
Parents – not bureaucrats – should have a CHOICE in their children’s education and upbringing.

I spoke against the Liberal, Labor and Greens policies forcing both parents to work. Whether mum or dad stays home should be a family choice, not something they are forced into by the cost of living.

Empower parents with school choice and protect family values. Charter schools would give funding power back to families, not bureaucrats.


Senator McKim, through his motion, is fabricating a false dichotomy, a false divide. It’s not public schools versus private schools; it’s parents versus woke education departments. The real issue is an undernourished education.

Maria Montessori, arguably the most comprehensive studier of human behaviour and human development, said that the critical years for the formation of both character and intellect are birth to six. We form our view of ourselves, we develop our ego and our view of the world before reasoning develops, because reasoning doesn’t start kicking in until around the age of nine. Babies are sponges. They focus on their parents, and the parents’ role is absolutely crucial—especially from zero to three, and then continuing from three to six. That is primary.

So what do we see? We see the Greens policies destroying families and the role of parents. We see Senator Waters recently speaking enthusiastically in the Senate about increasing women’s participation in work. The corollary is that women are not participating in family. That’s the shame. Parents—fathers and mothers—should have a choice as to whether both work or one stays at home. Parents should not be forced to leave their children in the care of someone else for economic reasons—the rising cost-of-living expenditure due to government and Greens policies; higher energy prices due to Greens policies; higher housing prices due to rampant immigration, due to Greens policies; taxation; high interest rates. Whether the mother or the father stays at home should be a choice for each couple, but one of them should have the opportunity to have that choice.

The Greens want the parenting role contracted out to government indoctrination. The Greens are pushing globalist policies through the United Nations and World Economic Forum alliance, and their stated goals are to destroy families. The Greens policies are destroying families and parenting.

I make the point that it certainly would be better to have charter schools introduced into this country because the government allocates money to the child, and that money follows the child to the school. If the parent wants to choose a private school, they have the funds. If the parent wants to choose a public school, the money goes to the public school. Then we’d give power to adults and parents and principals, not bureaucrats.

The Palaszczuk government must get kids back to school with no delay to keep their future safe.

Palaszczuk will delay the start of the school term by two weeks on the back of health advice claiming the omicron wave will peak at the end of January, similar to advice at the start of the pandemic that pandemic restrictions would only last two weeks to flatten the curve.

Over the past month government has rapidly shifted gear in what they say but not what they do. They say we need  to live with the virus, but prove with the cancellation of schools that they are unwilling to do so.

The government is unwilling to give up control, again relying on secret “health advice” to throw parents everyday lives into chaos and hamstring students who have already suffered with years of disrupted learning.

Parents know that the logistical nightmare of not being ready for remote learning is detrimental compared to having their kids in school at a proper learning environment.

We hold the formative years of a child’s life sacred for a reason, sometimes you don’t get a second chance at them. There is no reason to mandate either students or their teachers to receive COVID vaccines.

Many teachers know this, which is likely why over 20,000 of them reportedly won’t be returning to work this year after the Palaszczuk government mandated injections for them and they were sacked or resigned.

Palaszczuk claims this is about safety. It’s not. The premier is trading short-term pretend safety for the long-term detriment of our children’s lives and learning journey to try to get Labor elected.

I’m calling on the Premier to drop the mandates, return kids to school without delay and live with the virus as politicians have promised us.