Investigating the vaccine, the TGA and the Government’s failings with Maria Zeee.
Maria Zeee:
Welcome to Maria Zeee Uncensored. I’m your host, Maria Zeee, reporting to you from the epicentre of the testing ground for the New World Order, right here in Australia. And the world will do well to watch this country because whatever they test here and implement successfully, rest assured, it will come to other countries. I believe that to know what you’re standing for, you first must know what you’re standing against and my mission is to expose the truth of this entire agenda to help people do that. Right here. Uncensored.
Share the truth at whatever cost.
Maria Zeee:
Over the past two years, we’ve seen Australia slipping into what can only be described as a complete totalitarian society. Now, as they try to sweep COVID, the effects of these bioweapons, police brutality, and government overreach, under the rug by distracting us all with world war, we, the people, have not forgotten. I’ll be discussing this more later on in the show, but first I’d like to introduce you to a brave Australian Senator. Senator Malcolm Roberts recently held a COVID Under Question committee where professionals from the medical field expose the nanotechnology that is undeniably in the Pfizer injection vials. Yes, the same injections that they’ve been forcing onto global citizens for the purpose of changing what it means to be human. In my recent interview with Dr. Matt Shelton and Sue Grey, a lawyer from New Zealand, we see how four separate teams of scientists from our neighbouring New Zealand have discovered the same. If you haven’t seen that interview yet, you can watch it after the show on my page on Red Voice Media. But first, Senator Malcolm Roberts.
Maria Zeee:
Senator Malcolm Roberts, thank you so much for joining us today.
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
It’s always a pleasure, Maria. I love to see your smiling face. And I know that you’re going to be factual so it’s so wonderful to see journalists or media people who are factual.
Maria Zeee:
Thank you. Thank you. So Senator Roberts has been fighting for Australians in parliament, speaking out over the past two years over the absolute tyranny that our people have been subjected to. And Australia is certainly blessed to have people like you in our corner, Senator Roberts. Now you recently led a COVID Under Question committee here in Australia where you came to some shock findings. Can you talk to people please about the findings from this committee?
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
We haven’t finalised the findings yet, but I can just go by memory. I haven’t got my notes in front of me, but it was stunning. We had people from … first of all, cross-party. It was a multi-party event. The third session, that was the blood pathology work which I’ll share with you in a minute, that was another astounding thing. I’d seen their work before so I knew what to expect. They found basically, angular structures, not natural, in the Pfizer vaccine. I’ve seen-
Maria Zeee:
You told me offline that you’d actually been there and seen it.
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
I saw it.
Maria Zeee:
And you’ve seen this under a microscope.
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
Maria Zeee:
So talk us through that process please.
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
Well, to make sure, we took a video of one take, so we didn’t turn the camera off. We took one take from the … in the downstairs lab where they do things under a proper air hood. They took the Pfizer vaccine out of the fridge. My wife was doing the camera work, so I know it’s legit. And I was introducing it and watching it the whole time. We took them into the fridge. They took the Pfizer vial out. This had all been kept under standard conditions. No doctoring of the Pfizer.
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
They opened the vial, took the sample out, injected it with the syringe, put it onto the slide, put the slide cover on the slide, then put it in the carry case. Then the scientist carried it. All the time. That slide and slide container were in the same field, in the focus of the camera, went up the stairs to the lab, to the microscope rather, and then put it under the microscope. The whole time, it was in there. So no one could have swapped it out. It was one take. And then the camera went back and took in a broader view of the computer monitor, which showed what was in the slide and there were luminous angular objects. Clearly not natural. Clearly not natural. And we just did that once to show people that this wasn’t dummied up, doctored.
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
And so then what the two blood pathologists did was, at their presentation inquiry last Wednesday, they showed some samples from various Pfizer vials. They also showed some injected blood, people who’d been injected with the Pfizer vaccine.
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
They’ve also sampled, I think they’ve sampled, AstraZeneca. But what you see in the Pfizer vials, Pfizer samples, these angular structures, luminous structures. Then in the blood samples, you see the white cells going onto the angular structures and the white cells dying. And then you see the red blood cells, which are very important for oxygen-carrying, agglomerating into basically just bunches of cells. And remember, some capillaries are so small, that one blood cell goes down at a time. Well, sorry, one red blood cell goes down at a time. Each blood cell’s got two surfaces on it for releasing carbon dioxide, sorry, releasing oxygen into the cells. And then the blood absorbs the carbon dioxide and takes it away. It just gets dissolved. All right? So the red cells are important for getting the oxygen from the lungs into your metabolism. And so when you’ve got, say 20 red blood cells, all together, instead of having 40 surface areas liberating oxygen, you’ve only got the first one and the second one. You’ve got two. So your oxygen-carrying capacity is decreased. So all kinds of stupid behaviour, unnatural behaviour, in people who’ve been injected. And a [crosstalk 00:06:29]
Maria Zeee:
Senator Roberts, you’ve been involved in multiple inquiries in parliament where you’ve questioned the Australian health authorities on these matters. At any point, or on the safety and efficacy of these so-called vaccines, which they’re not, at any point has anyone told you that there’s a possibility of nanotechnology being found in these vials or being included in these injections that are being pushed onto Australian people?
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
Never. Never. What’s more Maria, we know that in October, there were 546 deaths or 564. I think it’s 546 deaths reported by doctors that were attributed to these injections. I don’t call them vaccines. They’re not. They’re injections.
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
So I asked the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s head, Professor Skerritt, on what basis they revise them down from 546 to just nine. Okay? I asked that as a question on notice, and I said, “I want to know the process by which you review each of those reports from doctors and you dismissed them. I want to know, was there an autopsy done? Was there a blood analysis done? Blood culture. Was there tissue cultures done? What is the process?”
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
And he had six weeks to get that to me. We didn’t get it. In February, which is what, October, November, December, January, February, four months later, we said, “Where are those results? Where’s the answers to my questions?”
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
“Oh, we sent them.”
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
“No, you didn’t.”
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
And then he implied straight away, “We’ll send them immediately.” We still haven’t got them, Maria. They won’t tell us the process by which they revise the deaths downward. We’ve now got 798 deaths as of last week reported by doctors. And we know that’s just a fraction of the total number because doctors are scared to report and attribute anything to the vaccines. 798. They’ve been revised down to 11.
Maria Zeee:
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
So they’re hiding things.
Maria Zeee:
They are hiding things. And they’re also not conducting autopsies with all of these people that are dying either, to confirm whether or not it was actually the vaccine that caused this. Because it seems that the judicial system is failing us. It seems that most politicians, apart from a few such as yourself and the names that you’ve mentioned, actually have the courage or the integrity to look into these matters any further. What are people going to do, Senator Roberts? Because we’re potentially looking at … the data out of other countries is suggesting mass deaths that are coming for us.
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
Yep. It’s suggesting genocide. And what’s more, Maria, is so many things you can talk about here. What can we do? I think there’re going to be three solutions. And I can’t name which one at the moment, which will come through. I can’t identify it because I don’t know. Judicial? But they’re having troubles with some judicial, what do you call it, authorised, not judicial, areas of judiciary. They’re having some jurisdictions of judiciary. Parliamentary. And the third one is the people. And the most significant is the people because the people are the ones who put the pressure to the politicians. So people have got to keep standing up and we’ve seen some things eroding around the world. Jacinda Arderns collapsed after four weeks, I was told, of relentless demonstrations by Kiwis in Wellington, in front of Parliament. And she wilted. Canada wilted. Britain has wilted. Australia still hasn’t, but bits and pieces of it are starting to work. The mask mandates in some areas are coming down. Parliament now has no mask mandates.
Maria Zeee:
We see that potentially some of the restrictions are wilting, but we also have another problem, which is this incoming digital identity. And this, from the One Nation’s website, says that the digital identity acts as a master ID joining together previously disconnected government databases containing confidential, personal information and that it seeks to link all government data related to a person. But also more alarmingly, Senator Roberts, that it acts as a foundation for a China-style social credit system. So while they might be trying to sweep, what you just referred to as the genocide of these injections, under the rug and pretend that none of what they did to us over the past two years matters anymore, we’re actually going to, what seems to be the next phase of government control, which is digital identity. Can you talk to us about that?
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
The horrific things that they’re doing under COVID, that’s just foreplay. The real screwing comes in the Digital Identity Bill. And the COVID thing has been meant to be an introduction to the Digital Identity Bill. Can be seen as no other thing. The Digital Identity Bill does exactly what you said. It has been, get this, significant portions of it have been copied and pasted from the World Economic Forum into our legislation. Now it hasn’t been introduced formally into the lower house yet, into parliament, but it has been put out there for us to look at. So what some of the things that’ll come from this is that basically, your data, my data on health, and everything else will be linked. Then they can sell it to a corporation. That corporation could be in the United States. They don’t have to meet our laws when it comes to storing our data, access to our data. They will then possibly charge you for your access to your data on health.
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
And then, what we’re looking at, is the elimination of cash. Now people might say, “Well, I just pay with my watch or my wallet, my phone. That’s easy. That’s good. I don’t need cash.” No, you do need cash. Because if there’s no alternative to cash, then what happens is, people then start slipping in a digital currency. Then you get a social credit system and a social credit system where you will, by doing certain things in a certain way, you will get more credit. They’re doing the Digital Identity Bill testing now. And so what they’ll also try to do … the Greens have already flagged … the Greens are the biggest control freaks in the country. They are the ones pushing vaccine mandates, injection mandates. They are pushing control. That’s what the Greens are all about. People are being diluted by the Greens. They’re starting to wake up, that the Greens are horrendous.
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
And so the Greens introduce concepts and the Greens have introduced the concept of a living wage. A guaranteed wage. So what they’ll do is they’ll say, “Well, Maria, I don’t know what you’re earning. Let’s say you’re earning the average 80,000 a year. We’ll give you 50,000 a year for nothing.”
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
“Oh, I don’t know if I can live. Yeah. Okay. I don’t have to work for that. That’d be great.” Everyone will get 50 grand a year. They’ve given it to you free. And then when you’re hooked and you’ve got nothing else to go to, they’ll suddenly say, “Maria, you know that four-wheel drive you’ve got? Get rid of it or else you’ll go down to 40,000. If you keep eating meat, you’ll go down to 30,000.”
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
This is not fanciful. They have talked about it. The World Economic Forum has actually discussed these things. The UN is discussing these things. Get away from beef. They’re saying basically, that alcohol, beef, will only be for the rich. They haven’t said it like that, but they’ve said, “If you earn less than $300,000 a year, you shouldn’t eat meat. You should be eating insects.” Yes. Insects.
Maria Zeee:
Yes. Insects.
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
The federal government has recently funded 64 million dollars to the United Nations to help it develop insects for us to eat. This is just insane. And so, Maria, when you get something free, you’re a bit worried and you should be. But if you’re a mouse and you can see cheese on a mousetrap, it’s free.
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
Just let that sink in. That cheese is free. You’ve got to get it and you’re dead. And that’s what this has all about. Not necessarily killing us, but making us slaves. This has already been discussed by many people. We’re returning to feudalism. We’ve now got, as a result of what I’ve been doing and what Jared’s been doing and Pauline’s been doing, we’ve got doctors now coming out and starting to speak up because they’ve realised they’ve lost their profession. I met with a vascular surgeon here in Canberra last Saturday at the rally I spoke with. Wonderful guy. Very, very bright. He’s lost his practise because, and he’s, probably going to have to sell his premises, because he can’t practise because he won’t comply with the vaccine mandates. We’ve got surgeons doing top jobs who have been out of paid work for seven months because of that.
Maria Zeee:
I wish that they’d spoken up sooner, Senator Roberts, because maybe then Australians wouldn’t have complied. And we wouldn’t have been in the state that we were, where we had police shooting rubber bullets at our peaceful protestors. We appreciate all of your work, Senator Roberts. Thank you so much for doing this inquiry and continuing to speak up. We need more brave politicians like you here in Australia and beyond.
Maria Zeee:
We are extremely fortunate to have people like Senator Roberts fighting for the truth and who are not afraid to stand up to these tyrants. And another person that’s not afraid is Simeon Boikov, the Aussie Cossack. He is an Aussie with a proud Russian heritage who’s been screaming from the rooftops from the beginning about what’s really happening in Russia and Ukraine. And I have to say, he’s been on the money a lot of the time.
Maria Zeee:
He’s also the man that leaked the viral documents about Australia’s involvement in the Ukraine biolabs and the Doherty Institute to the internet and has been under immense and unjustified mainstream media attacks ever since, including his YouTube channel of 155,000 subscribers, being suspended. That interview is available to premium users in the next segment. And I want to encourage everyone to subscribe for a premium membership with Red Voice Media. These guys have been giving me and other truthers out there a platform to get the truth out to more people and I support their work. And I hope you do too. I’ll see you in the next segment.