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The COVID Inquiry 2.0 is a cross-party, non-parliamentary inquiry held on the 17th August 2022. The COVID Inquiry 2.0 followed COVID Under Question to interrogate breaches of the doctor-patient relationship and the regulatory capture of Australia’s health and drug regulators.

Witnesses from a range of backgrounds presented personal and scholarly evidence that was shocking and revealing. The day of questioning from 8am to 7:30pm was livestreamed and recordings of all witnesses are available below.

Please note: Captions on videos are machine generated. They contain a number of errors. The audio of the videos or transcripts linked under each video should be relied on as the accurate statement of what was said.

Welcome Video and Introduction



Brook Jackson

Transcript. Brook Jackson was regional director of Ventavia Research Group. That company was contracted by Pfizer to provide three phase three test sites for the vaccine trial, the Pfizer vaccine trial, in Houston, Fort Worth and Keller, Texas. 12.22min

Dr Peter Parry

Transcript. Dr. Peter Parry, discusses mental health of children and adults. Associate Professor Peter Parry is a child and adolescent psychiatrist whose career encompasses that of a medical officer in the Royal Australian Navy, a GP and palliative care, prior to training in psychiatry from 1990. 11.15min

Dr Pierre Kory

Transcript. Dr. Pierre Kory from America. He’s a medical doctor, a master of public administration, a specialist in pulmonary diseases and critical care medicine. Won many awards, but two major international awards he received during the COVID are, in 2021 from South Africa, the SAHARI Foundation a Certificate of Appreciation to Humanity, in 2021 again from Malaysia, the Cheng Ho Multicultural Education Trust Benevolent award. 24.51min

Suzie Pollock

Transcript. Suzie Pollock graduated from the Queensland University of Technology in 1995 with a Bachelor of Law. She spent 11 years working for one of Australia’s big four banks. That’d be enough to do it in for you, wouldn’t it. Followed by roles in top tier law firms in Australia and Hong Hong Kong in international banking and finance law. 12.37min

Dr Philip Altman

Transcript. Dr. Phillip Altman, who has a bachelor of pharmacy honours degree in master of science and a PhD. He’s had a background in clinical research and regulatory affairs, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and biotechnology. 48.26min

Mary-Jane Stevens

Transcript. Mary-Jane Stevens who’s a mother of four, four children and until late September, 2021, she was a registered nurse in the emergency department of a Queensland Health hospital. She’s now been de-registered due to an Ahpra March, 2021 directive. 15.27min

Alan Dana

Transcript. Alan Dana learned to fly in the United Kingdom in 1988. He holds British, United States and Australian professional airline transport licences, including an FAA Accident Prevention Counsellor Designation. His total experience, over 35 years, is now exceeding 23,000 flight hours. Alan took the time on a career route for pilots, instructing pilots for 32 years. 17.13min


Christine Dolan

Transcript. Christine Dolan is an American senior editor and chief investigative correspondent for She has a long history of tackling corruption, having worked at four American networks, served as CNN political director, covered three wars, and has investigated human trafficking in 140 countries for over 22 years, as well as the Catholic church globally. 28.03min

Warner Mendenhall

Transcript. Warner Mendenhall, who’s a United States lawyer. He’s a prominent activist attorney from the United States who is currently representing Ms. Brook Jackson in her lawsuit against Pfizer. Warner has a strong history of representing people being abused by government decisions and protecting whistleblowers fighting against injustice. 13.16min

Dr James Rowe

Transcript. Dr. James Rowe is a pharmaceutical scientist with over 40 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry and academia in the design development and testing of novel drug dosage forms. He has held academic positions at the University of London, University of Sydney, and Western Sydney University. 13.56min

Senator Gerard Rennick

Transcript. Senator Rennick was elected in Federal Parliament in 2019 representing the people of Queensland. He’s one of only a handful of politicians who is holding the government to account regarding the mismanagement of COVID, and he’s willing to question the science behind it. He did that not only with the current government, but he did it with the previous government, which was of his own party. 43.42min

Dr Robert Brennan

Transcript. Dr. Robert Brennan, is a man of a very high integrity. He’s co-director of Australian Medical Network, Australia’s largest and longest running dissident doctor group in the COVID era. He’s a member of the founding executive, so he dares to question things and he speaks up. A member of the founding executive of the Australian medical professional society, and a regular commentator and host on TNT 13.32min


Dr Chris Neil

Transcript. Dr. Neil became a cardiologist mid-career having been continuously engaged in medicine or the study of medicine for 26 years, quarter of century, since specialisation he has undertaken doctoral and post-doctoral studies being successful in obtaining research grants, completing investigation driven studies, and supervising, and co-supervising higher degree research students to completion as well as supervising and mentoring multiple physicians in training. Discusses doctor patient relationship. 24.22min

Julian Gillespie

Transcript. Mr. Julian Gillespie, who’s a lawyer and a former barrister. Julian is currently closely involved in the federal court judicial review case involving vaccine mandates. He’s deeply involved with issues relating to the oppressive approach that the government has taken with management of COVID-19 in the community. 29.16min

Dr Duncan Syme

Transcript. Dr. Syme winner of the Nicholas Collins Fellowship Achievement Award, the Australian Hospital in the Home Society 2018. Dr. Syme graduated from Monash University in 1987. He’s been in clinical practise for 34 years and a general practitioner for 27 years. Currently, his registration is suspended due to providing exemptions for patients who do not want to be injected by the COVID-19 medication. 24min

Dr Gary Fettke

Transcript. Dr. Gary Fettke is an orthopaedic surgeon and vocal proponent of nutrition being a major component of prevention and management of modern disease. In 2014, he became repeatedly targeted by the processed food industry for his opinion, culminating in a silencing by the AHPRA medical board. Prevention is the key to management in this recent COVID pandemic and future pandemics to come. 21.34min

Peter Fam

Transcript. Peter Fam is a lawyer on human rights. He’s a human rights specialist and the principal lawyer at Maat’s Method A human rights law firm in Sydney. He holds a degree in journalism as well. Peter is a defender and advocate of universal law, his aim is to assist restoring truth, justice, and balance to our world. 24.19min

Julian Gillespie

Transcript. Julian Gillespie talks about government manipulation. He spoke in his first session about the doctor-patient relationship being destroyed. Now he talks about the government manipulation that orchestrated that, and then about new legislation and declaration of demand. 47.01min

Dr Robert Brennan

Transcript. Dr. Robert Brennan, speaking about public health. 13.38min


Dr Peter Parry

Transcript. Dr. Peter Parry, discusses social engineering. A psychiatrist perspective on social engineering based on human behaviour. 19.53min

Professor Iain Benson

Transcript. Professor Iain Benson, discusses medical ethics, not only the problems, but the solutions. He has four degrees, including a PhD. He’s professor of law at the University of Notre Dame, Australia. He’s published many academic articles and book chapters, work cited by both the Supreme Court of Canada, the Constitutional Court of South Africa, and in April 2019, the High Court of Gauteng, which is in Johannesburg, South Africa. He discusses the ethical problems involved with the forced use of experimental drugs. 29.05min

Carla Mardell

Transcript. Carla Mardell, who has a Bachelor of Education, is an EFT practitioner, Postgraduate Certificate of Digital and Collaborative Technology, NLP Coach Practitioner. She discusses how we have been programmed in our beliefs with conditioning. 27.47min


Dr Gary Fettke

Transcript. Dr. Gary Fettke discusses solutions as to how people can better prepare their own health. 16.04min

Dr Philip Altman

Transcript. Dr. Altman talks about two things. One is a summary of the day. What have we learned? Then secondly, solutions. 24.27min

47 replies
  1. Kym Jerome
    Kym Jerome says:

    Are we for real. I see prayers to whatever religious cult followings (of the many gods suitably worshipped to keep many in a manner to which they have become accustomed) are still considering the notion that there’s a god….evil along with political and personal self-serving, self-gratifying cult agendas.

    • Steff
      Steff says:

      The Bible says: “For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.” Ecclesiastes 12:14.

      Is not the law of God ethical?
      The 10 Commandments is the law of morality and thus self governing rule of society out of necessity.

    • Joedafish
      Joedafish says:

      Our Earthly life is phase two of our existence.
      It could be a ‘heaven’ if in gratitude to our Creator we appreciated each other’s right to exist and facilitated their journey.
      That is what God would like us to do.
      Instead we are self-centred, greedy and materialistic individuals and trample each other in our push to be front of the queue.
      It is all about the mighty dollar and the warped illusion of what it can bring.
      Power, pride, gluttony and unloving sexual gratification.
      If selfindulgence was suppressed and self giving replaced it. The world would be a much better place.

  2. Patrick
    Patrick says:

    Kym Jerome your attack on religion is nothing short of ignorant and inflammatory. This is exactly what the state wants abolision of religion so that the state becomes the religion. We see it now in many states in the US with the erosion of religion has lead to a lifestyle of hedonism, a lowering of morals which in turn has left us with fatherless children amongst one of the problems a society with no morals. Religion can and has played a large role in our society and by having the state rule over our lives you can see where this has taken us to.

    • Joedafish
      Joedafish says:

      Fail to understand why my comment was censored.
      All I said was for love of and in gratitude to Him you love your neighbour as yourself even so much as to sublimate your needs to theirs.

    • Faith
      Faith says:

      Whoa! He was attacking CULTS, not whatever you consider religion to be! (And there are hundreds of thousands of “flavors”!)

    • Adam
      Adam says:

      Religion is exactly what got us into this fine mess in the first place. It fundamentally conditions people to blindly follow, obey a “master” (or multiple “masters”) and believe some authorities (whether it be a pastor, priest, or other entity purporting to be some “holy” entity) without any evidence, reason or rational logic. Having seen first hand the way in which religion poisons people, I think a society without religion would be great.

      A religion is just a big cult that got lucky. A lack of religion does not lower morals, but rather, forms the basis of which morality can be formed without books. If you look at what’s happening, such as the whole woke nonsense agenda about pronouns and gay pride etc, it is in effect no different to a religion. Maybe they don’t have “gods” per se, but they have their fair share of prominent figures, and irrational methods of thought.

      • Dede
        Dede says:

        Adam, I respect you have a different opinion. I have to state mine. Our world would not be in the mess it is in today if we used religion as our platform for life. Our roots our foundation. It keeps us accountable and understanding of others POV and gives us a certain amount of understanding and a way to adapt and listen to others. It also keeps society on the “best” path moving forward. It gives people a conscience. Something I don’t see in our young people today as much as I did 50 years ago. The division today although manipulated is not sustainable. We lack empathy, hope, governance, self respect, dignity, love, compassion. All things taught in the church. It goes a long way.

  3. Susan
    Susan says:

    Hello Malcolm,

    Congratulations on this great progress. Unfortunately while this is happening our property rights and properties are being stolen. I realise that these issues mainly occur at state level but could we also have some action on this front?

    • chris
      chris says:

      Hi Susan. Please don’t take my remarks to your post the “wrong way”.
      I am just wondering if your own property rights/property have been stolen from you personally.

    • Patricia
      Patricia says:

      Susan, yours is a vital point. Governments, by making land something that must be purchased & constantly taxed they take away the security & power of the individual & make him always beholden to the people he pays to serve him. i.e. slavery.

      The earth provides us with land and other vital resources for free and these, too, are human rights because we need them to live, to have security, and to live in dignity and freedom. Free land = free people. That security gives them power. For generations our language has been twisted by greedy sociopaths till we will collectively submit to almost anything. The very basis of our freedom and power comes from the human right to the free use of a fair share of earth’s resources. Land rights must be our primary law above all other rights if we wish to live in a fair, sane and loving society.

  4. Alise
    Alise says:

    Good work! 👆 Denying God gets you nowhere but into conflict. Evil must run its course – for judgement to be just. Individuals must do their worst as they can not rightly be judged for what they might do. We fight the battles, but God wins the war! He knows what he’s doing 👍

  5. Brian Johnston
    Brian Johnston says:

    With all this glaring evidence, when are the criminal charges going to be laid and who is not corrrupt enough to be able to press them?

  6. Matthew
    Matthew says:

    Malcolm you are a true legend, and thankyou from all Australians awake or not. We are going to hunt these bastards down and they will pay. Wonderful presentation by all contributors and special thanks to Julian as i have watched him from the start work so hard on this.

  7. Michelle
    Michelle says:

    A heartfelt thank you for the information. I have found the presentations empowering and revitalising, with so many people united in bringing the truth to light.

  8. james kringlee
    james kringlee says:


    ALL THE PROOF needed for early covid treatment and best in hospital covid treatment using combinations of safe and effective low cost drugs etc has been demonstrated FROM EARLY in the pandemic and continually improved with the – PANDEMIC GOLD STANDARD EVIDENCE – the RESULTS from REAL DOCTORS who treated REAL COVID PATIENTS. Dr Zelenko, Dr. Didier Raoult, Dr George Fareed and Dr Brian Tyson, the doctors of “My Free Doctor”, Dr Darrell DeMello (who introduced early treatment to India), Dr Shankara Chetty with his 8th day protocol (saving 10,000 Africans and many others), Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik and the FLCCC doctors , and numbers of other REAL DOCTORS who treated REAL COVID PATIENTS across the world. These doctors treated 100’s of Thousands of high risk covid patients with near elimination of hospitalization and death with early treatment and great reduction of in hospital death with best known practice.

    EVERY ONE OF THESE DOCTORS DEMONSTRATED AN END TO THE “pandemic”. 100% EASY FOR fda, cdc, nih, who, niaid AND fauci to see and know the WAY TO END the “pandemic”. which they, et al, willfully, with full knowledge presented to them, chose NOT TO DO while “they” SABOTAGED effective treatment protocols and doctors using life saving protocols and thereby DEPRAVED-HEART MASS MURDERED MILLIONS. (DEPRAVED-HEART (indifference) MURDER see definition from wicked-o-pedia below)


    From wicked-o-pedia – “In United States law, depraved-heart murder, also known as depraved-indifference murder, is a type of murder where an individual acts with a “depraved indifference” to human life and where such act results in a death, despite that individual not explicitly intending to kill. In a depraved-heart murder, defendants commit an act even though they know their act runs an unusually high risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to a person. If the risk of death or bodily harm is great enough, ignoring it demonstrates a “depraved indifference” to human life and the resulting death is considered to have been committed with malice aforethought.[1][2] In some states, depraved-heart killings constitute second-degree murder,[3] while in others, the act would be charged with “wanton murder,”[4][5] varying degrees of manslaughter,[6] or third-degree murder. If no death results, such an act would generally constitute reckless endangerment (sometimes known as “culpable negligence”) and possibly other crimes, such as assault.”

  9. Jillian Wells
    Jillian Wells says:

    And the hugest heartfelt thanks from myself too dear Malcolm for putting ALL these well informed and Brave Humane Loving People together to speak and display TRUTH, and how sad is it that we have to expose deaths and injuries from evil people that deny what’s been tossed at us by their evilness. I’m a sooky Empath, and I cannot forget the shocking needless murders and injuries that the obedient believed and gave into the poison jab. I Pray their Spirits are waging war in Heaven to their murderers. Forgive my harshness, but we ALL have to get ‘Harsh’ or perish sadly. Blessing ❤️🙏🌟

  10. Clive
    Clive says:

    This is a truly great resource for those who truly want to see the light. It is so necessary that these important issues are not buried and forgotten.
    Australia and the world will one day realise the horrors that have taken place in the name of health experts. Such things must never happen again. Let the guilty have their day in court.
    We owe a great debt to all who seek to uncover the truth. They are brave above all others.

  11. Rachel
    Rachel says:

    WOW!! This is unbelievably excellent. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping up the fight against the ever-encroaching tyranny under the guise of a public health “emergency”, Senator Malcom Roberts and team. And all who have been doing the same.
    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  12. Franzesca
    Franzesca says:

    Fantastic I’ve listened to this over two days. And enjoy every word.
    Thankyou so very very much
    Frannie ❤️

  13. Sharon
    Sharon says:

    Thank you Malcolm to you and your team, it is very comforting to know that there are people like your selves and your guest speakers who are speaking up and trying to get the word out there. Many of us know that what has happened during this whole covid debacle has been totally wrong and unjust. Our so called leaders in all areas have a lot to answer for.


    Malcolm and your team, and all those truly wonderful doctors, scientists and journalist, etc, I salute you all!

    The whole presentation has given me such hope and excitement that we have Australians, as well as our friends from the US willing to help us bring justice to those who have suffered and succumbed, believing their government was telling the truth, including taking the jab for your friends and family’s No matter how hard it is to stand by the truth, it will always set you free.
    One very interesting point I would like to bring up that no-one has mentioned, is that in 2017 Australia and many countries in the world purchased millions and millions of PCR Testing kits. It was posted on the internet and someone made me aware of it. So, these PCR testing kits were at least 2 years old before Covid 19 emerged and were obviously used by medical staff to prove whether we were positive or negative with Covid!!! How on earth can that be factored into accurate testing? Kits made that long before the first Covid outbreak? Also, the Sars Covid 2 virus was never isolated, so how can it be recognised? That rang real big red flags for me, and also when pharmaceutical companies stated that they wanted to vaccinate every person on the planet. Another red flag!
    Dr Reiner Fuellmich, a high ranking German lawyer, stated that it was a “Pandemic of the PCR”, which fits the situation aptly. Dr Thoma Renz, from the US, is another wonderful lawyer who loves the Lord Jesus, has started to throw the fox amongst the chickens and his team of over 500 lawyers in the US are just about ready to show their teeth! Praise God! May He be with them to the end!


    Just an addition to the above… In Rev 18:23 it says “…for by thy sorceries (pharmakeia) were all nations deceived.”

  16. Kim
    Kim says:

    From here in America this entire covid ruse and the failure to allow doctors to treat patients with medication that was shown to save lives while they took control of the world and kept people locked away to gain control with fear so that they could inject every person on the planet with this jab! They are still trying to get this in everyone’s arm around the world. Sp what’s this jab really for? It’s not a vaccine! They changed the definition of vaccine in order to use this. I think one day this will be shown that this entire covid was planned as a way to take control of country’s that were still free. The US, Canada and Australia. As they keep saying it’s a new liberal world order. Dr. Fauci, WHO, Geroge Soros (who owns one of the pharmaceutical company’s), Gates, they all had this planned. They wanted a way to get a shot in the arms of every human on the planet…not what exactly we don’t know what this poison is or what it’s purpose is. We do know that Australia and the US has signed over control to the WHO to control any other pandemics and the response to them. If that means with force they have the right under the UN to do that. People need to wake up and realize that this is not normal ans the democrats in the US are selling our country out. I see what’s happening in Australia and Canada and it breaks my heart. The people here in the US are brainwashed. We have to wake up ans stop the powers that be from destroying our country’s. And the world.

  17. steveQmodius
    steveQmodius says:

    The SARS COV 2 was never isolated. Covid 19 is the fake PCR RATests. Unfortunately, some on this panel believe SARS COV 2 is real. Cannot have it both ways. No virus no vaccine. Period. ps Koschs 4x Postulates was never followed.

    • Susan Ball
      Susan Ball says:

      Digging into the whole germ theory and finding out what really is a virus takes time and funding. These doctors are doing the best they can and can not know exactly what is the underlying agent. It seems that much of what we thought was wrong. Meanwhile the carnage continues. While we nitpick, people die. The truth will come out. Listen to this recent talk from Dr. Poornima Wagh and Dr. Lee Merrit. The vaccines have no mRNA in them but are chemical poisons. Website at

  18. Dez
    Dez says:

    The CDC has just announced this week that the three main Pharma have developed and are ready to go with their latest toxic chemical pathogen devices that bring their product up to speed with the majority of Covid versions todate. They can only use their experimental products if they can declare there is still an “Emergency” use. “Emergency?” now the facts are being revealed one has to challenge was there ever an “Emergency” from day 1. The bad news is that the decision regarding there still being a world wide emergency lays with the Pharma paid FDA. The FDA has the say for continuing the emergency and the continuing roll out of the their toxic chemical pathogen devices with the worst adverse health events and deaths ever in the world…… don’t hold your breath the safety agencies of the entire world and the Pharma themselves will ever turn off their snake oil whilst the revenue is rolling in and Pharmas have no skin in the liability compensation for victims. Win win for Pharma and their Boards and their shareholders lose lose for the populations of the world who are no longer protected by the Health Safety or Health Ministers. Dr. Foul-Chi appears to be the Globalist pivot for this situation and should be investigated in great detail.

  19. Lynda
    Lynda says:

    A sincere Thank You to the organizers and presenters for covering of this incredibly important information from a variety of angles.
    The banning of HCQ and use of the faulty PCR should have woken every medical person right at the beginning. Pity the process (now with Remdesivir added) is continuing. Hopefully, we will see justice being served in the not too distant future.

  20. Julie
    Julie says:

    Thank you so much Malcolm for raising our awareness on what actually happened…and to all the contributors essentially telling us the real truth:))
    My question is what can happen now?
    We all know there’s enough evidence from this hearing that there should be a lot of criminal convictions. The TGA, the pharmaceuticals management,politicians, journalists above all our Australian Government should all be convicted.
    Thank you to all that participated in this Covid Inquiry you should be commended for being so open

  21. Deborah Pearson
    Deborah Pearson says:

    Thank goodness for the likes of Malcom Roberts and everyone involved with this honesty and integrity. The information gives people some resources and evidence to follow up in order for them to see the truth for themselves. Praying 🙏🏻 that more people will see the true nature of this evil plan, sooner rather than later.

  22. Christopher Eden
    Christopher Eden says:

    Thankyou to Senator Roberts and everyone involved.
    I wish to tell my story as an example of other crimes which took place to many thousands of Australians.
    I am aware thousands had even worse things happen and to lose a relative or child from the experimental jab because we were lied to is incomprehensible….
    My elderly Mother in Tasmania had a stroke in 2019, she soon could not walk or talk.
    As the condition was so debilitating despite my offer of taking her to Victoria to live with me with outside help , she decided on a care home.
    I was flying over almost every two weeks to spend a week or two with her, taking her out to cafes in the wheel chair etc, she lived for me spending time with her and the rest of the Family.
    The Ruby Princess “false flag”happened and lockdown…suddenly I was not allowed to go to Tasmania
    She was devastated, confused and being free all her life could not understand why I couldn’t come to her.
    She rang me screaming crying for me to come, I nearly had a heart attack from the stress and nearly fainted a few times from the almost torture of not being able to see her at the most vulnerable and fragile time in her life.
    On opening up, the care home would then not let me visit her unless I had cert of flu vax which I knew did not work , I was allergic to preservative and could get ill from it but of course they don’t care do they? I knew it was a big pharma money making scam and an official Aust study showed a flu vaxed person was 47 times more likely to catch the flu than an unvaxed person.
    I tried desp to get an exemption from a Doctor stating my Mother was dying and the Doctor obviously afraid of APHRA would not give me one.
    I begged the care home until finally Mum was classified as end of life as she went down ,because of this trauma and having nothing to live for.
    I was then given permission to visit her by the care home and had to send the care homes email to the Tas head of Police to “ ask” permission to visit my dying Mother.
    The online website was obviously long planned … on the same page was a 24 hour snitch line to Tas Police to report covid social distancing violations, neighbours having friends over illegally etc etc.
    It was Stasi, …on the same page it stated to email the Police with end of life paperwork to request permission to visit an end of life relative and “ your email will be replied to within 3-6 working Days.
    I was so stressed waiting for the reply email I thought I was going to die.
    I was allowed , I then crossed on the Spirit , all the chairs and tables on board were a set stage from the movie “contagion” police style tape all over them , “do not sit, do not enter.”
    On arrival we were met with up to ten armed Police who kept us waiting ages talking whilst our relatives were dying , we were taken to a Qurantine hotel where we wore hazmat style suits, rubber gloves, masks as if we were all contagious with a deadly disease.
    I was then allowed to go to the care home and arrived to find my Mother unconscious in bed.
    I prayed and told her I loved her with all my heart and she died that night.
    The last thing she scribbled on her pad was “ call the Police put them in jail”

    Here I was, my Mother had just died and they expected me to spend two weeks in solitary confinement being Brought greasy fish and chips and Parma and chips, being treated like a diseased criminal.
    I asked permission to attend and help arrange my Mothers funeral and was denied permission.
    I was allowed to return to Victoria and on the spirit back I was so disturbed by the crime against Humanity by the Gov etc I considered jumping overboard.
    I was traumatised and still am, for over a year and during this time I endured endless lock downs , freedom of movement violations, night curfews ,mask wearing.
    I said to a friend …I feel I will get seriously ill from the shocks and trauma the Governments caused me and for the rest of my life to have the last time you hear your beautiful Mothers voice… and she’s screaming…
    All involved are criminals and there is endless proof the covid scam was all preplanned and the lockdowns were on purpose to scare people to take the vax “so it will all go away”
    They are effectively mass murderers.
    I don’t care if I’m on a “list” you can kill me I d o n t care…
    We all must demand justice and compensation from their own pockets.
    Life imprisonment is not good enough for them.
    So I repeat my Mothers dying request… “call the Police put them in jail”
    Police will you?

    • Valee
      Valee says:

      I am very touched by your experience and it is so understandable that you are willing to leave this planet.

      May you experience some peace knowing that your mother is waiting for you and that we never die – we just pass into a different and loving dimension.’

      Much blessings to you

  23. Quintin
    Quintin says:

    Thank you to all involved in this enquiry, it took me a few days to get through all the videos which I found very informative. Every Australian needs to see this. I sincerely hope that all persons involved in this massive fraud are exposed and held accountable.

  24. Chris
    Chris says:

    what happened to the end of Dr Altman’s vid ?
    can i see it in full somewhere ?

    (btw, the walls of text in the comment section are probably by design so no one looks)

  25. Rob Agnew
    Rob Agnew says:

    Wow, thnk God for you all. I listened to all the presentations and im astounded by the fortitude, iintegrity and commitment of you all. I cant find enough words to thank you all for what you are doing to fight this corruption. I thank you from the bottom of my heart… we will win but the cost along the way will touch us all. Its great comfort to know that we aren’t alone in the fight. God speed and God bless…

  26. Brian
    Brian says:

    I simply bought Ziverdo kits from India. `

    Each kit contains Zinc Acetate tablets, Doxycycline Capsules IP & Ivermectin Dispersible tablets.

    Each kit has enough for 3 days’ treatment, begun at the onset of the covid or influenza.

    To purchase, go to & search for Ziverdo kit or Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.

    It is all pharmacy grade.

    It is safe. I have used it.

    The US authorities have very quietly removed Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine from their dangerous list. It is now safe to use again.

  27. Youhong
    Youhong says:

    Those who colluded with Big Pharma, especially those who forced medical mandates on the public, should be held accountable for the countless deaths, injuries, and national debt that followed. The latest book by Peter McCullough explores the evidence of conspiracy to cancel his and his colleagues’ effort in providing early treatment for Covid-19. “The Courage to Face Covid-19” is now a bestseller at It is available in hard copy and Kindle.

  28. Diane Drayton Buckland
    Diane Drayton Buckland says:

    Straight from a Professor of Law.

    The Australian Constitution explicitly prohibits any form of legal compulsion upon the medical profession to carry out any form of medication, including vaccination

    In fact, no Government, either federal or state, can impose compulsory vaccination in this country, or prevent medical practitioners from remaining entirely free to choose whether or not to provide certain medical services, including vaccination.
    Dr Augusto Zimmermann is Professor and Head of Law at Sheridan Institute of Higher Education, and Professor of Law (Adjunct) at the University of Notre Dame Australia, Sydney campus.
    Dr Zimmermann was chairman and professor of constitutional law at Murdoch University from 2007 to 2017.
    He is also a former Law Reform Commissioner in WA (2012-2017) and President of the Western Australian
    Legal Theory Association (WALTA).
    As can be seen, section 51 (xxiiiA) maintains the prohibition of vaccination through any form of government-run health service, indicating that vaccination should only be through voluntary means in accordance with the free communications between medical doctor and patient, which is essential to achieve a high-quality healthcare.
    To conclude: The Australian Constitution explicitly prohibits any form of legal compulsion upon the medical profession to carry out any form of medication, including vaccination.
    In fact, no government, either federal or state, can impose compulsory vaccination in this country, or prevent medical practitioners from remaining entirely free to choose whether or not to provide certain medical services, including vaccination. Continued >

  29. Diane Drayton Buckland
    Diane Drayton Buckland says:

    On a very personal, emotional note, my heart aches for Christopher Eden (comment above) and all those who have suffered as he has suffered and these Political Tyrants have no humanness left to do this to their fellow humans.
    This has to be stopped now, permanently and irrevocably for all time, we all have to get our lives, our country and all our rights, freedoms and choices back AND NEVER to be abused / taken away again.
    So many things they have done to destroy health, lives and financial / career status / quality of life – the Gunpoint Medicine/mandates are gross violations/abuses – and the thought of peoples’ loved ones sick and dying without the embrace and love of their family as they lay dying is inhuman and so cruel and the bastards who can do that to other human beings do not deserve to be free. It still makes me cry.
    Our loving respects to all those who have suffered – we are with you and we weep with you.
    This nightmare has to end and every politician should come over to the right side of history.

    Reminder to all Medical Professionals – please join Australian Medical Professionals Society. AMPS.

  30. Valee
    Valee says:

    It is with my deepest and sincere gratitude to all of you for bringing forth the truth and standing up for humanity against the psychopathic elite who believe they have the right to kill, maim, mentally, emotionally and physically harm the general public.

    May justice be served to these perpetrators against humanity. May this instigate a massive change to regulatory control in such a way that integrity, honesty, compassion, respect and acknowledgement of the intrinsic sacredness of each and every one of us here on planet Earth, are the pillars of all governance in all its forms.

    Much blessings

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