rushed to development in 10 months. It usually takes about seven to 10 years to research and develop, and demonstrate that vaccines are safe and effective. These were rushed to the market in 10 months, and they were rushed to the market without the normal safety testing. Now, what that means is that we are all reliant on the postmarketing, adverse drug reaction reporting, which is a voluntary reporting system after drugs are released, but these drugs were not just released to a small group of seriously ill people. They were released worldwide to everyone, to healthy people, to people that were not at risk, to adolescents that were not at risk, to children, to pregnant women.

And now, infants is as young as six months of age, all healthy…

Malcolm Roberts:

And Phillip, despite what the previous prime minister said in his lies, they were coerced. They were forced on people. Hideous.

Phillip Altman:

They were, and it’s just unconscionable because our chief health officers were running around the country and appearing on TV and elsewhere, saying that these things were, “Safe and efficacious” without any qualification. That is reprehensible. It’s actually against the law, because they’re not entitled to say that. They have not been fully evaluated. The safety data has not been provided, has not been evaluated. They couldn’t say that and of course, companies interpreted that statement at its face value, and gave them licence to enforce vaccine mandates. Really if you know the truth that these things were rushed to development without the normal safety testing done, no long term safety at all there.

I mean I can tell you there’s huge questions about the long term safety. They rush to market very quickly, not fully approved and an employer turns around and says, “You have to receive this gene-based therapy.” It’s not even a vaccine. This gene-based therapy this new class of drug that’s only been researched for 10 months. And if you don’t accept receiving this drug, you can’t hold a job. It’s never been done before. It leaves me speechless that this is actually still going on, and the TGA know the data. They know what’s happening in the world with what’s called excess deaths, and excess deaths all around the world now, not only Australia. It’s up about 17%, but in almost every country, excess deaths, non-COVID deaths.

I’m talking about non-COVID related deaths. These are cancer deaths. These are cardiovascular deaths, heart attacks, stroke and so forth are up all over the world significantly. And these excess deaths correspond very closely with the rollout of COVID 19 so-called vaccines and yet our TGA, USFDA, the European regulatory agency stand by and say nothing. And vaccine mandates are still being in post. I was in court last week in regard to one of my affidavits. I was an expert witness, and I appeared. And guess, what not a single question was asked of me regarding the data that I presented. The other side just wanted to attack me personally, and we never even got to a single question about the safety and efficacy of these gene based vaccines.

And I have written extensively on this topic and made submissions to the government to, which of course they haven’t responded. And it’s just-

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, thank you so much…

Phillip Altman:

… very dismaying.

Malcolm Roberts:

It is indeed, but what it shows me with that last little statement you made is that they are afraid of you. If they could counter your facts, they would. When they can’t, they smear instead and they go for the man. They play the man, rather than the ball. So, that’s very encouraging for me. Sorry to have to say that, even though they’re denigrating you, but that’s wonderful news that they cannot have a case. Let’s move on. Before we get deeply involved in these injections, let’s go on to your next statement that you made in your speech last Saturday, and here’s a quote.

“We have been misled and repeatedly lied to by our celebrity health bureaucrats over the need for lockdowns, the effectiveness of paper and cloth mask, and the completely brainless vaccine mandates, which have no basis in science. The level of confidence has been breathtaking.” Again, please explain Dr. Phillip Altman.

Phillip Altman:

Yeah, the level of incompetence has been breathtaking When you think back about. When our celebrity so-called health experts appear in the media, what do they tell you? They were telling us the number of so-called COVID deaths, which weren’t really all COVID deaths. There were only a minor of the number of deaths that were reported were actually COVID deaths, because they were determining a COVID death as anyone who had a positive PCR test and died, right? You can have a positive PCR test and have absolutely no symptoms of COVID. Also, they know the data on cloth and paper mask. There is no scientific evidence that paper and cloth mask do anything. It’s like trying to keep mosquitoes out of your backyard with a cyclone fence.

They know this. They know it, and yet they’re silent. They let people drive around in total fear in their cars, wearing a mask with their windows up. It’s really unbelievable. That’s why what I was trying to say before in my previous, presentations on radio, or to the media. I constantly referred to data to try and convince people about what was going on, but I’m past that now. The data is clear, the data is consistent from country to country. It is so overwhelming. It is undeniable, and the most astounding fact is that out well-paint so-called vaccine experts are silent. They don’t refer to this data. They’ve never referred to excess deaths. Excess deaths is astronomical.

It’s killing hundreds of thousands of people, and yet they say nothing about it. They have statisticians that record the excess deaths. The Australian Bureau of Statistics know exactly the number of excess deaths. Has the TGA come out and mentioned excess death? Has a chief medical officer come out and said, “Hmm, look, this is concerning. We’d like to look into this”? No, there’s nothing, not a glimmer of curiosity at all.

Malcolm Roberts:

It’s worse Phillip. It’s far worse because the ABS has kept back withheld data for about 18 months. One state, Victoria publishes its death data within two weeks of the end of the month, each month. Some other states do not, but they all have the ability to do so. The ABS has withheld death data for 18 months because of exactly what you just said. They have also withheld the birth data, which shows plummeting birth rates. These are really serious things. I also want to move on by saying that the Queensland health minister a few months ago reported that the number of category one that’s serious heart conditions hospital ambulance transports in Queensland has increased 40%. Then she had the goal to say, ‘I wonder what’s causing that.” So, let’s come back to your speech.

We’ll go onto your next paragraph. Here you go again, “Not only did we receive really incompetent advice, such as you can catch COVID from pizza boxes, and ivermectin is really a horse deworming medicine unsuitable for human use, but these same celebrity health experts still have their jobs. These so-called experts have given us a long list of misinformation and disinformation from the very beginning, which continues to this very day, which is resulting in serious health and social consequences. There is no reflection, no introspection, no contemplation, no apologies, and certainly no changing course, despite the clear facts. And orchestrated mask media censorship allows the disinformation to go unchallenged.

The media is complicit. It is shameful, deplorable, and disgraceful.” And Dr. Altman who the hell pays the wages of these people, these bureaucrats? And why are they doing this?

Phillip Altman:

Well, look, in the beginning, very few people knew what the hell was going on, right? I didn’t know much about it. It’s been a learning exercise for me. It has taken a lot of work. And in the beginning, I cut these people slack, because I’ve dealt with the TGA for decades. They’re not nasty people. They’re not dishonest, and they’re very intelligent. They’re very capable, and Australia had a TGA that you could be proud of. And I was proud to work with them. But as the information has now unfolded, there is no doubt that serious mistakes have been made and yet, I see no reflection on the part of these people.

And that is why in the beginning, I thought, “Oh okay, maybe it’s a noble lie thing. Maybe it is a bit of incompetence that the people at the top. I don’t know, but now that we know the data and the data is clear, and they do not come out and say look, let’s reflect on this like the Americans have done.” Both at the CDC, Director Walensky has come out and admitted it. Dr. Burkes who headed up the US response to the pandemic has admitted. They made fundamental errors and miscalculations. And it wasn’t driven by science at all. They’ve admitted that more than a month ago our TGA has been silent, and I believe they’ve been silent because Australia has been singled out with New Zealand as a pilot test case to see how far this COVID pandemic can be pushed in terms of control.

We have in Australia-

Malcolm Roberts:

I agree with you.

Phillip Altman:

… people who are power brokers from overseas, who are giving instructions to our government leaders. And they are taking those instructions, and that’s the only way I can explain it.

Malcolm Roberts:

I agree with you Phillip, but let’s go to another group of people quoting from your next paragraph last Saturday, but it is not only the vaccine experts and the media who have let us down. The heavily conflicted modelling experts, some right here in Melbourne say, “Just think how bad it could have been if we didn’t push these vaccines to be used by everyone. Millions would’ve died.” What do you say to that?

Phillip Altman:

Well, John Kenneth Galbraith, the economist had a famous saying. He said there are two types of modellers; those that don’t know and those that don’t know they don’t know, right? Yeah. The modellers, if you recall in the beginning predicted 150,000 deaths in Australia. That’s clear, that’s been documented. They were way off. The old saying garbage in, garbage out. Now, who are these modellers? When you drill down, you find out who are these modellers, where are they, what institutions are they associated with, and what is the funding of those institutions, your alarm bills start to ring because these institutions that did this modelling, whether it be from the UK, from Imperial College, or from the Doherty Institute in Melbourne are inextricably linked to the vaccine industry in one way or the other.

They don’t come out and say that, but they are. And these spokespeople that speak on behalf or refer to this modelling are also conflicted. Now, that’s why you just can’t trust them, and this modelling was a critical part of the fear campaign.

Malcolm Roberts:


Phillip Altman:

And people were just so frightened, they wanted the government to keep them safe. And the government was saying, “Trust us. We will keep you safe. We know what we’re doing.” And most people out there have no idea about how vaccines are evaluated in terms of safety and efficacy, or the adverse drug reporting system, or what’s going on overseas because the media doesn’t tell us anything.” They believe the modelling. The modelling didn’t happen. I believe that these vaccines are killing more people than they save, and I’m not the only one. They’re people much, much, much more important than myself who say the same thing, and it’s a growing number. And they’re in their thousands and thousands overseas, but their voices are being suppressed.

Malcolm Roberts:

And we also have had some pretty significant authorities lie to us. I remember the Doherty Institute did modelling for the government in New Zealand, and that was shown publicly around about March 25th, somewhere around there. 2020 that was by the way, very early on. And that showed peak after peak of virus peaks. In Australia, the Doherty Institute provided the modelling for the prime minister, Mr. Scott Morrison at the time. There was only one peak, that is absolutely farcical, absolutely farcical. We know that viruses take off, then they’re lockdown, take off, lockdown. And that’s what the new Zealanders honestly admitted, but in Australia, not the case. And that was used to justify severe lockdowns, complete rubbish. So, let’s move on Phillip.

You went on to say incompetent health advice led Melbourne to become known as the lockdown capital of the world. These senseless lockdowns destroyed lives. Health bureaucrats played a crucial role in stoking the well-orchestrated fear campaign, which continues today. Fear, fear, fear. The fear campaign was purposely driven by the inappropriate use of PCR testing, which you’ve already mentioned, but which we all know is not diagnostic for disease, and was never intended for that purpose. Fear stampeded the trusting public into accepting new gene-based so-called vaccines, because our chief health bureaucrats and vaccine experts said they were safe and effective. The unsuspecting and trusting public said, “But why would they lie to us?” Some of us know.” Why did they lie to us Phillip?

Phillip Altman:

Well, I think we have to face the facts here that there is such a thing as a pandemic industry now. It is big business. There are powerful forces at play here to push vaccines on the population no matter what, and they’re using fear and censorship to do it. You have to have both. You have to have both the fear and the censorship for this to work, but what is happening is that the body count is mounting up, and the pressure is mounting up. Most people, if you ask people and they’re honest, people ask amongst their friends about the adverse effects of these so-called vaccines. They all know a number of people that have been severely affected, or people who for no apparent reason, had just suddenly dropped dead.

Now that can go on for just so long, but we have to get to the bottom of this problem, because they’re building a factory. In Melbourne right now as we speak, they’re planning and building a factory to produce these mRNA vaccines, to push on the public in future. And we may be forced to receive these vaccines every three or six months. Otherwise, we lose our social credits We might not be able to travel on trains, or airlines, or go to restaurants, or have a job, or go to the hospital. This is where they’re going, and they’re doing it under the Biosecurity Act, which very few people know about it. It’s a turning point in our history, and people have to wake up. This is more than just about vaccines.

The evidence about the lack of safety with these vaccines, it’s clear, it’s not arguable. I’ll stand up and debate against any chief health minister in the country. They can even bring their entire staff. I’m just a single person, but I know their facts, and yet they won’t do it. They don’t debate these things, and it sends shivers down my spine what is happening.

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, you’ve just added a new dimension, and we’ll go there later, social credit system. And it’s already in place that basically threatening to… and they have been withdrawing basic freedoms, basic human rights. And as you said, this is more than just about safety and vaccines. This is about control. It goes way beyond vaccines, and so-called protecting us to control us. So, let’s continue with your speech last Saturday. Here we go again. “To those health bureaucrats who beat their chest about how well they have served us, I’d like to remind them that Niger, a poor African nation of similar population to Australia with only 12% of its people fully vaccinated has had far fewer cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in Australia.

Is there anybody among our expert vaccine class brave enough to ask why? Is there even a glimmer of curiosity?” Then you went on, “I’ve made two detailed submissions to the national COVID clinical evidence task force, where I provided details of successful national campaigns of early treatment of COVID-19 with ivermectin for hundreds of millions of people in India, Peru, Mexico and other countries. And these so-called Australian experts do not even bother to respond. The arrogance is breathtaking.” What I would put to you Phillip is their fear is breathtaking, because they don’t dare respond to you, because you’ve got the data on them. You’ve got the goods on these people. Is that correct?

Phillip Altman:

Yeah. The data is clear, and it’s everywhere. It’s fully consistent. When you’re a scientist, you don’t look at one little bit of data, right? You look at a bit of information, you say, “Oh, who did that research and who else has done it? And was it well designed? And I’d like to see it reproduced, and show me the stats behind it.” Every good scientist first and foremost must be a sceptic. You must ask questions. Nothing is proven until you provide the data, and it has to be good data. It has to be consistent.

Malcolm Roberts:

That’s music to my ears. That is music to my ears.

Phillip Altman:

There is no doubt what is happening here, there is no doubt. Look, I’d like to declare it I have no interest in ivermectin from a commercial point of view. I have absolutely no commercial interest in any of this whatsoever. Before this pandemic, I was retired guy, right? I enjoyed my tennis and my boating, and going out for dinners and spending time with my grandkids and my family, but I just cannot sit by and watch this destruction going on to Australia and other countries. It’s unbelievable. Countries like India-

Malcolm Roberts:

In human…

Phillip Altman:

… Peru, Mexico, other countries used ivermectin and saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Here, it’s been banned. I was working since 5:00 AM this morning on an application to the TGA to reschedule ivermectin, so that doctors could prescribe it off label if they wish to. It is one of the world’s most useful safest drugs. It’s far safer than paracetamol, right? And yet, it’s banned in Australia. In fact in Queensland, you could be put in jail for prescribing it. This lunacy has to stop.

Malcolm Roberts:

Isn’t that manslaughter? But let’s continue, you’ve made some very bold and I believe entirely accurate statements. I was talking a lot about ivermectin in the early days. From Monday, March 23rd, 2020, the first single day session of parliament on this corona, it’s not a pandemic. There’s no pandemic of deaths from this coronavirus in Australia. I pointed out ivermectin. I was talking about it publicly, and I got a letter from the TGA. And the letter was very threatening. It quoted one of the acts that they look after. And they said that I had to stop advertising ivermectin. Three and a half or two and a half page letter, they wrote to me. I wrote back a simple half page, three quarters of page letter. And ended, I made two clear statements.

The first, “How dare you interfere with the communication of a duly elected representative of the people of Australia with the constituents, with his constituents.” And I finished with this paragraph, something like this, “The government implicitly by withdrawing ivermectin has blood on its hands.” Phillip, I got to reply back and all it said was, “Thank you for your letter.”

So, let me continue with your speech. Our so-called experts admitted to say that these gene-based therapies were part of a completely new class of drug under early research for rare diseases, including the genetic defects and cancers intended to be used on relatively small numbers of seriously ill patients, where the benefit was hoped to outweigh the considerable risk of serious adverse effects associated with gene-based therapy. These risky blue sky drugs were never intended for healthy people, children or pregnant women, and never intended to be used indiscriminately worldwide. I’m starting to get a little bit teary. The public was tricked, tricked into believing these gene-based vaccines were approved. They are not approved, and that’s coming from Dr. Phillip Altman.

It backs up where everything we know about these gene-based treatments and their introduction, they are not approved. We’ve been saying that from the start. They are provisionally approved by the TGA, and there is a huge difference. The difference is that they have not been proven to be safe and effective as claimed. The manufacturers have been given up to six years to provide the outstanding safety and efficacy data. And now after 18 months of use worldwide, we are seeing the highest rates of death and serious adverse events ever associated with any drug released in history. It’s not just slightly, is it Phillip? It’s monumental.

Phillip Altman:

No, it’s a mammoth. It’s mammoth. There’s no comparison. There have been drugs withdrawn for just a few hundred deaths, right? We’re talking about tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of deaths associated with these gene-based therapies. And what is alarming is that when you assess…

Malcolm Roberts:

We’re one minute Phillip-

Phillip Altman:

Okay, I’ll be…

Malcolm Roberts:

… until the news comes on.

Phillip Altman:

I’ll be quick. When you assess whether an adverse effect is linked to a drug, one of the most important things is how close to the administration of the drug was the adverse event. I’ll come back to that after the break, because it’s really interesting.

Malcolm Roberts:

It is. I’ve seen you on this topic before. That’s what we’ll come back with. Stay right with us, stay right here, listen to the news and come back, and listen to Dr. Phillip Altman telling the truth as no other person in this country can.

Part 2

Speaker 1:

You’re with Senator Malcolm Roberts on Today’s News Talk Radio, TNT.

Malcolm Roberts:

Welcome back. And I’m not going to hesitate at all. Over to you Phillip, where we talk to Dr. Phillip Altman.

Phillip Altman:

So, where were we? I forgot.

Malcolm Roberts:

You were talking about the response from these so-called experts is not there.

Phillip Altman:

Yeah. So, basically, they are denying the excess deaths. They’re refusing to admit in the adverse drug reaction reporting that these deaths are caused by the vaccines. They use the word “linked” to avoid any legal liability here. And they’ve only actually admitted to 13 deaths linked to these so-called gene-based vaccines. That’s obviously wrong, but you have to look at who’s assessing these adverse drug reactions and assessing their cause and effect relationship. There are guidelines to do this. There are generally accepted rules and principles that one uses.

I know where we were. I was going to say that one of the primary reasons or justifications that you can use to say that a drug is linked to an adverse effect is the time course of events. So, if you administer-

Malcolm Roberts:

That’s right, the 48 hours.

Phillip Altman:

… a drug close to the adverse event, that is reasonably good evidence. It’s not evidence on its own, but it is very, very strong evidence.

Now, in the case of these vaccines, if you look online, a lady called Dr. Jessica Rose is just absolutely amazing at ploughing through all the data. Has presented at conferences around the world, the data showing that most of the deaths that have occurred for some unknown cause, in otherwise healthy people, have occurred within about 48 hours of administration of the vaccines. That is really strong evidence that there’s a cause and effect relationship, right?

If you have a healthy person that get injected with a vaccine, for some reason they have a heart attack within 48 hours, you have to ask yourself, “Wow, is that a one-off chance? It could be. It could be. Or is it linked to the vaccine?” If you look at enough people, millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people, and you see a pattern that’s beginning to emerge, that tells you is there a relationship.

Now, the TGA here have just simply turned a blind eye to it. And that’s why I was saying at that meeting on Saturday that I believe our adverse drug reaction reporting system is broken because it’s not picking up these red flags. They’re obvious. They’re everywhere. They’re all around the world in huge numbers. And yet, this is the principal basis why our chief health officers can go around the country and say that these things are safe and efficacious based on, especially the safety claim, based on the lack of claimed linkage between these gene-based vaccines and the deaths.

And if that system is broken because the people involved are conflicted, who are directly or indirectly beholden to the vaccine industry, whether it be in terms of career advancement or research grant money or travel grants or promotion or whatever it is, it’s not dollar bills in brown paper bags. It doesn’t work like that. But you’re either part of the team, you’re either on the team or you’re not on the team. And if you’re not on the team, it’s a really tough road.

So, this adverse drug reaction reporting system is a closed shop that occurs secretly behind closed doors. You don’t know who’s doing it. You don’t know what their instructions are. And this is the principal, fundamental operation upon which our TGA claims that these gene-based vaccines are safe because the usual data that’s required in drug development is lacking to prove that these things are safe. And I’m saying I believe our adverse drug reaction reporting system is broken. And if it’s broken, it either has to be fixed or you have to get rid of the provisional approval system, which is allowing these gene-based vaccines to escape through the regulatory system without the normal safety data.

Malcolm Roberts:

So, let’s be clear about that. What you’re saying, as I interpret it, you’re saying two things, basically. If you want to provisionally approve a treatment, then the reporting system must be damn near perfect. Secondly, you don’t believe there’s direct money changing hands and it’s causing this corruption because it is corruption in my view. You can have a computer chip that’s corrupt. It doesn’t work properly. It’s not necessarily fraud, although I believe there is some fraud going on in this country. There certainly is in America, but it could be just group think or gutlessness. People either too vain to recognise or lacking courage and integrity to admit errors.

But before we go on with your speech, I just want to share with our listeners this figure. You presented it last Saturday in Melbourne. 30,479 deaths reported in the first COVID vaccine adverse events reports in America to date. What is really scary is that some experts are saying that represents gross under-reporting, which it could be representing just as little as 1% of total deaths. Others estimate it could be 10%. If the 30,479 is just 10%, that means we’ve had 300,000 Americans die from COVID injections. If it’s 1%, that means we’ve had three million Americans dead. And the serious effects are catastrophic in terms of Bell’s palsy, in terms of heart conditions, hospitalizations, urgent care, anaphylaxis, Bell’s palsy.

Let’s continue with your speech.

Phillip Altman:

Right, so-

Malcolm Roberts:

Thanks to a complicit media… Sorry.

Phillip Altman:

So, I just wanted to clarify that not every adverse drug reaction report simply because it’s made, means that there’s a cause and effect relationship. Each one has to be evaluated by skilled people and you have to have a lot of detailed data and follow-up on each case, especially in regard to the deaths. So, only a proportion of those would be ascribed to the deaths.

However, as you said, Malcolm, there’s an under-reporting factor. The TGA itself, every drug regulatory agency around the world recognises that there’s an under-reporting factor. Our TGA says it’s between maybe 10 and 20 times. There had been lots of papers, which actually come to the conclusion, and I believe, the under-reporting is more like 100 times. So, as you say, for every death reported, you can actually multiply that by 100. And then you have to apply the criteria for whether or not the death is actually caused or considered to be caused by the drug. So, I just wanted to make that clear.

Malcolm Roberts:

Thank you. I know you value accuracy. And in Australia, it’s significant. Now, my understanding is that when someone dies, regardless of cause of death, the death is reported by a doctor. We’ve had, in this country, 900 plus deaths reported as being due to the vaccines, the injections. The TGA has removed them and said It’s only 11, as you said, with no explanation, no detail on the guidelines. Now, if what you’re saying and what many experts are saying around the world is correct, then it’s many, many more than 900. It could be 9,000. It could be significantly higher than that. And yet, the TGA completely behind closed doors is saying, “No, no, nothing to see here. Just 11.” So, they’re mixing the doctors who are reporting these deaths.

Phillip Altman:

Yeah, the number is up to 13 now. That’s the latest figure as of this week, I believe. But there’s an important point here. People, they’re playing games here because the average age of so-called COVID deaths is in the mid-80s. Right? And it was-

Malcolm Roberts:

Right, and the life expectancy.

Phillip Altman:

Exactly. And just because someone dies and they’ve tested positive for COVID with a PCR test, which should never be used to diagnose COVID-19, we all know that, it’s put down as a COVID death. You can only ascribe a COVID death, do an autopsy, right? For these kids that have died, for example, they say no kids, no children in Australia have died due to this vaccine. I doubt that is correct. I don’t know that it’s incorrect, but everything I read, everything I read tells me that is not correct and there is a certain mortality associated with these vaccines. And the TGA would like to say, “I’m saving more lives than it cost.” I’m unconvinced of that.

And what’s more, autopsies are not being done. If you don’t do an autopsy on someone, you really don’t know what they’ve died of, right? And autopsies are being frowned upon. We have spent billions of dollars on PCR tests. Wasted money on PCR tests. We should really be doing autopsies to determine what the mortality is associated with these vaccines, because if you don’t know what the mortality is, how can you determine, how can you assess risks versus benefit?

Whenever you give a drug, whenever any doctor prescribes a drug, whether consciously or unconsciously, they’re going through their mind, their head and thinking the risk versus the benefit. Every single drug has risks and benefits, every single drug. There’s no drug that doesn’t have risks. And yet, if we don’t know the damage that’s being done by the vaccines, if it’s being covered up with an inadequate, inefficient, biassed adverse drug reporting system, how do we know that these so-called vaccines are not doing more harm than good?

Malcolm Roberts:

Phillip, I want to thank you so much for what you’ve just said, because my overarching impression of federal parliament and clearly, the state parliaments, is that policies, legislation are not based on solid data. They quite often contradict the data. You need, first of all, to have the data that demonstrates cause and effect before you can say anything. We need to apply vaccines. We need to cut human production of carbon dioxide. Any policy, that’s fundamental. Only once you have that cause and effect, can you then look at the alternatives for dealing with treating that. And only once you have that cause and effect in a quantitative, specified, numerical relationship, can you assess progress or improvement in your policy or your legislation.

The federal parliament is running this country blind. That is the overarching message that I’ve picked up in my years in parliament. What I’d like to do is pop a question on you now. Your speech is triggering wonderful revelations. Would you be willing to come back again and we’d do another two hours because we’re not going to cover your speech in the next 40 minutes. Would you be willing to do that?

Phillip Altman:

Sure. Of course.

Malcolm Roberts:

Okay, wonderful. Now, we can take it on a more leisurely place. Now, I also want to reaffirm with a story, a mother who told me personally, and she did it in public, that her daughter died from these COVID injections. The daughter was fit, healthy, vibrant, energetic, a lovely person. She had never had asthma in her life. Yet, the cause of death was put down to asthma. Complete bullshit. That is a lie.

So, let’s continue with your speech. Thanks to a complicit media-

Phillip Altman:

I have a story too. I have a story too.

Malcolm Roberts:


Phillip Altman:

Can I tell you a quick story?

Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah. Sure, go. Go for it.

Phillip Altman:

Because it’s important. I’m involved in this case. There is a lady right now in Melbourne needing a heart transplant. She doesn’t want to be vaccinated for very good reasons and I understand that completely. And the hospital involved is saying, “You cannot have a heart transplant. You cannot be admitted to our hospital in Melbourne,” I won’t name the hospital, “without being vaccinated.” Knowing full well that these gene-based vaccines by their mode of action will produce spike protein, which is the toxic component of SARS‐CoV‐2, and will damage any heart, whether it’s a subclinical minor damage or major damage leading to death. They can’t predict it.

And this lady is sitting right now waiting for a heart transplant. And her doctors, her hospital is saying, “We want to inject you with something that’s going to produce spike protein, which we know is the toxic component of SARS‐CoV‐2. Yet, this is our condition for admission to the hospital because we think that’s the way things should be done to keep you safe.” Really? Honestly? I mean, I can’t believe what’s going on. It’s hard. Sorry to tell you that story, but whenever I think about it, it’s just devastating.

Malcolm Roberts:

Thank you for sharing that. It’s just inhuman, Phillip. That is the word that I’ve used more than any other, I think. The word is inhuman, that describes best the treatment of the Australian people as a result of this COVID and the fear that’s been fabricated.

So, let’s continue with your speech. Thanks to a complicit media, not only is the public not aware that these so-called vaccines are associated with thousands of unexpected deaths in otherwise healthy people within 48 hours of administration, but the public are not generally aware that non-COVID related excess death numbers, including cancers, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and neurological disease all around the world have risen significantly. These increased numbers of deaths coincide with the COVID vaccine rollouts. Otherwise, healthy people are dropping dead for no apparent reason.

Now, we have to go to a break. But before going so, look around, you continued your speech. Look around, relatively young people, including fit athletes, are dying from non-COVID deaths in alarming numbers. Faced with the inconvenient truth of the excess death statistics, which are difficult to fudge, they are quite clear. We extracted them from the Australian Bureau of Statistics after their 18-month delay, just last week. Some national statistical organisations have responded by dropping any comparison of excess deaths for the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated or by reclassification of deaths as unknown cause.

In fact, unknown cause of death has been reported as the leading cause of death in parts of Canada. These deaths are unknown because autopsies are not being done on purpose. Not being done on purpose. The unsuspecting and trusting public were told by our most senior public health officials that these so-called vaccines were safe and effective without qualification. This was not only misinformation; this was reckless. It is illegal to make false and misleading therapeutic claims, but our chief health officers seem to be above the law.

These reckless words of assurance gave agency to employers to introduce vaccine mandates while our prime minister at the time, cabinet and premiers, stood by and allowed it to happen. I put it to you, Phillip, that they didn’t just stand by, they enabled it to happen. They drove it to happen. And what I would like to know when we come back, they’re very powerful statements that I just quoted from you. I believe they’re entirely correct with what I’ve learned in this virus mismanagement. And I would like to know, is this evidence of culpability? Or is it just evidence of gutlessness and ignorance?

We’ll be right back. We’ll be back with Dr. Phillip Altman straight after this break from our sponsors.

Malcolm Roberts:

Welcome back. This is Senator Malcolm Roberts and I have a special guest, Dr. Phillip Altman, who’s sharing his views after decades of experience with our health bureaucrats and with the TGA and with big pharma. This is the most important speech. What you have delivered last Saturday is the most important speech delivered in this country in years, perhaps decades. So, I asked you, is it culpability? Is it ignorance? Is it gutlessness? What is going on? Because the evidence is clear.

Phillip Altman:

Yeah. Look, I’ve asked myself that question over and over when I first started to look at this and I thought, “Wow, things are going wrong.” My initial reaction was to cut people slack, because I didn’t know. But as the evidence began to mount and it became more and more clear, and now, it’s absolutely crystal clear, there is no debating the evidence now. It is so consistent everywhere that, now, I have to come to the conclusion that the people who are making these decisions and fail to reflect on their course of action with our health policies, regarding these vaccines and things like ivermectin, have got themselves into such deep water, they don’t know how to get.

Malcolm Roberts:

It’s disgusting.

Phillip Altman:

And maybe, in the beginning, it was a noble lie and they thought they were doing the right thing. But as time goes on, more and more of them must realise that this is wrong. That people’s lives are at stake here. And the problem is that our top health officials have become middle managers. They’re taking instructions. They’re not the people in charge, and I think that explains a lot. And people are trapped at the moment. They’re not making the decisions. They’re not the decision-makers. We all know about the WHO and how they’re seeking to control our health policy, which once you control health policy in a country with the Biosecurity Act, you can control the country. That gets into another issue. But that’s part of-

Malcolm Roberts:

We will go there probably next time. We’ll go there for a look next time.

Phillip Altman:

Look, I tried for over a year to explain the problems on the basis of science and you just can’t. The science is clear. If it was just on the science, I would win all the time. The game would be over. But it’s not about the science, it’s about politics and power and money. And that’s why arguing just the science doesn’t do it. Right? That’s why last Saturday, I went off the reservation because I was sick and tired of repeating the same science, the same consistent science that’s popping up everywhere. It’s doing me no good just to repeat the science. You have to think about it on broader terms and people look at you…

Look, I’ve lost friends. People think… Some people that I’ve known for many years that know what I do, they don’t even want to discuss it. They’ve drunk the Kool-Aid. They’ve swallowed the blue pill. And I look at them and I try and say to them, “Look, this is the most important thing that may ever have happened to you in your lifetime. Don’t you want to know about it? Aren’t you curious? Don’t you want to know what I think because I’ve been involved in this all my life?” And yet, most of them say no.

But I can tell you, I’ve made heaps of new friends. It’s been incredible. At that conference in Melbourne last Saturday, I had 200 people stand up and sing me happy birthday.

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, I can give you some reassuring news. First, some bad news, Phillip, that parliament is similar to the friends of yours who have no curiosity. Parliament is comprised mainly of sheep, but the sheep are waking up. Do you want the good news?

Phillip Altman:


Malcolm Roberts:

Alex Antic is another senator. He’s in the liberal party from South Australia. And I asked a very strong question about adverse effects and deaths in the Senate in question time, Monday, a week ago. And Alex came up to me afterwards and said, “Bloody good question, mate.” And then he said, “You could see the body language in the government, opposite and you could see the body language in his own party.” People, at first when I spoke, they were interjecting when I continued without giving voice to their interjections, and then when they heard the answers to my questions from the minister, their body language showed these people know there’s something wrong. They were ashamed. That means they’re waking up. They are waking up. But it’ll take a long while before these lazy-

Phillip Altman:

It’s a slow process.

Malcolm Roberts:

… incompetent, dishonest bastards wake up.

Phillip Altman:

Look, it’s a slow process. And really, I learnt that I can’t really hit people too hard upfront with everything all at once. It just doesn’t work. They just shut down. So, if you’re a responsible parent and you’ve taken the decision to inject your child or you’ve been involved in getting your grandkids receiving these so-called vaccines and now, you’re waking up and you realise, “Oh, oh, my god, what have I done?” that’s really hard. That’s heavy-duty stuff.

So, I’ve learned to be a little bit careful with people. Some people are more open than others and I usually have to wait and see if people ask the right questions. I can usually tell within 10 or 15 seconds that this topic is raised where people stand and what their tolerance is. They reveal themselves. But I tell you what, this pandemic has been an incredible stress test of society. You heard in the 2008 financial crisis, the stress test on banks. This is a stress test on our society, because some people respond in favourable ways and some people do not. Right? For example, this peddling on your neighbour, putting your neighbours in if they haven’t been vaccinated, excluding people from clubs or meetings, friendships falling down, this sort of thing. This is a real stress test.

But you know what the problem is? The real problem is the media. The media must bear full responsibility for what’s going on. There is what’s called the Trusted News Initiative, and your listeners can look that up. It’s not a fanciful thing. It’s started by the BBC. It’s all out in the open. The Murdoch News Corporation is in it up to their ears. It is this Trusted News Initiative, which doesn’t allow the truth to be told, to allow the science to be questioned is at the heart of the problem. And they must bear real responsibility for what is going on, because if people really knew, they sat down to their news at night and people were just told, not opinions, just report facts, just report the excess deaths, things like that, things would change. But they can’t change because the media is complicit.

Malcolm Roberts:

And on top of that, Phillip, we have the government complicit and the opposition, most of the opposition, complicit because they allow the Australian Bureau of Statistics to keep covering things up. Basic things like all-cause mortality, basic things like analysis of cause of death, these things are hidden.

So, let’s continue with your speech. And I want to congratulate you because you said the media bears full responsibility. It certainly does. So, your speech, despite what we now know, people are still being coerced and still being coerced into COVID-19 vaccine injections which carry the risk of serious injury and death, even if they are not at significant risk of COVID-19 due to their health status, age, or natural immunity or lose their jobs. Those responsible for this stain on humanity, wonderful words, stain on humanity, cannot wash their hands of this injustice and claim they did not know better. They must be held to account.

At no other time in history were we told not to treat a serious infection as early as possible. Early treatment with ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine was banned in Australia, not because these established drugs did not work. Clearly, they do work and they can save lives, but they were banned because the use of these important, cheap and widely-used drugs might reduce vaccination uptake. You go on. Our TGA has admitted this specifically in relation to ivermectin and has refused to disclose the names of those responsible following a freedom of information request. Shameful. That is the truth.

Thank you so much for saying that. I’ve been saying it for a while now. The only reason they banned ivermectin, so that people were forced to take these injections. That is inhuman. There’s that word again. Let’s hear from you for a couple of minutes, Phillip. And then we’ll go to another ad break and then we’ll go all the way home.

Phillip Altman:

I was looking at the minutes of the scheduling committee that was considering the scheduling of ivermectin. And I’m doing that because I’m involved in writing an application to remove the wording, which will prevent the use of ivermectin being used off-label. For example, about 25% of drugs are used not for the official use but for other uses. Right?

And I was looking at the freedom of information request that was lodged and the response from that in relation to that committee that decided to effectively ban the off-label prescribing of ivermectin. Three-quarters of the response from the TGA was blacked out. You couldn’t see the names of the people that attended the committee. They even declared that there were people with a conflict of interest that were observers to the meeting who were participating in the meeting. I wonder who those people were. I mean, it was completely redacted. Huge swathes of black ink all over the response from the freedom of information.

Why is that secret? Why can we not know who made that decision? Aren’t they proud of that decision? Don’t they want to stand by that decision? If that decision was based on science and facts, wouldn’t they want to tell us the full facts. It’s just beyond belief.

Malcolm Roberts:

It is. Again, it’s inhuman. So, we go on with your… Well, no, we’ll have a break now. Then we’ll come back for the last 15 minutes or so of our programme and do a summary and then get ready for the next two hours we’ll have with you. We’ll be back straight after this message from our sponsors with Dr. Phillip Altman.

Malcolm Roberts:

And this is back with Senator Malcolm Roberts. And I’ve got my guest, Dr. Phillip Altman. Before we continue with Phillip, at TNT Radio, we never go home. We’re committed to bringing you our take on the biggest topics of our time. We broadcast live 24/7 online globally, no matter what. We’ve got you covered on TNT Radio. And Phillip Altman is now revealing so many things for the first time and emphasising and backing it up with data for the first time on this show.

Let’s continue with his speech from last Saturday. Our so-called health experts went out of their way to cherry-pick and distort published data in a desperate attempt to discredit effective early treatment of COVID-19. Disgraceful. We’ve covered that. And what is worse, the wonder drugs proposed to take the place of drugs, like ivermectin, were the old, previously-failed, big pharma drugs from Merck drug molnupiravir and Pfizer’s Paxlovid. Both have disappointing clinical efficacy. Molnupiravir is mutagenic and poses a serious cancer risk. And Paxlovid has undoubted serious kidney and liver toxicity.

The unsuspecting public has been indoctrinated to believe that vaccines are safe. They don’t know that many conventional vaccines have been withdrawn from the market because they were shown not to be safe. These COVID-19 so-called vaccines are not conventional vaccines. They were based on a gene technology never before deployed for vaccine use, and their safety and efficacy testing was compromised. Corners were cut. What could possibly go wrong?

So, what we’ve got, Phillip, is we’ve got big pharma pushing drugs that supposedly are antivirals. They’re pushing a vaccine that’s not a vaccine, has not been tested anything like properly. And they’re making money out of this, while at the same time their agents, who you described as our top health officers, have become middle managers, how appropriate? Their agents are suppressing drugs, like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, that not only have been proven in the past are proven with this virus. What a disgrace. This is serious stuff that we are dealing with.

Phillip Altman:

Yeah, it is. I mean, when you look at it, big pharma is a well-oiled machine. I didn’t really realise it until this pandemic, but I was sitting in the presentation by Dr. Pierre Kory in Melbourne on Saturday.

Malcolm Roberts:

Wonderful man.

Phillip Altman:

And he really described it. If anyone hasn’t seen it, you really have to go to and have a look at that presentation. And he describes how the medical literature is completely controlled by big pharma. So, any generic that’s useful, that’s cheap and widely used is completely crushed, because they can’t make money from these drugs. For example, with Ivermectin, there’s like 60 or 80 clinical trials. They vary in quality, but there’s probably more than 30 that are really good quality and they all point in the same direction. And they all say the same thing.

But yet, they compared that data to something like one clinical trial with molnupiravir, one trial, which didn’t have convincing efficacy at all and it’s a mutagenic drug, yet they favour… Our government paid 40 million to pre-purchase, 40 million of taxpayer money, pre-purchased, to buy peer molnupiravir. I mean, Merck must be beside themselves. The champagne corks are popping everywhere and that’s why I no longer cut our TGA slack and our chief health officers. They must know what’s going on.

And if we don’t correct this, it’s going to happen again. We’re living, and people have to realise it, in what’s basically a post-truth world where the media is strictly controlled and people don’t have their time. They’re looking after their kids, they want to keep their job, they’re travelling and so forth. They’re busy people. They sit down and watch the news at night and they believe what they’re being told. And the example of this pandemic and climate change are really good examples of how we’re living in a post-truth world.

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, I want to re-emphasise the point you just made. The medical literature is controlled. It is exactly the same with the climate literature. It is exactly the same with the nutrition and food and dietary information and literature. I also want to emphasise your comment about $40 million has been paid by our federal government using tax-payers money.

Phillip Altman:

400 million.

Malcolm Roberts:

How much?

Phillip Altman:

400 million.

Malcolm Roberts:

Sorry, 400 million. Pre-purchasing a drug that has basically not been proven and so, you’re willing to-

Phillip Altman:

Not only that-

Malcolm Roberts:


Phillip Altman:

It’s a 20-year-old failed drug.

Malcolm Roberts:

I love the way you correct me. Thank you so much. That’s even more important. That’s even more important. And let’s face it, we know that we had tried to get, as senators, we’ve tried to get a copy of the contracts with Pfizer and the other providers of the COVID injections. The government has refused to give them to the representative of the people. They’re spending the people’s money and yet, they will not give us copies of what they’re spending it on. We don’t know the liability exclusions. We don’t know anything about these contracts. That is-

Phillip Altman:

I’ve seen the contracts because I was involved in the high court cases.

Malcolm Roberts:

Have you?

Phillip Altman:

Yes, but I can’t tell you what’s in it.

Malcolm Roberts:

Okay. We will get them eventually. We’re trying every means we can. We’ll get them, but let’s consider another point. We’ve only got 10 minutes left today. The risky world… We’re going to your speech again from last Saturday. And I must say, your speech is just so strong, so clear, so unequivocal. It is absolutely stunning. As I said, I don’t gush with praise usually, but this is the most important speech I’ve seen anyone deliver in a long, long time. It’s vital for our country’s future. And we’ll get onto that next time we meet because we need to go to the wider aspects of what this COVID mismanagement is ushering in.

So, let’s continue with your speech. The risky worldwide rollout of a largely experimental gene-based technology with little safety data to the entire population, including healthy individuals at little risk, children, infants, and even pregnant women, all paid for by the government has been a masterclass in marketing. Let’s correct that. You made that mistake and paid for by the government on behalf of the taxpayers using taxpayers money. It has been a masterclass in marketing, you said.

Now, let’s look at some hope here. The UK, Sweden, and Denmark, all have moved to pull back their vaccine recommendations due to safety concerns but not Australia, because we have been selected as a test case by overseas power brokers. Let’s talk next time about who these power brokers are and their agenda. Now, you go on in your speech, without the collaboration of the US FDA, Food and Drug Administration, and our once proud TGA, Pfizer could not have achieved annual learnings of 100 billion with full indemnity should something go wrong. Stunning. The world has taken the biggest medical gamble of old times. We put our faith and trust into so-called vaccine experts and health bureaucrats to advise and protect us. I believe they have let us down.

Phillip, Was it the world’s biggest medical gamble or the biggest crime?

Phillip Altman:

I can’t go into people’s minds.

Malcolm Roberts:


Phillip Altman:

I don’t know what they’re thinking. And people can fool themselves very easily. You can be on a tennis court and you can clearly see that that ball was out and someone else says, “No, no, I saw it in.” And they’re absolutely adamant that that ball was in. You cannot change their mind. People, the mind plays tricks on people. So, I can’t say that they know that they’re committing a crime. What I can say is they’re refusing to dialogue. No one has called me. No one wants to discuss it. No one’s called me to Canberra. No one wants to put me on a witness stand. No one wants to discuss it.

So, in that way, they have to be culpable because what I’m saying is not opinion. I’m just quoting the data. I’m just quoting the facts. Yet, they avoid the facts. It is willful blindness. And I think willful blindness is a crime. They have a responsibility to review the latest data on safety and efficacy, and they have an obligation to constantly review that data on a daily basis. It was only two days ago, Denmark came out and said, “Oh no, no, no. People under 50 shouldn’t get vaccinated.” They’ve weighed up the risk and benefits. They have a very good drug regulatory system in Denmark. Why can’t our regulatory system be as good as Denmark? They should be.

Malcolm Roberts:

Hear, hear. And let’s re-emphasise that the Danes have said no one under 18 should get it. Full stop. That’s it. End of story. The only people who should get it are people over 55, if they want it and there’s no mandates allowed. That’s as I understand it.

Phillip Altman:

Look, the key-

Malcolm Roberts:

The same in Britain. Britain had-

Phillip Altman:

Yeah. The key to all this is informed consent, right?

Malcolm Roberts:


Phillip Altman:

No one that’s getting these vaccines is getting informed consent. If they were offered true informed consent of what the facts are, many people would refuse. I have no objection to that. If people want to consider the facts of these vaccines and decide, “No, I want to have a vaccine.” I’m not anti-vaccine. I’ve been vaccinated all my life. My kids were vaccinated. They’ve been fully vaccinated, but this is different. This situation is different.

If someone is fully informed to the circumstances and the facts and they still want to have the vaccine, I have not an issue with that. But the doctors are not allowed to provide full informed consent. They are instructed that if you deviate from the narrative of the government, even if it’s factually based, you may be brought before a board, a health board, which can discipline you and possibly take away your right to practise medicine. That is appalling.

Malcolm Roberts:

Isn’t that a crime?

Phillip Altman:

Look, I-

Malcolm Roberts:

And I would say-

Phillip Altman:

I think it is.

Malcolm Roberts:

Sorry? I think it is too.

Phillip Altman:

I think it is.

Malcolm Roberts:

And what is also very apparent, Phillip, is that some of these heinous acts were pre-planned. This injection response, this virus response, was not done over six months. This was done with literally decades of preparation. They have been planning this. Not the details, but they’ve been putting in place a system whereby federal parliament has been white-ended, bypassed, so that we can’t hold APRA accountable because it’s made up of a combination of state legislation, not federal.

APRA is running amok, suppressing doctors, suppressing our health system, suppressing good medical advice, suppressing basic things like doctor-patient confidentiality, suppressing basic things like informed consent, which the Greeks gave us 3,000 years ago. And this has been done starting back in 2009 with the formation of APRA and prior to that, some other exercises and then Event 201 in 2019. This has been planned. Who the hell is planning this?

Phillip Altman:

Well, look, there is a vaccine industry. We know that. We know the players involved, very powerful billionaires involved in this. A lot of people have made a lot of money. They see this as a model to make money. When you can get government to buy your product, which have been rushed through an approval process within months or no approval. The most recent boosters that had been approved, one of them, the Pfizer one, has been approved on the basis of immunology in eight mice. No clinical trial whatsoever and it’s been approved. I can’t believe what’s happening.

So, they have a model where government forces you to take a product that hasn’t been proven to be safe. They have no liability and they can charge what they like. It’s a great business.

Malcolm Roberts:

Yes and-

Phillip Altman:

Great business.

Malcolm Roberts:

I’ll add something there. It’s a dishonest business. It’s an inhuman business. And I’ll add something more, and that is to say that this is the only time in history where a product failure has been blamed on those who do not use it. The product failing is the COVID injections, every one of them. The people who are being blamed are those who refuse to take it.

Phillip Altman:

What is really, really reprehensible in my mind is even suggesting that children who are not at risk at all to any statistical extent, I mean, their risk of COVID-19, of dying of COVID 19 if they’re healthy is virtually nil. Right? To force them-

Malcolm Roberts:


Phillip Altman:

… to take a vaccine to protect their grandparents is despicable. It’s nauseating.

Malcolm Roberts:

It’s a lie. We’re going to have to finish now, but thank you so much for accepting my invitation to come back in two weeks’ time. We’ll have another two hours dedicated to your work. I want to say it again. Yours is the most important speech that we have had in this country. Thank you so much, Dr. Phillip Altman. Thank you so much for your courage, your integrity, and your clear objective data. Thank you, thank you, thank you. The people of the world owe you a debt of gratitude.

Phillip Altman:

Thanks, Malcolm.

Pauline Hanson’s One Nation is giving the Australian people a say about a Royal Commission into the management of the COVID-19 pandemic by Australian governments.

While the Prime Minister may be prepared to wait and kick this can down the road, One Nation is not.

I’ve been working with Pauline Hanson on developing draft terms of reference for the Royal Commission. We want to make sure these terms of reference capture all of the information which Australians need to see – the deliberations of National Cabinet, the advice from health bureaucrats which state and territory governments used to justify lockdowns and vaccine mandates, and the real data on COVID-19 deaths.

We’ve posted these draft terms of reference on the One Nation website and we’re now asking for input from the Australian people. It’s absolutely essential this Royal Commission enables individual Australians to tell their stories of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thousands of Australians lost their jobs due to lockdowns and mandates. Our children’s education was severely interrupted. Businesses across Australia suffered significant losses or closed altogether. Australian governments spent hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars in pandemic relief. Experimental vaccines were rushed through approvals and imposed on millions of Australians. This has been one of the most disruptive events in our history.

Australians who’d like to provide feedback are invited to visit the One Nation website:

Christine Dolan helped hunt down exploitation in the Catholic Church and has now been on the case of vaccine rollouts across the world. She has a wealth of knowledge and it was an honour to be able to scrape the surface of it.



This is the Malcolm Roberts Show, on Today’s News Talk radio, TNT.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Hello and welcome to the Malcolm Roberts Show. Senator Malcolm Roberts here broadcasting from Brisbane, Australia, globally. Everyone who is a regular listener knows that my two themes for the show are freedom and responsibility. Both essential for human progress and individual happiness and satisfaction. And thank you for having me as your guest yet again, whether it’s in your lounge room, your shed, your car, your living room, wherever you are, thank you for having me as your guest. And I’ve got a very special pair of guests today which we’ll introduce in just a minute.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

At first, some news. We saw a paper released this week, in fact, just a couple of days ago. And it’s titled Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Randomised Trial in Adults. At last, it’s coming out, at last. They’re saying the results of this trial, this scientific trial, peer reviewed paper, I’ll quote, “The Pfizer trial exhibited a 36% higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group. The Moderna trial exhibited a 6% higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group.” 36% higher risk.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And let’s just check at the author’s declaration. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to have influenced the work reported in this paper. Unlike Pfizer, unlike Moderna, unlike big pharma generally, there are no conflicts of interests associated with this paper. What a breath of fresh air to get some independent research. And we’ll be going into that in more detail in the future.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

But that’s so important to understand because we conducted our COVID Under Question inquiry two weeks ago where we had experts from all over the world, doctors, lawyers, people who have been hurt by the vaccines. We had Dr. Phillip Altman give us a rundown of the huge unexpected and adverse death, consequences and serious adverse events from the vaccines. They’re not vaccines, they’re experimental gene therapy treatments. And they have not been fully tested at all, not been tested. What we’ve finding now is this increasing news of the death toll coming out.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Tucker Carlson broadcast in America last week on exactly that. It’s now hard to keep it under wraps. It’s now starting to burst out and we’re going to talk to our first guest soon about exactly that. One last piece before I introduce my first guest. On Thursday night, I was a guest at Boonah, which is a little town, population probably about 6,000 people, if that, in the scenic rim about an hour from Brisbane, hour and a half from Brisbane.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And I was there to listen and to support the residents who are holding the state government accountable for their invasion of their property rights in trying to deal with fire ants. And what we saw was an amazing reaction from the farmers there. They want their properties respected, they want their rights respected, they want their individual freedoms respected. And they told the state government in very, very clear terms.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

We’re starting to see in America, the Saturday before, I listened to two American women at a barbecue near our place. And they were saying just how much they are disappointed that America is collapsing, thanks to Obama, Clinton, G.W. Bush, and now this scourge, Joe Biden. But they say that the Americans are waking up to the stealing of their country by the globalist predators, the elites. And what we are seeing is… and they were very, very encouraged. It’s coming here. We’re always a little bit behind America, but it’s coming here. And one of the ladies who is helping us to really start opening people’s eyes is my first guest. I’m not going to tell you her name until the end.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Before President William J. Clinton, we know him as Bill, signed the U.S. Anti-trafficking Federal Bill in October 2000. The International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children in Alexandria, Virginia, commissioned this news reporter as an independent journalist to investigate the exploitation of children emanating from the Baulkham crisis. A war that my guest previously covered in the early 1900s, when she co-owned and co-produced an international policy series syndicated on Public Broadcasting System Network in America. She expanded this initial human trafficking investigation globally.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

As a result, a documentary called Shattered Innocence – The Millennium Holocaust, was released at the National Press Club in Washington DC in 2001. It was endorsed by the National Press Club News Makers Committee, UK Detective Paul Holmes, the co-founder of the Interpol Trafficking Committee, and Arnold Burns, the former Department of Justice, U.S. Deputy Attorney General during the Reagan administration. She’s worked with people who’ve come from both sides of politics in America. Detective Holmes called Shattered Innocence, “Groundbreaking, the best work on human trafficking.” My guest nailed it. She nailed the connection of the dots of this global phenomenon.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Her trans criminal and transnational findings then still stand today. Her insights prove prophetic. As a result, in November 2002, her second global investigation took place entitled, In the Name of God. It was released at the National Press Club in Washington DC as well. It challenged the then Catholic Church, so she’s going up against the big boys, the Catholic Church’s hierarchies public mantra of non-complicity. It’s participation in the cover up, lack of accountability and exposed the criminal tools embedded in the Catholic church hiding child abuse.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Ms, she’s… Almost gave her name away. Her reporting concluded that the Catholic Church’s policy and responses to paedophilia go back centuries. She advised prosecutors to seize the historical secret archives maintained under Canon Law, which resulted in grand juries and are still used in current criminal investigations. In 2016, In the Name of God was submitted to the Australian Royal Commission’s National Inquiry into the institutional response to child abuse, which made several hundred recommendations. Including but not limited to reporting child abuse to law enforcement disclosures disclosed in confessions.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Christine Dolan, is my guest and she is senior editor and chief investigative journalist for, leading multiple investigations on COVID international policy and big pharma corruption. She is founder of American Conversations since 2014 and is now collaborating in partner with L. Todd Wood, publisher and executive editor. Welcome Ms. Dolan, thank you for joining us.

Christine Dolan:

Oh, Senator, thank you. It’s good to be back talking to you again. To all your listeners, I hope they’re tuning in and they take what we have to share with them today because it’s going to affect everybody’s life.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, I must say, I haven’t got my notes in front of me, but TNT records every broadcast, every show, and then if you go back to, go to the top of the page, click on episodes, you can scroll down to the host of the show. In that case it’s Senator Malcolm Robertson in this case and then you look at the date of the show and you’ll be able to get a recording of any show that I’ve done. Any show that anyone’s done that way, so we will be recording this forever, Christine. Before we continue, first thing, what do you appreciate? Anything at all, family, friends, whatever.

Christine Dolan:

Oh, family, friends, safari’s in Africa. I think that my line in the sand is if I could never go back to Australia or South Africa or Kenya again because of all this nonsense over COVID.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yes, you’ve had quite a few safaris. In fact, I read that you’ve been in every African nation, every one of them.

Christine Dolan:

I have. I’ve been very, very blessed in life that I’ve been able to travel and I appreciate different cultures. I believe in the Treaty of Westphalia. I don’t think that the globalists have an understanding of how much should be appreciated in all the cultures. And I think that we’re living in very scary times. Very scary times.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

We are. And I’ve travelled through all 50 of your states in America and very privileged to have done so. I learned a lot. Christine, let’s go back to the start because I don’t want to just explore the news. I want to learn about your life, what gave you your energy, your enthusiasm, the way you chase these people. Because this lady, let me tell you everyone who’s listening, this lady, I don’t know if you can say this or not about a woman in America, but she’s a bulldog. She is a bulldog and she goes after things. Christine, where were you born?

Christine Dolan:

I was born in Beverly Farms, Massachusetts. It’s the North side of Boston, right on the Coast.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

That’s good, Kennedy Country in Massachusetts.

Christine Dolan:

It’s very big Kennedy Country. And my dad came from Jack Kennedy’s generation. My dad went to MIT. Graduated ’43 during World War II. But then I was the third born in my family and my father had worked for DuPont and the Monsanto and that’s why the family ended up in St. Louis where Monsanto’s headquarters were. And my dad was in the biochemical industry for decades. Although I wasn’t a science reporter and I wasn’t a… The last time I ever took a science class was biology in high school. But I grew up with somebody in the business who had done very well in the business and was acknowledged and recognised. And he had a biochemical company that manufactured chemicals for medicinal research. And the largest customer he had was NIH.

Christine Dolan:

So I was privy to the politics and the history of the pharmaceutical company. And he had always explained to me that in the 1950s, following World War II, they came up with thalidomide, and that was initially used for insomnia for people after World War II and then was given to pregnant women. And when they tried to distribute it to the United States, they knew that in fact it had resulted, in the babies were hurt. They were born with arms coming out of their shoulders.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Gross deformities.

Christine Dolan:

Deformities, thank you. And there was a woman named Frances Kelsey was her name, who was out of the ordinary for her generation. She was at FDA during the Kennedy administration in the 60s. And she had questions and she put those people through a ringer because she wanted more research. And then she basically did not allow it into the United States at that time. It later was approved during Fauci’s aid crisis. And he was actually, ironically, given an award in the name of Frances Kelsey. But which makes no sense because she blocked having that drug in the United States then in the 60s because of the baby deformities. And she was given a big award by JFK when he was President. And so I grew up knowing that. And then my dad passed away about, I guess, 11 years ago.

Christine Dolan:

And it was very unusual because in 2020, I didn’t know Fauci. His wife was ahead of me at Georgetown University. But again, I wasn’t a medical reporter. I was covering the 2020 campaign for John Solomon at Just The News. John had just started early in January/February, he called me and he said, “Can you help me get this started?” I said, “Sure.” And so I jumped on board and then the next thing we know, it’s not the 2020 campaign, it’s the COVID campaign. And it was a nightmare here in America trying to get a handle around it. Trying to get a handle around what is the origin of it. There are many people in Fauci’s camp that kept on saying, “Well, this is going to happen again.”

Christine Dolan:

And when I had gone to law school and I didn’t finish, and I’m not a lawyer, but I was trained as a criminal investigator in law school. So when you ask me, Malcolm, where do I get the passion, I think it’s just instinct. There’s a lot of faults that I have, but one of the talents I have is the ability to connect the dots. And whenever you see chaos, and it was chaos in 2020 here in America. I knew that the story was bigger than what we were being told. There was no transparency.

Christine Dolan:

There were just too many people with too many degrees that had no idea what the hell was going on in the world. And the thing that caught my eye is that if everybody says that it’s going to happen again, then the natural thing that should happen should be for world leaders getting together and demanding to know what is the origin of this so it’s not repeated. And that was not happening. Morrison in your country did eventually say… Wanted the Chinese to really become transparent. And there was a lot of pushback with him, but I never saw anybody else. And that caught my mind because-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

I’ve got to interject there, Christine, because what I noticed about Scott Morrison is that on the 3rd of October 2019 I think it was. In Sydney he made a speech talking about the unaccountable internationalistic bureaucrats. He was basically naming the UN without naming him, but it was just nonsense. We have been calling out the UN and the World Economic Forum for decades, and Morrison realised we were making progress so he tried to hijack the issue and silence it. But Morrison, very early on, even though he called out the Chinese, that was just for local political benefit for himself. Because very soon after he advocated giving the World Health Organisation, that criminal, dishonest, deceitful organisation, incompetent organisation, increased powers, powers of weapons inspectors. Morrison was talking out of both sides of his mouth. And he did that forever throughout this COVID virus campaign, mismanagement, gross mismanagement in this country.

Christine Dolan:

Well see that’s a piece of information I didn’t realise for the background of it. But at the time in 2020 he was, for whatever, whether it was ill purpose and everything like that for political gain. He was the only one that was calling it. And I mean, Trump didn’t call for it. Biden claimed that when he came into office that he ordered up an investigation. But again, you had the foxes in the henhouse that were doing the investigation. I don’t know if you caught this recently, but everybody in the world should understand this. Jeffrey Sachs, who’s all part of the globalist group, economist, he actually called for a commission.

Christine Dolan:

He created 11 tasks force, one of which was on the origin. And Jeffrey just came out earlier in August, I think it was the first week in August. Where he went public and he said that in fact he had realised that when he hired Peter Daszak as the head of that origin task force, that he then hired other people, which he was allowed to do with Jeffrey’s blessing. But then Jeffrey came to the conclusion now in 2022 that in fact everybody that was on the origin task force was lying to him. People that he’d known for decades, because they were all saying, “Don’t look over here at the lab. It must be in nature.”

Christine Dolan:

And what caught my eye two years earlier was when this broke, all of a sudden there was a Lansing Journal article, this is February 2020. And it was written by people I had no idea of any of them, but they all had concluded at the very beginning of this madness that it did not come from a lab leak. And I thought to myself, how would anybody know this because nobody’s done an investigation? The Chinese, the CCP, they’re not forthcoming and you need to have boots on the ground to do this. And I contacted them and I found out things that really haven’t surfaced and the public doesn’t really understand the game that’s at play here. But I will just label these people who authored that article. And we later found out that it was orchestrated by Daszak to basically cover their derrieres. But-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Can we take a break there? Can we take a break there please, Christine and what I’d like to do, you’ve already said that you got onto it in February 2020. That’s well before most people started even thinking about a possibility that it was being rigged. We’ll have a break now and we’ll come back and then I’d like to know how you developed that instinct and then we’ll go into Peter Daszak and others in detail later on in this show.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

But I’d like to understand where the young Christine Dolan as a girl started developing these instincts. And how you developed them even further in your university and after university, your early jobs, because you’ve worked in mainstream media. You’re one of the few people in mainstream media that I would trust. So we’ll take a short break and then we’ll be right back with more from Christine Dolan.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Welcome back to the Senator Malcolm Roberts Show. And I’ve got a very important guest, Christine Dolan, who has worked in all of the major networks in the United States. She’s had many years as an investigative reporter. She’s investigated slavery and her work has been acclaimed by Heads of States and diplomats. Members of the European Parliament, U.S. Congress, members of the OSC in Vienna, U.S. Department of Defence, Interpol, FBI. This lady has been around. She’s actually trained some of the investigators in how to do their job. Let’s understand first, Christine, what turned little Christine as a girl into a bulldog investigative reporter? What were the key things that influenced you as a child? Where did you go to university? What did you study? What did you graduate at? And then where you came into your first job?

Christine Dolan:

I was an Irish Catholic raised Sacred Heart girl. I went to-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Oh, so we know where the bulldog comes from then?

Christine Dolan:

The Bulldog, yeah. And then I went to Georgetown University, undergrad. I went to the Business School, majored in economics. And then I went directly into law school. Hated [inaudible 00:22:01]. Hated my second year. And then I said the hell with this, because I didn’t want to be a lawyer. I had a job as a criminal investigator for defendants with the Public of Defender’s Office. And I loved being in the field. I loved gathering information. And so that was my first instinct. And then I applied to 72 radio television stations in sales and in news. I had no idea how to get into the news business, but I also knew that I always wanted to go into the news business. I never really wanted to be a lawyer, I just thought that I’d get a law degree because I thought it might be helpful. And I disappointed my father and my mother when I said I was not going to go back to law school. And I was pretty dramatic about it.

Christine Dolan:

I didn’t take my second year spring exams. So I made a definitive statement and then I asked my father to pay for me to have these 72 interviews I lined up in eight cities. Because I didn’t want to live in a small town. I wanted to start, I wanted to see if I could get my foot and door at the networks. And I was hired on the spot guys in the news division. And some guys in the sales divisions wanted to hire me. But they said, “No, no, no, no, you belong in the news division.”

Christine Dolan:

So I first started off at ABC News, I worked for a guy named Kevin Delaney who was terrific. He was on the roof of the embassy in Saigon, so he had covered Vietnam. I ended up working for Hal Bruno, who was a legend in the news business. He had uncovered the Chappaquiddick story for Newsweek. And then he came over to ABC News and I worked as a researcher off air reporter for him. He taught me so well that I then jumped to CNN and became the first woman political director and his counterpart. So we competed against one another, but we were friends for 33 years. And then after that I started my own production company focused on Africa-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And how old were you then?

Christine Dolan:

… An international policy show.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

How old were you then, Christine, when you started your own show?

Christine Dolan:

I was in my thirties. I was in my thirties when I did that. And then I had an opportunity to, I was asked to be the spokesperson for the USA Nelson Mandela tour in 1990, which I did because I thought Mandela, I was an awe of him as a human being. But I had an international policy show on PBS, and that was in the nineties when we were trying to get Americans to be more interested in foreign policy. There were very few, the networks weren’t really covering it the way that they could have. And this was before MSNBC and Fox Cable was even on the air and it’s CNN. We had in the eighties, we had, oh my gosh, 24 hours of news. But we had repeats of shows. And so I came up with Inside Politics, which was the first ever daily political show to teach people about-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yours was the first in the United States?

Christine Dolan:

It was the first daily political show, and it was in the eighties before Fox or MSNBC was ever created. They weren’t created until the late nineties. And the goal of the show is to teach people about politics. But it is not what it is today. I mean now it’s been on the year now over 30 years. But it’s the vision of it that I had then certainly has been changed by the management at CNN. But so I’ve always been out there wanting to get ahead of where the news was. And I like to do investigations. I like to do long investigations. When I was commissioned for human trafficking, I was so horrified that the cops put me through a real ringer to test me if I was a tabloid journalist. And I said to them at the time, “Look, well travelled, I’ve been around the block, I’ve been around the world. I’m seasoned.” So I thought, “but I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Christine Dolan:

When I interviewed Paul Holmes, who was the head of the Interpol Trafficking Committee in June of 2000, I asked him point blank. How young are the victims? And he said, infants. In one ear out the other, because I had no context. Two weeks later I met with Carlos Shepherd, who’s a forensic profiler, probably one of the best in Europe. And a woman named Yola Bolebrek. And I told him, I met this nice cop in London and he’s telling me this and I just don’t have any contexts. And they said, “Christine, it’s true.” And I said, “Well, if it’s true, then people have to educate me.” Because I’ve covered three wars by that point. And then the next thing I know is I get a phone call the next day and Yola Bolebrek tells me I passed the test and I said, “What was the test?”

Christine Dolan:

And she said, “We just needed to know how serious you were. John Ernst wants to meet you.” I said, “Who’s he?” And she said, “Take a train to the Heg. And he was head of the porn unit at the hag and he brought me on the inside and these guys taught me. And the advantage I had as a journalist at the time where cops have to be invited into a foreign country to do an investigation. And they have to have a task force and everything like that. That wasn’t really coordinated for this in 2000. And so as a journalist, I was able to go from country to country. And to get that story because once these guys really made me realise how evil this was, it was beyond Rwanda. I realised then and there, this is the depth of hell and people just did not know.

Christine Dolan:

They know that slavery is immoral, but they didn’t realise at the turn of the 21st century that it was alive and well. It just had a different picture on it. So I took every risk and I dressed up as a hooker, hung out with transvestites who actually, most of them are victims of child abuse, in red light districts because they have their own corner. I don with the mafia and everything like that. And I was able to get the story. And to do what the cops were not able to do. And then I decided to take on the Catholic church. So the one thing that we learned is what are the criminal tools? What are the tools of the trade that people use to commit the crime and to cover it up. And I can tell you that it’s a team of people, just like in the Catholic church where it wasn’t just the Cardinals that covered up. It wasn’t just the auxiliary bishops that covered it up.

Christine Dolan:

It was the Vatican, it was the lawyers, it was the state legislatures that had laws that said that if you were abused, you could only report it after three years when some people have regressive memories. And it doesn’t come back for a long period of time because of compounded trauma in their brain. So when the COVID story came up and there was chaos at the beginning of 2020. I don’t know when the story really hit you guys down there in Australia, Malcolm, but I know that I was on some phone calls with some business leaders in Australia who were talking to some people at Gavi and CEPI. And a friend of mine, allowed me to listen in. I knew that was what the people from Gavi and CEPI were saying to the business leaders in Australia was absolute nonsense.

Christine Dolan:

I just happened to know a lot of nurses. I was asking nurses across America, What are you seeing in the ICUs? What are you seeing in the ERs, emergency rooms? And they were telling me, we’re killing people with the ventilators. So I’ve got the Lancet report in February 2020, that doesn’t make any sense to me. These people that had, were the authors of the report were telling me what they do as for a living in terms of hunting for 1.6 million viruses. To obtain the 25 coronavirus family viruses and to figure out if they’re transmissible to human beings, which then would create a seasonal vaccine for everybody in the world for all these 25 coronaviruses. Now to me, at that point in time, I’m thinking these people are pretty crazy and this is Frankenstein’s business. This is Frankenstein science. But the thing is, they actually were funded by the US. It was under a project called PREDICT Project at USAID.

Christine Dolan:

They were in operating in 30 countries. They had labs all over the world. People have to understand, when you think about this, think about the bat woman in the Chinese Wuhan lab. She’s part of the team. And the people who wrote that, who authored that Lancet article in February 2020, all belonged to that. Peter Daszak, he was one of the people that was on who authored that article. And he’s involved with gain of function. But I’m learning this all on the first six weeks of coronavirus shutting down America. I’m talking to the nurses, I’m talking to international scientists and doctors who are trying to get money to come up with something that can reduce the COVID viral load in the body. And what they were telling me is that the ventilators was the wrong procedure.

Christine Dolan:

This disease, for lack of a better word, pardon me, caused blood clots. People in hospitals should be put on blood thinners, antioxidants. And what these guys were trying to do is to get government money or some money to create X, Y, and Z that would reduce the viral load in the body that’s causing all this disaster. And they weren’t getting the money. And then all of a sudden we moved to May or June and Fauci is… Oh no, I have to go back to April. April 2020, Fauci is at the White House sitting on the sofa. Dr. Bricks is there, Trump’s in the room and he’s saying, Remdesivir is a safe drug. And I know somebody who died from Remdesivir, and I’m thinking none of this makes any sense. And instinctively I know if you have this much chaos, there’s a cover up here someplace.

Christine Dolan:

And then as you know, six weeks later, vax was the only answer. And telling me that vax is the only answer is telling me as a war correspondent, that war is the only answer that makes no sense to me. So that I knew right then and there by June, this was nonsense. And the only person in the world I wanted to talk to was Bobby Kennedy. And I had dated one of his cousins when we were all kids. And I called my late friend’s brother and I said, “Give me his cell phone number.” And I called Bobby at the time and I said, “I’m going to get into this because this is medical trafficking.” One of the things that when people think of human trafficking, they think of sex labour, internet, street. I created a model for the different faces of human trafficking, child soldiers, sex tourism, ritual abuse, torture, organ trafficking.

Christine Dolan:

And then you have medical trafficking. And I had concluded by August of 2020 that this was medical trafficking. But again, I’m humbled up to have to say I didn’t fully understand the form of corruption at that point. It was an instinct with me. But after the campaign is when I called Bobby and he said, “I want you to meet two people.” I met with the two people that they gave me 25 books to read. I read the 25 books and I was absolutely confirmed that this was medical trafficking. And I think I’ve sent you the film that I released in July of 2021. And it is the most unregulated, unaccountable, human medical experiment in the history of mankind.

Christine Dolan:

There’s not a doubt in my mind about this or hard or soul or anything right now. What I do know about investigations is the longer that the fraud goes on, people make mistakes, guilt sets in. And so after the 2020 campaign, there were two areas that I wanted to organise. I wanted to find pharma whistle blowers on the inside of Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Moderna, and any other pharmaceutical companies here in the United States who had any association with the Gates Foundation, CEPI, WHO vaccinations, even if they weren’t COVID. That were going to move into the mRNAs because they are going to move into the mRNA shots for flu, malaria, aids, tuberculosis, and god knows what else is on the recipe. And then I-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

So this is just the tip of the iceberg we’ve seen so far?

Christine Dolan:

That’s right. And then the second group that I wanted to develop was the COVID vaccination injured. And so I started talking to the vaccinated injured. Because we had, I don’t want to call them clinical trials, but we had trials. So they called them clinical trials in 2020 before the rollout. We got the rollout here in the United States in December. I don’t know when it was in Australia. So I want to define Vaccine injury from the so-called clinical trials here in the States, which I did. And then during the rollout. And most of those people were terrified of being called anti-vax. They didn’t want to go on the record, they didn’t want to go on the camera. And so I spent the first, I guess it was the first January till around June. And talking to these people, and what I realised was they were talking to NIH, CDC, FDA, NIAID.

Christine Dolan:

They even wrote a letter to all of them plus the White House in May of 2021. By June, I called one of the authors of that Lancet February, 2020 article. And I said to him, “What do you thinks going on with the rollout?” Now keep this in mind, this is June, 2020. We don’t have a lot of breakthrough cases at that point in time, which means that vaccinated people getting COVID, those were under reported if they existed at that point in time. And this guy says to me, “We have to do better on the messaging that the vaccines are safe and effective and prevent transmissibility and prevent the disease.” And I said to him, “Well, what about the vax injured?” And he said, “Christine, they’re urban legends.” And that really threw me back. And I said, “You can try that on somebody else, but I’m just too old for that.”

Christine Dolan:

I said, “I’m talking to people.” And he said, “Yeah, but if there’s three million vaccinations and 325,000 of them are injured with blood clots, we have treatment for blood clots.” I said, “I have not spoken to one vaccinated injured person who only has one thing wrong with them.” There was neurological, there was cardio, there was vascular injuries that doctors at the ERs in the hospitals didn’t know how to treat them. People were not reporting them to theirs. These, a lot of these people happened to be a lot of women who had a lot of menstrual problems that they didn’t want to talk about on camera. But they were telling me as a woman.

Christine Dolan:

And they ranged from very irregular periods to women who were postmenopausal getting their period after their shots. I mean, it was a disaster. One woman was actually put into a psych ward. Doctors were telling them they were suffering from anxiety and depression. It was just unbelievable trauma for these people. It was like talking to my first trafficked victims over 20 years ago. They were traumatised by it. A lot of them were in the healthcare industry. They were not getting the care from their own colleagues. They were getting gaslighted by their own colleagues. They were disappointed by what was going on. Some of them even worked for pharmaceutical companies. They couldn’t believe what was going on inside their industry.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Can we take a break now, please, Christina. We’ll come back and go into this in. We’ll let you continue because this is riveting stuff. I love the way your instinct has kicked in so early in this whole fiasco, this whole… Well, I think it’s genocide myself. And so let’s take a break and we’ll be back with Christine Dolan.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

This is Senator Malcolm Roberts on today’s news talk radio where the only thing that we mandate is the truth. And we’ve got a real truth teller here because she’s used her instincts to get right to the core of issues all over the world. Child trafficking, slavery and now she’s telling us about medical trafficking. So Christine Dolan, please continue. And I’d like to know more about Peter Daszak when it suits you please. And also it seems that there is some criminal activity or anti-human genocidal activity, people who just don’t give damn about human life. And then there seems to be a lot of group think and people just following slavishly. What else is going on here?

Christine Dolan:

I think Malcolm, the one thing I had to do in these books that Bobby’s colleagues recommended that I read. I had to get up in the history of the pharma corruption, because we in America, and I don’t know what it’s like down there in Australia. But we in America are pharmaceutically addicted. 75% is, 80% of the people in America are on prescription drugs. We’re the first countries-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:


Christine Dolan:

75% to 80% of Americans are on prescription drugs. We have gone through Valium in the sixties was an epidemic. We’ve gone through the opiates just like you guys have. And it’s been all over the world. We’ve gone through fentanyl is the biggest thing now. People are just drinking fentanyl here. It’s amazing what it’s doing to kids. We’ve legalised pot, but the pot today is cut with fentanyl. So we have the highest overdoses since, I think it’s last year in the history of America. So we have a drug attitude here that is pervasive. And there’s a belief in the medical divinity of the white coat. So if people see, and doctors have told me this, if somebody sees a commercial on TV and they’re depressed, then it’s a new drug. And well doctor, “Why don’t you give me that one because the last one didn’t work.”

Christine Dolan:

So people are actually asking for something because it’s advertised. And I had to go back and take a look at the pharma. The rules and regulations of the game for criminality are very clear, which you have to know. You have to be humble enough and curious enough to ask the questions. How did this come to be? And so we know here in the United States that going back to 1986 under the Reagan administration, Congress passed a bill. Reagan signed it. And that basically gave carte blanche to the pharmaceutical companies having no liability for any of the vaccinations that are out there. Because there were a lot of vaccination injuries prior to that time. And I’m not going to doubt whether anybody’s heart was in the right place, but basically it was carte blanche to the pharmaceutical companies for mumps, measles, rubella, mercury, everything went off the charts.

Christine Dolan:

And there are people who in fact have been harmed, their families have been harmed. And underneath that bill, there was a kangaroo court that was set up, but it’s not like your normal civil criminal court. If you want to get any money in compensation for having a family member hurt with a vaccination in those days. You have to apply like a Catholic Victims of Compensation fund or a Jeffrey Epstein Victims Compensation Fund. You file it with HHS, the Department of Justice attorneys handle it. You’re not allowed to even subpoena the pharmaceutical companies for any documents. I mean, it’s wild stuff. And if people don’t know if they’re not affected by this in the past, they’re not going to be able to recognise what was going on in 2020. So I had to take a deep dive going back and figure it out. I had to take a look at the different players.

Christine Dolan:

Who are these people that are involved in this Frankenstein, Corona virus hunters world. Peter Daszak is one of them. Who’s involved with the labs? Peter Daszak is one of them. How did this get funded in these labs that are ranked by 2, 3 4, which is fourth being I think is the highest in terms of security and standards of practise. Is it regulated? No, it’s not regulated. This is having nuclear weapons all over the world with no regulations. And that’s what people don’t understand. I did an hour and a half interview with one of those authors just recently. His name is Dennis Carol. And he was overseeing the PREDICT Project at USAID and it ran for 10 years during. It was started, I think it was at the beginning of the Obama administration. And then it was stopped.

Christine Dolan:

And then during the Trump administration, somebody got around the fact that they could, the PREDICT Project wasn’t stopped, that the gain of function was stopped within the PREDICT project. And this is when they go out to the bat caves, they get these coronaviruses, take it to a lab, they fool around with it to see if it’s transmissible. And they really do have a goal of going out and hunting for 1.6 million. They say that there’s 25,000 different families of coronaviruses of that 1.6 million viruses they want to hunt for. When they had the PREDICT Project, they found 1200 that were transmissible. And it’s a very dangerous industry. I didn’t know anything about it. And I would predict that probably most politicians and world leaders don’t really know about this and how lethal it is. But there’s no oversight.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

But what I’ve noticed, Christine, is that parliament, and I’m listening to Ron Paul, he’s implied much the same as I’m about to say about Congress as I’ve learned about parliament. People in Parliament, the public don’t respect them, but at the same time, they seem to follow slavishly, whatever they say. And what we’ve seen in Parliament and in your Congress is sheep. And they have very little inquisitive. If we had Congress and a Senate full of people like you, America would be wonderfully run because people ask questions, but the politicians don’t.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

They just seem to follow slavishly. They’re afraid of saying, I’m sorry, I don’t know. And I’ve noticed quite frankly that women are more likely to say, “Hey, I need some help. Hey, I’m sorry I made a mistake. Hey, I’m wrong, can you please help me? Hey, I don’t know the answer to this question. Can you give me that hand?” And it’s the men who tend to be more like sheep, not all men of course. But what I’m getting to is the institutions, because you just stunned me. You said that there’s no regulation around this area. I thought it was so highly regulated.

Christine Dolan:

No, no. There’s no, that’s a myth. It’s not regulated. And I’ll tell you the reason why, the American politicians in Washington DC on both sides of the aisle, do not ask these questions. The money, okay, we’ve got campaign financing that’s just off the charts here. But the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Research Association, which is the Federal Trade Association that gives out money to people on Capitol Hill. There are very few politicians in Capitol Hill that have only taken six figures over the years. It’s a very powerful, very powerful trade association.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

So you’re saying many have taken seven figures?

Christine Dolan:


Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Many members of Congress-

Christine Dolan:

Over the years-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

… have taken seven figures

Christine Dolan:

… Because it’s over the years. I’m talking about cumulatively. I can tell you that Romney has probably taken millions. So this is, you take the money for the donations, they spent over 300 million, pardon me, in 2020 alone. But then also in the States, I had to ask myself, “Why did Governor DeWine from Ohio announced the lottery in 2021 to get people to take the VAX?” And then all of a sudden I realised talking to some people in Ohio, how vast the money is flowing into the state legislatures. And I think I told you this before Malcolm privately, I even listened in on the White House office of faith based phone calls. Starting immediately after Biden was inaugurated.

Christine Dolan:

So this was mid-February 2021. And I heard the people on that end of the phone talking to thousands of people all over the world, I mean all over the country. That they wanted the churches, which had been closed down in America for 2020 to hold “COVID events” because they’re places of trust in community to validate vaccinations. Now think about that. They wanted the churches to host the COVID events, to get the vaccines, to validate them because they’re places of trust. On that one phone call mid-February of 2021, the Biden White House is telling the faith based leaders to in fact get married to the leaders in the Black communities as well as unions. Although specific unions were not mentioned in that phone call. So this is-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

So they’re just tying it up. They’re tying it up.

Christine Dolan:

They’re tying it up-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And they’re exploiting trust.

Christine Dolan:

They’re flashing it, they’re selling, it is such a level of diabolical human behaviour. And then you have to say, “Why the hell do they want to do this? Is it just because of pharma? Is it because of money? Is it because of the globalism? Is it because of world economic form? Is it because of WHO?” And then you have to take a look at this year alone. In January of this year, the woman who handles the global policy at the HHS here in the States got your country, our country, all of Europe, 47 countries together to sign on for amendments to the WHO to amend the 2005 International Health regulations. And basically is getting all these 47 of the countries to say, “We want to put our health sovereignty onto the WHO.” Isn’t that a clever thing to do because you can’t sue the WHO.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Let’s just pause there for a minute, please. Because what you are showing now is why you claim there’s medical trafficking and you’ve made a good case. You’ve seen child trafficking, human trafficking, slave trafficking, and now you’re making the case for medical trafficking. It’s due to corruption-

Christine Dolan:

Yeah, but before-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Before we go on, we are not going to cover anything like a fraction of what you know Christine. So is there somewhere people can go to learn more about what you do, what CDM does, Your colleague Todd, website, How do they learn more about what Christine Dolan knows?

Christine Dolan:

I’m not on social media. I don’t like Zuckerberg, I don’t like Dorsey. I am on CDM media. If you just go to Google and put in, you’ll see American conversations in the upper right hand corner. We’re broken it down with interviews with vax injured, medical tyranny, which gets into doctors that can’t speak out. And I have a global show taking on the WHO and the globalist every Sunday live on our website. It’s a global conversation and plain site, it’s exposing it. And that is at 12:30 PM Eastern time in the United States for everybody all over the world. One thing I just want to say before we go because I know we are running out of time.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Can we, before you continue with that, and I’d love you to continue with that. We’ve only got about three minutes left and then we have a hard cut. So away you go. Take the last three minutes, Christine.

Christine Dolan:

Okay. So I want to explain to your audience when we talk about medical trafficking, because of my body of work over 22 years ago, I helped shape the context for defining human trafficking. And the best way to understand human trafficking is that you just take a human being. If you defraud, lie coerce, force somebody for whether it’s sex, labour, child soldiers, sex tourism, doesn’t matter, internet, street to remove their organs. That is considered trafficking. So if you just put, for commercial profit, a human being defrauding, lying to, coercing, forcing, for X, Y, and Z-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:


Christine Dolan:

Exploit, that is considered trafficking exploit. And we know that these people are making money. Why are they doing this? The one thing that everybody in the world should do, every politician should do, is to demand from their government to get a copy of J and J, Moderna and Pfizer’s contracts that were given to their country to get access to that foreign citizenship. To put these injections into these people. It’s very important to get those contracts. I’m collecting these contracts as much as I possibly can. I’m going to cross reference these contracts, but I know that those three pharmaceutical companies are asking foreign governments to not make them liable in case there’s any harm done. They want the same lack of liability that they have here in the United States.

Christine Dolan:

In some countries they’re asking for collateral damage. And some of the documents they’re saying to the foreign governments, if you order two million in May, we’re going to decide when you’re going to deliver them. But if there’s a cure for COVID, if between the time that you sign this contract and they are delivered, you’re still going to have to pay for those vaccinations. And this is what really gets crazy. Why the hell would anybody in any foreign government sign a contract like that? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. And the only reason why somebody would do it, I dare suggest, is because somebody took a bribe.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah, it’s about the money. But I think it’s also in the case of the World Health Organisation, which is corrupt, incompetent, dishonest, fraudulent. It’s about control on behalf of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum and let’s face. These big pharma control, that’s what they want. They want us as slaves to buy their products, get sick on their products, so they give us another product to remove the symptoms. We’ve got about a minute. Christine, anything else you want to say?

Christine Dolan:

Well, that recycle makes a lot of sense why Bill Gates would be involved with it. Because I don’t know about you, but I didn’t own a Mac until two and a half years ago. During 2020, I used PCs. Every time that my PC would break, I would have to get a new one. I would have to go out and I have to buy a new Windows. So it was a recycled model for economic profit. And that’s why I think he’s so attracted to the vaccinations and people need to understand this is not a man who has an altruistic interest in help.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

I’m going to have to cut it off there, Christine, because we’ve got 15 seconds. I just want to thank you so much for being here. You are so clear, so precise, you’ve got a wealth of experience. We need people like you to do more of what you’re doing, speaking up to expose these globalist predators, these bastards who are exploiting people. Thank you so much, Christine. Look forward to talking with you again.

Christine Dolan:

Thank you, Malcolm. I look forward to seeing you and talking to you again. Bye.

Advert Speaker:

To hear a replay of this hour, go to now TNT Radio News.

The COVID Inquiry 2.0 is a cross-party, non-parliamentary inquiry held on the 17th August 2022. The COVID Inquiry 2.0 followed COVID Under Question to interrogate breaches of the doctor-patient relationship and the regulatory capture of Australia’s health and drug regulators.

Witnesses from a range of backgrounds presented personal and scholarly evidence that was shocking and revealing. The day of questioning from 8am to 7:30pm was livestreamed and recordings of all witnesses are available below.

Please note: Captions on videos are machine generated. They contain a number of errors. The audio of the videos or transcripts linked under each video should be relied on as the accurate statement of what was said.

Welcome Video and Introduction



Brook Jackson

Transcript. Brook Jackson was regional director of Ventavia Research Group. That company was contracted by Pfizer to provide three phase three test sites for the vaccine trial, the Pfizer vaccine trial, in Houston, Fort Worth and Keller, Texas. 12.22min

Dr Peter Parry

Transcript. Dr. Peter Parry, discusses mental health of children and adults. Associate Professor Peter Parry is a child and adolescent psychiatrist whose career encompasses that of a medical officer in the Royal Australian Navy, a GP and palliative care, prior to training in psychiatry from 1990. 11.15min

Dr Pierre Kory

Transcript. Dr. Pierre Kory from America. He’s a medical doctor, a master of public administration, a specialist in pulmonary diseases and critical care medicine. Won many awards, but two major international awards he received during the COVID are, in 2021 from South Africa, the SAHARI Foundation a Certificate of Appreciation to Humanity, in 2021 again from Malaysia, the Cheng Ho Multicultural Education Trust Benevolent award. 24.51min

Suzie Pollock

Transcript. Suzie Pollock graduated from the Queensland University of Technology in 1995 with a Bachelor of Law. She spent 11 years working for one of Australia’s big four banks. That’d be enough to do it in for you, wouldn’t it. Followed by roles in top tier law firms in Australia and Hong Hong Kong in international banking and finance law. 12.37min

Dr Philip Altman

Transcript. Dr. Phillip Altman, who has a bachelor of pharmacy honours degree in master of science and a PhD. He’s had a background in clinical research and regulatory affairs, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and biotechnology. 48.26min

Mary-Jane Stevens

Transcript. Mary-Jane Stevens who’s a mother of four, four children and until late September, 2021, she was a registered nurse in the emergency department of a Queensland Health hospital. She’s now been de-registered due to an Ahpra March, 2021 directive. 15.27min

Alan Dana

Transcript. Alan Dana learned to fly in the United Kingdom in 1988. He holds British, United States and Australian professional airline transport licences, including an FAA Accident Prevention Counsellor Designation. His total experience, over 35 years, is now exceeding 23,000 flight hours. Alan took the time on a career route for pilots, instructing pilots for 32 years. 17.13min


Christine Dolan

Transcript. Christine Dolan is an American senior editor and chief investigative correspondent for She has a long history of tackling corruption, having worked at four American networks, served as CNN political director, covered three wars, and has investigated human trafficking in 140 countries for over 22 years, as well as the Catholic church globally. 28.03min

Warner Mendenhall

Transcript. Warner Mendenhall, who’s a United States lawyer. He’s a prominent activist attorney from the United States who is currently representing Ms. Brook Jackson in her lawsuit against Pfizer. Warner has a strong history of representing people being abused by government decisions and protecting whistleblowers fighting against injustice. 13.16min

Dr James Rowe

Transcript. Dr. James Rowe is a pharmaceutical scientist with over 40 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry and academia in the design development and testing of novel drug dosage forms. He has held academic positions at the University of London, University of Sydney, and Western Sydney University. 13.56min

Senator Gerard Rennick

Transcript. Senator Rennick was elected in Federal Parliament in 2019 representing the people of Queensland. He’s one of only a handful of politicians who is holding the government to account regarding the mismanagement of COVID, and he’s willing to question the science behind it. He did that not only with the current government, but he did it with the previous government, which was of his own party. 43.42min

Dr Robert Brennan

Transcript. Dr. Robert Brennan, is a man of a very high integrity. He’s co-director of Australian Medical Network, Australia’s largest and longest running dissident doctor group in the COVID era. He’s a member of the founding executive, so he dares to question things and he speaks up. A member of the founding executive of the Australian medical professional society, and a regular commentator and host on TNT 13.32min


Dr Chris Neil

Transcript. Dr. Neil became a cardiologist mid-career having been continuously engaged in medicine or the study of medicine for 26 years, quarter of century, since specialisation he has undertaken doctoral and post-doctoral studies being successful in obtaining research grants, completing investigation driven studies, and supervising, and co-supervising higher degree research students to completion as well as supervising and mentoring multiple physicians in training. Discusses doctor patient relationship. 24.22min

Julian Gillespie

Transcript. Mr. Julian Gillespie, who’s a lawyer and a former barrister. Julian is currently closely involved in the federal court judicial review case involving vaccine mandates. He’s deeply involved with issues relating to the oppressive approach that the government has taken with management of COVID-19 in the community. 29.16min

Dr Duncan Syme

Transcript. Dr. Syme winner of the Nicholas Collins Fellowship Achievement Award, the Australian Hospital in the Home Society 2018. Dr. Syme graduated from Monash University in 1987. He’s been in clinical practise for 34 years and a general practitioner for 27 years. Currently, his registration is suspended due to providing exemptions for patients who do not want to be injected by the COVID-19 medication. 24min

Dr Gary Fettke

Transcript. Dr. Gary Fettke is an orthopaedic surgeon and vocal proponent of nutrition being a major component of prevention and management of modern disease. In 2014, he became repeatedly targeted by the processed food industry for his opinion, culminating in a silencing by the AHPRA medical board. Prevention is the key to management in this recent COVID pandemic and future pandemics to come. 21.34min

Peter Fam

Transcript. Peter Fam is a lawyer on human rights. He’s a human rights specialist and the principal lawyer at Maat’s Method A human rights law firm in Sydney. He holds a degree in journalism as well. Peter is a defender and advocate of universal law, his aim is to assist restoring truth, justice, and balance to our world. 24.19min

Julian Gillespie

Transcript. Julian Gillespie talks about government manipulation. He spoke in his first session about the doctor-patient relationship being destroyed. Now he talks about the government manipulation that orchestrated that, and then about new legislation and declaration of demand. 47.01min

Dr Robert Brennan

Transcript. Dr. Robert Brennan, speaking about public health. 13.38min


Dr Peter Parry

Transcript. Dr. Peter Parry, discusses social engineering. A psychiatrist perspective on social engineering based on human behaviour. 19.53min

Professor Iain Benson

Transcript. Professor Iain Benson, discusses medical ethics, not only the problems, but the solutions. He has four degrees, including a PhD. He’s professor of law at the University of Notre Dame, Australia. He’s published many academic articles and book chapters, work cited by both the Supreme Court of Canada, the Constitutional Court of South Africa, and in April 2019, the High Court of Gauteng, which is in Johannesburg, South Africa. He discusses the ethical problems involved with the forced use of experimental drugs. 29.05min

Carla Mardell

Transcript. Carla Mardell, who has a Bachelor of Education, is an EFT practitioner, Postgraduate Certificate of Digital and Collaborative Technology, NLP Coach Practitioner. She discusses how we have been programmed in our beliefs with conditioning. 27.47min


Dr Gary Fettke

Transcript. Dr. Gary Fettke discusses solutions as to how people can better prepare their own health. 16.04min

Dr Philip Altman

Transcript. Dr. Altman talks about two things. One is a summary of the day. What have we learned? Then secondly, solutions. 24.27min

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has recommended the Moderna jab for children aged 6 months to 5 years.[1] The vaccine only holds provisional approval. Provisional approval is given to drugs where research is still being conducted, research that might uncover adverse effects not initially apparent.[2]

The risk of death to 5 year olds from the more fatal, early variants of COVID was as low as 0.0024% or roughly 1 in 40,000.[3] This does not reflect the risk of Omicron, the dominant strain across the world right now, which is estimated to be 78% less fatal.[4] This would imply a risk of around 1 in 180,000 to 5 year olds from Omicron. On the other hand, the risk of vaccine caused myocarditis is around 1 in every 10,000 for 12-17 year old boys.[5]

There is simply not enough information on the long-term effects to decide on the risk benefit calculation like ATAGI claims to have. ATAGI has abandoned the precautionary principle in provisionally approving Moderna for use in toddlers and children when it has no longitudinal, years long research.






Update 3/8/22: ATAGI has now approved the Moderna vaccine for under 5 year olds, meaning the vaccine rollout will proceed to toddlers.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has provisionally approved the Moderna jab for children aged 6 months to 5 years.[1] Provisional approval is given to drugs where research is still being conducted, research that might uncover adverse effects not initially apparent.[2]

The risk to 5 year olds from the more fatal, early variants of COVID was as low as 0.0024% or roughly 1 in 40,000.[3] This does not reflect the risk of Omicron, the dominant strain across the world right now, which is estimated to be 78% less fatal.[4] On the other hand, the risk of vaccine caused myocarditis is around 1 in every 10,000 for 12-17 year old boys.[5]

There is simply not enough information on the long-term effects to decide on the risk benefit calculation like the TGA claims to have. The TGA has abandoned the precautionary principle in provisionally approving Moderna for use in toddlers and children when it has no longitudinal, years long research.






I had the opportunity to attend the Freedom Ball over the weekend with some truly inspiring people. I spoke on why freedom is so important and where I see the movement is headed after this election.

Apologies for the mobile phone quality but I hope you enjoy what I have to say.


Thank you very much. I wanna thank especially, Claire and Tyron for organising. Everyone is often organised. And for everyone that is here: Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’m going to read my speech tonight, might be a little jump here and there. Because, otherwise I’d be here all night. Freedom. What is it? Freedom is an essential ingredient for human beings to flourish.

[Audience Member] Yeah I agree.

Freedom is the foundation for prosperous and caring communities. Freedom is the basis for our Australian democracy and our way of life. Tonight we acknowledge everyone around Australia who has taken a stand to protect our rightful freedoms.

[Audience Member] Yes!

Our freedom marches have been [inaudible 00:00:57] and they’ve been the largest protests in Australia. They have many of us who, for the first time in our lives, took an activist role. Because we knew we couldn’t wait around for someone else to do it. Who came to Canberra? That’s a sizeable commitment. Who else felt pride for the first time in two years marching in Canberra? That’s Australian pride. So I thank everyone I’ve just mentioned. I thank you. Our freedom movement has many leaders coming from many different parts of our community. Australians, I believe, now have a greater appreciation for our front line workers than ever before. Where’s Dan? Dan. Dee? Where’s Dee?

[Woman In Audience] Right here.

Helena? Wonderful people. And the policemen, and the ambos. And the fierys. We’ve seen many leaders emerge from our frontline workers, our firefighters, health and education providers our defence forces, police, and corrective services our emergency services, including ambos and paramedics and the SES. Wanna acknowledge people like Andy Anderson who stepped up. Johnny, Claire, Marshall. Thank you. Pat Msiti. So many I could mention. I thank you. Because when push came to shove, you people stood up. You didn’t leave it to politicians you stood up. Speaking of politicians, I want to acknowledge the work of my colleagues, Senator Pauline Hanson. Former MP George Christensen. And Craig Kelly. Senator Gerard Rennick. And our mate, Alex Antic. Also people, who haven’t had the limelight for people like Queensland State MP, Steve Andrew NSW State MP Mark Latham and Tanya Davies. And Victoria State MP David Limbrick And there are others. Together, we’ve all echoed your call for freedom, that’s everyone’s call for freedom, across parliaments and across state borders across our nation. Thank you so much. The freedom movement has been a powerful player in recent times. It has conveyed to the people’s clear sentiment that we will not give up our freedoms! It has been a powerful voice to politicians of the unacceptable overreach into our lives. Whether it be the bedroom, the kitchen, schools, doctor surgery. And this movement is a beacon of hope for those that state and federal government incursions have left impoverished.

[Audience Member] Yep.

As Dan said, “Absolutely impoverished.” The freedom movement’s power shifted the vote in the recent election. It shifted that vote, leading to a sorry, low, primary vote, for any political party taking office. Ever. As, Rebecca said it best at the start. “The women of the freedom movement will continue. It stays relevant into tomorrow. Well into our future.” We know that unchecked government intervention stifle progress and creates perverse outcomes. We know that when markets are free we get innovation, efficiency and prosperity. It’s the same for people when people are free. We know we’re at our best ’cause we are at our best When. We. Are. Free.

[Audience Member] Yes. Yes.

We all are members of this New Alliance: The Freedom Alliance. Look at it here. And our mission will continue to be relevant. That which unites us involves us. Involves our strength of our unity. That message of unity, is that freedom is central to our Australian way of life. And we will never. Ever. Give it up.

[Audience Member] Yes.

But let’s pause for a minute. And just briefly remember the tragic consequences that so many of us felt over the last couple of years. Dan touched on it. “Australian families are still grieving for loss of their loved ones.” On behalf of my wife, Christine and I, I extend our heartfelt, deep sympathies to your families, for your recovery and healing. It’s been a very tough time for an awful lot of people. And some, it hasn’t ended. There have been numerous economic casualties, and as a nation we will take some time to recover from that. Our nation’s recovery is intimately linked to our freedoms. Freedom of speech. Freedom of association and exchange. Freedom of religion. Freedom to make our own medical choices.

[Audience Members] Yes!

Freedom to move around our great country. Freely. And freedom for our economic participation. All of these should be hallowed ground. But they have been trampled. Our freedom remains though. We’ll continue to safeguard those freedoms, and we will take collective action to say “No. Bugger off.” When our freedoms are threatened. Government has three roles. Protecting life is number one. Protecting property is number two. Protecting freedom is number three. They are sacrosanct. And freedom is not a gift from our government. It’s rightly ours because we live in a free and democratic nation. Remember what Claire said. We are human beings, of our universe. Not a part of our universe, of our universe. Right Marshall? Of our inherently, universally, free universe. That’s the way our universe is. That’s where we live. To all courageous Australians I say “thank you.” For moving to the front line to defend and uphold our freedoms for us all today. And for our future generations of Australians. Australia became the land of the free, because those that came before us were brave. It is now our duty to restore freedom and to keep Australia free. All Australians. All Australians, who have been part of the Freedom Movement have been brave. And our continued unity and commitment will ensure that Australia is always free. Thank you so much for what you are doing.

I would have thought COVID data on deaths in Aged Care would be on hand for the Government, especially at Senate Estimates. Instead they’ve taken the questions on notice. I was also surprised to find that there had been no improvement in breaches of the Aged Care Quality Standards.


Senator ROBERTS: Thank you all for attending today. I have three sets of questions. The first is pretty straightforward: it’s only one question. How many aged-care residents died of COVID-19 by state per month since March 2020; and how many died in aged care within four weeks of receiving a COVID-19 injection?

Dr Murphy : I don’t think we could provide that information other than on notice.

Senator ROBERTS: I’m happy for that.

Dr Murphy : We can certainly provide that on notice. That sort of level of detail wouldn’t be available to officials today.

Senator ROBERTS: Can you provide data by state per month on the deaths due to COVID; and the deaths within four weeks of receiving a COVID-19 vaccination?

Mr Lye : Regarding the second part of that question about the relationship to vaccinations, I think that the work that Professor Kelly’s leading may shed some light on that question but it might be harder to get than the other. But I think that we can get the other data quite simply. The second one might take a bit longer.

Senator ROBERTS: I would have thought—

Senator HUGHES: Senator Roberts, can I ask a question maybe through you for the real COVID death rate. For example, what is the death rate for people who had cancer or were in palliative care but also had COVID; did they die of COVID or did they die of the cancer that they had? When you get those figures, can we actually have a look? I know a lot of COVID deaths were put down as the person dying of COVID—as opposed to with COVID—and that other factors were involved.

Dr Murphy : As we said at the last estimates, I think that the Victorian health department did some detailed analysis on their aged-care deaths and found that 44 per cent of people who died with COVID had died primarily from another cause such as cancer or severe dementia. We always report them as COVID deaths because we want to be absolutely inclusive; however, in many of these vaccinated people who’ve had another condition, the COVID is incidental to the cause of death.

Senator ROBERTS: Mr Lye, before I move to the next question, I would have thought it would be fairly simple, given the aged-care records, to know whether or not a person died within four weeks of getting a COVID injection.

Mr Lye : I’m outside of my area of competence but, to save other officials coming up, I think the complexity is working with states and territories around settled death data, which takes some time, and then the additional linkage to the system that covers immunisation.

Dr Murphy : Yes, we certainly can link to the immunisation record, and that data analysis can be done. As you know, Senator, the TGA also does get reports of deaths reasonably close to vaccination. Many of those are considered completely coincidental and not related to the vaccination. We can explore what we can do by data linkage to see if we can come up with an answer.

Senator ROBERTS: I’d be surprised if you couldn’t tell me if someone died within four weeks of getting their injection, but anyway we’ll see what happens.

Dr Murphy : With 1,000 people per week in aged care dying and a busy immunisation program, there will definitely be some who die within a month of their injection just as a matter of course.

Senator ROBERTS: I accept that, but we’ll see if there is any trend.

CHAIR : Senator Roberts, we have to break at 11 am, so you need to conclude by then. I am just giving you a heads-up.

Senator ROBERTS: Thank you, Chair. I move to the second set of questions. One in three nursing homes continue to spend less than $10 a day per resident on food, despite being given an extra $10 a day by the Morrison government. How are you checking whether the cash that the government gave providers is being used for its intended purposes?

Mr Lye : I might hand over to Ms Laffan and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner on this. The short answer is that we have required people to report to us on nutrition based on that uplift in funding. Those people who hadn’t given us assurance that they would report to us have had their additional funding stopped. Then we have a process by which people who haven’t met the standard are referred to the quality and safety commissioner. I’ll let Ms Laffan give you a complete answer and then the commissioner, who is here, can give you more detail again.

Ms Laffan : As Mr Lye said, first we require providers to provide an undertaking that they will use the money with a focus on food and nutrition and then we require quarterly reporting on matters of food and nutrition. We’ve recently released the data from the first two quarters. We found that 75 per cent of providers reported on-site only spending on food and ingredients, with an average spend of $12.25 in the July quarter and $12.44 per resident per day in the quarter starting in October. Those providers that spent less than $10 per day were referred to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. Ms Anderson may be able to tell you what she has been doing with that information.

Ms Anderson : We received a list of 883 services—referred from the department—which had reported less than $10 expenditure per day on a calculated basis. We looked closely at that list and then we added some services to it on the basis of our analysis of risk. We added to it services who appeared to use only preprepared food and then added a further number who use a combination of fresh and preprepared food where they had relatively low expenditure on food and associated labour. We looked at a list of 955 services, so a larger list than came across from the department, and we made an assessment of their food and nutrition profiles.

We looked at that in the way that we assess risks generally, by looking at a number of different parameters. We looked at their relative ranking in relation to the quality indicator for unplanned weight loss and at the top percentile of concern there. We looked at the relative number of complaints that we had received about that service in relation to food and nutrition and rated those low, medium and high. We also looked at any findings of noncompliance that we had made about those services in relation to the standard in the Aged Care Quality Standards specifically relating to food, 4(3)(f), which says: ‘Where meals are provided, they are varied and of suitable quality and quantity.’

On the basis of that analysis of the 905, 4.5 per cent of those services were rated as high risk for noncompliance with the expectations in relation to food and nutrition, and another 41.3 per cent were rated at medium risk. The balance were rated at low risk, or they had not yet submitted their quality indicator data which meant that we weren’t able to do a full risk profile. We then looked at the high- and medium-rated risk services. Those services we rated as having a high-risk profile will be prioritised in our monitoring schedule in terms of their compliance specifically with that requirement in the quality standards. I won’t go into more detail about that because if we are to undertake a visit, our visits are unannounced. But I can say that there will be a greater intensity in the monitoring that we undertake of those services. Services which have been rated as high or medium risk will be required to participate in an education program that we’re currently putting together which will give them more information and be clearer about the expectations that the Australian community has of them in relation to food, nutrition and the dining experience. We’ll be expecting both staff and management to participate in those educational sessions.

Senator ROBERTS: Would it be fair to say that they know they’re being watched?

Ms Anderson : Yes, that would be accurate.

Senator ROBERTS: Thank you.

Senator WATT: Do the high-risk facilities—I’m not going to ask you to name them individually—tend to be major providers or smaller independent providers? Is it a mixture? Is there any sort of trend there?

Ms Anderson : I’m sorry, I really don’t have access to that detail. It is an interesting question, I agree with you, but I really can’t answer it today, I’m sorry. I’ll have to take it on notice.

Senator ROBERTS: I understand you measure quality and safety standards—has the rate of breaches of quality and safety standards improved specifically? Can you quantify it?

Ms Anderson : No, there’s been no material improvement in assessed compliance with the Aged Care Quality Standards. However, it’s a complicated question to answer succinctly, because we have been improving our capability as a risk based regulator, which means that we are more able to identify the higher risk services because we are more proficient and skilful in understanding bits of intelligence that come to us. We put them together as information in a risk profile for individual services, and we understand how that profile relates to other profiles for peer organisations. In that risk profiling exercise, we pay greater attention to those who are rated as higher risk. Our detection rate for noncompliance has actually improved because we know where to look. We are finding high levels of noncompliance, but we’re also looking in the right places for noncompliance. That is why I can’t say categorically that we are seeing overall improvements in quality and safety, because as a regulator we are becoming more efficient and effective in identifying noncompliance.

Senator ROBERTS: Minister, would it be possible for one of my staff to go and have a talk with the agency?

Senator Reynolds: I’m sure that would be fine.

Senator ROBERTS: Senior Australians have different needs and health issues to younger people, yet they’re treated as part of a larger community segment. Why do we not have purpose-built seniors focused healthcare facilities, including seniors’ hospitals? Wouldn’t that be a way of not only improving the service but saving money?

Dr Murphy : The average age of the in-patient in our major state and territory public hospitals is about 70, so effectively we do have hospitals that are looking after the elderly, because—as you obviously realise—chronic disease and the disease burden mostly increase as we get older. But I think your point is valid. There are some specialist services that are very much directed toward dealing with the elderly, and we have a very strong focus in the department to enhance working with the states and territories to get geriatric services into aged-care facilities. There are now some very good models of in-reach where those aged-care services get those specialist geriatric services and specialist mental health services. But, essentially, our hospitals are largely for the treatment of people of more advanced years, given that’s the nature of disease.

Senator ROBERTS: It’s a useful point you raise, because I and many people find hospitals daunting, so for an elderly person it’s even more daunting. Some doctors say it’s better to stay out of hospital; they’re not being derogatory, they’re just saying—

Dr Murphy : You don’t want to be in a hospital unless you really need to be in a hospital—

Senator ROBERTS: Right, that’s what I’m getting at.

Dr Murphy : That’s absolutely right.

Mr Lye : The multidisciplinary outreach measure in the budget is precisely about bringing gerontologists and some of those health experts into residential aged care to give that access in the home setting. When people have a more complex set of health circumstances, what we don’t want is the residential aged-care facility just quickly admitting them to hospital all the time, and them having that experience, when it could be delivered in the residential facility.

Senator ROBERTS: Thank you. Who do we contact, Secretary, for the previous question?

Dr Murphy : I think we can seek a briefing from Minister Colbeck’s office.

Senator ROBERTS: Thank you.

CHAIR: So, on that note, we’ll take our break and then continue with outcome 3.