Original Story: Unvaccinated people in the NT will be subject to tough new measures.
Our political leaders are telling Australians that we have to live with COVID, yet Chief Minister Gunner’s latest whole of NT lockout for the unvaccinated epitomises the ongoing disastrous COVID mismanagement.
Australians and Australian businesses need to get back to work, yet Gunner, completely out of step with a national effort to live with COVID, is locking out NT residents who are not vaccinated.

There is no legal or medical evidence for discriminating against unvaccinated residents.
The Prime Minister needs to use every opportunity to intervene and show some urgent leadership to protect the NT residents from their own tragic Chief Minister.

Our Chief Health Officers have made it clear that we are all going to get COVID, and that being vaccinated is no guarantee to escape the virus. Gunner is going rogue and crucifying his citizens, which is the pervasive theme of all Labor premiers.
Like the flu, COVID is here to stay whether we like it or not, and we have to adapt and learn to live it. Australians want the Australian lifestyle back, yet our premiers are persistently dragging their feet, caught up in their own cycle of ineptness and self-serving political rhetoric.