
Labor is gagging the senate and forcing a vote on bills without debate.

These are bills relating to legislation of great significance, which will impact the lives of everyday Australians.

The Senate’s role is to ensure legislation has proper scrutiny. This is 1000s of pages of legislation, including the Identity Verification Services Bill which is a defacto digital identity. This is a shocking decision.

Each of these bills would normally require a day’s scrutiny, debate and potential amendments before passing. This Labor government, which promised Australians transparency and accountability, is strong-arming the bills through the senate.

What deals have been done to make this happen? And with whom?

The Labor Government is pushing ahead with their globalist control agenda by introducing the Digital ID bill. This proposal is nothing more than a 21st Century version of Soviet Russia’s favourite measure – papers please.

Senator Gallagher says myGov ID is not compulsory: that is “misinformation”. The Director’s ID legislation didn’t mention myGov IDs yet every director was required to get one. The reason 10 million Australians have a myGov ID is because 10 million Australians were coerced into getting one.

One Nation will be fighting this terrible bill at every stage.

I called on the Treasurer to use his regulatory powers to ensure banks stop removing cash and stop closing branches and ATMs. The Optus outage reminds us that persisting with a single digital identity linked to a digital currency as the only approved payment mechanism is insanity.

How did we get here? The current concept of a ‘digital identity’ was originally dreamed up at a 2015 World Economic Forum conference in collaboration with Accenture, a Fortune Global 500 company.

If the government’s Identification Verification Services Bill passes it will not only open the door to hackers, but it will also offer them the key. A single data file will make identity theft easier.  If the government centralises the private data it collects from citizens, on-sells the records to the commercial market while simultaneously mandating the use of digitised personal records within the economy, it will be installing digital socialism. A digital prison no less.

Government and its parasitic billionaire mates want to become the middlemen of all transactions between customers and businesses. One Nation says NO! 


As a servant to the many different people who make up our one Queensland community, I draw attention to yesterday’s Optus outage. Payment terminals using the Optus network went down, requiring businesses to close or accept cash payments. The Optus failure makes a mockery of our arrogant, lying, profit-gouging banks’ campaign to totally remove cash from our society and to remove bank branches. I call on the Treasurer to use his regulatory powers to ensure banks do not remove cash from one more branch, do not close one more branch and do not close one more ATM. Anything less is asking for trouble the next time the internet goes down.

The Optus failure reminds Australia of the insanity of persisting with a single digital identity linked to a digital currency as the only approved payment mechanism. What happens if the government’s Identity Verification Services Bill passes and these myriad identification services are replaced with one central government run digital ID, complete with your biometric data? It will be a hacker’s paradise, with everything hackers need for identity theft and fraud located in a single data file. All that’s missing from the government’s digital ID plans is a massive sign saying, ‘Hack me!’ With digital ID, the government is not protecting us from identity theft; it’s making identity theft easier. If digital ID and digital currency are implemented, the next time Optus or Telstra go down, every Australian’s life stops. There will be no transport, no telephone, no keeping track of children and no buying anything. The government is creating a pinch point every time the internet goes down—a chokehold that comes at a terrible human and economic cost.

The government’s predatory billionaire mates are salivating at the control that digital ID and digital currency will give these parasites. The government and its parasitic billionaire mates aren’t good enough to make the technology work. It’s going to stuff everything up and screw everyday Australians and small businesses. To a digital prison, One Nation says no.

Cloudseeding/weather manipulation, smart cities and more. All of the issues mainstream media is afraid to touch.


Maria Zeee:

Good evening and welcome to ZEROTIME. I’m your host, Maria Zeee. Tonight’s broadcast is an extended interview with Senator Malcolm Roberts. We did this because we thought it was very important to address some key issues that affect Australians during this time. We also discuss the WA legislation that we mentioned last week on ZEROTIME with Senator Roberts asking for his input and he confirms that we are in fact correct about what this legislation actually spells.

We also cover his open inquiry into weather modification and cloud seeding in Australia and much more. We believe these issues are very important and the reason we’ve dedicated this whole episode to this interview is because we believe that Australians need to be very involved in politics, like we saw during the time of the lockdowns. Many more people started paying attention to politics and putting pressure on their local MPs and senators alike to start listening to the public.

This pressure may have eased now because things are seemingly going back to normal, but that is not the case, and anyone who’s been paying attention knows that that is not the case. We’ve still got legislation being slipped in, left, right, and centre that spells total control for the people of our country. Senator Roberts is coming on right now to discuss some of these key issues and hopefully spark some courage and hope in Australians because things are starting to change and people are starting to wake up.

Here’s Senator Roberts now. Thank you, Senator Malcolm Roberts, for joining us today. We appreciate your time.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Oh, you’re welcome, Maria. It’s always a pleasure. Keep up your fine work because this is the key to getting independent media. We can’t rely upon the mouthpiece media from the globalists. We’ve got to rely on individuals like you.

Maria Zeee:

Absolutely agree with you, and I thank you for that. We have a range of topics to discuss today. You were recently on ZEROTIME, one of our first episodes, but we wanted to do a focused interview today, an extended interview to talk about some of the major issues that the audience of Zeee Media and many Australians are concerned about, namely climate change, the COVID measures that the Australian government is still taking, this insane new legislation in Western Australia, which we’ll go through today, the invitation that you invited people into and more.

I guess I want to get started with something that Australians are very, very concerned about, which is weather modification. You’ve recently opened an invitation for people to submit their evidence. I just want to clarify for people what it is actually that you’re looking for here, because according to you… And I just want to say Senator Roberts, I really appreciate your transparency because when I called you and I said, “I want to discuss all of these things.” You said, “Nothing’s off limits, Maria, if I know the answer, I’ll give it.” I really appreciate that. With this investigation, what is it exactly that you are looking for?

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

It’s not a formal investigation. What we’ve noticed, Maria, is that a lot of people are sending us pictures of clouds, pictures of vapour trails in the air and saying, “Oh, this is evidence of chemtrails.” No, it’s not. It’s very important for us to understand that whenever I spend a minute on something like that that’s got no evidence, then it’s a minute that I haven’t spent on climate or COVID or some of the other stupid derailments of governance in this country.

We’ve got a lot of work to do, and every minute I waste is a minute wasted. What we’re saying to people is we’ve said this for a while now, we’ve been inviting people to send their empirical scientific evidence, their logical scientific points that prove cause and effect and no one’s done that. They’ve attempted, but they’ve just showed us pictures of clouds or rainfall or whatever. What we’ve said is, “Look, it’s on our website. We want evidence, empirical scientific evidence that proves cause and effect.”

If someone sends us that, we’ll look into it. If not, we’ve got to focus on the other things. The other thing it is, you know that just like I don’t shy away from entering into conflict or into issues that people might call us crazy. We have the data and so I don’t care what they call me, but if we don’t have the data, then it is crazy. That destroys my credibility for the issues where we have data, so I don’t go anywhere without data. That’s very, very important. We do it for two reasons.

One is to get people focused on getting the real data. What we need for evidence of cloud seeding or evidence… And by the way, cloud seeding’s been done in the past, we know it exists. It’s failed most of the times. It’s usually pretty hopeless and ineffective but if people want to talk about chemtrails and so on, then we need specific evidence. What is being loaded into planes? Who flew the planes? Where did they dump it? The chemical composition.

Did you track it on the ground? Have you got readings on the ground? We need to know that. We just can’t accept pictures of vapour trails. We need scientific evidence that shows this was dumped into the atmosphere and these are the people that did it.

Maria Zeee:

Oh, I can absolutely appreciate that it does require evidence when you are bringing something up like this in parliament. When I shared the information, I did ask everyone that it went to, and I believe it’s been shared to over 60,000 people now, to ensure that they’re actually reading the instructions carefully and sending what’s required. For everyone that’s seen that, please do read through Senator Roberts’ notice carefully in relation to what’s required.

I think that a lot of people are concerned about this, Senator Robertson, I can openly say now that Zeee Media has actually made contact because we went through the Rain-making Act and we made contact with the department that we thought was managing this. They actually referred us onto the Department of Jobs and Planning. According to their website, there is a freedom of information request that can be made. However, perhaps not all members of the public are able to make that freedom of information request.

What Zeee Media has done is we’ve lodged the inquiry and we’re waiting to hear back from them in relation to this, because there are reportedly, according to the legislation, reports are submitted regularly anytime that any cloud seeding operations take place and there are certain ministers that those reports are submitted to. So we want to know. We want to know apart from the operations that we know publicly, for example, things that have been done in Tasmania and the Snowy Hydro, are there any others taking place?

We want the correspondence between that. We will keep people updated, and of course you also, once we hear back from these people. We think it’s very important.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, thank you for that. As I said, cloud seeding has been used for many, many years, decades in fact. Malcolm Turnbull, when he was environment minister and water minister during a drought, I think he spent $10 million on cloud seeding to see if we can get some rain. Most people laughed at it because it doesn’t work. We look at the devastation after the floods in Lismore and we understand why people are upset. It’s a natural inclination for some people to blame.

Let’s just set that aside. People are under a lot of trauma. Jennifer Marohasy is one of the best scientists around on weather and climate, and she has shown me the records for rainfall in Lismore, it was far higher in 1955, I think it was ’55 in Lismore than it has been in the recent downpours. We’ve got to understand that sometimes just simple data can explain a weather event.

But if someone wants to make accusations of cloud seeding or some manipulation of weather, then they need the empirical scientific evidence, the logical scientific points so that we can investigate that credibly.

Maria Zeee:

Well, you bring up Lismore, and when you and I spoke recently, I mentioned the plan for the smart cities and how I thought that these two things could actually be linked. Weather modification potentially destroying a city in order to rebuild the smart city. Your response to me was that we don’t need to destroy a city in order to build a smart city. In fact, we’re doing it in many different places.

I’d really love to discuss smart cities with you and I really love that we’re able to publicly discuss something that we may not necessarily agree on or we need to investigate further. It’s very, very refreshing to have that honesty from someone in parliament.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Can I interrupt there, Maria?

Maria Zeee:

You may.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Because that’s not quite what I said.

Maria Zeee:

Oh, yes.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

The way you said it then it implies I support the Smart Cities initiative. I do not. I do not support that at all. It’s a globalist predator’s attempt to try and get control of regional and city councils. What I said was that many cities have signed up to the smart city (censored). Lismore is not alone. Mackay, I think most of our capital cities have signed up to this crap and it’s pushed by the ICLEI, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives.

It’s just part of the UN, it’s affiliated with the UN. I think it might even be part of the UN. Its headquarters for Oceania is in Melbourne, or used to be in Melbourne. They’re pushing all kinds of controls. We’ve got these controls coming in from the globalist predators via the UN, via the World Economic Forum. They’re working at national level, federal level. For example, climate change legislation. They’re working at state level. They’re working at local government level.

They’re putting in place policies that are completely contradictory to science, and they’re not founded in anything sensible, anything logical, and they’re inhuman. What they want to do is quite often the opposite of what they say they want to do. They want sustainability, but it’s rubbish because they can’t exist without subsidies, which means it’s not sustainable. These things are just lies to get control of development, get control of our food, get control of our energy, get control of where we live, how we live, how we travel, where we work. This is insidious.

So I don’t condone smart cities, I don’t support it one little bit. What I was saying was that Lismore, nothing unusual. Their council, somewhere along the line has adopted smart cities or looked at smart cities and we’ve got to stop these people getting fooled by the UN.

Maria Zeee:

Yes. Forgive me, Senator Roberts. It’s certainly not what I was suggesting. It was more along the lines of that you’re of the opinion that, or you support the statement that we don’t have to destroy a city through weather modification in order to achieve a smart city. It’s already happening. That’s more what I was saying.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yes. Yes.

Maria Zeee:


Senator Malcolm Roberts:

That’s an important point because throughout history, we’ve had people try to and sometimes succeed in controlling a large group of people, large populations, entire countries, regions controlled by a few elites, who think they’re elites. The difference now with what’s been happening since 1944 with the formation of the UN on behalf of the globalist predators, the UN wasn’t formed to do what people think it was formed to do. It was done to put in place global governance, unelected socialist global governance, and we can talk about that.

The difference is that people can’t see at the moment who’s controlling them because it’s done invisibly through systems, through leadership, through… The parliament is the same here. It’s got graduates from the World Economic Forum, Young Leaders course here in this parliament. We’ve got them in Canada. We’ve got them in America. We’ve got them in Britain. We’ve got them in New Zealand. These people exert influence, not so much here in this country, but in Canada they’re very senior levels and the United States and Boris Johnson was a graduate.

It is going on that they’re trying to steal our governance, steal our sovereignty, cede it to the globalist predators, the Vanguards, the BlackRocks, the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, other major banking families. That’s what’s going on. I don’t want to run away from that. I’ve been talking about that for many years. My first speech said, “Let’s get the hell out of the UN. Aus-exit.” We need to do that.

Maria Zeee:

Yes. I want to talk about getting out of some of these globalist organisations such as the UN and the WHO. Let’s talk a little bit about global governance because this isn’t really a secret anymore. I mean, I was sharing recently, last year during the lockdowns, I shared a video on Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset and it was actually pulled down from Instagram by fact-checkers saying that the Great Reset is a conspiracy theory.

Yet, now we’re openly talking about how we need the Great Reset. Klaus Schwab’s written the book and so there is now in the open these globalist leaders and all of those who are aligned with those globalist leaders in local governments. Klaus Schwab says, “We’ve penetrated the cabinets in Canada.” I’m sure everywhere else, so there is an alignment-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

We’ve got graduates here in the Senate.

Maria Zeee:

Correct. There is an alignment with these people and that ideology of the Great Reset worldwide. How do we stop it?

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, we form our own great resist. That’s the first thing we do. The second thing we do is we form our own great restoration. We need to restore our country’s governance, restore our country’s sovereignty and that starts with getting people aware. So keep doing what you’re doing. It’s very important for people to understand. I have a friend, I think he’s 80 now. When I first got into the Senate in 2016, this man… I won’t give you his name.

A lot of people around the country respect him enormously. I certainly do. I’ve known him for 50 years. Very strong. You don’t push this fellow around. He’s only a little guy, but fierce intellect and very strong heart, and he never gives advice because he doesn’t take advice. He does everything off his own bat. He called me up and said, “I’m going to give you one piece of advice. Don’t mention Agenda 21 in the Senate.”

I didn’t bother asking him why, because I guess that he was just saying, “It’ll destroy your credibility.” Well, I thought (censored) of that, and the first speech I said… In my first speech I call for an Aus-exit. Exit from the UN. I bailed Agenda 21. We’ve been fiercely exposing Agenda 21 right throughout my term in parliament. I started doing it about 10 years before that. Sorry. No, since about 2009. 2009.

Pauline’s been doing it since 1996, since her first entry into the parliament. We’ve got to call out Agenda 21, so that’s the first thing. Make people aware of it. COVID, it’s been traumatic for our country. Sorry, COVID has not been traumatic for our country. There’s been no increase in all-cause mortality as a result of COVID, so it’s not a deadly pandemic. That’s rubbish. But COVID restrictions have been deadly for this country, been devastating for this country.

They’ve wrecked our country, but it has had one silver lining. People are waking up. They’re waking up, and now they’re realising, “Hang on. There is a global attempt to control things here. They do control through the United Nations, World Health Organisation, through the World Economic Forum.” They listen to this. They listen to the slogans that come out of leaders around the world.

The Great Reset, Build Back Better, coordinated within 12 or 24 hours of each other all around the world, so we know this is going on and people are now waking up that their country’s being stolen.

Maria Zeee:

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Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Have you seen the short clip? It’s about two minutes and 14 seconds of the new Italian prime minister, Giorgia Meloni.

Maria Zeee:


Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Have you seen that?

Maria Zeee:

Yes, I have.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

What a stunning… So, so clear, so concise. People who haven’t seen it, watch that because that explains what’s going on. We’ve got to educate people so we’ve got to rely on people like you because the mainstream media, the mouthpiece media won’t do that, so we’ve got to wake people up. Once they’ve realised they’re losing their country, losing their freedoms, losing their future and their kids’ future, then they’re more likely to stand up and do something about this.

We’ve got to keep calling it out. As far as the intricacies are concerned, the World Health Organisation has got this stitched up pretty well. They’ve got it so that if a country pulls out of the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty for example, then they can be inflicted with trade sanctions, which would cripple us. I think it’s extremely important to get out.

I know that some countries would assist us in getting out, would support us, and they wouldn’t impose trade sanctions. It is a matter of just simply, I think, saying, “Get the hell out of the UN and work out the intricacies.” Britain did it with Brexit, got out of Europe. They said that was impossible. Britain’s done it and the United Nations has said quite openly that they’ve modelled their global governance on the European Union’s governance structures.

So all we have to do is just pull out. Where are the consequences? Because I’ll tell you what, the consequences of staying in the UN are frightening.

Maria Zeee:

I’d have to agree. Now, the WHO is still in the process of negotiating the amendments to the International Health Regulations or their treaty or instrument or however many different names they want to give it. Essentially, it is medical dictatorship at a global scale. That is what we’re talking about here. Senator Roberts, when I interviewed Dr. Tess Lawrie, who is in no way, shape or form a conspiracist or an alarmist-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

No. She’s good, very good.

Maria Zeee:

Yep. She was in that first meeting and she quoted them to have said, “Forced vaccinations and punishments for countries who don’t agree.” Now, whether they mean pin you down and jab you themselves, I doubt that, but what they’re talking about is if you don’t take the vaccines that we say, your country will be punished. Now, Dr. Rima Laibow, who’s been studying this for many, many years, I had her on recently, and she told us about 500 new vaccines that the WHO plan on introducing by 2030.

500 new vaccines are in their plan for 2030… By 2030 I should say. This is what we’re dealing with. We’re dealing with a private organisation that’s funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other globalist organisations that want to determine what medicine you have to take in order for your country to not be sanctioned. All these funds will be pulled into the world IMF, International Monetary Fund controlled by the IMF, and your country will be punished through sanctions if you don’t take the prescribed medications in order to stop a potential pandemic.

This is how far this thing goes. We want to know, what do the people need to do to exit the World Health Organisation and opt out of this treaty? Because the last time I watched Australia’s input, we were all for it.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Okay. There’s a couple of things before I get onto how to do it. First of all, this is a coordinated attempt. It involves a state government, it involves the federal government. It involves the bureaucrats internationally. To make it worse, the Food and Drug Administration in America recently approved a combined… I don’t like using the word vaccine, medication treatment that because it involved mRNA they said, “We don’t need to test this.”

This is a new combination and they said they don’t need to test it. They approved the drug without testing. That’s frightening. The second thing is that the Queensland legislation, I’ve been told, on October the 11th, they’re going to introduce in state parliament legislation that says, “Instead of the doctors’ core duty being to treat their patients and care for their patients and give them the best advice, the doctors’ core duty will be to not undermine confidence in the health system.”

In other words, if a doctor dares go against what he’s been instructed to say, he or she could be deregistered. That will then spread to the other states. What they’re trying to do is set up so that you don’t consult with your doctor anymore, Maria. Well, we’ve already seeing this in COVID. You are governed by the health dictates, the health orders, which is inhuman.

Let’s just look at that. Now, the next thing when it comes to… So let’s make it worse than what you even said. Let’s look at what we can do. Number one is that the people are in charge of this country, but the people are asleep. The only people who can change the constitution of our country, which is the governing document of our country, our constitution, are the people. It has to have a majority of people in a majority of states and an overall majority.

That tells you that we are governed by our constitution. We’re not governed by a queen or a king in England. They’re serving us. That’s the way our constitution is set up. We’ve got to have people to understand that they are in charge. Their most important thing they can do is vote wisely. Stop voting for liberal, labour, nationals and greens who are pushing this climate (censored), COVID (censored) and World Health organisation controls. Stop voting for them. That’s the first thing.

The second thing is get involved. Now, we had a cash ban bill that was brought into the parliament back in 2019, I think. Maria, all the major parties were in favour of the cash ban bill, would’ve banned cash over $2,000 and started the process of banning cash under $2,000. My office alone with Pauline’s support, we engaged the crossbench on that. We got them fired up. We got them to realise this was a real attempt to control people.

We then got engaged with the grassroots. We got engaged with the Liberal Party grassroots members who could see what was happening. We used them and our own force publicly to expose the cash ban bill and then we moved a motion to remove the cash ban bill from the Senate list and it was. It was removed, but they’re coming back in many different ways. They’re coming back with a digital identity bill. They’re coming back with many different attempts to get rid of cash and that’s extremely important.

What I’m saying is we were successful in banning that. Scott Morrison as treasurer in 2016 said 26 times, “There will never be a Royal Commission into financial services.” The prime minister at the time, Malcolm Turnbull, said 16 times, “There will never be a Royal Commission. There will be none into financial services.” Pauline got a Senate select inquiry into Lending to Primary Production Customers, which I chaired.

We worked with the other parties and we got so much evidence that they had to cave in and have a Royal Commission. We can do things even though there’s only two of us, Pauline and I. We have done things. We continue to do things, but it must have the people standing up. Another one was native title. People think, “Oh, good, we’ve given the Aboriginals back their land.” Rubbish. We haven’t given it back. The Aboriginals can’t use their land.

What’s happened is that the United Nations has come in, got this Native Title Act and the Native Title Act, the… What’s it called? Preamble, is littered with the words United Nations. What the hell is the United Nations doing in there? It’s got no right to be in there. What they’ve done is they’ve used the Native Title Act to steal land from whites and keep it locked up away from Aboriginals. No one gets to use it and that’s what it’s all about.

The Water Act of 2007, one of the prime aims of the Water Act that John Howard and Malcolm Turnbull introduced is to ensure compliance with international agreements. What the hell is that doing in there? It’s got nothing to do with the United Nations or international agreements. I asked Mathias Cormann, the leader of the government in the Senate under the previous government for his evidence of the need to have climate policies, and he said, “What’s the justification?”

He said, “The justification is simple. We have to honour our international obligations and commitments.” Rubbish. We have to make decisions based on data. The core problem in this country is that liberal, labour, nationals, and greens don’t make decisions and policies and legislation based on solid data. They make it based on whims, on opinions, on headlines from the globalist mouthpiece media, looking after their mates, looking after the globalists, looking after the billionaires.

That’s how they make decisions here and it’s completely wrong. That’s why so many things are getting screwed up. Climate, COVID. The COVID mismanagement was a complete disaster. COVID was not a serious problem. What we’ve got to do is to get people to realise that they control their government. They elect members of parliament, senators. Get them to go and see their senators, see their members of parliament, tell them what they think and what they want.

We have got to have democracy reestablished in this country so that the people… When you have a democracy, it’s government by the people for the people of the people. Government of the people by the people, for the people. The governments in a democracy only work with the consent of the governed. People here need to withdraw their consent. Don’t vote for labour, liberal, nationals and greens. Put them last. That’s the number one.

Also, when you’ve got a member of parliament in office, go and visit them. Tell them what you think. Tell them you know about this. Hold up the clip of the Italian prime minister speaking, belling the cat beautifully. These are the things we’ve got to get people aware of. We need people like you, really getting the truth out there and educating people. I can’t get on media because I’ve been banned from Sky News. I know that. No, I’m serious.

Maria Zeee:

I believe you.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Most of the media won’t touch me because they know that I’ll come back with facts. They can’t handle data, so they call me names and that’s fine by me because that shows they can’t win an argument against me. We’ve got to realise that the media is not on our side. It’s a mouthpiece media for the globalists. It’s indoctrinating. Education system is indoctrinating.

If you want, I can read out a list of things, but here’s the United Nations Environmental Programme, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, one of their senior people, Ottmar Edenhofer, said, “We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.” “We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.”

Murray Strong, who fabricated, concocted global warming, without any evidence and distorted the United Nations to push that and then manipulated government to push that, he said he’s got two main aims. One is to de-industrialised Western society. If you look at Europe and America and Australia, that’s happening. Europe is being devastated. The second was to put in place an unelected socialist global governance.

Now, Murray Strong in 1972 formed the United Nation Environmental Programme, which weaponized the natural environment. He controlled that. It was a political initiative, not a scientific one or an environmental one. 1976 to 2006, the United Nation Environmental Programme under Murray Strong’s leadership and influence drove the United Nations to ban DDT, which was effective in eradicating malaria.

As a result of that ban, it was brought back in 2006, 30-year ban, somewhere between 40 and 50 million people died needlessly. That’s more than Hitler killed. That’s more than Stalin killed. It’s second behind Mao in terms of killing. Murray Strong was implicated in the UN world food-for-oil scandal. He was involved allegedly in crimes in the United States. The law enforcement authorities in the United States chased him. He went into exile in China.

In 1980, he fabricated climate alarm. He was a director of the Chicago Climate Exchange, which was set up to trade carbon dioxide credits to make him and others billions. He destroyed science as a tool for humanity and yet science is fundamental for human progress. We’ve got a long line of UN unelected control from 1944 and the formation of the UNs. We’ve got the UN Lima agreement… Declaration rather in ’75/’76, both parties, labour and liberal and nationals.

We’ve had the… What was next? 1992, the Rio Declaration from the UN, which was their attempt at global governance. That’s where they laid the foundation for Agenda 21. Yes, it’s real. Agenda 21 is real. Agenda 2030 is the latest name for it. Then they came up with the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, which stole farmers’ land rights in this country, which also started destroying our energy sector. Then 2015 the Paris Agreement.

There’s a long list and they’re helped by the World Economic Forum, which is formed in 1971 and there’s a big gaggle of globalist institutions. You mentioned one of them, the IMF, the World Bank, the Bank for International Settlements, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, WWF is aligned with this and was formed to perpetuate these things.

Maria Zeee:

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You said something really-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

What we’ve seen-

Maria Zeee:

… crucial before, Senator Roberts, which was that the people need to be involved. I want to share an observation here. See, now that the lockdowns have ended and now that many mandates have stopped and you’re allowed to go to a café, and I’ve been speaking about this for some time because I’ve seen the complacency in Australians.

You and I did many interviews and we thank you for your time during that time where Australians were very afraid and locked down and being terrorised by their government and police and the people were far more involved in that time. We would even say people have never been this involved as in politics as they were in that time. You brought up something about the World Economic Forum. I just wanted to bring up this, My Carbon article for the audience, which I’ve been speaking about recently.

On this article published by the WEF, it says, “COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility. A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples of maintaining social distancing, wearing mask, mass vaccinations, and acceptance of contact tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.”

What this article’s doing, Senator Roberts, is it’s essentially saying that, “Oh, we tested it through COVID and we saw that for the most part, people are very much willing to be tracked and traced and we’re going to use this for climate change as well. That’s what this article says.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Spot on. What they also did, Maria, if you look at the number of firsts, I think we may have discussed this, I’ve discussed it many times. I made a list of about 30 things that have happened for the first time. If any one of them had happened by themselves, there would’ve been outrage, but they were wheeled out, bang, one after the other like waves and just overwhelming people. Whack and then you’d get up again, and whack another one, another one.

Digital identity, digital passes, restrictions, masks, that just overwhelm people. So what we’ve got to recognise is that it is very easy to do that if it’s organised and coordinated, and it was globally organised. You mentioned-

Maria Zeee:

Well, back to my previous point… Sorry, Senator Roberts, if I can just pause you here, because I wanted to say, all of those people that were involved, they were involved because they were personally affected. It’s very easy. A human nature. We forget things very easily as soon as things are comfortable again and that’s exactly what’s going on now.

The level of involvement from people in politics and the pressure that they’re putting on their MPs and senators and others has really eased off. Meanwhile, they’re still doing all of this behind the scenes. They’re still rolling forward with digital ID and other things like this. The trial of digital currency, all of the above. This is why this information from you right now is so crucial. Please do go ahead.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Right. I just want to give people some encouragement. There are some positive signs happening. First of all, Senator Alex Antic, who I’ve got a lot of time for, he came up to me after I asked a question in the Senate a couple of weeks ago, and it was about the deaths and the death data and the birth and the birth rate data. The birth rate have decreased and the death rates have increased dramatically. He came up to me and said, “I loved your question, mate.”

He said, “I just want to tell you…” Because when you’re focused on asking a question, it’s hard to read the room. He said, “I just want to tell you, they know.” Because he said he was watching the room as my questions came out and people in the Labour Party and the Liberal Party and the National Party, very uneasy. You could tell from the body language.

Dan Tehan, who was a cabinet minister and a pretty good one, I think. I think he’s pretty genuine. He’s a bushman. He came out in the paper… I haven’t read the article today. He came out criticising his government, Morrison government’s lockdown, so I believe. That’s what the headline said. I haven’t read it. When I asked questions about Ivermectin yesterday, the minister was not comfortable, so it is working.

People are starting to realise. They’re talking about the injection injuries. There’s a lot of unease now. People are starting to realise this is happening. I mean, when I used to go… Every time I drove out before I didn’t see an ambulance. Now almost every time I drive on the street, I see an ambulance with the lights flashing and the dopey health minister in Queensland said, “We’ve had a 40% increase in category one, that’s serious heart problems, ambulance transports.”

Then she said, “I wonder what’s causing that?” Well, I wonder. Hello? You mentioned in your statement just a minute ago, public health twice, Maria, that is a con, not from you, but that is a con from the World Health Organisation. There’s no such thing as public health. There is individual health and people are either sick or healthy or somewhere in between and doctors treat them. You do not make decisions on public health.

Public health is another scam that’s been created so that we can intimidate individuals, so the UN and the World Economic Forum can intimidate individuals into saying, “Because you care, you will lie down for this and take this. You will do whatever we tell you to do because you’re looking after granny for public health.” Rubbish. There is no such thing as public health. It is a con.

Maria Zeee:

Absolutely. Speaking of public health, we have this incredibly… And I’m glad to hear, Senator Roberts, that things are changing. We just covered a couple of weeks ago on ZEROTIME about how doctors are baffled by these excess deaths. We’re reaching out to funeral directors in Melbourne who are offering explanations such as, “Oh, well we just don’t know why. We’re also in undated, but we think it could be lifestyle or eating too many cheeseburgers or whatever.”

Australians have been eating cheeseburgers forever. That’s not the problem. Any person with a bit of logic would look and say… For example, if something in my health changes, Senator Roberts, I go, “Well, what’s changed in my life? What have I been doing differently over the past couple of weeks or months that’s led to my health not being in the best shape?” Wouldn’t people or doctors do the same thing?

Wouldn’t they say, “What have we done differently as a world? Oh, I don’t know. We’re just baffled.” I mean, come on. This is ridiculous but I’m encouraged to hear that people are waking up. The problem that we have is that we’re still introducing this insane legislation across different states. For example, and I told you I would mention this, Emergency Management Amendment (Temporary COVID-19 Provisions) Bill of 2022 in WA.

This legislation is some of the most alarming language that I have read to date, worse than Dictate Dan’s Pandemic Management Bill, and I’ll tell you why. Pandemic legislation, sorry. This allows essentially the CHO to give the authorised COVID offices permission to search people’s homes, to break into people’s homes without a warrant, without identifying themselves or stating their purpose. It allows them to seize property or anything for a COVID case or suspected COVID infection in any area, limit people, force people to quarantine, limit their movements.

Here’s the worst part for me. In subsection 77N, it says that, “Powers of officers in relation to persons exposed to SARS-CoV-2 virus: While a COVID-19 declaration is in force, for the purpose of limiting the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, an authorised COVID-19 officer…” Who the power given to police and these authorised officers is the same, by the way, “may direct any person who has been exposed or any class of person who may have been exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus to do any or all of the following.”

It says, “A, to remain in an area specified by the officer for such period as is specified by the Officer. B, to remain quarantined from other persons for such period and in such reasonable manner as is specified by the officer.” No time limit here, and “C to submit to infection prevention and control procedures within such reasonable period and in such reasonable manner as is specified by the officer.” Essentially, this could extend to submitting to vaccination.

Why on earth… why would we need something like this now when we’re apparently moving on from COVID? This is insanity.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, Maria, I agree entirely with what you said. That is not necessary. It’s a complete overreach. It’s dictatorship. You talked a little while ago of medical dictatorship. It’s a medical tyranny, but it’s not medical. It’s just about human control. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but already before COVID arrived in this country, in Western Australia and in Victoria, they can forcibly inject people.

In Western Australia, they can do it by holding you down and injecting you. That was already the case before COVID. We had a barrister check that out. There’s nothing new there in that sense. Yes, it’s heinous. It’s inhuman. It’s immoral. It goes against all human dignity, all respect for humans. Another thing I want to point out though, Phillip Altman, you’ve probably met Phillip Altman.

Maria Zeee:

I have.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Wonderful man. We had a doctor in another state wanting to make an application for Ivermectin approval and so one of my staff found Phillip Altman and Phillip started working with him. They eventually parted ways, but Phillip was introduced in that to what was happening with COVID. He’s got 40 years of experience with big pharma, with the medical bureaucracy in this country. He knows which way is up. He was stunned with what was happening with COVID.

He’s retired, so he… Now, he’s saddled up and he’s been a marvellous resource. He’s been doing so many wonderful things. I interviewed him on TNT Radio. I’m on and I recommend that to people. I’m going to give it a plug because it’s an independent new media like yours, There’s an app. I’m on every two weeks.

Maria Zeee:

I’ve been on there myself a couple of times, Senator Roberts. They’re wonderful there.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah. You can say whatever you damn well want. The only thing they mandate is the truth. Phillip Altman, he’ll be on again. I’ve got Chris Spicer standing in for me this weekend because I’ve got commitments in Sydney, but he’ll be continuing to interview Phillip Altman. Now, Phillip Altman gave a speech on Saturday, September 10th in Melbourne, just blistering. He’s loaded with facts. What we’re starting to see is more and more people energised.

We’re seeing doctors energised. That’s the way… We’ve seen doctors now speak up. We’ve seen doctors come out and say, “I’m sorry, I just rolled over. I’m not rolling over anymore. I’m going to stand up to this medical bureaucracy. I don’t care if I…” There are doctors who’ve lost 30/40 years of career in medicine caring for people’s health, that they’re just saying, “Stuff it, I’m not going to continue this barbaric treatment of people.”

We’ve seen that level of commitment. People are waking up and it’ll be much more difficult to do it again in the future but you’re right, they’re lining up to do it again. This COVID restrictions weren’t something they dreamt up in six months or two years. It’s been dreamt up over decades.

Maria Zeee:

Yes. I think the unfortunate warning you just gave is real, very real. They will do it again, but it’ll be not necessarily different tactics because they’ve worked out that threatening people with a health threat is the most effective way to control them. Of course we’ve got Australia’s new plan for preparing for pandemics published by CSIRO and a couple of other contributors.

They tell us that what the next five pandemics are likely to be, and here’s the kicker, Senator Roberts, they’re subject to change at any time because of climate change. Climate change will be the factor that determines what pandemic happens next. Of course it’s got nothing to do with gain-of-function research that they’re calling for more of. It’s got nothing to do with the fact that a lot of people have questions around climate change and the manufacturing of this.

No. It’s got to do with the fact that humans are encroaching on natural environments more and more, apparently. I think we’ve run out of time today, but we’ll always have you back on, Senator Roberts. You’re an amazing man and we thank you so much for your fight and for Senator Hanson’s fight. I think it’s important to end on this. Number one, people need to realise it’s not over.

These plans that have been concocted over decades and orchestrated over decades, they’re not going to just stop with this. We need to remain vigilant. We need to keep digging and exposing what’s going on. Everybody plays their part. Yours is so important. People must continue to be involved in politics. They must continue to support initiatives from people like you and One Nation, and we need to keep our finger on the pulse because if we don’t, God only knows what they’ll get away with next time. Your final word, Senator Roberts.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, I’m not going to say anything other than one thing, and that is that what you just said is a perfect summary. I’m not going to add to it, but I am going to suggest that I’ll send you a text message, Maria, with an American who’s been talking about the fact that we’ve been told that we can’t build on the ocean side. Sea levels are going to rise, but the banks are approving loans, large loans for people to build on the seaside, and no one talks about it.

Who’s going to make money out of this climate scam? The banks. Here they are encouraging people to build on ocean side. It is all (censored) aimed at control. What you just said was a fantastic way to end the programme.

Maria Zeee:

Thank you so much again, Senator Roberts, for all that you do and for your time and always hearing the Australian people. We appreciate you.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Thank you for what you’re doing, Maria. Keep going. We need independent new media.

Maria Zeee:

Thank you. We are so encouraged to hear from a senator that things are starting to change and people are starting to wake up. We’re seeing more courage from Australian doctors, more courage from Australian politicians determined to get to the bottom of what’s really happening in our country. We are grateful for that and we are glad to see it. It is the result of independent media bringing the truth to the Australian people that helps make this possible.

It is the result of the Australian people that take notice and act on the information being presented to them that makes this possible and the more that we do it and the more people that come to realise what is really happening and actually take action based on the information that they receive, the more success we will have and the quicker that we will do it before these people, these globalist organisations take over our lives as we know them completely.

There is still a chance. There is still hope. There always is. We, the people will always have the power, as long as democracy is alive and it’s up to us to keep it alive.

We’ll see you next week, next Wednesday at 8:00 PM right here on ZEROTIME. Share this broadcast everywhere and let Australians know that the fight is not over. Goodnight and God bless.