
The Albanese Labor Government caved into to public pressure and scrapped the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024 (MAD). This was a huge win for ‘We The People,’ who rejected the level of government tyranny the bill would have legislated.

One Nation has opposed the Bill since the Morrison-Liberal government first proposed it four years ago. We have campaigned tirelessly for years to raise public awareness of the human rights failures in this Bill, successfully influencing public opinion. The Bill should never have progressed to a point where democracy itself stood on a precipice. If that sounds dramatic, then you haven’t read the submission to the Senate inquiry into the MAD bill from human rights and civil rights lawyers.

I hope this marks the beginning of an awakening to the realisation that our country faces a bleak future of totalitarian government and economic decline unless everyday Australians reclaim the government from the self-interest that stained this Bill.

One Nation will continue to defend the human rights of every Australian. I can’t say the same for the other parties. I have no doubt this Bill will return in the next Parliament unless One Nation gains the balance of power in the upcoming federal election.


Removing the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024 from the Notice Paper was a humanitarian act. It’s said that success has many fathers and failure is an orphan. If that’s the case, I would like a paternity test on this vote, because many who are taking credit for voting down this bill only decided their vote last week. One Nation has opposed the bill since the Morrison-Liberal government first proposed this bill four years ago. One Nation has campaigned for years to raise public awareness of the human rights failures in this bill, to inspire public opinion, and we were successful. It should never have progressed to a point where democracy itself stood on a precipice. If that sounds dramatic, then you haven’t read the submission to the Senate inquiry into the mad bill from the human rights and civil rights lawyers. They were scathing. How did committee members listen to three days of testimony with almost every witness calling for the bill to be scrapped yet still produce a report that said, ‘Everything’s fine; pass the bill.’ The original decision of the committee to do just that flies in the face of the expert witnesses who the committee asked to testify. Such an action will make it harder to attract the high quality of witnesses this inquiry attracted. It’s disrespectful to all concerned, and it’s disrespectful to the Australian people, who expect better of this Senate. 

I understand why the Prime Minister wants censorship—he has been community noted on X 10 times and certainly needs help with the truth. For One Nation and Australia, the Christmas present in this debacle was the way everyday Australians got involved. This was an extraordinary response and one of which Australia can be proud. I hope this is the start of an awakening to the realisation that our country, this country, is facing a bleak future of totalitarian government and economic decline unless everyday Australians take the government back from the self interests which stained this bill. One Nation will defend the human rights of every Australian—every Australian. 

I joined Alex Jones of Infowars to talk about the same agenda that is being seen across Australia, the US, Britain, Canada, New Zealand—all nations of the British Commonwealth. Each of these countries is dominated by what I call the Uni-Party, the red and blue teams pushing the same agenda. Behind them are internationalists, unelected globalists,and corporate fronts controlled by a powerful few.


Alex Jones: All right. I wanted to get this guy on for years. I know it’s the middle of the night. We really appreciate him joining us from Queensland, Australia. He is the main guy, the most prominent one of great people in Australia that are battling the Great Reset, the globalist takeover, and they are one of the main testing grounds, so is the UK, so are places like Italy and Germany and Canada, and everything you see done there is going to happen here. I know most of our audience cares about everybody in the world. Some people say, “Well, why are you covering Australia so much?” Hypothetically, if Martians blew up Paris, I’d be against it because obviously we’re next. I mean, we need to understand this. They’re fighting the same global corporate BlackRock, ESG social credit score programme that we are slowing down and stopping and he has been charging ahead. 

He’s an Australian leader. He’s a member of the One Nation party and has been a senator for Queensland since 2019. He also served in the Senate from 2016, 2017, and he’s been through a lot. He exposes the carbon tax fraud and the manmade climate change garbage. Find him on X, @MRobertsQLD, and we’ll put that on screen for you. You need to follow what he’s saying because whatever he’s talking about is about two years ahead of us on average. So, he joins us. He sent us a lot of topics, a lot of clips. He’s really prepared. We appreciate him getting up in the middle of the night or early morning to do this. We’re going to cover the waterfront here, and he sent us a lot of documents as well. 

So, Senator, it’s great to have you here, and we’re all together in solidarity against the same enemy. We share a lot of the same culture, so we’re in this together. I mean, I’ll jump in some and bring in some clips and topics, but to kind of give you the floor here to start where you think is most important. Thanks so much for being here. 

Malcolm Roberts: You’re welcome, Alex, and thank you so much for what you’re doing. You’ve been fighting a line battle until fairly recently, and now people recognise that your credibility is very, very high. So, thank you so much for what you’re doing. But essentially, what’s happening is your country, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, all descendants from the British Commonwealth, are all ruled by a red and a blue team, what I call the UniParty, and they’re all the same… They’re pushing the same basic policies. It’s driven by these internationalists, these globalists, these unelected parasites who are fronts for big corporations, who are fronts for a few people that own them and control them. 

Alex Jones: If they could convince us we’re bad and that we have no life force and that we have no survival instinct, then we’ll all roll over and be slaves and be sterilised and basically just phased out. I mean, that’s it. The decision’s been made by The Limits to Growth, the Club of Rome, the World Economic Forum to build a post-human future, and it’s a mad scientist project and we have to get people to face it. It sounds crazy, but now the WEF is very public about it. The New York Times has headlines looking forward to the end of humanity. I’ve been in the grocery store, I’ve seen magazines, “Humans are bad. Looking forward to the end of humans.” They want us to hate ourselves, so we get rid of that empathy and then accept their globalist, anti-human programme. It’s really, for me, simple. 

Malcolm Roberts: You’re absolutely correct. They want us to hate ourselves. They want us to hate each other. They want division. They want fear. During COVID, we saw the same things, fear and isolation and separation, making us feel as though we’re alone and individual and vulnerable, and nothing can be further from the truth. 

Video: It’s become clear that people in this country and globally have been steamrolled. It is also clear that it has been coordinated globally. It is also clear that it has been integrated not just over six months, not just over two and a half years, but it has been planned over decades. The changes to legislation in this country were done so that they could control doctors and people. But the people are waking, and it’s thanks to people like Dr. Altman and all the presenters here today, thanks to people like Senator Babet and Craig Kelly. We know and we knew that this is all bullshit and that we’ve been had. 

Malcolm Roberts: Both parties are pushing this agenda. They stole farmers’ property rights, which is fundamental, they’re destroying family, they’re controlling speech, they’re destroying religion, bad-mouthing Christianity, which gave us our Western Civilization, the fundamentals of our Western Civilization, our values, and they’re putting controls in place like this social media control that you’re talking about. They’re doing all the things that a communist party would do because they are communist in their approach. I mean, I’m very proud of my country, but I loved America. I mean, America, and I’ve got to put a caveat on that, has been decimated in the last 30 years thanks to- 

Alex Jones: I want to ask- 

Malcolm Roberts: … both the Obamas, the Clintons. I mean, you’ve been ruled by criminals. 

Where do you start, Alex? It’s pervasive. We’re in the middle of an indoctrination war, an information war, which is the title of your show. We’ve been saying that for years. But essentially, what’s happening is your country, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, all descendants from the British Commonwealth, are all ruled by a red and a blue team, what I call the UniParty, and they’re all the same… They’re pushing the same basic policies. They’re pretending to be different. And some of the people in the Liberal Party in Australia, for example, the blue party in Australia, are different, but the majority are following like sheep. And what we’re seeing is the same globalist policies, the United Nations, the World Health Organisation, the World Economic Forum, and the policies that’ll make BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, First State all rich. They’re pushing what’s happening in our country. The agenda is driven by these internationalists, these globalists, these unelected parasites who are fronts for big corporations who are fronts for a few people that own them and control them. 

Alex Jones: Absolutely. And of course, the jewel in their crown has been climate change, carbon taxes, the global corporate rules, the regimens, and now they’re bringing in COVID as their lockdown excuse, which they admit are training rules for it. Let’s talk about then your awakening and what’s happening in Australia, because it’s happening everywhere, and then walk through the stratagems that are involved in and then how we dismantle this, how we stop it. 

Malcolm Roberts: Well, I first became involved… I didn’t know anything about this. What you would’ve been saying in 2009, I would’ve probably laughed at. And then I got involved in the climate fraud, exposing the climate fraud. I’m a mining engineer by training. I’ve worked in leadership and management at corporate levels and at mine sites, and I’ve been trained as a mining engineer to keep people alive underground. That means I have to understand atmospheric gases. So, I just knew that carbon dioxide cannot do what they’re saying it can do, “It’ll boil the planet.” It’s not going to boil the bloody planet. It’s nature’s essential fertiliser for plants. So, when they started demonising carbon dioxide… I worked in New Zealand for a client over there for a year. Our family went over there. When we came back, I saw it was a rage in this country, and so I said, “This is bullshit.” 

So, I started researching it and I found out the science is absolute crap. There is no science backing it up whatsoever. So, I then started exploring further. I explored the people who were pushing it. That was the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. I found out that the whole thing was rigged. And then I found out who was driving it and the motives, and it’s just for the same things that globalists do everywhere, control and wealth transfer. There’s a bigger and nastier thing going on. We had a wonderful scientist here called Bob Carter. Professor Bob Carter was an eminent climatologist. He understood the science, and he and I were speaking around the country in various places, all voluntary. He did a marvellous job. 

Anyway, one day he said to me, Alex, “This climate change stuff must be the biggest fraud ever,” and I said, “Bob, it’s not even close,” and he said, “What do you mean?” And I said, “Well, look at the monetary system. Look at the way they issue currency, make it out of thin air,” and he said, “You’ve got a point, okay,” and I said, “But that’s not the worst. The worst is the anti-human scam.” Alex, as you know, and many of your listeners probably know, the fundamental problem is an anti-human problem. They’re portraying humans as uncaring, greedy, rapacious, unkind. We just don’t give a damn about the planet. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

When a foal is given birth from the mare, within 20 minutes, it’s up and about on spindly legs, awkward and it’s trotting and then it sidles up to its mother and has a drink. And then within a few months, it’s eating grass and moving with the herd, completely alone, completely independent. But a human baby, when you and I were born, we were about so long and we were completely helpless for years, and that shows that humans… The fact that you are here, the fact that I’m here, the fact that people are watching this, shows that someone cared for each of us because that is the fundamental trait. The human traits that set us apart are love, care, and reason, although I sometimes wonder about the reasoning skills, but you know what I’m getting at, and that sets us apart. But we are vulnerable, we are dependent for many, many years and the fact that humans actually care about us- 

Alex Jones: Empathy. 

Malcolm Roberts: … is evidence that we are here. 

Alex Jones: Well, absolutely. The real studies show, in most cases, humans make the environment better and not worse. There’s obviously some issues, but we’re cleaning those up. But you hit the nail on the head here. And Elon Musk, after they basically kidnapped his son and sterilised him and his brother almost died in a poison shot, he’s now fully awake and says, “Look, I know the globalist,” and he went back decades ago to the founders of Google saying, “We need to get rid of the people and don’t be pro-human.” He explains it’s a death cult. 

If they could convince us we’re bad and that we have no life force and that we have no survival instinct, then we’ll all roll over and be slaves and be sterilised and basically just phased out. I mean, that’s it. The decision’s been made by the Limits to Growth, the Club of Rome, the World Economic Forum to build a post-human future, and it’s a mad scientist project and we have to get people to face it. It sounds crazy, but now the WEF is very public about it. The New York Times has headlines looking forward to the end of humanity. I’ve been in the grocery store, I’ve seen magazines, “Humans are bad. Looking forward to the end of humans.” They want us to hate ourselves, so we get rid of that empathy and then accept their globalist, anti-human programme. It’s really, for me, simple. 

Malcolm Roberts: You’re absolutely correct. They want us to hate ourselves. They want us to hate each other. They want division. They want fear. During COVID, we saw the same things, fear and isolation and separation, making us feel as though we’re alone and individual and vulnerable, and nothing could be further from the truth. When people stand up, we have very strong care, reasoning ability, and love. But at the same time, Alex, Maria Montessori, the world’s greatest studier of human behaviour and human development, she’s dead now, she died in the ’50s I think, wonderful woman, highly objective, and a huge volume of work and very, very accurate. We go through planes of development when we grow. In the first six years… Well, she said the critical years for the formation of both character and intellect are birth to six. We don’t form ourselves until we’re around about six, and then we don’t start getting intellectual ability reasoning skills until about nine. 

So what that means, Alex, is that you and I and every human on this planet created ourselves, fabricated ourselves before we could intellectually reason. That means it wasn’t God who made me. God created me, but I fabricated my ego. So, what we’ve got is we’ve got these parasitic globalist billionaires, parasitic globalist corporation run by the billionaires who are basically evil and separate from the rest of humanity in that they think they’re superior because they fabricated that. Underneath all of that is fear. Always, Alex, these people are after control. They’re after wealth transfer and, from us to them, they want to make us serfs. Christiana Figueres who used to lead the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and other senior bureaucrats in the UN have admitted. I mean we don’t need to make this stuff up. They’ve admitted that their agenda is a new world order, a new economic order. 

What’s his name? Maurice Strong, who fabricated global climate change, he said he had two aims in life. One was to put in place an unelected socialist global governance, his words, and the other one was to de-industrialise Western Civilization. No more of these things and no more lights, no more electricity, no more power, no more roads. They want us back in the Dark Ages, back in the cave. That’s how inhuman these people are, but they want the good life. They want us to be serfs to look after them. I mean, we are looking at their own words. They’re telling us with their own words and they’ve told it repeatedly, World Economic Forum, United Nations. 

Alex Jones: And you stand up, we’ve got some of these clips coming up, we play them almost every week, in the Senate and you look them right in the eyes and expose their operations, and I know they’ve come after you, but let’s talk about the censorship systems. I see the policies. Without even votes, they’re trying to enforce where the government can break in your social media and even poses you and then put you in jail for what they’ve done. We see other senators calling for Elon Musk’s arrest. We see similar things in the EU and Brazil. So, again, you guys are really the test case, along with New Zealand, with the WEF minion [inaudible 00:14:17] and Australian leaders saying, “Don’t look at the sunset. Don’t talk to your neighbours.” I mean, this is a wild cult. Your current leader saying he wants to arrest people for memes. Tell us about the WEF, UN push legislation that they’re trying to bring into Australia to silence the people. 

Malcolm Roberts: Well, you’re hitting the nail on the head, Alex, because we have a red party, which is the Labour Party. It’s supposed to be socialist, and we have a blue party, which is the Liberal Party and is in coalition with the National Party that’s supposed to be free enterprise capitalist, and they’re both bullshit. Their policies are almost identical. When you look at it fundamentally, their policies are identical. There’re slight variations in extremity. Every major climate and energy policy, which has been destroying our country since 1996, has been introduced by the liberal nationalists, the capitalists, the conservatives. This is the way they parade themselves. And then each time, Labour comes in and ramps it up. 

Now, when we look at the suite of policies that you are talking about with the control policies, the media control policies, we are looking at the Digital Identity Bill, for example, which enables the government to sell our data, sell it to corporations overseas. That’s the next step in what they’ll be doing. Their current status is they make one massive database with all the other departmental databases filtered into one now. That’s going to be hacker’s paradise and also enable control. Then the next step, and they’ve said this, both liberals and the Labour Party in their draught bills have said this, they want to sell it off to corporations. So, for me to go and get my health data, I will have to access a private corporation and pay them for my data, pay them to access my data. 

Then the next part is the misinformation, disinformation bill. When they don’t define disinformation, they don’t define misinformation accurately in detail, specifics rather, and they also make it a crime to say certain things that go against the government narrative. Now, the government will decide what is misinformation, what is disinformation, and what is serious harm. I was one of the senators in the Senate inquiry yesterday, and no one could… I asked several people, several witnesses, “What’s the definition of serious harm?” and they said they don’t know. 

So, what they’re setting us up for is… Both parties are setting it. The liberals introduced this bill, the Labour Party is now bringing it to a vote. We’ve also got the identity verification data bill, which is about setting up biometric surveillance cameras so that they can see who you’re driving with, who you’re mixing with, who you’re travelling with, who you’re engaging with. These are the sorts of things that they’re setting up, but they’ve already got 15 major cities, as you well know better than anyone else on the planet, in Oxford and other places in Britain. 

The other thing, Alex, is what we’re seeing in Australia is happening in the other British colonies, former British colonies, America, Canada, New Zealand, Britain itself, and Australia. So, this is coordinated globally. It’s coordinated globally, and we don’t even need the evidence now of what Maurice Strong and others are saying to put in place a global governance, unelected socialist global governance. It’s there and it’s coming, and the best thing to do is to stand up and tell them to go to hell, and that’s what we’ve been doing. 

Alex Jones: Well, that’s right. Again, you mentioned the same things here. The Democrats are not trying to take over big tech, it’s one conglomerate, so they can get direct control. Same thing’s happening in Europe. But when they get all the data and the government, quote, “controls” the data, they then have an internet ID. They always do it in the name of protecting children in the US and Australia, it’s all the same. And then once they have all that data, they use that to punish you when you don’t behave the way they want. 

Malcolm Roberts: That’s exactly it, a social credit system. That’s what we can see coming. 

Alex Jones: What is the climate in Australia? I mean, it looks to me like people really woke up during COVID and it seems like they’ve got major opposition. What’s happening? 

Malcolm Roberts: That’s correct, but majority of people are still asleep, Alex. We’ve got a long, long way to go. The climate fraud, as I call it, that was starting to get somewhere. But then on Instagram, for example, just before COVID arrived, we had very slow growth on Instagram. And then COVID arrived, and we took a very strong stance, I mean, just natural stance, doing what is right and protecting people. We saw a lot of young people join us and start following us on Instagram until we got to about 45,000 followers and then it was capped. We didn’t move above that because it was controlled by Meta. But then what we noticed was that initially my posts about COVID and standing up against the government’s regime we’re drawing a lot of favourable comments, but climate, my posts about climate fraud, we’re not drawing mainly comments. 

And then over the ensuing years, bit by bit, people started realising that… They said this to me, younger people in their 20s and 30s said, “We looked at COVID. We could see the fraud that was going on there and the control mechanisms being put in place. And then we looked at climate in new eyes and we started seeing the same traits, the same characteristics in that.” And then they realised climate fraud is just a control mechanism as well. What they’re wanting, Alex, is they’re wanting to control our food supply, and they’ve made that clear. They’re wanting to control our energy, they already control the money. They’re wanting to get rid of cash so that we become totally dependent on a digital ID, a digital currency and social credit. They want to control our movements, our transport. They want to surveil us. So, that’s what they’re trying to do, and what we’ve been doing is just telling them to go to hell and just exposing it because we’ve got to get people away. 

In a totalitarian state, as you well know as you’ve said many times, the people are afraid of the government. In a true democracy, a true democracy… and I don’t believe we live in a true democracy. In a true democracy, the government is afraid of the people because the people are in charge. And our country was the first in the world and the only country in the world in which the people had a vote on the Constitution before it came into play. The people are the only people who can change our Constitution, Alex. So, we are in charge. We are the top level of sovereignty in our country, and what we’ve been doing is we’ve been sleeping and taking everything for granted, and now we’ve got to stand up for our country and fight for it. 

Alex Jones: Absolutely. We have Australian National Senator Malcolm Roberts. He is our guest here, and I want to start playing a few clips. We’re going to go to break and come back and cover more of this. I want to play clip number one. Roberts, the plan of the Great Reset is that you will die with nothing, and that’s their public plan. Everything will be rented and you can’t rent it unless you’ve got good favorability with a social credit score, and they’ll always be raising the bar. Let’s play that clip, then back to back with clip two about COVID. Here it is. 

Video: Instead of working together to push Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum plan based on United Nations’ policies, work together instead for our country. Klaus Schwab’s “life by subscription”, quote, is really serfdom. It’s slavery. Billionaire globalist corporations will own everything, homes, factories, farms, cars, furniture, and everyday citizens will rent what they need if their social credit score allows. The plan of the Great Reset is that you will die with nothing. To pull off this evil plan, Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum will need to take more than just material possessions from Australians. Senators in this very chamber today who support the Great Reset threaten our privacy, freedom, and dignity. Yes, they’re in this Senate Chamber. One Nation vehemently opposes the Great Reset, the Digital Identity Bill, theft of agricultural land use, forcing farmers off their land, and all of the Great Reset. One Nation has a comprehensive plan to bring our beautiful country back to sustainable prosperity, and in the months ahead, we will be rolling that plan out. 

Instead of Lib-Lab pushing Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset with the tagline, “You’ll own nothing and be happy,” One Nation advocates the Great Resist. We stand for a world where individuals and communities have primacy over predatory globalist billionaires and their quisling bureaucrats, politicians, and mouthpiece media. One Nation accepts the challenge to provide a better future for everyday Australians. We have one flag. We are one community, and we are one nation. 

It’s become clear that people in this country and globally have been steamrolled. It is also clear that it has been coordinated globally. It is also clear that it has been integrated not just over six months, not just over two and a half years, but it has been planned over decades. The changes to legislation in this country were done so that they could control doctors and people. But the people are waking, and it’s thanks to people like Dr. Altman and all the presenters here today, thanks to people like Senator Babet and Craig Kelly. We know and we knew that this is all bullshit and that we’ve been had. But we are going to hound you down, the people that are guilty, we are going to hound you down and hold you accountable and we will expose your global agenda so that the people of Australia can be free in the future, because I love my kids and I’m looking forward to my grandkids, and we are going to save this country. 

Alex Jones: That’s Senator Malcolm Roberts. We’re going to go on a break here in a few minutes and come back and get a whole bunch of topics and documents he sent. But look, we’re under attack. They’re giving us poison shots. They’re cutting off our energy. They’re literally saying they want to get rid of most of the farms. They’re saying big corporations will own everything. This is tyranny and you have to get aggressive and you have to realise it’s a new type of war. It’s economic war, and that’s not a new type, but the way they’re deploying it is new. 

And what Malcolm Roberts is doing, the senator, is exposing that this is global. We all have the same enemies with Klaus Schwab saying, bragging with David Gergen famously, “We penetrates the cabinets. We controls the cabinets,” and then you’ve got his… They say, “Well, who’s your best minion? Trudeau is the best, and what does Trudeau say? “I want a basic dictatorship. I admire Xi Jinping.” Hillary’s on TV twice the last two weeks saying, “Ban free speech.” New York Times says, “Time to get rid of the Constitution.” I mean, these people aren’t even hiding it anymore. And whereas Australia is ahead on the tyranny and behind on the awakening, because I followed it closely, it’s explosive and you see it going straight up here. It’s starting to go straight up in Australia and Europe, and it’s exciting. Elon Musk is full in. All the top talk show hosts are full in. Populists are winning elections everywhere. It’s happening. 

We’ll be right back with Senator Malcolm Roberts straight ahead, and we’ll tell you about their party and more and how you get involved in their organisation. We’re all one nation, the human nation, against the new world order. 

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Alex Jones: We’re about to recapture the whole country when we get Trump elected. They already tried to kill him twice. There’s other assassinations public doesn’t know about. I want to quantify something before we go back to Senator Malcolm Roberts in Australia, and I don’t tell the stories that’s about me, it’s about understanding and giving people a lot of hope because they have the facts. I’ve been on the air 30 years and we were already number one on Shoutcast and internet streaming ahead of music 23, 24 years ago. There was almost no news about the new world order and the globalist and the unelected EU, and nobody really knew who Nigel Farage was, but he had his new party with only a few members and we would get him on. Decade later, and you can find the clips, he came on without me even asking. He was, “I am on as a guest about something else,” and he said, “Half the support in UKIP came from your show,” because we were number 45 at times, biggest website in the UK according to Alexa tracking. 

So, we were in the 40s for years, and we had millions of people just in the UK alone tuning in every week via 14-bit streams that we were streaming out and paying for ourselves. It sounded like a tin can, but people were listening and that just shows how infectious, in a good way, the truth is because I was showing documents, I was showing reality, and they had Brexit and the globalist came in and manipulated that and tried to block it. Now, there’s all these EU countries trying to leave, but it’s unelected at the top with the EU Commission. It’s hard to do, but we’re not going to take things back right away. They’ve got a lot of tricks up their sleeve. But just look what this show did with my guests and everybody in the UK and Nigel Farage saying, “UKIP blew up because of this show.” He’d go to people’s doors and at first they know who he was. He’d talk to them, they go, “Oh, I saw you and Alex Jones. Yeah, I’m going to support the party.” 

So, it’s like fire. We can burn down tyranny, I mean that as a non-violent analogy, with this. And you don’t just need Alex Jones, you’ve got Malcolm Roberts, you’ve got tens of thousands of prominent men and women around the world fighting this. But then you’ve got Elon Musk converting to reality because he’s seen the tyranny for himself, and now he’s as, quote, “hardcore” as I am. So, Malcolm, I wanted to ask you about Elon Musk and just how big a game changer you think he is on this because he’s exposing the climate power grab, the depopulation plan, the COVID power grab, the ESG scores. At the world government conference of the WEF last year, he told them their face they’re a global tyranny. I mean, Elon Musk I think in many ways is more important than Trump. What’s your view on him? 

Malcolm Roberts: He is very, very important. I don’t know him too much in detail, and I don’t talk about things I don’t know a lot about. But I do know one thing about him for sure, and that is that our eSafety commissar in this country, Julie Inman Grant… She’s a bureaucrat looking to censor people. She was appointed by the liberals, and she’s now getting her powers enhanced by the Labour Party. She’s an American, and she’s come over here and she’s head of our eSafety division, which is an internet censorship. She took him on. She used to be employed by Twitter when it was called Twitter, then he bought it out. She recently took him to court, and she lost. She absolutely got smashed. 

Alex Jones: Beautiful. 

Malcolm Roberts: Anybody who takes on the eSafety commissar is a good guy to me. I look at what people do, not what they say, and I look at what he’s done on X and now he’s opened that up. We used to get suppressed and heavily censored on X, or Twitter as it was. Now, we’re free again and we’re saying whatever we want to say. The best way to protect truth and to determine the truth, Alex, as you know, is to have free speech debate, open debate, that’s the best way, and what we’ve got is a bureaucrat wanting to control that. So, Elon’s standing up against that, and that is fundamental to human progress. 

The number one trade, number one key to human progress is freedom. Because one thing humans are doing, we’re very, very creative. You might come up with an idea, you might share it with someone else. That second person blows it out of the water. Then third person gets the idea and makes a wonderful product or service out of it. That’s the beauty of humans, that we communicate and we travel. That’s the essence of humans, and we do so with good motives, most of us, that Elon Musk is lighting that up again, allowing that to happen. 

When I was first elected into the Senate, I just barely squeaked in. Our party boss said, “Let’s go up to the park, and we’ll have a media conference.” And there, I was asked the usual. I had about 20 journalists in front of me and my wife and my son. The journalists were asking all the nice questions like, “How many kids you got? What are your hobbies? Blah, blah, blah.” And then one guy was off to the side and I noticed him off to the side, and he stood up and he said after a while, in words that were inoffensive but the tone was basically, “You are that wanker who thinks that this global climate change is all about global governance.” Most politicians in that position would’ve said, “That’s not what I went… That’s not…” But I just looked at him and said, “Yes, that’s correct. Next question.” He didn’t know what to do. My point is that we need to stand up together, all of us, with Elon Musk and speak the truth. That’s the fundamental thing we need to do. 

Alex Jones: What you just said, Senator, is the key. Stop apologising for telling the truth. Stop acting like the establishment has the authority, they’re losing it, the people are turning against it, and own being the black sheep, the rebel against tyranny, being the Robin Hood. You raised that. I noticed you sent me some key articles here. They’re doing the same thing here. “Oh, we’re going to create an internet ID. It’s in Canada, Australia, the US, Europe, it’s just for the kids.” But then they admit this internet ID is for everybody to bring in the social credit score, the ESG, just like they tried to use vaccine passports as that. Bill Gates, the UN admits it. So, this is critical to their total control to get this in. They’re so close all over the world. Describe what’s happening, “Australia plans to bar young children from social media.” Sounds nice, but what’s really happening? 

Malcolm Roberts: That’s just a way of putting something in place for rolling it out to everyone, just giving themselves the power to do it, to control everyone. Alex, take a step back and look at what’s going on. They stole farmers’ property rights. The fundamental trait in human civilizations is secure property rights. That drives our initiative. It drives our sense of responsibility, drives innovation. That, they stole, and it was the right wing who supposedly, right-wing government… I don’t like using left and right. It’s bullshit. It’s just a fabrication. But our conservative, our liberal government, stole farmers’ property rights in 1996 to 2007 under John Howard’s governance. Now, he was supposed to be one of the best prime ministers. When I look into some of the things he’s done, many people don’t realise it. So, what I’m saying is, they’re wolves in sheep’s clothing. 

Both parties are pushing this agenda. They stole farmers’ property rights, which is fundamental, they’re destroying family, there’s controlling speech, they’re destroying religion, bad-mouthing Christianity, which gave us our Western Civilization, the fundamentals of Western Civilization, our values, and they’re putting controls in place like this social media control that you’re talking about. They’re doing all the things that a communist party would do because they are communist in their approach. What I’m saying is that the blue party here, the liberals, the so-called free enterprise party, and the red party, the Labour Party, the supposedly socialist party are pushing this, but the Socialist Party is not doing things for workers. I’ve had to take on the Socialist Government over wage theft of workers losing up to $41,000 per year per person, and they’re wanting to cover it up and we are still fighting on that. 

Alex Jones: Oh, that’s just like the unions selling out workers here. Next topic you sent, and this is happening in the United States very quietly. I have two people, 20 years ago, was in the documents. Now, they’re doing it in California, they’re doing it in Oregon, they’re doing it in Colorado, New York. In your country, Energex, that’s a big company, remotely cuts power to 170,000 air conditioners six times in a month, and now they’re giving people notices on their digital thermostats that they’ve taken control of it for climate change, and again just like Enron was caught scamming people and charging more. This is technocracy. Explain what this is, Senator. 

Malcolm Roberts: This is control of energy. Because once you have control, as Kissinger himself have said, one of the most evil globalists of all, “If you can control energy, food, and money, you have control of the country.” And then that’s what they’re doing here. It’s technocracy. They also have encouraged people through massive subsidies that we pay for. I won’t fall for the scam, so I have refused to have solar panels put on my roof. What they’ve done now is they’re wanting to turn off your solar panels from feeding energy into the grid because the grid is unstable. We used to have the world’s cheapest electricity in the world because of our coal-fired power stations. Now, we’ve got amongst the most expensive because we’ve got the highest level of subsidies. There’s so many things, Alex. 

What they’re trying to do now is put smart metres to not only control air conditioners and when you’ll use your power and how you’ll use it, but to actually control the supply from the house solar panels into the grid. And also when they shut it down, you won’t be able to use the power generated on your own bloody solar panels. That’s what they’re trying to do. They’re trying to control the whole way we live. Look at it, they’re destroying it. 

Alex Jones: Same thing being done here. Same thing in Europe. They put in the solar panels, get you to pay for it, claim there’s a rebate, and then turn around later and say, “Oh, it isn’t working in the grid.” And then now they’re trying to pass laws in some areas where you can’t have your own independent solar panels. 

Malcolm Roberts: Right. So, what we’re also doing, Alex, is we are paying subsidies which drive up the cost of our electricity. We’re paying subsidies to parasitic billionaires, parasitic corporations, mostly foreign-owned, many of them from China, to instal solar and wind here, which is driving up the cost of electricity. The number one cost component in manufacturing today, it’s not labour, it’s electricity. Labour is based out of manufacturing because of the mechanisation and the control automation. So, electricity. Now, what happens is we buy our bloody solar panels and our wind turbines from China. China imports some of our coal for them to make those things. So, we’re sending them our resources. We’re a bigger supplier of iron ore for their steel, which goes into turbines. So, we’re supplying the resources to China. China is then turning that into coal-fired power at 8 cents a kilowatt hour. We’re using the same power here with no transport costs, and we’re selling it at 25 to 30 cents per kilowatt hour. Our manufacturing is going broke and being shipped to China. Our factories and work and jobs- 

Alex Jones: Absolutely… 

Malcolm Roberts: … are being shipped to China. So, we are supplying them with that. We are the world’s largest exporters of hydrocarbon fuels. That’s coal, oil, and natural gas. We’ve got huge exports of coal and natural gas. The largest exporter, we can’t use the stuff here, but we can send it to China and let them generate cheap electricity out of it and smash us. And then [inaudible 00:39:33]. 

Alex Jones: And that’s because the globalists have made a deal with them. They made a deal to do that that Trump was trying to kill. 

Malcolm Roberts: Correct. 

Alex Jones: Talking about coal, we have clean burning coal plants, so they put out carbon dioxide and water vapour. So, they list carbon dioxide as toxic, as you said. It’s one of the four keys of life, water, sunlight, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and they are shutting it down all over the West and moving it all to China and India and Mexico that have dirty plants. It’s totally insane. But, again, it centralises power. 

Malcolm Roberts: Exactly. It gives them control over us. That’s what they’re wanting to do. We also know that what they’re wanting to do is smash down private enterprise, private initiative, private ownership. That’s what I mentioned in my speech about the Great Reset. They’re wanting to smash private ownership and then you’ll become dependent on them. So, whether you get your food, whether you get your electricity, you’ll depend on your social credit score. This has all been done. It’s being done in China. They want to turn us. Alex, before the Industrial Revolution, there was basically feudalism, and we were serfs on land that the baron or the lord of the manor controlled and he gave us the use of enough land to sustain ourselves, but he took most of our work results. He took most of the product, the fruits of our labour. 

What they’re wanting to do now… And then we had the Industrial Revolution, we had the development of science, and science is wonderful because it’s the basis of freedom. Because up until science, someone with the strongest religious fear, someone with the biggest army, the financial power, the property ownership, they controlled what we said, what we did, how we lived, whether or not we lived at times in the so-called civilised countries at the time. They lost all of that when science came out and started making decisions based on our objective data, but they also lost it with the Industrial Revolution. We had a huge middle-class burgeon across the western world that freed slaves. So, we had slavery abolished, we had a middle-class rising, we had the people having the power through choice through private enterprise and the philosophy- 

Alex Jones: Instead, they’re teaching us to hate the West because the globalists have written their own books. We’ve covered it here that if the world aspires to the civil wars and the things that happened in what is England today, in Scotland, Ireland that then develop the freedoms that spread to America and the rest of the world, the flower or the Renaissance, if the world aspires to the ideas that we promoted in a middle-class and freedom, that makes globalism look terrible and no one’s going to want it. But if they can discredit and de-industrialise and culturally destroy the West, then everyone will fall to this new corporate world government hellhole. 

Malcolm Roberts: Exactly. I’ve been in all 50 of yours American states. I went over there when I was 24, and I fell in love with [inaudible 00:42:28]. I mean, I’m very proud of my country, but I loved America. I mean, America, and I’ve got to put a caveat on that, has been decimated in the last 30 years thanks to- 

Alex Jones: I want to ask- 

Malcolm Roberts: … both the Obamas, the Clintons. I mean, you’ve been ruled by criminals and literally ruled. But I was fascinated by America, all 50 states. It was nothing to just be driving through some place in bankrupt black box of Idaho or Iowa and see a massive building constructed by someone and across the top of the portal would be dedicated to people of the world, and it was genuine. I felt the energy. I arrived just before Reagan took over and I was there when he took over, and I felt the energy. He picked up the whole damn country and said, “Stop being embarrassed and stop being ashamed of your country and be proud.” I’ve never seen so many people lifted up by one person trying to bring back freedom, and that’s the fundamental thing. We’ve got to be free because that’s the key to human prosperity, human civilization. 

What they’re wanting, Alex, to get back to what I was saying before, they’re wanting to take us back to serfdom, and this time it’ll be a digitally-imposed serfdom with restrictions. So, what they’re wanting us to be is producers against serfs and happy little consumers that’ll buy only the products that they want to sell us, which will be drugs and diseases that keep us in disease. They don’t want to kill us, they want to keep us just on the edge of death so that we become lifetime subscribers to big pharma. 

I mean, big pharma controls 75% of the advertising revenue in your country, not in your show, that’s for sure. Defence, they create wars, and your country has turned into… Instead of being the beacon of the world, it is now… It’s got wonderful people still. Americans are just beautiful. I’m married to an American. Our kids are dual citizens because… So, I love Americans, but the government of America has now become a terrorist organisation, willy-nilly just invading any country it will, and that is infected in some of our countries around the world as well because we just madly follow you into war. I mean, it’s just insane, but the people are starting to wake up. 

Alex Jones: Well, let’s talk about that. Senator Malcolm Roberts from Australia, one of the main voices fighting tyranny over there for all of us. And if Australia follows the new order completely, it’s going to be bad for everybody. Looking at the situation of the Russia, Ukraine, looking at the kleptocracy, attempts to kill Trump, what is your view on the war going on there, the Middle East? And then what’s your view on President Trump, and what would’ve happened if Trump would’ve been killed? 

Malcolm Roberts: Well, I don’t know what would’ve happened if Trump had been killed. But I’ll tell you something I do know, and that is what Pauline Hanson, the leader of our party, and I did in the forecourt of Parliament House in Canberra here in Australia, when Donald Trump was elected in 2016, we popped the bottle of champagne to celebrate it. Now, I don’t drink, but we had to show our support. 

If America is free, the world has a better chance of being free. The only way America can be free again is if Trump gets elected. The globalists are terrified. The media, the mouthpiece, media, the Big Brother media, they’re terrified. He got them eating themselves. I mean, he just stood up to them. The man is amazing. So, Donald Trump is essential for the whole damn planet because he is essential, just like Reagan lifted up America. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. Anyway, I won’t get back to the details there. But just like Reagan lifted America up again and revitalised America, Trump can. America is extremely important to the world. We’ve got to get America back on track, and the only person who can get America back on track is Donald Trump. That’s our best hope for the future. 

Alex Jones: Senator Roberts, we’ve only got about three minutes left. There I am having champagne with Roger Stone, election night, 2016. I hope to be doing that again, coming up here in 24 days. We’ve got about three minutes. Very impressive what you’re doing. You’re fighting for all of us. I want everybody out there to share this interview everywhere and get more Australians awake. Every person we wake up is key in this fight. People are ready to be awoken. Three minute closing comments, Sir. 

Malcolm Roberts: I’m fiercely pro-human, Alex. First of all, I want to thank you for what you’re doing. You’re a beacon of hope around the world. I mean, just amazing. I’m fiercely pro-human because humans are wonderful. We’ve got some who are parasites, some who are control freaks, who want to keep us in fear, but we need to remember, always beneath control, there is fear. The parasitic globalists are afraid of us. Tucker Carlson came over here and spoke so wonderfully. He spoke for 50 minutes. And at the end of his show, his call to action was one word, “Speak.” So, everyone around the world start to realise just how wonderful humans are, how caring we are, how loving we are. We’re the only ones with the ability to reason. 

The globalists have been telling us that human civilization and the environment are not compatible. That is complete bullshit. The human civilization, if you go to civilised countries around the world, the higher the development, the lesser the impact on the environment. The future of our civilization depends upon having a healthy environment. The future of the environment depends upon having a healthy civilization because the higher developed our civilization is, the lesser our impact on the environment. That is around the world. Go to a poor country in Africa, and you’ll find them shitting in the creek because they can’t afford any services and they’re too busy scratching for the next meal for their kids. So, look at us here in Australia, in America, civilised, developed countries. We have lower impact on the environment. But our number one goal, they’re telling us, the globalists are telling us, should be to protect the environment. That is complete horse shit. What our number one goal should be is to have our species flourishing, our species to be flourishing. 

So, just remember that what they’re telling us about our human race is lies. What they’re trying to do is set us down for control, keep us under fear. And what we need to do is to recognise just how wonderful we are. Sure, we’ve got people who go off the rails now and then. That’s part of their natural variation, but we’ve got ways of dealing with that. So, just remember that humans are… The future of our planet depends upon humans being humans and flourishing. I believe every human should have one goal, and that is for the human species to flourish. And that means peace, it means cooperation, it means work, it means free markets, it means free thought, it means free speech, free movement, free travel, free association, free exchange. All the things these parasitic bastards of the globalists are trying to get rid of, Alex, is what we need to stand up and fight for. 

Freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of travel, freedom of association, freedom of initiative, freedom of religion, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, these are the things, fundamental. It’s like they say, “If you’re a doctor at a hospital and they bring in some regime like COVID shots, mandated them, and you stand up alone, then you’ve got a problem. But if the doctors stand up, say 9 out of the 20 doctors at a regional hospital, stand up, the hospital has a problem.” In a totalitarian government, totalitarian country, the people are controlled by the government. In a true democracy, the government is controlled by the people, and that’s what we need to get back to. 

Alex Jones: Absolutely. 

Malcolm Roberts: But it’ll only come back if we speak amongst each other and spread the word, spread what’s going on. So, thank you so much. I’ve got to finish with thanks to you, Alex, because you have been under the pump for years and years and years and you’ve been saying the same thing, and now there are many people around the world waking up. So, thank you and keep going. 

Alex Jones: We salute all of you there in Australia. A lot of great listeners there. God bless you, Sir. We’ll talk soon. 

Malcolm Roberts: Thanks, Alex. 

Alex Jones: All right, Dr. Stella Immanuel is [inaudible 00:50:37] bear on all the different news and all the different medical news coming up, and I want to show her in one hour. I can’t do this without you. I need your support. Support our sponsors, You want Next Level Foundational Energy. It’s not a stimulant, but it does it naturally and it feels like a stimulant. It’s got the methylfolate. Look into that. The multivitamin, whole food, all the other products, the Kava Chill is amazing, the Rocket Rest sleep aid. The Top Brain nootropic, that is an amazing natural stimulant formulation. It’s all at Critical to support that sponsor to keep us on air one way or another. Plus, we are also building an infrastructure with folks if they do shut us down in 31 days., go there now. Next Level Foundational Energy, Kava Chill, Rocket Rest, Top Brain, the whole food multivitamin, check it all out, take action, The Colloidal Silver, highest quality, it’s all there… and 

Video: I’ve talked about this over the years quite a bit. I know supplements are great. It’s a huge market. People buy them because they work. That’s why it’s one of the fastest growing markets, not just in America, but in the world. In fact, supplements are the fastest growing overall industry and market, except for AI. It’s the second fastest continually growing market because it works. That’s why people produce good supplements because people use them, they like the results, and then they continue to buy them. So, one of the hottest items for decades on the market is super green foods, and there’s hundreds of different brands out there. Some are okay, some are amazing, some are incredible. 

Ladies and gentlemen, the top one on the market, cost almost $100 a canister because it has over 90 ingredients and it’s superfood and it really works and it’s expensive to make. Well, we have a sponsor, Optimal Human, available at, that is just as good or even better with the same ingredients and even more at a price, on average, $40 less than the top competitor. And when it’s discounted as it is right now exclusively at, it’s even more than $40 off. Optimal Human is amazing. You can buy a canister of it by itself or the welcoming pack. It’s got some notes, some information, and the mixing bottle, which is really easy to use. But you can also just put it in water and stir it with a spoon, but it just takes longer. Go to and get Optimal Human today and some of the other great supplements that are game-changing like the Sea Moss that has a key form of iodine and a bunch of other incredible minerals and nutrients that do, again, game-changing things to your body. 

But let me just read to you some of the things in Optimal Human available at, the lowest price you’re going to find it, “Organic reishi mushroom for brain health, it’s a nootropic, no letdown, amazing. Turmeric root for joint health and beyond, destroys inflammation.” It is, again, simply imperative that you get turmeric. This is a high quality source of it. “Beet root for cardiovascular health. CoQ10 for cellular health.” Everybody knows about CoQ10. It has organic, really high quality form of CoQ10 in it. “Probiotics for gut health, so your body absorbs it better, and over 90 other ingredients that are almost impossible to get through the average American diet.” 

Even if you’re eating organic crops, the soils have been played out. That’s why people have to eat so much to feel like they’re full because you’ve got to get more of the food to get the same nutrients. So, I want to encourage everybody to visit today. Get amazing supplements like Optimal Health and of course the Sea Moss and great t-shirts, all caps and hoodies. All of this will keep us on the air. They’re amazing products. So, it’s a 360 win. Please visit the today, and I thank you humbly for your support. 

I joined Efrat Fenigson on her podcast where we discussed the anti-human agenda and how it has manifested in Australia over the last several years. We discuss the climate change fraud, COVID injections, economic changes needed, Digital ID, and lots more.

Efrat’s Introduction

My guest today is Senator Malcolm Roberts, an Australian politician from Queensland and a member of the Australian Senate. With a background in engineering, mining, business and economics, Senator Roberts is a climate realist, challenging mainstream climate science and exposing lies in this field. Unlike most politicians these days, Senator Roberts is a Truth teller and does not shy away from any topic: public health, Covid, immigration, finance, economics, sexual education for children and more.

In this episode we talk about the anti-human globalist agenda and how it manifested in Australia over the past few years. We cover the Senator’s fight against climate fraud, his efforts to help Covid-19 jabs injured, to expose excess deaths and more, while holding politicians accountable, encouraging people to reclaim their power. The Senator criticizes the centralization of government and the media by globalists, introducing new levels of censorship on Australians. The conversation concludes with monetary and economic changes in Australia, including the move to a cashless society, CBDC, digital IDs, 15-minute cities and more.

The senator highlights the importance of simplicity and the power of individual responsibility in creating positive change and waking people up to the truth. He concludes with a message of hope, urging individuals to be proud of their humanity and to share information to help others become informed.


00:00:00 Coming Up…
00:01:06 Introduction to Senator Roberts
00:03:19 Politicians in Today’s Reality
00:11:06 Ad Break: Trezor, Bitcoin Nashville, BTC Prague
00:13:03 Why Politics?
00:16:56 About Human Progress
00:23:04 Australian Politics & Activism
00:25:02 Political Structure in Australia
00:28:47 Balancing the Exaggerated Power of the State
00:30:38 Truth Telling, Simplicity & Education
00:35:02 Efrat’s Resistance to Green Pass During Covid
00:38:01 Senator’s Climate Fraud Views
00:44:30 How To Break The Narrative?
00:49:21 Admitting Being Fooled About Covid
00:55:40 Excess Death & Vaxx Injuries in Australia
01:03:08 Australia’s During Covid & Bigger Picture
01:12:46 Compensation Plan For Vaxx Injured
01:14:24 Media, Censorship & Fear in Australia
01:22:04 Role of Regulation, Legislation, Censorship
01:26:53 CBDC & Digital IDs in Australia
01:32:29 Globalists Vision For Useless Eaters
01:33:58 Money Agenda, Cashless Society & How To Fight Back
01:44:05 Protecting Your Wealth & Family
01:48:04 Bitcoin & Nation States
01:50:01 Globalists Control & A Message Of Hope


Watching the sad events currently underway in the United Kingdom, one might be forgiven for thinking we’ve descended into the dystopian world long foretold by classic literature. One Nation agrees with Milton – free circulation of ideas is essential to moral and intellectual growth. To attempt to preclude falsehoods underestimates the power of truth.

Originally intended to prevent incitement to violence, hate speech laws have now devolved to the point where criticising the government has become a criminal offense, leading to the imprisonment of citizens in the UK. At the same time, the UK Government is failing to ensure the safety of its own streets. The UK clearly has 2-tiered policing.

As we face the next manufactured social or medical crises, there is no doubt that Australia’s law enforcement will commit the same abuses of civil rights that we are currently witnessing in the UK. Only by voting wisely will prevent Australia from following the UK’s path – turning into a communist state.

To conclude, let me be clear: there is no justification for violence from either side of a protest. Equally, the actions of a few should not result in the stripping away of rights from the many.


Watching the sad events currently unfolding and underway in the United Kingdom, one can be forgiven for thinking we’d descended into the dystopian world so long predicted in the classic literature. George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four is just one warning, which ironically appears to have been become an instruction manual for the political left. An interview with George Orwell recently surfaced in which Orwell thought there was a possibility Nineteen Eighty-Four could happen in the UK. He was right, again.

Orwell’s description of what looks like the UK under Labour’s Keir Starmer reads as follows:

In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement—

that’s porn and transgenderism by the way—

There will be no loyalty except loyalty to the Party. But always there will be the intoxication of power. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who’s helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever. The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is … don’t let it happen.

One Nation are doing everything we can to prevent this nightmare overtaking Australia. Sadly, the globalist Liberals, Labor, Greens, Nationals and teals intend to push ahead into hell.

Another futuristic story, written in 1961 and titled Harrison Bergeron, from American science fiction writer Kurt Vonnegut, predicted a future where human behaviour was controlled—physical movement and appearance and thought. High-IQ citizens were punished with earpieces that played loud sounds every 30 seconds to prevent them from thinking so they did not outshine low-IQ people. The strong were literally weighted down with ball bearings to reduce their strength to that of the worst weakling. The attractive were forced to wear ugly masks so nobody was made to feel uncomfortable gazing upon someone more attractive than themselves. A quote to explain his predication, which is often incorrectly attributed to Dostoevsky, simply reads, ‘Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles.’

Vonnegut’s view was mirrored in an interview with a former resident of the Soviet Union that was described to me. It consisted of the fellow drawing three stick figures on a piece of paper, two at the same height and one taller, then saying, ‘In the Soviet Union everyone is equal,’ before taking his pencil and drawing a line across the top of the two smaller figures thereby severing the head of the third. ‘Such is life in the Soviet Union,’ he said. Keir Starmer’s communism is the victory of those who have lost their humanity, morality and faith or, as Orwell describes them, ‘those who thrill in the delight of the kill’. Perhaps UK citizens would agree it’s time to add a footnote to the famous quote from Descartes, ‘I think therefore I am—arrested.’

It’s just like the young man in Belfast who was recently arrested for observing a protest, only to have District Judge Rafferty and the Belfast Magistrates Court decide that someone’s presence, including as a curious observer, involves them in such disorder as to justify the refusal of bail. And off to jail he went. That young man had never been in trouble with the police before and had even left when the event became violent. There’s no provision in common or statute law that reads, ‘Injustice is allowed if it exists to make an example of one to intimidate others into disobedience,’ yet here we are.

Similar behaviour was observed in Australia during COVID. The conversation around events in the UK has so far missed an important element. The United Kingdom has been here before. Former Queensland premier Campbell Newman reminded the internet last week of the Areopagitica, which carries the full title: A speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc’d Printing, to the Parlament of England. This was a pamphlet published in 1644 to protest a parliamentary order of the previous year requiring government approval and licensing of all published works and pamphlets. This measure was introduced after Milton’s treatise in favour of divorce upset the king, Charles I. History appears to be repeating—the uniparty’s misinformation disinformation censorship bill.

In Areopagitica, Milton defends the free circulation of ideas as essential to moral and intellectual development. Furthermore, he asserts, to attempt to preclude falsehood is to underestimate the power of truth, a lesson for our eSafety Commissioner, who clearly believes the reverse is true. While the immediate objective of the Areopagitica repeal of licensing was not obtained for another 50 years, the tract has earned a permanent place in the literature of human rights.

Repeal took 50 years because, as it turned out, each new government kept that power in order to protect themselves from criticism. Power freely given is never freely surrendered. Here we are 380 years later and Australia is making exactly the same mistake, but One Nation isn’t. The rest of the parties in this place are. Keir Starmer famously took the knee during Black Lives Matter riots and now puts English lives matter
demonstrators on their knees. The start of the trouble was the murder of three young girls at the hands of a suspected Islamic terrorist. If you want to look for the cause of the frustration being demonstrated among everyday Brits, look no further than a failure to keep the public safe. It is basic. Fear used as a weapon of control during COVID has bitten the hand that created it. There is an opportunity cost to arresting citizens for thought crimes like: praying in public; watching—but not participating in—a protest; making posts on social media critical of the government— posts which do not incite violence or incite the breaking of a law; posting up first-hand stories of vaccine harm; and of course, criticising the religion that can’t be criticised using nothing but their own words.

That opportunity cost is the policing of real crime. Over the last 10 years, according to the UK’s statistics office: assault with grievous bodily harm is up 100 per cent—doubled; assault with an injury is up 80 per cent—almost doubled; rape of an adult female up 370 per cent—almost five times; rape of a minor is up 100 per cent. In fact, the conviction rate of rapists in the UK is currently five per cent and not all of those even go to jail. Only last week a migrant was given a suspended sentence for raping a 13-year-old British girl. The court accepted his defence that he did not know that an adult raping a child was against the law in the UK. Imagine being that child’s parents. Imagine being that child. Is it any wonder the Brits are demonstrating this two-tiered justice system? The commentariat, who are denying the right of people to protest peacefully, including many of the usual suspects in here in Australia, are commenting on a world their wealth and their elitist lifestyles insulate them from.

A Merseyside chief constable made a comment last week, apparently unaware this is the exact upside-down policing, the exact two-tier policing, the public are protesting about. They said, ‘What I would say to those people who think they have gotten away with being involved in disorder, we are coming for you. We have hours of social media and closed circuit TV footage. I have officers working around the clock to identify you. We know who you are and we know where you live and where you work.’

Why is this relevant to Australia? Because our law enforcement have been equipped with the powers to do exactly the same thing. The Identity Verification Services Act together with the Digital ID Act, which Labor minister Katy Gallagher passed through the parliament this year, allows law enforcement to obtain the image of any person anywhere any time from traffic cameras, security cameras, closed circuit TV and main roads, even in supermarkets.

All this with a spurious ‘suspected of a crime’ justification. It then allows law enforcement to go through the video, one frame at a time, to extract a photo of each attendee and run them through the national identity database, which currently contains data on 17 million Australians. Our police will indeed know your name; address; where you work, live and visit, and, once fully implemented, the system will be able to locate you from traffic cameras, payment scanners in shops and public transport touchpads in real time.

Welcome to your digital prison. One Nation warned you directly, loudly and often. During the next manufactured social and medical crisis, there’s no doubt our law enforcement will commit the same abuse of civil rights as we see happening in the UK right now. One Nation believes human rights should not be made subservient to the greed and hubris of those who would stamp on the face of their fellow citizens in the acquisition of wealth and power or, perversely, in the name of social justice. Measures to facilitate this censorship and destruction of human rights are winding our society back to the time of Milton, 380 years ago. The irony is this is the same Left who accused One Nation of wanting to wind the clock back!

As a closing remark, let me make it clear there’s no excuse for violence on either side of a protest. Equally, the actions of a few do not justify the removal of rights from the many. The actions of the few do not justify the removal of rights from the many. Human rights are universal, part of being human, inherent in each and all of us from birth.

Liberal Shadow Minister for Communications, David Coleman, on Insiders on Sunday 9 June 2024.

The eSafety Commissioner still has the full support of Dutton’s Coalition. In fact, they’re proud of establishing Julie Inman Grant’s position.

Don’t expect any respect for freedom of speech from Labor, or Liberals if they’re returned to Government.

You can only trust One Nation to stand against the tyrants who want to tell Australians what they can and can’t see, or say.

Regarding the government’s not so voluntary National Digital Identity – you are not alone. We’ve been receiving many similar messages and emails from across Australia. 

Three bills were rammed through the Senate, creating dangerous legislation for Australians who value their privacy, security, and civil liberties. The Identity Verification Services Bill, which permits the use of biometric data to locate and track citizens was passed into legislation. The Digital ID Bill was also passed in the Senate with almost no debate and was rubber-stamped in the House of Representatives. The Combatting Misinformation/Disinformation (Censorship) Bill received strong pushback and has gone quiet for now. Instead, we saw an attack on free speech from Australia’s eSafety Commissioner. 


Labor is forging ahead in lockstep with other countries to implement the World Economic Forum’s digital economic agenda.

There have been many different digital identity systems floating around in the government. The Digital Identity Bill was designed to create one Digital Identity to rule them all. Among some last-minute concessions in the legislation, the government has said that its new Digital ID can be deactivated. That’s irrelevant however when banks and other institutions will make it mandatory. In fact, Section 74 of the bill states that Digital ID is voluntary, but sub-sections 2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 list a series of exceptions. All of which means it can be mandated under the flimsy provision of “appropriate to do so”.   

The Australian Government’s proposed ‘Trusted Digital Identity Framework’ (they actually used the word ‘trusted’ in the first draft of the bill) is not a stand-alone policy. It sits inside the extensive Digital Economy Strategy 2030 worth $1.2 billion at the time of the 2021-2022 Budget. It will be accessible and used both in government and private settings. This legislation relies on legacy identification mechanisms which guarantee a role for Big Tech companies in the Government’s proposed ‘identity ecosystem’.

Unfortunately, the interests of ‘Big Tech’ and ‘Big Government’ are becoming increasingly aligned. Both parties have a vested interest in pervasive surveillance, data mining and matching: one for profit and the other for control. This represents an unhealthy alignment of State and Corporate interests, with everything that entails.  

The new raft of identity legislation creates a brand-new identity record for Australians, originated by Government and validated by Government, and commercial entities. This legislation goes much further than the MyGov digital ID. It puts all your identity eggs into one digital basket and will place more Australians at risk of being hacked.

A much better alternative would be an identity system based on the user owned and operated technologies developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that rely on cryptographic tools and decentralised identifiers to prove ‘trustworthiness’ online, as well as identity – if that is what’s needed. These tools allow for direct, peer-to-peer proofs of trustworthiness and identity verification, without the need for Government or Big Tech involvement. So why is the Australian Government persevering with such a poor-quality identity solution?  You might ask yourself, “Why do we need another digital identity system when we already have myGov ID?”  The short answer is that this legislation is not designed to serve the interests of ordinary Australians. It’s been designed by foreign Big Tech firms and international governance bodies like the WHO, UN, IPCC and WEF to serve their interests. These organisations profit handsomely in terms of money and power from the capture and exploitation of personal data, and they don’t want that model to change.  

The most serious risk associated with this legislation is scope creep. Like Australia, most developed nations around the world are implementing Government Digital Identity systems that are remarkably similar to those already operational in China and India.  Over-identification is a feature of both the Chinese and Indian Digital ID legislation and there is a real risk that biometric mechanisms of identification will become a mandatory aspect of every transaction Australians make online and off.

I first drew Australia’s attention to this dangerous and dystopian legislation in 2021 “1984: the Bill” – The Trusted Digital Identity – Malcolm Roberts ( I’ve been opposed to the government’s digital identity since it was first proposed under the coalition, when Australia aligned with the World Economic Forum’s goals for a global digital economic strategy. This is the reason government-legislated Digital Identity was created in the first place. Read my article in the Spectator (click here) for more about the bureaucratic bungling behind this legislation.

The government did not come up with the Trusted Digital Identity on its own to solve the issue of outdated government databases. As stated by the policymakers in their accompanying documentation, the Trusted Digital Identity is the brainchild of the World Economic Forum and their global digital identity roadmap.  Unlike the Voice, which sought to change the constitution, legislation can at least be undone with a change of government.  

It’s important to keep pushing back against these authoritarian measures. The best remedy will be at the ballot box during the next federal election. 

If One Nation had had just one more senator in parliament, many of those abhorrent, dystopian bills that were rammed through the Senate with little or no debate would not have been passed.

Make your vote count at the next election.

This Labor Government is promising cost of living relief and tax cuts while it’s actually increasing taxes. Already, this government wants to tax farmers off the land to make way for “FrankenFoods” — fake lab meat and bug protein. Recently Labor announced plans to tax clothing in the name of saving the environment. Labor now wants to tax cars based on weight and engine efficiency. Cars needed by tradies will go up by $4000, family people movers by $6000 and 4WD cruisers that are owned by every second farmer, will go up $13,000.

Taxing tradies will further force up the costs of building and maintaining the family home. Meanwhile, plans are underway to build and populate dystopian Smart Cities — Sydney’s first has been announced already. These make no provision for cars, so you can expect the Labor car tax to increase until car ownership is only afforded by the very rich.

I’ve been warning about the predatory billionaires and the World Economic Forum agenda, summed up by their slogan “you’ll own nothing and be happy”. It’s started and it’s being implemented by the Albanese Labor Government.

One Nation opposes all those promoting the Orwellian future that this government is fast tracking with its ‘taxing and spending’ and the legislation Labor is ramming through parliament.

The choice for voters is clear. One Nation or tyranny.


This Labor government is maintaining the tradition of Labor governments: taxing and spending, taxing and spending. In the last few weeks, the government has revealed plans to tax clothing in the name of saving the environment and to tax food in the name of funding Australia’s world-leading biosecurity. I would have thought protecting Australia’s biosecurity, which underpins $100 billion in export earnings, was the responsibility of the whole country, considering the wealth it bestows on all Australians. I would consider funding biosecurity to be important to protecting the supply of food we all eat, but, no, this government wants to tax farmers off the land to make way for its billionaire mates’ Frankenstein foods. It doesn’t matter that Australians don’t want to eat bugs or fake meat cultured and then grown in bioreactors. This attack on Australia’s health and nutrition is happening because this government’s owners demand for themselves the wealth currently in the hands of our farming communities. They want to transfer the land and the wealth from our farmers to their billionaire parasitic friends. 

When the billionaires that try to run the world say, ‘You’ll own nothing and be happy,’ amongst the things the public will no longer own is a car. Chris Bowen MP and his ministry of misery have announced fuel emission standards are being applied to new cars from 2030. ‘Increased fuel emission standards’, ‘tougher fuel emission standards’—it sounds innocuous until you read the fine print, and I thank the opposition for crunching the numbers. Utes will go up between $2,000 and $6,000 each. At a time when the government need as many tradies as they can find to build as many homes as they can, the government think it’s a smart move to add a new tax on tradies, raising the cost of houses and decreasing the supply of houses. What a bloody stupid idea! 

More troubling is the increasing cost of passenger cars to Australian families. The Outlander from Mitsubishi—that’s a family SUV—will go up $4,000. LandCruisers, owned by every second family in the bush, will go up $13,000 each. That’s yet another attack on the bush from a government happy to harm the bush in order to win votes back from the teals in the city. This will not be the only price increase in cars. The materials needed for our suicidal net zero measures have much in common with materials used in making cars. The increase in demand from net zero means that these materials are getting scarcer and scarcer and much more expensive. A family car is likely to rise in price by $10,000 within five years in today’s dollars because of this materials inflation. Then add Minister Bowen’s car tax, and you can see where this is all going. 

For those who still haven’t worked it out, the New South Wales government has just announced Australia’s first 30-minute city, surrounding the new Badgerys Creek airport. It’s called Bradfield City. It will be ‘cybersmart and digitally led’. That means digital surveillance on everyone. It’s happening in London already, and in other countries, with commercial and community facilities including retail, cultural facilities and work all in the one suburb. So, you don’t have choice of where you work; you work nearby. Plans for Bradfield City include car-free streets. No matter the weather, you will walk everywhere. 

On the way to net zero the cost of driving will be artificially increased to raise costs, thanks to this government. That would dramatically increase the cost of living for everyone in this country, increase food prices for everyone in this country and ultimately lead to, in 2030, the very act of driving being an act of civil disobedience. It’s all about wealth transfer to their parasitic billionaire friends and about control.