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Telstra and Optus’ two-month delay on the 3G mobile network shutdown is a failure of the Communications Minister Michelle Rowland and defies recommendations from a Senate inquiry.

A two-month delay is nowhere near enough time to fix the million mobile and non-mobile devices the shutdown is still estimated to seriously affect. The telco companies have been let off scot-free.

There will be no consequences if Telstra and Optus flick the switch and leave hundreds of thousands of Australians in danger.

The 3G shutdown is only being done to boost the profits of Telstra and Optus at the expense of Australians living through a cost-of-living crisis.

READ my media release in full here:

2 replies
  1. Rick
    Rick says:

    It’s going to effect payments for bills , and many other things reliant on having mobile usage . Many , if they don’t agree to go ahead to updating will be uncontactable , this will open up a big can of worms for businesses who rely on contact with its customers to stay in operation . Failure to be able to do this with result in the inability to operate as a business and department . The food chain will become in short supply . Banks won’t be able to receive payment for mortgages so a halt on withdrawals from bank accounts will be initiated . No money will be getting to the corporation’s that pay for the government’s piggy bank that keeps the silly renewables plan process going , the country will collapse . Unpaid mortgages EG; will come at a cost loss for the banks as there are too many of them currently in circulation for any heavy take back by ANYONE ,,,, and the dumb Albanese government will fall on its sword AGAIN ,,,, but denying it as usual .

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