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What happened to having vision for the future in this country?

You won’t get it from the Liberal and Labor Uni-party whilst they’re beholden to their donors.

Check out One Nation’s breakdown of the budget and how we would return Australia to leading the world.


This is One Nation’s response to Labor’s Budget. 

My comments will be in two parts. 

Firstly, an analysis of what Treasurer Jim Chalmers has put into and left out of the budget. 

Secondly, what a One Nation budget would look like to return Australia into a prosperous country again. 

Starting with the measures in Labor’s budget for next year, 2024/25. 

Treasurer Chalmers wants everyone to know about his surplus for THIS year 2023/24. 

Yet his budget released two days ago for this coming year starting in less than two months aims to be a DEFICIT for 2024/25 

Many Australians might not even know what a surplus is. 

A surplus simply means that within a given year the Government is spending less than it’s income. It spends less than what it takes off Australians. 

Usually that’s a good thing. 

Like any Australian household, government shouldn’t be spending more than it has – that’s a deficit

Treasurer Chalmer’s surplus of $9.3 billion isn’t a happy story, though. 

It sounds like a big number until you compare it to the total budget spend: $683 billion dollars. 

Unfortunately, given Treasurer Chalmers’ amazing run of good luck this budget surplus is terrifyingly small. 

It would be like a family winning division 1 of Powerball and having $100 left over at the end of the year—and calling it a win!  

There should be rivers of gold flowing into the budget.  

Instead, we have a miserable trickle because Labor can’t resist spending every bit of its lottery winnings. 

Commodity prices for our exports like oil, gas, coal, metal minerals and agricultural produce have all been near or at record highs over the recent few years.  

That means huge amounts of extra money flowed into Treasurer Chalmers’s budget.  

‘Oil’, ‘gas’ and ‘coal’ are all dirty words to this Labor government and its Greens partners. And they’re too embarrassed to admit mining and agriculture have, largely, saved the budget. 

The second lottery win for the government is Australian workers.  

They’re working more jobs, longer hours and harder than ever.  

All of the extra work shows up in the record-low unemployment rate.  

That means more taxes from hardworking Australians are going into the budget coffers than ever before—a record. RECORD tax taken from Australians. 

That’s the story of this budget: three years of some of the largest tax intakes government has ever recorded, yet Labor can only squeak out the tiniest of surpluses. 

From this year on the deficits return. Tens and tens of billions of dollars in the red each year as far as we can see. Going deeper into debt. 

The Federal Government’s debt is due to reach nearly 700 billion dollars in coming years. 

At the rate this government is going our children’s children will not repay it. 

Despite working multiple jobs for more hours helping the government’s bottom line, Australians are still going backwards because of inflation.  

Inflation is the secret debilitating stealth tax on all Australians.  

It’s the reason Australia had the largest collapse of disposable income in the OECD.  

If you feel like you’re going backwards, it’s because you are. 

Inflation is leading to tax bracket creep. 

That means you’re earning more while your money is worth less yet you’re paying more tax overall. 

As your income rises with inflation, it takes you into a higher tax rate bracket. 

The government takes more money from you through bracket creep because of inflation. 

No wonder they voted against my amendment that would have removed bracket creep. My amendment would have removed the stealth tax. 

The government is fudging the inflation numbers, making it appear better than the price increases you’re actually paying in the real world. 

When they hand out energy and rent relief, it artificially lowers the inflation figures. 

This is just papering over the inflation. It does nothing to actually fix it. 

Economists across the country have slammed Treasurer Chalmers trickery on this. 

Without rent assistance the CPI for rents would haver increased 9.5% in the 12 months to March.  

Instead because of Treasurer Chalmers’ trickery it was recorded as just 7.8%. 

The cost of electricity has gone up 15% in just a year. The bill relief is papering over that, showing up in the CPI as just 2%. 

This is a clear, huge admission of failure of the net zero pipe-dream 

With the most amount of wind, solar and batteries on the grid than ever before in history, Treasurer Chalmers must hand out another round of power bill relief – because prices are too expensive

The inflation fight isn’t over for Australians who are still going backwards. 

This budget will pour more fuel on the inflation fire. 

There are only a few ways to genuinely reduce inflation: 

First, never repeat the mistake of printing $500 billion out of thin air over COVID.  

That created much of the inflation we’re fighting – as the former head of the Reserve Bank agreed to me.  

Second, reduce the cost of energy: Abandoning the net-zero pipe dream.  

While net-zero is pushing up power prices we’ll never get rid of inflation. 

Thirdly, cut the amount of visa holders in the country now driving huge demand. 

That’s not just a cut to the rate of immigration as this budget proposes, it needs to be negative, and people need to leave. As I’ll explain later. 

Finally, make investments in productive infrastructure to increase the productive capacity of our country. Assets like dams, power infrastructure, ports and rail lines.  

That’s called supply side economics. Improve productivity. 

That’s how inflation can be cut. Not with trickery. Improving real productivity. 

The next feature item of the Labor Budget is their Future Made In Australia plan. 

This is a vague, unclear collection of weird policy ideas like a billion dollar computer and outright scams for a total of $22.7 billion dollars. 

This will supposedly turn Australia into what they call a Green Superpower for wind, solar, so-called green hydrogen and other scams. 

The government will use that money to pick losers that have failed to attract any investment from anyone with common sense in the real world.  

This is a “Disaster made in Australia” Plan. 

China manufactures and tightly controls more than 90% of all of the critical parts of wind and solar power. 

Wind and solar make us completely reliant on China for our energy needs, Labor’s Future Made in Australia will only make that reliance worse. 

There’s no reason to become reliant on wind and solar due to our abundance of oil, gas, coal and uranium in this country.  

We’re the most resource rich country in the world.  

Why would we spend tens of billions ignoring that and handing over control to China? 

The Future Made in Australia plan is really a Future Made in China plan. 

This effectively sets up an unsustainable model of business practice which relies on taxpayer subsidies for any meagre profit. 

What a waste of Australian taxes. 

Next the National Disability Insurance Scheme, the NDIS. 

If left unchecked, the NDIS is going to eat this entire country alive.  

Originally budgeted to only cost $25 billion a year, it will reach $90 billion a year within a decade. 

Minister Bill Shorten says he can cap the growth at 8% a year. Yet it’s been growing at 14%. 

Providers often charge NDIS double or even triple the price for the exact same services. 

This draws carers to NDIS and drives huge worker shortages in aged care and childcare. 

The huge NDIS money sink has certainly contributed to this. 

The NDIS program has been a national shame with unconscionable budget blowouts, widespread rorting, use of taxpayer money for prostitutes and cruises and other scandals, And causes neglect of genuine disability cases. 

At some point it’s time for Australia to agree this scheme can’t be fixed and it’s time to start fresh. Send it back to the states to enable competitive federalism that is proven to drive efficiency and accountability. 

Let’s move on to the Future Drought Fund – $519 million dollars. Again seems a great headline. Just don’t read the detail. 

That money will be split over 8 years meaning just a tiny $65 million for an industry worth more than $90 billion a year to Australia. 

There’s only one real form of drought relief: WATER. 

There’s not a drop of money in this budget towards a real dam.  

To get cheaper groceries, we have to grow more of them. 

We have some of the best farmers, in combination with the best soils and climate in the world. 

Add water, and Australians won’t have to worry about grocery bills again. 

A vital part of this budget is the forecasts for net overseas immigration. 

That’s how many new people the government expects to take into the country. 

Australia’s net overseas migration was 528,000 in the 2022 to 2023 financial year, a historic record, nearly double the previous record. Double

That’s like adding a new Canberra to Australia, in one go. Without the political swamp. 

That’s almost one and a half (1.3) Sunshine Coasts imported into Australia in just 12 months. 

The Labor government claims this figure will decrease to 260,000 a year in 2025-2026, still far too much. 

It’s a prediction, and like any Labor prediction, don’t bet your house on it. 

Back in October 2022, 4 months into the 12 months they were predicting, the government said net overseas migration would be 235,000. 

Just 8 months later, the 528,000 figure blew their forecasts out of the water. 

Way more than double. Was it supreme incompetence? Or a lie? 

We’ll wait and see if their prediction of 395,000, an entire Sunshine Coast added to the population, for this financial year turns out to be true. 

If it’s not clear, no Australian should trust what a government says when it comes to immigration numbers. 

It’s claimed that the country is ‘just catching up’ after a slow down in immigration. That’s a lie. 

It’s a lie that’s causing a housing crisis, making Australians homeless and feeding inflation. 

Prior to COVID, there were 1.9 million foreign temporary visa holders in the country likely to require housing. 

Today, there are 2.3 million. That’s 400,000 more people in the country that are fighting Australians for a roof over their head and groceries at the supermarket. 

Why? To inflate GDP to get out of the per-capita recession. To look good not do good. Labor doesn’t care about the homeless its causing. 

That’s driven the massive crisis in the rental vacancy rate and huge increases in rents. 

This Labor government wants to keep adding to that, another 395,000 predicted this financial year, plus 260,000 the following. 

We don’t have enough houses to put these people in.  

We don’t have enough houses to put Australians in. 

We don’t have enough tradies to build enough houses to keep up with this many arrivals. 

We need to start deporting some visa holders.  

Net immigration needs to go negative until Australians have got an affordable roof over their head. 

Perhaps the most important item is something that’s completely missing from this budget. 

There’s not a single dollar allocated for a Royal Commission into the COVID response. 

Millions of Australians were forced to lock down in their homes. Forced to take an experimental medical product. Businesses were ruined. Children’s educations ruined. 

What’s the Labor government’s response? Silence. 

One Nation will continue to fight for a COVID Royal Commission and for perpetrators of human rights abuses to be thrown in jail. 

That covers some of the things that are in, and aren’t in, Labor’s budget. 

Now I want to talk about a better way, what Australia could look like as a prosperous nation under a One Nation budget. 

Here are things you won’t hear from anyone in a budget, except One Nation – because we’ve got the guts to say what you’re thinking. 

Firstly, guarantee affordable power: turn the coal fired power stations back on. Build more of them and remove solar and wind subsidies.  

It’s the only thing that can save us right now. 

Cheap power is a matter of life and death for Australians as many of them are facing the wall in this cost of living crisis. 

Nuclear should be on the table and we should simply let the cheapest power win – no handouts or subsidies. 

Secondly, stop inflation: stop quantitative easing printing excess money.  

$500 billion dollars was concocted out of nowhere during the COVID response.  

That’s a major cause of the inflation we’re still fighting today. 

The Former Governor of the Reserve Bank, Phillip Lowe, the culprit behind that money printing, even agreed with me on that. 

Thirdly, we’ll guarantee cheaper houses, cheaper rents, and get young people into their first home. 

Don’t just cut net overseas migration – start deporting some visa holders. 

Prior to COVID there were 1.9 million visa holders who needed housing, fighting Australians for a roof over their head.  

That’s now increased to 2.3 million today, plus 400,000 tourists and others. 

And, we’ll ban foreigners from buying Australian property. They’re currently snapping up nearly 1 in 10 new Aussie homes. 

We’ll convert the Labor government’s designed-to-fail Housing Future Fund and turn it into the People’s Mortgage Fund, issuing fixed rate 5% mortgages. 

Fourthly, get cheaper groceries: build dams and help farmers produce tonnes of fresh, healthy produce for Australians. 

Give farmers water and the right to use their land – we’ll never have to worry about grocery bills again. 

Fifthly, use all of our natural resources we have right here for Australians first.  

There’s no need to become a green superpower, and we never will. 

We’re already an oil, gas, coal and uranium superpower. 

Government won’t do this because some foreign unelected organisation in Zurich will claim we’re not ‘complying with our international obligations’. 

Governments of both sides have forgotten that their first obligation is to AUSTRALIANS. No one else. 

One Nation knows this. 

Finally, we must have comprehensive tax reform. 

The current system is highly destructive to our country and wholesale change must be made. 

We’ll put our trust in Australia’s people, release them from the nanny state that tells them everything they can and can’t do, and enable people to abound and flourish. 

That’s our promise of what would be a One Nation budget: 

Putting truth, Australia, and Australians first to ensure prosperity like we’ve never seen. 

6 replies
  1. Barry
    Barry says:

    Too much emphasis is being given to the green look . If our Country contributes less than 2% of the worlds pollution why can’t we forget this environmental push to Australia until the rest of the world drop { if ever } to 2% .

  2. Daniel White
    Daniel White says:

    Once again we are seeing the real leadership this nation requires. Looking forward to seeing you again, next time you are in Townsville.

  3. Ray Harvey
    Ray Harvey says:

    Actually it’s not just the money out of thin air that’s the problem. Every time we sell an Australian asset, like the Qld Land Titles Office or the sides of our highways to fund debt, that;s extra money into our economy. That’s inflationary. We have by exporting Australian jobs and importing cheap goods often made with slave labour, and that has kept inflation down for decades. But it’s a once use card and its all used up. Returning that manufacturing and jobs to Australia is a challenge way beyond the uniparty because they have to put back into the system the inflation they deferred when moving their manufacturing to China.

  4. Kerrin Murphy
    Kerrin Murphy says:

    This is VERY good!!!!! Really simple common sense logic that will actually work. Real leadership. I’m converted, no more LNP for me, it’s 1 Nation now for my vote.

  5. Bob Close
    Bob Close says:

    Great work Malcolm, One Nation appears to be doing the job the Libs and Nats are failing to do.
    Whilst you have enumerated many of the problems Labor has caused with their ideological bent, the previous Liberal government was also responsible for the higher inflation in the first place with its reckless Covid spending and lack of control of the health agenda.
    However, I fully support your no 1 solution to get cheaper power back into the system quickly, simply more reliable coal and gas, as finally Labor has realised their renewables dream has become a nightmare that threatens to scare the public away from their control. Great, couldn’t happen fast enough for all the poorer Aussies suffering under cost of living issues created by Labor’s policies and allowing the UN nutters to take over their power and health options.
    Never mind the appalling defense system, where we can’t even protect our borders from illegal immigrants, never mind any organised aggressor!
    Enough said, we are in terrible shape for a trade exposed nation, we need to generate wealth to stay independent, so we need cheap energy to build our economy and above all support our export industries now being taxed to death by idiotic governments, like here in Queensland. They will be the first to fall, because they have totally failed people, hopefully it will be Albo and Bowen next,

  6. Rick
    Rick says:

    Give this country coal fired power stations , forget nuclear . It’s a shame Labor wasted so much money on this failed renewables . Build coal fired power stations , f&$k the greens ,,, we know they work and our less than 1% of pollution ,,,, if it ever existed ,,, will never be compared with China Russia India .

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