Remember when Ivermectin was called a horse paste and they said humans shouldn’t even take it?
Now the World Health Organisation is handing it out to a million humans. 🤷

Remember when Ivermectin was called a horse paste and they said humans shouldn’t even take it?
Now the World Health Organisation is handing it out to a million humans. 🤷
Until a few years ago, new vaccines and drugs were required to have local safety testing and went through a process that took years. This ensured a high degree of safety. During the COVID period, the Therapeutics Goods Administration (TGA) waved approvals through for new technologies (e.g. mRNA injections) and new drugs in a matter of months. Included in this new streamlined approval process were Molnupiravir and Remdesivir.
Remdesivir was refused approval for 20 years owing to serious side effects in trials, including death. Molnupiravir also has a long history of failure. There are multiple studies out recently that show it is simply not effective against COVID, and yet this is the #1 drug on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. Australia spends $650m a year on Molnupiravir.
I asked why we approved a drug with so much evidence showing negative efficacy and fatal outcomes, including cancer, to replace the Ivermectin + Zinc combo, which costs a fraction of the price and has been proven safe and effective across many years.
I also raised the question of who supervises the supervisor — the TGA. “Nobody” was the response. That answer highlighted the overly cosy relationship between the international pharmaceutical movement and Australian pharmaceutical companies. The TGA requires further inquiry.
A Royal Commission is the only institution in Australia with the powers of inquiry to understand how the TGA has gone from regulator to administrator, seemingly with none of the customary vigilance.
Senator ROBERTS: My questions are to the TGA, and these questions go to the approval for molnupiravir. This is a drug developed in 2014 to treat encephalitis. It was then repurposed for influenza but was discontinued after concerns it was mutagenic. Merck then bought the company and used their influence with regulators—such as the TGA, apparently—to have the product approved as a treatment for COVID. This was on the back of a single trial where the preliminary results supported the application but the final results showed that, if anything, it had negative efficacy. Given the weight of evidence, in study after study, that molnupiravir has zero to negative efficacy, why is it still approved?
Prof. Lawler: While one of our medical officers, Dr Kaye Robertson, comes to the table to respond, I would just highlight a couple of things. I take the comment that you made that the drug company used its influence on the TGA. There is a process that we follow, obviously, in the evaluation of all medications. Sponsors bring them for evaluation of safety, quality and efficacy, and that’s the process that is undertaken, rather than one of influence. I think it’s important to note that. In terms of the question you raised around why the medication is still approved for the indication that it has, I’ll ask Dr Kaye Robertson to respond to that.
Dr Robertson: The TGA considered the evidence to support the approval of molnupiravir from the dossier that was submitted by the sponsor, in accordance with our standard processes, and drew the conclusion that, at the time, the benefits outweighed the risks. In terms of the specifics of any subsequent information that has been provided to the TGA, I am actually not in a position to comment with certainty. This is not the area I work in particularly, and I think we would be best advised, if the senator pleases, to take this question on notice and provide you with further detail.
Senator ROBERTS: I appreciate your giving that offer and I will accept your offer for the question to be answered on notice. It does surprise me that approval was given on a single trial where the preliminary results supported the application but the final results showed that, if anything, it had negative efficacy. The weight of evidence, in study after study, shows zero to negative efficacy, so I’m amazed that it’s still approved. The approval required Merck to continue to provide ongoing safety data and testing around mutagenicity and interaction with the mRNA vaccines. Have they done that, and does the data justify retaining approval?
Dr Robertson: I have before me the AusPAR that was published in relation to the studies that assessed the risk of mutagenicity. We can provide that to you in our response. I am reading from that, and it says: ‘Molnupiravir and NHC were mutagenic in the bacterial assay (with and without metabolic activation). Molnupiravir and NHC were not genotoxic in in vitro and in vivo micronuclei tests, and in vivo mutation assay at the cII locus (in Big Blue Transgenic F344 Rats). Equivocal results were obtained in an in vivo Pig-a mutagenicity assay … Carcinogenicity studies are not generally required for drugs for short term clinical use. However, the sponsor has initiated a short-term carcinogenicity in … mice.’ This was put to the clinicians on the ACM and other invited experts regarding this matter. It was considered at the time that, on balance, the drug remained to have a positive benefit-risk balance.
Prof. Lawler: I thank Dr Robertson for that response. I’d also just add, Senator, that, because you’re asking for some quite specific currency and comprehensiveness of ongoing postmarket reporting, we’ll take that on notice and bring that information back to you.
Senator ROBERTS: Thank you. In 2023 molnupiravir was top of the pops, Australia’s No. 1 drug, costing taxpayers $654 million last year, at $1,125 a prescription. Molnupiravir is 26 times more expensive than the out-of-patent ivermectin-plus-zinc combo, which is about $40 per prescription. And that’s what molnupiravir replaced—proven, safe and effective. Why are you spending $654 million—on something that is highly questionable as to its efficacy and its safety—when $25 million would have done?
Prof. Lawler: I can’t speak to the specifics of the amount spent on molnupiravir, but I can certainly indicate that the second amount that you said—I didn’t catch the amount—
Senator ROBERTS: The ivermectin-plus-zinc combo is $40 per prescription, and the total for the year would have been $25 million.
Prof. Lawler: I think that the comparison is flawed, in that there is no credible, supportable evidence that ivermectin and zinc is an effective treatment. So I’m not convinced that you are—
Senator ROBERTS: There is no credible evidence? There are 100 papers.
Prof. Lawler: I’m not convinced that the comparison is sound.
Senator ROBERTS: You based the decision on molnupiravir on one paper, and you’re ignoring 100 papers proving ivermectin’s success. Does anyone question the process—
CHAIR: Sorry, Senator Roberts; I’m going to give Professor Lawler an opportunity to respond to that.
Prof. Lawler: I didn’t hear a question.
Senator ROBERTS: The question is this: does anyone question the TGA’s processes—
Prof. Lawler: Yes.
Senator ROBERTS: for approving drugs? How often do you evaluate them?
Prof. Lawler: Drugs are—
Senator ROBERTS: Who audits them? Is there an independent auditor?
Prof. Lawler: I’m not sure which question you would like me to answer.
Senator ROBERTS: All of them.
CHAIR: Professor Lawler, are you clear on the question placed? There is a mixture of questions and assertions moving around here, so let’s just step back and, Senator Roberts, please place a question.
Senator ROBERTS: The question is: how often do you scrutinise your process, and is there an external auditor who does that who is qualified to do it and to assess the process?
Prof. Lawler: The processes that we follow are continually informed by our international collaboration and also by significant interaction with stakeholders, particularly the advisory committees that we have in respect of the assessments and evaluations that we undertake for products. We also undertake, obviously, the premarket review and evaluation of medicines and other therapeutic goods, and we undertake significant postmarket surveillance of the goods as well. We have outlined in significant detail on previous occasions the postmarket surveillance that we undertake. I might ask Mr Henderson to add to that.
Mr Henderson: Senator, I think you asked about the number of submissions or medicines that we evaluate. Just for context, at the moment there are about 150 applications that the TGA is evaluating for both new medicines and changes to indications to current medicines.
Senator ROBERTS: What is the point of telling me that?
Mr Henderson: Sorry; I thought you asked that as part of your question.
Senator ROBERTS: No, I didn’t ask for the number. Who are your stakeholders? Do they include the sponsors?
Prof. Lawler: As a contemporary regulator, we have a broad stable of stakeholders. They do include industry. As with any regulator, we work to refine our processes to balance the appropriate observance of safety, quality and efficacy with appropriate access and streamlining processes to bring products to market with a minimum of inappropriate regulatory burden. We undertake annual stakeholder engagement surveys to understand the views of the TGA, and the three key stakeholder groups that we survey on an annual basis are industry; health professionals—and obviously it’s important we work with health professionals for a number of ways, in that they both inform us and are informed by our decisions—and the community. It is notable that the responses we get reflect that the TGA, among all groups, comes across as a recognised, understood and valued regulator in the Australian healthcare system.
We have other stakeholders with whom we interact. We obviously interact very closely with the state health jurisdictions, and this is for a number of reasons. Our decisions on a number of elements, such as scheduling, for example, which we’ve already discussed today, have a significant impact on the state and territory poisons legislation and how they’re implemented for the delivery of medicines. We also interact quite closely with expertise across the regulatory sector. We have a number of advisory committees, the membership of which incorporates consumer views and expertise and also those from the academic and research sectors.
It’s also important to note that we obviously have close relationships with our international collaborative regulators. We are part of the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities and the International Medical Device Regulators Forum, and we also work closely with individual regulators such as the MHRA and the UK, European Medicines Agency and the FDA.
CHAIR: Senator Roberts, I will shortly rotate the call to Senator Rennick and then can come back to you. Is this a sensible place to pause?
Senator ROBERTS: I’ll make it a short one, and then you’ll come back to me. Spike proteins can enter the body in two ways in the context of COVID: from the virus itself and from the vaccines. What work has the TGA done on the health outcomes of the long-term retention of spike proteins by the body after the mRNA vaccines that you recommended? It’s been four years now, so some good old-fashioned science by the TGA must be available. Is there any assessment?
Prof. Lawler: As has been indicated previously, as with all regulators around the world, we undertake a significant program of post-market surveillance and pharmacovigilance. This includes having a clear and well-communicated preference for adverse events post the vaccine to be reported. Those are reported and entered into our database of adverse event notifications, and, along with examination of that and also in collaboration with partner international regulators, we are very much aware and alive to emerging safety signals and act accordingly.
Senator ROBERTS: But you haven’t done any studies on the retention specifically of the spike proteins? The COVID injections dramatically increased the spike protein. You haven’t done any studies of that?
Prof. Lawler: I’m happy to have any additional response, but what I would highlight is that our role as a regulator is to assess evidence that is brought to us, and we undertake that assessment in the evaluation.
Senator ROBERTS: So you don’t go looking for it?
Prof. Lawler: We utilise that evidence in the assessment and evaluation of products, and we utilise the pharmacovigilance and post-market surveillance exercises that I’ve highlighted.
The Government is currently reviewing its ban on the use of Ivermectin in treating COVID-19, but the results will come far too late for something that should have never been banned in the first place.
Senator ROBERTS: My question is to Senator Gallagher, the Minister representing the Minister for Health and Aged Care. Minister, I understand that the TGA is conducting a review of their ban on prescribing ivermectin for COVID. Can the minister confirm this review is underway, state the return date, and advise us of the current advice to medical professionals on the use of ivermectin for COVID-19?
Senator GALLAGHER (Australian Capital Territory—Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Finance, Minister for Women, Manager of Government Business in the Senate and Vice-President of the Executive Council) (14:29): I thank Senator Roberts for the question. I understand the TGA received an application from a doctor to amend the Poisons Standard in relation to ivermectin. I think that kicks off an automatic process. The application is to remove those restrictions that were placed on ivermectin when it began being prescribed to treat COVID-19. So the application is to enable GPs to prescribe it. I think that kicks off a process which is automatic in the TGA. The application is currently open for public consultation until the end of this month. Then it will be discussed by the ACMS at their next meeting on 9 November. An interim decision is expected by February 2023 and a final decision later in 2023. In terms of advice, whilst this process is underway separately there hasn’t been any change to the advice from the TGA that led them to put those restrictions on ivermectin as a prescription for COVID-19. That hasn’t changed.
The PRESIDENT: Senator Roberts, first supplementary question.
Senator ROBERTS (Queensland) (14:31): On 31 August this year, the Brazilian University of Sao Paulo published a peer reviewed paper that showed regular use of ivermectin as a prophylaxis for COVID-19 lead to a 92 per cent reduction in COVID-19 mortality rates amongst their sample of 88,000 subjects. A 92 per cent reduction in mortality. Minister, how much more proof does this government need to overturn the ban on ivermectin today and stop costing lives?
Senator GALLAGHER (Australian Capital Territory—Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Finance, Minister for Women, Manager of Government Business in the Senate and Vice-President of the Executive Council) (14:31): I have full trust and faith in the processes that the TGA implement, in terms of making advice and recommendations, and, in this case, in placing restrictions on the use of ivermectin. There is a range of academic research, and not all of it would be putting the case as you put it. I’ve seen other studies that have been done that show there is no clinical benefit from using ivermectin. That is not unusual with some of these trials; it isn’t unusual to have a significant difference of opinion.
From my point of view, the TGA has served us very well through this pandemic. They have provided very good advice. Their processes are rigorous and thorough. This process that’s now underway will, I’m sure, look at the issues that have been raised by this doctor, but, as far as I can see, there’s no reason to change. (Time expired)
The PRESIDENT: Senator Roberts, second supplementary question.
Senator ROBERTS (Queensland) (14:32): Whether separate from or part of a royal commission, will you conduct an enquiry into the failure of medical advice on ivermectin and, specifically, on who made the decision to ban ivermectin and who is responsible for the harm that came from the decision? When will you apologise to the politicians and medical professionals who were right all along?
Senator GALLAGHER (Australian Capital Territory—Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Finance, Minister for Women, Manager of Government Business in the Senate and Vice-President of the Executive Council) (14:33): We have a fundamental disagreement here. I don’t accept the position you are putting here, Senator Roberts. I understand you have a particular view on this, but I believe that the Therapeutic Goods Administration have operated very well during this pandemic. The Prime Minister has made it clear that, at the right time—when we are through the pandemic—we will definitely have a review of some sort looking at our response to the pandemic.
But I do not accept the proposition that you are putting about the use of ivermectin. The evidence that’s before the TGA is that there did need to be restrictions placed on it. It’s not the only drug where there are restrictions placed. There are other medicines that cannot be prescribed by GPs, or they have to go through a process. Based on the information the TGA has provided, they see good reason to put those restrictions. That other process, which I spoke of in the first answer, will report back on those dates that I’ve outlined.
The evidence continues to mount that these vaccines do not deserve the continuing provisional approval given to them by the TGA. Concerns about possible adverse side effects are too big to ignore any longer, especially after my COVID Under Question inquiry which you can watch by clicking here.
As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, tonight I’m speaking on this parliament’s therapeutic response to COVID-19 and the horrific medical harm and loss of life in that response. Last week, leading Australian parliamentarians came together in an event I organised called COVID Under Question to present documented evidence and victim testimony proving a catastrophic failure of Australia’s regulatory framework. COVID vaccine injuries are hidden behind anonymous government data, while supposed COVID virus harm is splashed across prime time. The very least we can do for the victims of COVID vaccines is to say their names—victims like Caitlin Georgia Gotze, a healthy and vibrant 23-year-old studying at Griffith University to become a vet while working as a horse strapper. Caitlin dropped dead at work of a heart attack following a second Pfizer shot. Her death was recorded as asthma, a condition Caitlin had never had. Reginald Shearer, a formerly healthy fit and active man, quickly went downhill and passed away from effects that began after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine. Daniel Perkins, a 36-year-old healthy father from Albion Park, died of a heart attack in his sleep following his second Pfizer injection. Douglas James Roberts died after taking AstraZeneca. His family are concerned that his GP didn’t warn him of the side-effects of the vaccine. In other words, no informed consent was obtained. Neurosurgeons at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital attributed his death to a stroke, despite no family history and a clean bill of health. They refused to report his death to the TGA—refused!
The Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency, Ahpra, has been bullying medical practitioners into not reporting or even for talking about the harm they’re seeing. The TGA erased 98 per cent of the 800 vaccine deaths—98 per cent erased!—that physicians reported. The TGA did so without autopsy or suitable consideration of all the patient medical data. TGA, ATAGI and Ahpra are the three monkeys of the pharmaceutical industry: hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.
Section 22D(2) of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 requires the Secretary of the Department of Health to ensure the quality, safety and efficacy of the vaccines were satisfactorily established for each cohort for which the provision of approval is being granted. Data recently revealed in court papers in the United States clearly shows that vaccine harm was apparent in the clinical trials that Pfizer, BioNTech and others conducted. This information, if ATAGI had bothered to ask for it, should have resulted in a refusal of the application for provisional use. No data was provided to the secretary regarding individual test subjects—technically, anonymized patient clinical data. No independent analysis of the fundamental issues surrounding novel mRNA vaccines was conducted in Australia—none in Australia! Instead, the secretary took Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Moderna’s word for it.
I will say that again: the secretary took pharmaceutical companies’ word for the safety of their products. These are the same pharmaceutical companies that have been fined over and over for criminal behaviour. AstraZeneca got a US$355 million fine for fraud and, separately, a $550 million fine for making unfounded claims about efficacy. Pfizer got a $430 million fine for making unfounded claims about efficacy, and a $2.3 billion fine—that’s billion dollars—for making unfounded claims about efficacy and for paying kickbacks.
This is who the Liberal-Nationals, Labor and Greens—our very own pharmaceutical lobby—want to pay more money to. That’s not on the basis of extensive local testing and inquiry, it’s simply on the basis of taking pharmaceutical companies safety assurances. There’s no testing. It’s an assurance made easy by indemnity against any damage that the vaccines cause. What deceit! What criminal incompetence! The Labor Party and the Liberal-National Party have accepted $1 million each from the pharmaceutical establishment in this election cycle alone. Billions more are being set aside in this week’s budget to pay the pharmaceutical companies to keep the COVID-19 gravy train going. What great value this parliament provides for those electoral donations.
Mention should be made of the TGA’s decision to ban safe, fully approved and widely accepted alternatives to COVID-19 vaccines. This includes hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin; vitamins, minerals and natural antivirals; as well as proven messaging around healthy eating and lifestyles. The decision to ban proven, safe, affordable and accessible alternative treatments that are working around the world was taken to ensure the fastest and widest-possible adoption of the vaccines. The TGA’s own customers fund the TGA. That means pharmaceutical companies fund their own product’s approval. That fails the pub test. Where are the checks and balances? There are none.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics is culpable in this scandal and cover-up. The Australian Bureau of Statistics’ annual budget is $400 million. The most recent mortality data they provide is from November last year, four months behind. The most recent breakdown of mortality by cause and age is from 2020. The most recent data on live births is from 2020. Birth data used to be available six weeks after, not 15 months and counting. Are they hiding miscarriages?
At what point do we consider the actions of the TGA, ATAGI and the Australian Bureau of Statistics as interfering with the operation of the Senate? Peer-reviewed and soon-to-be-published data that must require the secretary to cancel the provisional approval of the vaccines has been released from outside of the government.
Let me review those quickly so the Senate fully understands the extent to which we have been misled. Firstly, freedom of information documents indicate the TGA has failed to assess the reproductive toxicology of the COVID vaccines. Freedom of information documents indicate the TGA has failed to assess the impact of microRNA sequences and related molecular genetic issues on the human body. Peer-reviewed and published in-vitro research shows gene based vaccine-generated spike proteins can migrate into human cell nuclei to disrupt DNA repair mechanisms. The TGA has dealt with this abysmally—murderously?
Vaccine-derived RNA can be reverse transcribed, leading to possible integration into the human genome, which the TGA denies, based only on pharmaceutical companies telling them to deny it. Internal Pfizer data released in February indicate they accept 1,272 different adverse vaccine events, including paralysis and death. German and US insurance actuarial data suggests the TGA’s database of adverse event notifications is underreporting side effects ninefold. Freedom of information documents from 2018 show the TGA keeps two databases of adverse event notifications: one internal, showing all reports of harm; and one public, showing only a part of those. This means vaccine harm is most likely significantly higher than reported.
Without honest and accurate data, the Senate has no way of deciding how much harm is too much harm. German pathologists describe pathological aggregates of spike proteins and lymphocyte infiltrations in inflamed organs in autopsies related to death post vaccination. In response, the TGA is failing to conduct autopsies on the 800 Australians the patients’ own doctors have reported as having died from the vaccines. What the hell is the TGA hiding?
Whistleblowers to the British Medical Journal provided reports of inadequacies, irregularities and possible fraudulent practices in the Pfizer vaccine trial—you know, the same trial for which the TGA took Pfizer’s word. From a modern immunological perspective, two frequent vaccines for respiratory viruses run the risk of desensitising the immune responses to the virus, and that leads to hypoimmunity and worse illness than without the immunisation. To put that simply: repeated vaccination is doing more harm than good.
These are the matters I sought today to refer to the Senate Select Committee on COVID-19 without success. I thank Senators Hanson, Abetz, Rennick and Antic for their support, integrity and courage. The truth is the Select Committee on COVID-19 has been running a protection racket for the pharmaceutical industry, and today’s vote proves it. This unprecedented betrayal of the Australian people must be referred immediately to a royal commission. To the Prime Minister, the health minister, the federal health department and all those in the Senate and the House of Representatives—all of you who have perpetrated this crime—I direct one question: how the hell do you expect to get away with it? We’re not going to let you get away with it. We won’t let you get away with it. We are coming for you. We have the stamina to hound you down and we damn well will.
Well hello, Maryborough. Thank you so much for for being here. You’re not just here for us, you’re here, we’re here for Australia.
[Crowd] Yes.
The key issue, the key issue in this country and the mismanagement of this virus is one word, control. They are not trying to control the virus. They’ve had two damn years, and now they’re in panic. Two years, they have not controlled the virus, what have they controlled?
[Crowd] Us.
Exactly, us, the people. They’re supposed to serve us, instead we’re serving them. This is crap and it needs to be called out. I wanna thank the organisers, what an amazing job you’re doing. I wanna thank everyone for being here. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I wanna acknowledge my empathy for the people who’ve been affected by the floods. We were gonna be here a couple of weeks ago, of course it didn’t happen. So I empathise with you, I’ve helped clean up flood-ravaged communities in Ipswich twice now, and it’s heartbreaking. So my heart goes out to your families, businesses, just devastated. What else I wanna say to people, I know many of you are injected here. I know many of you are injected against your will, that is coercion, that is not a democracy. And I empathise with you as well because I know you detest what they’ve done to you. But when you’ve got a choice between feeding your kids, or getting an injection, you’re gonna go in favour of feeding the kids. And that is totally wrong. It is inhuman, it is immoral, it is dishonest, it is disgusting. But that is what we’re facing in this country. Anybody heard of Robert F. Kennedy Jr? Yes, cheer for him. Robert F. Kennedy Jr is a yank, but he’s wonderful. He’s dumped the bucket on Fauci, He’s dumped the bucket on the administration in Washington, and inadvertently he has dumped a bucket on the Therapeutic Goods Administration in this country. Anthony Fauci, after reading this book and the facts that Robert Kennedy crams in here, Anthony Fauci is a genocidal maniac.
[Crowd] Yes.
A genocidal maniac. And our government is little better because they have not done the testing on this vaccines, not at all. And yet they’ve injected it into the people, and they’ve done it under coercion, that is inhuman stuff. What I wanna do now, is just leave you with some facts. I’ve got Shein keeping an eye on the time, because I wanna pay respect to the other people who are gonna follow me. But I wanna just give you a few facts, I’ll ask you if you think this is unusual. Robert F. Kennedy says, “This is the fist time in history, where the young have been sacrificed for the elderly.” That goes against everything to do with the animal kingdom and the human civilization. It is always the oldest sacrifice for the young, but there’s not needing to sacrifice the old because there are proven cures around, proven cures. The old are not being managed properly. The second thing, this is the first time in Australia’s history, where a government has knowingly injected healthy people with a toxin that is killing them, and that is causing serious adverse effects by the tens of thousands in this country alone. 60,000 people have died in Europe and in America from these injections yet the government is mandating them. The health minister Greg Hunt has said, “The world is engaged in the largest clinical vaccination trial.” Trial, experimental, forced into you, rubbish. It’s a trial and yet they’re forcing it into people. No wonder we’re so damn pissed off. This is the third time, the third. This is the first time in our country’s history, when governments have prevented access to a safe, proven, affordable, accessible drug, that cures COVID. This is the first time they have withheld that from people. I’ve had prescriptions for ivermectin, and I couldn’t get them filled by the bloody chemist. Not the chemists fault, the government, the Therapeutic Goods Administration. And Robert F. Kennedy details why. Because if we had ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine freely available, there would be no demand for these vaccines. Ivermectin is proven. So the government has withheld something from us that is proven. The vaccines as I’ve said, are not tested. They have been approved in this country based on a literature review, a literature review. And Kennedy documents that Pfizer abandoned it’s testing of its drug, it’s vaccine, it’s injection, because they were killing too many people, so they had to end the trial, to end with the control study, the control group. They stopped it because it was killing people, So now they’re injecting it into people all around the world. This is the first time that we’ve had a control emergency declaration for two years. They’re meant to be in place for months, weeks. Annastacia Palaszczuk, Scott Morrison. Scott Morrison has said, they have said, “We need to live with a virus.” If we’ve got to live with a virus, how the hell Would there be an emergency declaration? And yet that is a whole basis for this scam. Their premiers are treating human rights and freedom as something to be withdrawn at their will. And given back to us when we’re on our feet begging. That’s the first time that’s happened. First time that governments are bypassing informed consent and replacing it with coercion. Who’s a nurse here? Whadya start talking to her, uh, Jody Jody was telling me, she spends her time as a nurse making sure of informed consent. And now she’s just bypassed it with her. This goes back 3000 years to the Greeks. It’s fundamental. And it’s being bypassed. Doctors and nurses, as Chris Loft said, have been threatened with de-registration for giving patients advice or reporting deaths and adverse effects. Doing their job and losing their livelihoods, struck off the list. Health professionals, whoa, wait for this one. Health professionals stood down at a time when the premier says, “All hands are needed on deck because the hospital system is facing crisis.” So what did they do? Suspend 7,000 of them. That is inhuman. They’re bypassing parental informed consent to inject kids. They’re injecting children when there’s no need because kids don’t die from COVID. But they are dying from the injections. And what a disgrace the new South Wales chief health officer was. Last week when she said, “Only three kids.” Well I’m happy to say only three kids have died from the vaccine. [Man] Shame.
What? [Crowd] Shame.
Shame all right. They’re violating a doctor-patient relationship. The government is telling us who we can and cannot take advice from. Any one of these things, and we would say, “What the hell is going on?” But look at it all, look at it all. And who’s responsible? Who is responsible?
[Crowd] We are.
We are, thank you. We have to take responsibility. I am embarrassed to say, we’ve been searching everything, Pauline is such a bulldog, chasing everything. And we will continue to oppose every piece of government legislation that they bring to the Senate, until we restored our freedoms. But Pauline and I are trying everything. We’re calling eminent barristers, experts on constitutional law. I was talking to one of the best in the country yesterday and he said he can’t get over how our constitutional protections have just been bypassed, bulldozed. But we’ve got to keep going politically, we’ve got to keep going as a community and we’ve got to wake up to how we vote. This constitutional expert agreed with me, he volunteered the fact that the state governments are going around our constitution, we know that. Doing the federal government’s work, we know that. Section 31 clause 23A. 51, sorry, clause 23A. I have the constitution says, “We cannot constrict medication.” You all know that, and the prime minister is enabling it to happen at the state level. The Liberal Nationals have done this before, we’re stealing farmer’s property rights, they’re doing it again. They’re bypassing the people’s document, the governing document of this country, the constitution. And they don’t give a bugger. The prime minister will look you in the eye and say, “There are no vaccine mandates in Australia.”
[Man] He’s a liar.
What do you think of Scott Morrison?
[Crowd] Liar.
He’s a bloody liar.
[Crowd] Bloody liar, liar.
Next thing, when you look at the data, you find there’s nothing exceptional in the number of deaths in this country, nothing. How can it be a pandemic when there is no pandemic of deaths? And some people might say, “Well that’s because we had lockdowns.” Bullshit. If you look at Sweden, if you look at Sweden, not pandemic of deaths, there’s slightly negative death rate. And they were, they never locked down. If you’re looking at United States, you look around the world, there is no pandemic of deaths, none. What are they trying to do to us? Control, that’s what they’re about. Two weeks to flatten the curve became three injections to get your freedoms back, and that became three injections to keep your job and feed your kids. That is just disgusting. Governments are blaming COVID for restrictions that governments imposed. 29,000 teachers not coming back to this state, now in the next week, out of a hundred thousand, that’s almost one third. Well done teachers, Well done teachers. Nurses saying, “Stick your job, stick your jab.” Police, fireys, aged care workers, NDIS consultants, all kinds of carers are being dismissed or let go. And yet we’re supposed to be in a pandemic. This is bullshit.
[Crowd] Yeah.
We’ve got small business being asked to take on police enforcement duties, we’ve got small business being asked to take on health enforcement duties, We’ve got government destroying small business around the country, so that billionaires can get richer because that is what is happening, billionaires are getting richer. We’ve got it coordinated, these are all firsts, this has not happened before in this country. We’ve got the coordinated use of globalist slogans. Build back better, Great reset, from Trudeau, from Macron, from Biden, from Ardern, from Merkel, from Boris Johnson and from Scott Morrison. They do not run this country. They exactly, they are. Now Chris, I normally endorse what Chris says. I have enormous respect for Chris, he got something wrong, The bureaucrats do not run this country, The United nations and The World Economic Forum run this country.
[Crowd] Yes.
They created this bullshit, and the bureaucrats to serve them, Chris. I wanna talk about the Digital Identity Bill. It’s been released, who’s heard of it? Oh, this is so good. Thank you. We were the first to talk about it publicly, one or two of my staff really got into the research of it. What we’re seeing with COVID is foreplay, the real screwing comes in the Digital Identity Bill.
[Man] Yep.
That’s where they try to get us, we’re awake, but we need everyone awake. Morrison Joyce government had proposed the Digital Identity Bill, with Anthony Albanese labour party support and The Greens clapping from the sidelines. They’ve copied, listen to this, they have copied and pasted elements of their legislation, copied and pasted from the World Economic Forum, under UN directions. That’s where our legislation is coming from. And it’s here to control you. The government will take our health information, sell it to a corporation who can pack it overseas, where they don’t have to worry about our controls on identity theft. And then for you to access your health information, you will be paying a fee to that corporation. How can you believe this? They will increase QR codes and vaccine passports, looking for permanent introduction to these things. Everyone over 17 will be required to carry a wearable digital identity, that’s the only way to work. All transactions and information will be stored against our name and sold to overseas corporations. The government, the employer, the banks, the insurance company will know everything about each of us. And this will become a licence for life. A licence for living, yet only under digital surveillance. Already, the Reserve Bank of Australia manages, monitors, every single electronic transaction in this country. Like I wanna go, that’s enough for now. But on that, I wanna talk about something that’s really important to me, it always has been, safety. There’s nothing more important. It’s the basis of life. Think about this, I asked the government on the 23rd of March, 2020 for the data on this virus, they didn’t give it to me. I asked incentive estimates in May 21, 2021, and I got it from the chief medical officer. He said, “The virus,” I’ve seen the graph, I’ve got copies of it. “The virus severity is not high, the virus severity is low to moderate.” Did anyone know that?
[Crowd] Yes. And yet look at the government, driving us into control. Two years of mismanagement. I asked for a plan two years ago, we still haven’t seen a plan. So I said to the chief medical officer, “Let me talk to you about the components of a plan.” And he in front in the public, he endorsed the seven strategies I put to him. No plan from the government, but these are the seven strategies, testing, tracing and quarantining, the way Taiwan has managed this virus successfully. Not done. Antivirals, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, not done. Vaccines, untested, done. Restrictions, masks, and so on, done. Lockdowns, even the World Health Organisation says, “Lockdown should only be used initially, and only to get control over the virus.” That’s it, should not be used after that. Two years later, we’re still going into lockdowns, de-facto lockdowns. What does that tell you about our governments? They have not got control of the virus after two years. Then I said, number five, number six, sorry, health and fitness. Oh that’s novel, isn’t it? Health and fitness as Rory said, we have to manage that. They’re not doing anything to manage our health and fitness, help us. They’re stopping kids getting healthy, they’re stopping kids getting a balanced life, they’re stopping adults from exercising. And then the chief medical officer added a sixth one, hygiene. That’s it, they’re doing one, two of those things, That’s it. Restrictions, lockdowns and vaccines. They’re missing the important ones, the treatment and the testing, tracing, and quarantining. They don’t give a bugger about your safety. It is about control, isn’t it?
[Crowd] Yes.
That’s all it is. So, the core point is that we are responsible for this. As a Senator, I’m very embarrassed, as is Pauline, we just find it so hard to bash into everything, trying to prod holes in this. The state labour governments and the federal liberal national government, have got it stitched up. And until we keep putting pressure on them and they collapse, this is what they will keep doing and they’ll wrap it up with the Digital Identity Bill. So please, think about our role as citizens to vote. Put the bloody majors last.
[Crowd] Yes.
Put the majors last. I’ll be voting One Nation, this is up to you, it’s your country. I’ll be voting One Nation 1, then then 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, I’ll be putting people like, Informed Medical Options Party, LDP, Katter’s Australian Party, United Australia Party, Shooters, Fishers and Farmers, anyone except a big four, Then I’ll be voting, the next in preference will be the Liberal Nationals because there are some, two or three people in the Liberal National Party who will stand up, Gerard Rennick’s one of them. Alex Antic is another. You will not get anyone standing up in the Labour Party, they are like sheep. That’s why I put the Labour Party second last. And last of all guys, the Greens.
[Crowd] The Greens.
The Greens are in favour of control, the Greens love theses mandates. In addition to continuing to oppose every government bill that comes before the Senate, until they restore our freedoms, Pauline and I will continue to stand with you, we will seek for a Royal commission, and we demand the immediate end of all controls.
Thousands marched on Kurrawa Park Gold Coast to protest the coming vaccine mandates and to stand for freedom. This is my speech to that rally.
[Crowd] Hello!
Look at this! It’s wonderful. Look at what we’re doing. Someone over here said, “This is not…” Where’s your poster? Oh, thank you! “This is not scientific, it’s sadistic.” “Hands off our kids!” Look at over here, “End medical apartheid now!” “Forced jabs are crimes against humanity.” “A pedo has more privacy than we do”! This is wrong!
But, my basic message is, the momentum is changing. The momentum is changing. Let me just give you a few examples. Last night, I was at Redlands. They’re expecting in three days notice, they expected to get a couple of hundred people. The hall was packed, standing room only, 500. And I had to yell into the microphone so people outside could hear. And they were there because they want freedom. Freedom.
It wasn’t about being injected or not injected. It was about freedom. Think about some of these things, Daniel Andrews invoked the lockdown in Victoria, when there were around 200 cases a day. When they were 2000 cases a day, he removed the lockdown. Now, here’s why he did it. The CFMEU, rank and file, marks on the union bosses and gave ’em hell because they didn’t stand up for workers. The CFMEU, rank and file, marched in the streets, along with teachers, nurses, doctors, policeman.
They marched in the streets. They were fired upon in our country. But, they kept marching and Andrews realised he was buggered. So, what did he do? Remove the lockdown down. Palaszczuk hasn’t lived that lesson yet.
[Man From Crowd] She will!
She will. She will. The next thing, Up at Livingston Shire Council, which is in Yeppoon. Senator Pauline Hanson, the hardest working, most competent Senator in Australia’s Federal Parliament. She addressed him last Monday, Monday week, she addressed a meeting of 400 people in small business and residents in Yeppoon. They talked to the council the next day and Livingston Shire Council had a unanimous motion that was passed unanimously to tell the government what they could do with their mandate.
They were gonna stand up for their small businesses in Yeppoon and Livingston. Now, that doesn’t mean they’ll get it. But, they have said if the state government intervenes and fires them, who cares? They don’t mind. Then we had Fraser Coast Shire Council. Then we had Banana. And now there’s a fourth one. And the meetings in Redlands. Meeting tomorrow in Beaudesert. There’s a ground swell coming from the people. The people!
Pauline and I have said that we will vote against the government on every bill they put forward until they change this nonsense. And yes, on Thursday, the treasurer, Josh Frydenberg called us and said, “Can you please pass our bill on?” I won’t go into the details. And we said, “No.” Because we’ve got the balance of power at certain times in the Federal Senate, and we are exercising that for the people. Why am I in Parliament? To listen to you and then to speak for you.
That’s my role. Every speech I start in the Senate, there’s more than a couple of minutes long, I start with the words, this been the very first speech and every speech since, “I am a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia.” And I’ll come back to this because when I uttered those words first, the people in the Labour Party laughed. The people on the Liberal Party laughed. Are they laughing now? You’ve got to make that take that grin off their face.
I want to acknowledge Liberal Senators, Gerard Rennick, and Alex Antic… Yes! Give them a hand! They’re abstaining from voting from their own governments bills until they stopped some of these practises. So, thank you, Gerard. Now, I also want to mention, I heard this morning that ATAGI, I can’t remember what they stand for, but they’re regulating a lot of the health practises and the injections. They have broadened the exemption categories for getting exemption from the injections, last night.
They did it quietly, very quietly. But, now if you’ve had… I haven’t got all the details. A colleague of mine in their party sent me the link, I’m gonna look at the link later. But, this is one of them. If you have had an adverse reaction from the first injection, that can be a grounds for exemption from the second one. So, why are they doing this? Why are they doing it? Because of you!
That’s why they’re doing it. Because we’ve got to keep this pressure up. But, that doesn’t mean you should go and have your first one and say you had exemptions. Don’t have any of them in my book. I’m not gonna be injected! Not injected! Now, I want to reach out to those, because we know that 40% of people who have been injected, did so under coercion. Coercion! That is brutal and wrong. And some of these people are worried about what will happen to them.
So, I’m gonna talk to every person who’s been injected. One dose, two dose. We’re with you. We understand that many of you don’t want to be injected and you’ve been forced to. We don’t feel any worse towards you, any better towards you. If an injected brother came up to me and an non injected, you’re the same. You are the same.
But, I have empathy. I have empathy for those who’ve been injected under coercion. Nurses every day make sure people are given informed consent. And then they’re under instructions to be jabbed, to be injected. That is completely wrong. Teachers too. Federal workers too. Just think about this, the basic message from my first opening is stand the line, hold the line, stand up. I will not be injected! Pauline will not be injected. We know some others. Think about what’s happening in this country. How do you lead? What you do when you lead, I’ve done it in business, is you get the data.
You listen to the people, whether it be customers or employees, then you paint a vision. That honest vision. Then you paint. Then you develop the plan and then you pull people towards you. If they want to go, you’re only a leader if you’ve got people who want to follow. Who want to follow. If you are pushing at the back, you are a bully, not a leader. That’s what we’ve got in this country. We don’t have leaders in the Premiers. We don’t have leaders in the Prime Minister. We have lawyers, thugs, intimidators and bullies. I’ll ask you all question. A simple question. Always, beneath control, there is… Fear!
They are terrified of us! That’s why they’re controlling us. And we swallowed some of it. When I was say, “We”, most of the people have swallowed it. But, look at this, you’re waking up. That’s beautiful. I want to talk briefly about the virus characteristics, because I won’t go into the details, but I dug this out of the government. The virus is classified as highly transmissible. It is just like the flu. It’s also classified in severity as being low to moderate. You heard me, low to moderate, not severe, not high severity.
Like many past flus, it is less significant in terms of severity than many past flus. Think about this, in the death data, there is no pandemic of deaths. None at all. There is no pandemic. With a pandemic, you have to have a pandemic of deaths. None. And some people might say, “That’s because lockdowns in Australia.” It’s because there’s no pandemic of deaths. Sweden had an increase in deaths. But, now they’re coming back to the mean.
All it did was pull a few deaths forward, but they’re coming back to the mean. Taiwan has done a spectacular job. If you look at the global figures, there is no pandemic of death. This has been concocted. Now, people do die from COVID. I’m not denying that, but that means they have to be treated with a proper plan. So, let’s consider some of those things. The second thing about death data, is that the deaths in Australia follow a cycle from season to season and they follow a band from season to season.
There is no pandemic of death. But, there is now, above the upper range of deaths, significantly, deaths that are coinciding with the start of injections. That is fact. The second thing about that death data, is the Federal Government used to release it two weeks after the month. We haven’t got it now since the 20th of June. So, what are they doing? Are they hiding the deaths due to injections?
We know they are. They made a couple of changes in their website as a result of my questions, but they’re still hiding the deaths since June. We know that in America they’ve had 16,000 deaths as of the end of July. Europe, 30,000. 46,000 deaths from injections. Now, the third figure on deaths is that the TGA, Therapeutic Goods Administration, has had reported to them… it’s on their website, 546 deaths due to injections, according to doctors.
And when I challenged them and the Senate estimates on that, I thought that the TGA head was gonna have a heart attack. He exploded. And he said, “No! It’s only nine.” Nine, really? How come? And I went back to their website and found it is 546 reported deaths. They have revised the figures down. So, I’ve asked the question, and I’m waiting for the answer. Show me the process by which you reclassify a doctor’s verdict, and you reclassify that as not due to injections.
Did they have blood samples? Did they have an autopsy? Did they have tissue cultures? We want to know. There’s a lot of things we’ve got to dig into because the TGA has not tested these injections in Australia. It has taken the word of the injection manufacturers. That’s not working for us. I also want to talk about Pfizer. There’s one figure you need to know about Pfizer. They’re own income figures project an income this year of $43.5 billion. This is all about money and nothing else.
This is the first time in our country’s history that a government has injected healthy people with something that can kill them and is killing them. It is the first time in our country’s history that a government has withheld proven, safe, affordable, accessible treatment from sick people and let them die. They have banned Ivermectin. I’ve taken it myself. It is one of the top 100 drugs of all time, according to the UN itself. And we’ve banned it in this country for treating COVID.
Doctors are being smashed, practises destroyed, invaded, privacy being smashed. Yeah, it’s murder, it’s genocide. Withholding that is genocide. But, let me tell you something. The TGA sent me a letter a few months ago saying you’ve been talking about Ivermectin in public. Surely not. And they accused me of advertising it. They accused a representative of the people, listening to the people and talking about it publicly. Three and a half page letter, of threats, implied threats.
So, I went back to them and said… they expected me to count down, just say, “Give up.” No. With bullies what do you do? You stand right up to their face. So, what I said back to them was, “How dare you interfere with the work of a representative of the people duly elected, and how dare you, how dare you because the government has blood on its hands.” You know what their answer was? “Thank you for your letter.” The problem here is government.
The second problem is media. I’ve had experiences with the media where they turn the truth into lies. They turn lies into the truth. I’ve cancelled my subscription to Sky News because it has become a propagandist. I no longer listen to 2GB, 4GB whatever it is, in Brisbane because they’ve become propagandists. They get enormous funds through advertising from the government. Same with The Weekend Australian. We don’t buy papers.
My wife buys The Weekend Australian to look for the magazine. That’s it. There’s nothing else of value in that paper. But, remember who decides what media they buy? You do! So, cancel your subscriptions to these globalist media. I also want to make another comment. It’s not just the media. It’s not just tax state and federal and territory governments. It’s a global apparatus underway. We know that. It’s not Western. It’s not white. It’s not European. It’s not to hurt any distinct race, religion, anything like that.
This is about hurting humanity, about controlling humanity. That’s what this is about. What they’re trying to do is separate, injected versus non-injected and then tell me that I’m hurting, I’m a threat to the injected. If your damn injections are so good, why am I a threat to you? Isn’t that the truth? Government is being used to control people. They won’t release to a peoples representative, anything about the contracts they’ve signed with Pfizer, AstraZeneca, because it’s commercial in confidence. I am authorising these expenditures when I stand in the Senate and vote for them.
But, I’m not doing it as my money, I’m doing it as our money, on our behalf. And that’s wrong. We need to know, you need to know. India. I just saw this morning, the Indian Prime Minister has stood up. We know they’re using Ivermectin, they’re using it successfully. They know that the Ivermectin is a prophylactic. It prevents access to the disease of the virus to your body. It also prevents it, it cures people very quickly. Safe for more than 40, 50, 60 years.
No serious adverse side effects, minor adverse effects on a few people. But, this will stop the vaccine…the virus in its tracks. I had a slip up there. It will also stop the vaccine in its tracks. And that’s why it’s banned. That’s why it’s banned, because our TGA is not protecting us. They’re savaging us and killing us because they’re not using Ivermectin in this country for COVID. And a doctor cannot be frank with his patient, because if he is, he or she… the doctor will lose their practise.
What’s happening in this country? In Germany, I met one of the ladies at the Redlands Bay last night, came up to me afterwards and said, she’s a German, of German descent. Her brother in Germany. Un-injected, is now facing a curfew. This virus only hits the un-injected apparently and only at night. Very clever virus.
Yesterday, I came down here and went further south to the border. According to the border residents, there’s a while I saw the , I touched the . I didn’t get infected, but there are 20,000 people, Queenslanders, who can drive home… And right now, if they were allowed to, they’re prevented from coming in by the Premier of this state. Boo. Now the Premier of this state has told them, first of all, there’s no virus at Northern New South Wales. There was a virus case in Tugun just a couple of weeks ago. There is virus in Sydney.
[Man In Crowd] Not now!
No, probably not now. So, what our Premier is telling them to do, she won’t let them drive, fill up their car in Tweed Heads with fuel and drive all the way to Bundaberg. She’s stopping them. She’s saying, “Drive to Sydney, fly to Brisbane, interact with other people on the plane, interact with other people on the ground, and then you can go home.”
So, I’ll tell you the core problem, then I’ll finish. The core problem is the United Nations, the United Nations World Health Organisation, the World Economic Forum, World WWF, Greenpeace. The greens because the greens are pushing injections, mandated injections they completely lost the plot. The Labour Party, The Liberal Party, and The National Party. If you think this is bad, have a look at the 700 page Digital Integrity Bill.
It’s coming, and it’s laying the groundwork for your data to be sold to overseas corporations. And then for you to have to pay, to access to your health data. Other things… I’m serious. It’ll set up a social credit system, which we don’t want. So, the core problem is Parliaments and lack of Parliamentary Accountability.
Why? I’ll tell you why? Because we as voters have just kept voting for the same old donkeys. It’s our fault, and we have the power to change that. If you want to stop this, and I know you do, change the Parliament.
Change the Parliament.
Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Tess Lawrie, Peter McCullough and Dr Brian Tyson. Attended by four Australian Senators and three current House of Representatives members. Australian Politicians Present include:
Frontline Doctors can save lives and freedoms and paint the way forward to quickly end declared Covid19 pandemics in Australia and around the world.
With Mainstream Media Campaigns often funded by the People’s taxes, have been shown young victims of Covid19 gasping for air in Hospital
The people have been told medications with Decade’s old use and safety records are Poisons or are only good for use on horses.
The people have been obstructed from Medications.
In Australia, John Skerritt heads the TGA and they have actually classified Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin as Poisons; one explanatory note actually explained that it was to funnel people into adopting the Clinical Trial Vaccines (to prevent the perception that there is an alternative to the Vaccines Available).
The people have had a wedge driven between themselves and Doctors.
This has been achieved in Australia through the TGA obstructing Medications and
through AHPRA, led by Mr Martin Fletcher, via a campaign of warnings and suspensions of
medical professionals who have given their honest and researched risk benefit assessments of the vaccines and who may believe the current clinical trial vaccines are not in the best interests of some, many or almost all Australians.
The people have been tricked into thinking they are all in harm’s way with minimal chance of surviving Covid19.
The People have been tricked into thinking Vaccines will slow or stop people from catching or transmitting Covid19.
The People have been tricked into thinking the Vaccines offer the best way to reduce death and Hospitalisation.
The people have no idea of their own risk profile for Covid19; to get some idea see:
The Doctors have had their rights to practice their profession compromised in a way where they can no longer express their honest risk benefit assessments of Novel Technology Clinical Trial Phase Vaccines and where they can no longer offer normally what they beleive to be available safe and effective medications for the prevention and early treatment of Covid19.
As Peter McCullough states, the only court (given the legal court systems around the globe are failing at almost every turn to preserve the people’s freedoms and the people’s rights to choose what medications and experimental medications go into their bodies) is the people’s court.
To this end, our Australian Politicians have never had a more important or more responsible role to play than to help these doctors educate the people to the solutions at hand and the dangers to avoid; people kept so long in the dark by the forces losing theri grip on maintaining this darkness.
In this video Robert F. Kennedy’s book ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ is strongly recommended by Senator Ron Johnson.
Peter McCullough shared 5 key usable, provable and clear principles:
a. Covid ONLY (practically) spreads from people who are symptomatic.
b. Thus, NO asymptomatic testing is needed or is of any value.
c. Natural immunity is much better than the current Novel Technology Clinical Trial Vaccines; You CANNOT (practically) get Covid again if you have had it.
d. Covid is quite easily treatable when treated early
e. ALL current Novel Technology Clinical Trial Vaccines are NEITHER safe NOR effective.
This week with Marcus Paul I discussed Remembrance Day, the Queensland Government’s announcement the unvaccinated would be locked out of society and the climate debate.
Malcolm Roberts, good morning, mate.
Good morning, Marcus, how are you?
Well, thank you. What does Armistice Day, or Remembrance Day, the 11th of the 11th mean for you?
It means we commemorate the fallen, and also the contribution they made to our country and to protect our freedoms.
It also brings back an awareness and a responsibility that we have to preserve what they gave us, what they fought for, for us. And also, it reminds me, I can still remember, not long after I was sworn into the Senate, driving from the War Memorial in Canberra, and there’s a long avenue, I think it’s Commonwealth Avenue, I can’t remember.
Yes, I think it is, yeah. It’s beautiful there.
Yeah, and looking at–
It’s gorgeous.
Looking at Parliament House on the Capital and thinking, “Gee, I wonder if one day I’ll have to make a decision about sending people overseas in an armed conflict,” and that’s a weight on my shoulders. But then I was stunned to learn, as I took my position in the Senate, that we don’t have any say, and I’m thinking of, we don’t even have a review of a decision like that. And I’m thinking of Alexander Downer, the Foreign Minister, when he retired from politics. He said on TV, he said that he can still remember John Howard coming back from 9/11 in America, marching into the Cabinet and saying, “We’re off to Iraq.” I mean, you don’t make decisions like that. These are serious decisions, and we shouldn’t enter conflict just chasing someone else, following someone else, rather, into conflict, and not having an end game in mind. I mean, this is so disrespectful to the people who have died in the past and who will die in the future. I mean, it’s just irresponsible.
Yeah. All right. By the way, I’ve got somebody who wants to take you on, Malcolm. We’ll get to that at the end of our conversation. I’ll play some of the audio back. His name is Mark and he’s a regular listener. He’s like me, a bit of a lefty. In fact, I think he’s way more left. But anyway, I’ll get to that in a moment. Now let’s go through a couple of issues here. I want to talk about rapid antigen testing, which you’re in support of, but the Queensland government, or up there in your neck of the woods, if you’re unvaccinated, forget it for 2022, effectively Anastasia Palaszczuk’s announcement just the other day, It mirrors similar to what they’re doing in Victoria, not here in New South Wales. The unvaxxed will be welcome in, I dunno, just under a month. But certainly, in Queensland, you always talk about a two-tiered society. It’s pretty obvious that’s where Anastasia Palaszczuk is headed.
That’s right. It’s all about control, Marcus. But there was a very serious development yesterday in Victoria, and this is where Queensland’s headed too. There was a raid on Dr Mark Hobart’s clinic, he’s a GP in Melbourne. And unidentified people just entered his clinic and wandered around. Can you imagine the arrogance of that? They then took files, patient files, which means that they broke the confidentiality, completely smashed the confidentiality between patient and doctor, which is a fundamental relationship that has been held sacrosanct for 3,000 years. So there’s no confidentiality or privacy of your records with a doctor now. People can just wander in. He then had the temerity, Dr Hobart, to ask for identification, and they reluctantly showed him identification. They did all this with no explanation of who they were, no identification–
Well, who was it?
It was somebody to do with an authorised officer from the Department of Health. Now I don’t know whether that’s State or Federal, because I watched Mark Hobart on, Mark is a wonderful person, very direct. He has got a very, very positive reputation amongst his patients in Melbourne. But they took what they wanted, no reason given. And they just marched out of the joint. And he said, “Hang on a minute.” And they said, “We’ll give you a list later.” So they walked out of the doctor’s surgery with confidential, private patient-doctor files. They took whatever they wanted, and they said, “We’ll give you a list later of what we’ve taken.” How does the doctor know that they’ve recorded things properly? How does he know they won’t deliberately leave things out? They also stole his appointment book. Just took it!
But why would they be targeting this man, this doctor?
I don’t know, but he’s been outspoken with his views on how we need to treat this COVID. So you’d have to ask about that.
So now we’re getting somewhere. So has he been on social media, or in the media, talking about what?
No, he’s been, I don’t think he’s had much work on social media at all, but he’s been known to give his views on a certain medication, Ivermectin, which is one of the World Health Organization’s
Well, that could be it.
hundred essential medicines. The developer was given the Nobel Prize in Medicine. I’ve used it. It’s phenomenal stuff. No side-effects. Mild side-effects on a very small proportion of people. Three point seven billion doses in over 60 years. And you know, this is rubbish.
I know that some doctors have come in for criticism for writing a number of what they call fake exemption certificates. He wasn’t providing exemptions for people, was he?
I don’t know. Maybe that’s got something to do, I don’t know, Marcus. But, you know, the thing is that a doctor-patient relationship… If someone goes to the doctor, you go to the doctor, your records are private and you don’t have people wandering in, no authorization, no identification, and just stealing stuff out of a doctor’s surgery. And then saying, “We’ll tell you what we’ve taken after we’ve had a look at it.”
All right.
This is wrong! This is happening in our country!
Well, I’ll follow up on that. I mean, we don’t, as you know, mate, have absconded and done the wrong thing, and putting the rest of the community at risk by not quarantining. You’re doing the right thing. Anyway, I understand the point. I understand the point. And look, it’s not the police’s fault, they’re acting on, obviously, the authority of the government. I don’t know.
I had another very interesting phone-call from a female as well, which turned into a Zoom conference. It was Parliament’s Respect and Safety Workshop on Safety and Respect in the Workplace, something like that, right. You know, because of what’s happened, and politics in this country, and certain parties, there’ve been abuses of people, even allegations of rape, in Parliament House, this kind of stuff.
Yeah, we know.
So I said, “Yeah, okay, I’ll sign up for training.” And I think all MPs are supposed to do it. And so I started the training. Lovely lady on the other end of the Zoom call. And she was just talking about the introduction of this training, and I said, “Look,” and it just came to me, I didn’t have it planned, it just came to me on the spot. I said, “Look, with due respect to you, you’re giving training,” and we’re about to embark on this training, “You’re giving this training on treating people with respect in the workplace, and the federal government is coercing people to get something in their bodies that they don’t want in there.” Marcus, I heard of a survey from a nurse the other day that said 40% of nurses have been injected reluctantly, under coercion, under threat of losing their job. These people are not happy about that. They’re very upset that this is happening, in this country. And I said to this lady, “Here we are, the federal government giving this training, which I think is good, but at the same time they’re injecting people against their will. That is a violation of the body, it’s just a complete violation.”
But it’s the health orders, Malcolm.
Exactly. This is rubbish, Marcus.
All right.
You can’t do that kind of stuff in this country.
Before we run out of time, you say although you have serious concerns about Australia’s Doherty Institute that’s been advising government on the virus, you note that it has recommended rapid antigen testing instead of quarantine for schoolkids. You say that this test-to-stay-at-school-approach to managing outbreaks is good and that it can improve the quality of life and learning for our children, and you would also like it to be part of our back-to-work protocol across the country.
Yes. I’m still open on the rapid antigen testing. I don’t know whether it’s good or bad. I’m not a medical expert. But it looks like an alternative that’ll enable people to not get an injection if they don’t want it, because there are serious consequences of this injection already appearing right across the world. And so it’s another alternative to give governments a way of saying, “Okay, we understand that this is serious, so we can test people.” Taiwan has had by far the most spectacular success in managing this virus, because it’s actually managed the virus, rather than the virus controlling us, which is what’s happening here. And they do testing at the workplace. And it’s a simple test. We did it in Parliament House last time I was down there. When you walk into your job, you get tested temperature, just hold up one of those infrared, or whatever it is, guns to your forehead. And someone else does it, and they say, “Okay, your temperature’s either cool, or it’s normal, away you go.” If you’re warm over here, you get COVID tested. That’s what’s happening in Taiwan. Taiwan has a similar population to us, 24 million, we’ve got 25. They’re crammed in a tiny island that’s half the size of Tasmania, so they’ve got much higher transmission opportunities for the virus to spread. They got the virus into their country from mainland China. They have a huge interaction with people crossing over those two countries. They got the virus earlier than we did. They get it more heavily, in terms of the risk there. And yet in the first 12 months, when we had over 900 deaths, and we had lockdowns, severe lockdowns, Taiwan had no lockdowns and had seven deaths. Not 700. Seven.
Seven, all right.
And, you know, this is what’s going on in this country. We’re just absurd. It’s complete… I was on a show last night on Facebook, and livestreamed from someone in Canberra managing it. Lovely bloke. Three cops on there. I have never been so impressed with these three people. These three people have all either left or are protesting the police force in their state, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland. These men were stunning individuals. Strong, well-spoken, quite clear in what they’re doing. And these people are protesting against what’s going on in the police forces. We’re turning into a police state, Marcus.
Before I let you go, have a listen to this. This is one of my regulars, Mark.
I wonder if you worked out that trees make oxygen and that they absorb carbon dioxide and put it back into the soil. Duh!
Are you telling me that you’ll, on this programme, will debate Malcolm Roberts?
Yep. On air.
On air? Beautiful. All right, Malcolm, Mark wants to take you on this time next week.
Oh, sure. Happy.
Happy to?
Yeah, I’d love to. But, Marcus, tell Mark that there is one decider of science. It’s well-known. And this is what the beauty of science is. It’s brought this to the world. It’s developed freedom. The scientific method has developed freedom.
Yep. Quickly.
He needs to be able to tell me where the specific location, the page number, the document title, the authors’ names, where the evidence is, that carbon dioxide from human activity affects climate and needs to be cut.
Well I don’t think it’s just climate change–
He needs to be able to tell me where it’s quantified.
he wants to talk about. There’ll be other issues. But let’s do it. Let’s lock it in next Thursday.
Love to.
I’ve gotta go, mate, ’cause the news is approaching.
See you, mate. We’ll talk to you again next week for the great debate. Malcolm Roberts v Mark, don’t miss it. QSM Traffic.
Southern Cross drive inside the–
Australians and people worldwide criticise politicians. After three years in parliament, I know why. Yet people allow politicians to rule their lives and allow governments to take control of their lives. Why? I invite people to ask basic questions and to then decide. Consider the drug ivermectin. It’s been given in 3.7 billion doses over 60 years—no adverse effects; safe. Ivermectin is off patent—affordable. In 2013 ivermectin was approved in Australia for treating diseases. In 2014 I took ivermectin after working in India. It cured me—no adverse effects. Australian doctors regularly prescribe ivermectin for illnesses.
Is it effective with COVID? In April 2020 in the Senate, I raised ivermectin’s promising in vitro trials at Monash University. Counties, states and regions in South America, Asia, Africa and Europe have had amazing success with ivermectin for treating, curing and preventing COVID. More than 40 peer-reviewed scientific papers have been published hailing ivermectin’s success in treating COVID. A study among Indian healthcare workers showed an 83 per cent reduction in COVID infections with just two tablets. Ivermectin, overseas, is recognised as a cure.
I’m told that Queensland doctors and dentists are stockpiling ivermectin for their families. An internationally respected Australian specialist recently saved 24 very sick patients in quarantine using ivermectin. All quickly recovered. Two others not treated died. Overseas, ivermectin is a prophylactic, stopping COVID transmission. Where vaccines are failing, ivermectin is succeeding. How many deaths would have been saved if the health minister had acted?
I have prescriptions for ivermectin from two doctors. Why can’t all Australians have that freedom to choose? Why isn’t Australia’s government adopting ivermectin? Why did the TGA threaten and try to silence me with a letter when I discussed ivermectin with constituents as their representative in parliament? I mentioned ivermectin in a YouTube video and was banned for a week. Member of parliament Craig Kelly made statements based on solid data. After speaking about ivermectin, Facebook banned him forever. Why are doctors scared of being struck off the doctors’ registry if they prescribe ivermectin to cure their patients?
Consider the vaccine maker Pfizer’s profits. It’s second quarter 2021 revenue was $19 billion, up 89 per cent. In three months, it made $4 billion profit. The European Medicines Agency discovered a definite link between Pfizer’s vaccine causing myocarditis. In September 2020, our TGA approved Pfizer’s Vyndamax drug to treat myocarditis. Our health department confirmed the AstraZeneca vaccine’s links with blood clots. Pfizer’s Eliquis drug treats blood clotting. Last quarter its sales were up 13 per cent. So are those blood clots rare? Really? In 2019 Pfizer’s Zavicefta drug was approved to ICU patients on ventilators. Is Pfizer making profits making people sick and more profit treating the sickness it caused?
Consider the ownership of vaccine makers. Alphabet owns YouTube and Google. Alphabet owns 12 per cent of Vaccitech, which created the AstraZeneca vaccine. YouTube bans videos mentioning ivermectin as a COVID treatment. Aren’t these conflicts of interest? If ivermectin was approved for COVID, what would happen to big pharma’s hundreds of billions of dollars in profits? These profits are a transfer of wealth from taxpayers to big pharma.
Before becoming health minister, Greg Hunt was the environment minister, where he joined Malcolm Turnbull steering a law through parliament as a basis for a global carbon dioxide tax. In 2000 and 2001, he spent two years at the World Economic Forum in Davos developing strategy. A simple question: did he work on the forum’s great reset? I have already spoken on the government’s lack of a proper COVID management plan. Why has Minister Hunt falsely claimed that the government’s COVID policy is based on science when he is contradicting science? Finally, who owns the legacy media suppressing news of ivermectin’s success? In summary, ivermectin would complement vaccines, give people informed choice, save many lives, end lockdowns—and, in doing so, save more lives—save money, restore our economy to secure future health and end any need for vaccine passports or vaccine prisons. Basic freedoms, jobs and livelihoods could be restored. Why is the government not using ivermectin as a proven, safe, affordable life saver? Feel welcome to share your answers with my office or Facebook page. Finally, I add, I have no financial interest in any drug or medical suppliers or companies.
[Marcus Paul] Good morning, mate.
[Malcolm Roberts] Good morning Marcus, how are you?
[Marcus Paul] All right, as a Queensland Senator, are you going to welcome the 2032 Olympic games to Brisbane, the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast with open arms?
[Malcolm Roberts] If they ever get here, mate, once the decision is made that’s it. Of course I welcome people here, but I abhor the decision from Annastacia Palaszczuk. It’s an absolutely terrible decision. We’ve got productive capacity, needed investment across our state, and across our country, and they’re gonna blow it on a festival? To get her votes? No this is rubbish, it’s nonsense.
[Marcus Paul] All right. So, but you concur with what the boss says, Pauline Hanson, that’s you know, we could do without spending the billions of dollars that it’ll cost to run the 2032 games in Brisbane. Well, I mean, they’ve been announced, they’re coming to Queensland, so I guess I dunno, we need to just make sure the government doesn’t blow out the cost, I guess, I dunno.
[Malcolm Roberts] Well, Marcus, how did Brisbane win anything? How did we win anything? No one else wanted these damn games. We’ve got, the Commonwealth games was a flop, because of the way the labour state government mismanaged it in this state. Again, they made Beattie in charge of it, Peter Beattie in charge of it, and he turned it into a disaster, a public relations disaster. It was a disaster for the Gold Coast, the way he mismanaged that. We’ve got, I was in Julia Creek, not long ago in the Northwest of our state. And they had recently had a hospital open there, a new hospital, but they can’t find any staff to run it. And you know, what that means is people who are in aged care there, have moved out of town. So they’ve lost their family as well. I mean, this state is being so terribly mismanaged. We have got a $130 billion loan, sorry, debt. That’s what our debt is. We’ve got a mismanaged economy. The state government is just running this state into the ground. It’s just telling lies, and it’s just running from one catastrophe to the next. The COVID mismanagement. We have, I was in North, I’m in North Queensland now. I’m calling from Bamaga. We went through Moreton Telegraph, or Moreton Telegraph station just a couple of days ago. They had, the people who are running that business, lost their business in Cairns, a major touring company, tourist company, because of mismanagement. They can’t put up with the state government. It’s just destroying our state.
[Marcus Paul] All right, just on vaccinations. I know that Scott Morrison hasn’t ruled out at all, the possibility of a so-called vaccine passport. We know in France, the president, Emmanuel Macron, has introduced the vaccine passport system. Without a jab, people can’t go to restaurants, or cafes, get on planes, or trains to travel. Look, obviously there’ll be, you know, different countries around the world, where we’ll basically ask people to prove that they’re vaccinated, before they get access to so-called privileges. Look, I don’t know. I know you’re dead set against them, but I have a sneaking suspicion mate, that this is what’s on the way, a vaccine passport system here in Australia, as well.
[Malcolm Roberts] It’s a vaccine prison. It’s not a vaccine passport, it’s a vaccine prison, because it locks people out of everyday activities, travel, services, and mixing with their fellow humans in their own communities. It’s a vaccine prison. Scott Morrison promised, that there would be no vaccine prison. And now he’s trying to push one in, through the aged care facilities. We’ve had thousands of people contact us, deluged, with really serious concerns. Some of my staff have been crying with them on the phone. These people love working in aged care. They love servicing the guests in aged care facilities. They’re going to be leaving them, abandoning them, because they don’t want their own health compromised. We’ve got, in America, as of the 7th of July, it’s increased since then enormously, there were 9,000 deaths due to vaccines, and that’s not even counting AstraZeneca, I don’t think they do that over there. And they’ve had a thousand miscarriages. They have had no testing on the female reproductive systems. And that is possible, because they use rats and to do it, if they did the test, but they haven’t done the test on these vaccines. it’s just disgraceful. This is the first time in human history, where a government has knowingly injected something that can kill you into healthy people. And it’s also the first time in human history, that a government has willfully ignored a proven cure, ivermectin, and let people rot and die, because of COVID when they can’t get Ivermectin even though it’s proven, safe, affordable, and effective.
[Marcus Paul] Well it’s obviously not on the government’s radar. You and I have talked about ivermectin, and all the other options that are elsewhere available before, but it’s quite clear, the medical fraternity in this country, don’t wanna use it, otherwise we would be using it. And you’ve got to ask the question, “Why?” I’m not quite sure. What I do now-
[Malcolm Roberts] No, no.
[Marcus Paul] Hang on, hang on. But what I do know is that we rolled the dice. We went with the wrong jockey, if you like, in AstraZeneca, and we’re paying the price for it now.
[Malcolm Roberts] There are many medical practitioners, and allied healthcare practitioners in this country, who strongly support ivermectin’s use.
[Marcus Paul] Yeah, but the government, my point being, the government’s not listening to them.
[Malcolm Roberts] Correct.
[Marcus Paul] And if they were listening to them, then as you say, ivermectin and others would be in the mix. The question is, why aren’t they? Maybe, you know, because Craig Kelly was on the nose. I don’t know. I know that those who have been pushing it, yourself, Craig Kelly and others. But I do have to wonder why, our medical experts at a federal and state level have shied away from it? They just don’t wanna know about it. Why is that Malcolm? You’re a Senator. You have the ability to ask these questions within the Senate. Why is it that they’re not using ivermectin, or other as you put it, so-called scientifically proven methods to control COVID?
[Malcolm Roberts] It’s very simple, in my opinion, Marcus. Both the Labour Party and the Liberal Party, National Party have run this country into the ground over the last 40 years. Even more, if you go back to the root cause in 1944.
[Marcus Paul] Yeah, but you’re not answering the question.
[Malcolm Roberts] No, no, I am answering your question. What they have done, is they have played second fiddle. They’d been the lackeys for multinational corporations. Multinational corporations in this country, do not have to pay company tax. That’s a fact. That means you and I, and everyone listening is paying their share, the multinational share. Now multinationals behind these vaccines, have got a monopoly, while ever there’s no proven safe, effective, affordable alternative. So the government is not, that’s my belief, that they’re suppressing ivermectin, because if they passed ivermectin, and approved it for use for COVID, there would be no need whatsoever, whatsoever for these vaccines. Plus in addition, we’d be able to open the country up. And because it is known to cure people with COVID, known to already do that. It’s been demonstrated in many countries overseas. It’s been demonstrated also as a prophylactic to prevent you getting COVID. So this is insane.
[Marcus Paul] All right, so basically what you’re saying, is the government don’t wanna know, or our politicians don’t wanna know about the alternative treatments, because there’s nothing in it for them. I mean, we hear stories of certain MPS, and I, this is where I get really annoyed. We hear stories, I don’t know about how true they are. So I’ve got to be a little careful here, but you do hear stories of certain government MPS having shares in a number of the manufacturers of the approved vaccines. Now that to me is a concern, now.
[Malcolm Roberts] That’s a big concern. I haven’t done that research Marcus, so I’m not gonna say too much about it. But if it’s true, that’s a very, very serious indecent thing.
[Marcus Paul] Well, there’s a lotta of rumours about it.
[Malcolm Roberts] Well that’s the thing you know, there so many rumours on the internet about these things. And what we’ve gotta face up to, is the fact that this government has botched the delivery of the vaccines. It’s botched, and same with Labour Party, The Labour Party and the Liberal Party have refused to deal with the fundamental question, which is, should we be vaccinating, not how do we vaccinate. What they’ve done, is they’ve skipped the should we be vaccinating, and looked at that and had a serious debate about the pros and cons, and gone straight to how do we vaccinate? That’s a con job. And so what we’ve got at the very minimum, is a serious abdication of accountability and responsibility yet again, from the federal government in this country. Plus, as you point out, maybe serious conflicts of interest.
[Marcus Paul] Malcolm, good to have you on mate. We’ll talk again soon, appreciate it.
[Malcolm Roberts] Okay, Marcus, little bit.
[Marcus Paul] All right, there he is, Queensland One Nation Senator, Malcolm Roberts. Wow, agree, disagree. Look, as I say, this programme is a broad church, and I allow all opinions. Even those that perhaps, you know, skirt the, well, the probability of almost being realistic. Look, I don’t know. You know Malcolm Roberts, a lot of people don’t like him, but he’s, you know, give him credit where it’s due. He researches, he looks into the issues. And you know, there are a lot of people who do support the use of other formulas or methods to deal with COVID. But it’s quite obvious that the medical fraternity here in Australia, and our politicians don’t agree with him. Otherwise, you know, we’d be using ivermectin, and all these other things that they talk about. But we’re not, we’re stuck with what we’ve got, and here we are, lock downs
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