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Award-winning journalist & author, Peter Hitchens, exposes the Net Zero absurdity straight to the face of George Monbiot on BBC Question Time.

“…we didn’t just close down our coal fired power stations, we blew them up, we were so certain we were right to do so. At the same time, China even as we speak is building the equivalent of two new coal fired power stations a week. India has a vast expansion programme of coal fired power stations…”

“If you want to live in a country with Net Zero, if you where nobody can afford to heat their house where people have incredibly expensive and non functioning heat pumps inflicted on them, if you want lots of people to lose their jobs because there’s no energy, if you want to be cold all the time… then carry on believing that the demand to go for Net Zero… is intelligent and thoughtful.”

7 replies
  1. Rick
    Rick says:

    Let me get this straight . If Australians use coal or gas to supply cheap , reliable power for our own families and businesses
    it will bring about the end of the planet . If other countries use the same coal and gas , to provide cheap reliable power , for themselves , there’s not a problem .
    Aussies are being conned and lied to by bullshit artists of the first order .
    Albanese , Bowen and Bandt .

    • Ray biar
      Ray biar says:

      Everyone forgets to be paid for exports we must import the equivalent value for twiggy and exporters to be paid that means the taxman rakeing it in on the money go round that pays the decidance and debatuary and stuff the rest

  2. David
    David says:

    Is there any logic in different parts of the world running in opposite directions re clean green. Just a cost burden we in the west don’t need. If the Chinese and Indians get it right,where does that leave us?

  3. Paul Smith
    Paul Smith says:

    Hi Mr Roberts.
    If it wasn’t for you Ms Jacinta Price,
    I would have no idea of what is actually happening. I feel the awareness you both deliver is sadly not getting out enough, despite the efforts of you both. I’ve given up watching mainstream media , it may as well use the opening music to the wizard of Oz as it is so theatrical.
    ( at least we would know what is about to occur).
    I enjoy reading what you post and try to watch what you on YouTube.
    Please don’t throw in the towel.
    All the best
    Paul ( N. E. Victoria)

  4. Edward Kent
    Edward Kent says:

    Lol! Just look at these completely brainwashed idiots in the crowd. How did it come to this? How can so many people be so willing and so righteous about such rubbish and not see what is going on?

  5. Lionel Solomon
    Lionel Solomon says:

    Amazing Senator Malcolm Roberts, your one of the only politicians who speaks out the truth & fights for the Australian public 👏 you have my support, loyalty, & my vote! Keep up the Good fight Malcolm You are what makes Australia 🇦🇺 Gr8 mate!

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