I had the pleasure of joining Laban Ditchburn on the Be Your Own Super Hero podcast! We delved into my current world perspective, offering straightforward explanations of both current and past Australian politics. Plus, I shared my tips on staying sane in a world that often feels completely at odds with common sense.
At CPAC in 2022 I explained the Liberals refused to fight for conservative principles and that is why they lost the election. Here’s my full “controversial” speech. It’s only controversial to Liberals that are still in denial. Until they fight for conservative principles, the Liberals will not be re-elected.
Thank you. What is a conservative? This is the first and most vital question at a Conservative Political Action Conference. I wanna thank Andrew Cooper, Warren Mundine, and all their many volunteers and observers and supporters who’ve come from a long, long way to help. And I want to thank you because this is what it’s all about. It’s not about two men, Warren and Andrew. It’s about conservatives, good citizens. We’re among real people today and we’re among real humans. In this room, we have people who think, who appreciate, and who want to contribute to restoring our country. So, now, I prepared some comments, but after comments yesterday, I want to reinforce what Nigel Farage said and also Warren Mundine and Ross Cameron.
So I’m going to, I’ve changed my speech considerably, so I’m gonna read from notes. For me, a conservative is someone who thinks critically and has the awareness of our world’s core realities and who thinks critically and has the awareness of our own species’ reality, an understanding, appreciation, and celebration of reality. Someone standing up and protecting reality as our natural state that best enables and delivers human progress and security. Yet we live in a world where even conservatives, known for our optimism and positivity, are feeling confused, dismayed, frustrated, fearful, concerned, angry, and sometimes hopeless.
Thomas Sowell said it best, “Ours may become the first civilization destroyed, not by the power of our enemies, but by the ignorance of our teachers and the dangerous nonsense they are teaching our children. In an age of artificial intelligence, they are creating artificial stupidity.” Today, many conservatives search for understanding, clarity, engagement, and being heard, because today, governments do not listen. Instead, they seek to control. When we see, hear, and feel the absurdity all around us in the West, we realise we’re engaged in a war for the heart, the soul, the mind, and existence of our society, our nation, civilization, basic human rights, lifestyle, and even our species. Yes, even our species.
How can we replace our concern, our fear, with constructive feelings like hope, like calm confidence, like positive openness, reassured vigour and excitement, possibilities for a better world and for restoring our Australian lifestyle? As conservatives, how do we support each other? How do we work together to restore freedom, express ideas, encourage and support each other, revive hope? We need to work across the spectrum, not as parties, but as unified forces for the conservative side of politics, to restore our country so we can get back to doing what humans do so well and naturally: improving society and progressing as a species, as a civilization, as families, and as individuals.
So I was going to invite you to step back at this point and examine our society, but what I wanna do is talk about something that we need to be on guard from within. We’re not being attacked just from outside, and we are certainly being attacked from outside. We need to be on guard from something coming from within. I wanna make two points. CPAC can only thrive as a people’s movement. Not as a Cooper movement, a Schlapp movement, a Farage movement, only as a people’s movement. And in that unity is crucial. I am a conservative and I want conservatives to thrive. I support CPAC and am loyal to the many people coming up to thank me for my stance, and that’s much appreciated. But that’s not my job.
My job is to help Warren achieve his aims for CPAC that he so clearly said this morning. And that requires putting parties and politicians under the spotlight, setting them aside, not papering over the cracks in parties. I wholeheartedly endorse Ross Cameron’s viewpoint. Yesterday, we saw difference of view, differences of views rearing their heads, and I welcome that. Nigel Farage’s call for the people to be energised regardless of party, to be energised, a people’s movement. Whereas Nick Cater said we all need to go back to the two old parties. So I must address that issue. So I’ve made a new speech and then I invite you to decide.
And I’m encouraged by Dan Tehan, National Party member, I think, in Victoria, who had the courage, so rare in politics, to admit his mistake in withdrawing from and allowing the abuses that occurred under the Morrison government driving the states to do what they did for the last two and a half years. Dan Tehan, thank you for your guts. I have great pride in celebrating Gerard Rennick, Pauline Hanson, Alex Antic, George Christensen, and Craig Kelly. I will now speak with them in mind and in my heart. If there’s time, I’ll get back to the speech I was intending to deliver. I noticed my time’s been cut. So let me start with the review of some of the information presented this weekend.
While Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and Katherine Deves are awesome and I love them dearly and I respect them and admire them, they are not Australia’s bravest women. Nampijinpa Price wholeheartedly needs and deserves that award of freedom yesterday. But the title of bravest woman in Australia has gone to Pauline Hanson for 25 years. Pauline has fought the battles we have all talked about this weekend: family, community, Christianity, border protection, the Indigenous industry, our flag, our veterans, freedom, our lifestyle, our very way of life, our exports, our industry, our agriculture. It is ironic that the omnipresent party in this event is the same party that sent Pauline to jail to shut her up, the Liberal Party.
After being released and exonerated, Pauline put aside her time as Australia’s first political prisoner to lead One Nation in the fight for conservative values. This should never be forgotten, always remembered, especially with the release of a new national anti-corruption body lacking in checks and balances that One Nation expected to be there. In this last election, Australia’s COVID response asked many questions of our elected leaders, particularly federal.
Questions like: What happened to my body, my choice? What happened to the vaccine approval process? What happened to freedom of movement and freedom of association? What happened to the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship, the confidentiality of the doctor-patient relationship? What happened to free speech? And how could a virus infect you in a small business but not in a big business? Finally, where were the bloody Liberals and Nationals for the last two and a half years? I can tell you where they were: calling me names for standing up for the very values they now embrace at this conference.
One Nation went to this last election, One Nation went to this last election defending conservative values and fighting for your freedom, our freedom. Senator Ralph Babet, who’s in the audience, and the United Australia Party were there defending your freedom. The Liberal Democrats were there defending freedom and standing up against the genuinely evil Dan Andrews regime. And as I said, Senator Rennick was there, Alex Antic was there. And good on Topher Field for his courage, and I urge everyone to buy his movie, “Battleground Melbourne” available in the foyer.
It brought me to tears. It is just such a stark, stark, horrific portrayal, but an accurate portrayal. In this last election, the Liberal Party and the National Party chose to preference the Labor Party ahead of One Nation in many races. In the end, delivering the Senate to the ALP and neutering the Liberal Party. So what the hell is going on? Like many people here, I do hope the Liberals rediscover their roots in true liberalism, true conservatism. It would, however, be unbelievable if the Liberals achieved that in a single weekend-long pep rally.
Where is Peter Dutton, can I ask? Seriously, I thought I was coming to, I thought I was coming to CPAC. It feels more like LPAC, Liberal Political Action Conference. I must say, CPAC is back from their three-year COVID hiatus with a very short memory. Returning to their conservative roots will take fundamental changes in the power structure of a party that quite simply sold Australia out. The best way to help the Liberal Party, for those who wanna help the Liberal Party, is to expose the cracks, not paper them over.
And not just during COVID, but going back to the days of John Howard and his implementation of the 1997 UN Kyoto Protocol that stripped property rights from farmers to meet targets imposed by the UN without compensation and going around the constitution to do so.
[Audience Member] Terrible.
That has never been set right. And we need to set it right. If the Liberals want to embrace conservatism, setting that right might be a good place to start. Who was it that locked Western Sydney residents into their homes and put troops to the streets to keep them there? Who was that?
[Audience Member] Liberals.
Gladys Berejiklian’s Liberal government. Who closed their state off to the rest of Australia, imposed business closures, restricted movement, and forced medical mandates on their citizens? That was the Liberal Marshall South Australian government. Who changed the rules to allow emergency health orders under the Biosecurity Act and then tore up the vaccine approval rule book while sharing your vaccine status with anyone who wanted to see it? Always remember that. That was the Liberal Morrison government. If the Liberal Party want their supporters to hold the line, as we heard yesterday, then they need to change their leadership, change their policies, apologise for their failures, and start again truthfully and honestly. And they need to call a Royal Commission into COVID. Although, maybe under Albanese, it might be better if the they just let the senators get on with having a Senate Select inquiry into it because we can ask the questions that need to be asked. Liberal Premier Perrottet could do that right now. He could have an inquiry. I also heard a speaker in favour of retaining the two-party system, Nick Cater. I disagree completely. Nigel Farage said, “Go and elect the best people you can regardless of party, and if the conservatives have governed as liberal democrats, social democrats rather, get rid of them.” It was not a two-party system that delivered conservatives a victory in Italy. That was a multi-party coalition. It was not a two-party system that delivered conservatives to government in Sweden. That was a multi-party coalition. While Brexit did deliver the first black eye to the globalists, as another speaker mentioned, the conservatives didn’t do that. It was one man who built up an army in the people, and that’s what we need here. Nigel Farage did that.
Woo! Working outside the establishment parties. And it was not the Republicans that won the presidency in 2016. It was Donald Trump. The Republicans tried to scuttle him.
[Audience Member] Woo!
[Audience Member] Well done.
It will not be the Republicans that regain Congress in a month. It will be Donald Trump and his Make America Great Again movement. And they will retake Congress over the dead body of the establishment Republicans. Can a unified conservative movement achieve more than a disunited movement? Well, of course it can. That’s why we’re here, isn’t it? We are people from all parties united in the desire to defend conservative values.
And we can win this fight. Just as victory in two world wars was not any nations alone. Rather, nations came together allied in a single cause to defend against evil and restore freedom and prosperity. Once again, after a long period of peace and prosperity, we find ourselves in a fight for freedom, for Christian and conservative values, in a war against neopaganism masquerading as wokism. In many ways, this is a new world war. It is a war that does not need to be fought with one party.
It is a war that must be fought with one community. One community. It is not time for a single conservative party. It is a time for all allies to unite and fight side by side with a clarity of mind and purpose. And so I implore everyone here, now is the time, because as Shakespeare said so eloquently, “Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more.” Let me now resume scheduled programming. See how long I’ve got. That’s the end of time. So one thing I wanna say is government…
Well, I wanna say that in response to the globalist New World Order and Great Reset, we must, as conservatives, apply the great resist.
Hear, hear.
And the great restoration, and the great restoration of nation. While government is necessary, good government is necessarily limited.
Hear, hear.
Fundamental rights of individuals are above the rights of government.
[Audience Member] Yes.
I am, and I hope we all in this room, are proud to be conservative. We should be proud. To succeed in our great resist, we must be proud. We must get off our knees, stand up straight, and get off our ass, together united around not parties, but around conservative values. We have one flag, we are one community, we have one nation, and we’ve got one planet. Let’s make this global.
[Audience Member] Yes.
The political world is full of baseless slurs uttered by historically and politically illiterate shock-jocks. The current favourite is ‘far-right’. Pretty much any crime against Woke will see you saddled with this slur. From querying Labor’s ‘Big Australia’ dream, to partaking in capitalism, to defending free speech… You’re ‘far-right’. You’re dangerous. Dangerous to left-wing politics, maybe.
When it comes to the definition of ‘far-right’, the pillars of Western Civilisation serve as scaffolding while common sense and merit pad-out the walls.
Read more here: https://www.spectator.com.au/2024/08/far-right-or-just-right-about-everything/

I joined Andrew Bogut in his studio on the Gold Coast for a very enjoyable conversation. Listen for free!

As a nation, do we believe in robust political debate? Or are we leaning towards the more suppressive model coming out of Communist China?
An Australian speaking tour by Donald Trump Junior was ended before it began. The former US president’s son had his visa delayed and it was only in the last 24 hours before he was due to board his flight that it was granted. The tour has been rescheduled for later this year.
British broadcaster and former politician, Nigel Farage, who was expected to tour with Donald Trump Junior has been going through his own brush with cancel culture in the form of debanking. The former Member of European parliament says that Coutts Bank (NatWest) decided to close his accounts because it didn’t like his political views.
We should be celebrating political diversity with some of the biggest names in international politics. It’s a chance for friend and foe to compete in debate, a practice that dates back to the world’s first known democratic societies in Ancient Greece.
It seems extraordinary that an Australian minister would intervene to prevent the visit of the son of a former US president, if that’s what really happened.
It’s easy to see the misuse of this discretionary power when you look at the performance of previous governments who have vetoed the visas of speakers, sports stars and political individuals who are known to hold views contrary to whatever the prevailing dogma is at the time.
Canceling the son of a former president is an undiplomatic act that could easily come back to bite those responsible.
Labor preference destructive Greens Today, Labor’s Murray Watt put forward a Motion claiming that the Greens and One Nation’s Queensland State policies would do great economic damage to Queensland. Why then did the Labor party preference the Greens? Queensland’s economy is a basket case, certainly nothing to be proud of.
One Nation want to remove unnecessary and costly red and green tape from Queensland businesses which will drive jobs and wealth for all Queenslanders.
Senator Roberts.
[Senator Roberts]
I seek leave to make a short statement.
Leave is granted for one minute.
[Senator Roberts]
Thank you, One nation does not support this motion. We first of all do congratulate Steve Andrew for his enhanced majority in the seat of Mirani. After three years of solid work. However, gloating over the Queensland election result, that was based on Labor scaremongering.
Senator Watt.
[Senator Roberts]
Inflicted upon the people of Queensland is unworthy. The economic damage from Labor over the last six years has been further entrenched during COVID because Labor couldn’t work out that responding to a virus is not a simplistic choice between our health or the economy. Queensland boasts the highest unemployment.
Order Senator Roberts stop the clock. Senator Watt, please, numerous times today. Senator Roberts.
[Senator Roberts]
Queensland boasts the highest unemployment, the highest rate of business closures, the lowest business confidence and the largest state debt at $110 billion. And that was before COVID. Queensland is now an economic basket case and still the premier and our government offer no coherent plan for recovery.
If the Labor party are so worried that the greens would, “Do great economic damage to Queensland at a time when every job is vital.” And by the way I agree, “Then it beggars belief that Labor continues to preference the greens.” Let’s also remember that Labor relies on greens preferences. In summary, the outcome of the Queensland election was fear won and Queensland lost.
Order Senator Roberts.
Malcolm’s Fight
Casual Coal Wage TheftFebruary 21, 2024 - 2:09 pm
Over $30,000 a year being stolen, and it’s been signed off by the union and the government. Find out about the largest wage theft from casuals in Australia.
My Other IssuesFebruary 16, 2021 - 12:08 pm
Murray Darling BasinMarch 23, 2020 - 3:05 am
Foreign OwnershipOctober 16, 2019 - 4:58 am
Property rightsOctober 16, 2019 - 4:39 am
United Nations #AUSEXITOctober 16, 2019 - 2:31 am
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