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The politics of today seek to turn Australians against each other. We must resist this division as it only serves the interests of multinational companies and power-hungry politicians.


The architect of our Parliament House, Romaldo Giurgola gave the Australian flag pride of place in his design.

A flag the size of a double decker bus, atop an 80m flag pole with supports that bring together the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The symbolism is clear, the Senate and the House of Representatives hold up our flag.

Not the other way around.

Any person who comes into this place, who does not then look up and feel awestruck with where we work, and with the responsibility we have, as Senators has no place being here.

The Australian flag flies above us for direction, not decoration.

We are directed to remember those who were here first and the millions who have come since. Immigrants who have come to this beautiful country to make a better life for themselves and to lift up all Australians in the process.

Including the Italian born architect of Parliament House – which I imagine explains all the marble.

Mr President we are directed to remember that we represent people not corporations.

Yet the winners from 18 months of COVID crony Government are not everyday Australians. The winners from croney govt are foreign multinationals. Big Pharma.

Never in the history of this beautiful country of ours has government policy so comprehensively abandoned those we represent, in favour of those we do not.

When Government needs to deploy the military to maintain control of our own people, to effect a social outcome rather than a medical one, there is only one description for that.

Martial law.

How this government acts in the coming months will decide if a second description should be added.


Dividing Australians by any arbitrary measure including vaccination status flies in the face of everything our flag stands for, of everything this nation stands for.

We will not be divided!

We have One flag, we are One Community, we are One Nation.

5 replies
  1. Doreen Sheers
    Doreen Sheers says:

    Thank you Robert for speaking for us who doesn’t appear can now speak for ourselves in our nation anymore.!!

  2. john lewis
    john lewis says:

    Malcolm Roberts , What can i say , I love you , you are a Mans Man , i want to be in the trenches with you . You are my Hero , i hope to meet you some day . We are surrounded by Traitors who’s only concern is them selves . Money power & Greed . They are committing Treason and many blindly follow many out of fear and brainwashing . These people are like the piped piper followers . We are being told the saviour is in a Drug untested and yet many believe the lies , they are targeting our children with lies and brainwashing they tell us its not our choice to educate our our own children . The severity of the Covid is massively over rated . Our gutless & Spineless Leaders are not Leaders they are subservient to other invisible powers they have sold us out. Its very clear to me and many others they are destroying our country our future and our childrens future . I fly the Red Aussie Flag that the Anzacs fought under and soaked there flags in the Trenches in Blood to make them Red , And in1953 R Menzies took away that flag and made it blue , The Anzacs would be screaming out Treason I’m sure . Malcolm i will be voting One Nation ,I love and follow you and One Nation , i hope one day as you said we will round up the traitors but there are many , if they hopefully retreat one day they will retreat like the cowards that they are .But i think our time is short .i have five children and seven grandchildren , I worry for them. Regards John Lewis

  3. Gary Kennedy
    Gary Kennedy says:

    Dear Malcolm Roberts,
    This vaccine will not stop you from getting COVID-19 nor will it stop you from spreading it, they say it will reduce your symptoms in hospital after you have contracted it but there is no data to substantiate that. The bottom line is if you can’t control what’s injected into your body then you are owned and nothing more than cattle waiting to be slaughtered.
    Australians should not be living in fear of COVID-19 as it only has a slightly higher statistical death rate then a bad flu season, since the viruses release in Wuhan, much has been learned by frontline doctors dealing with this disease. OpenVEARS presently has a death tally of 11,940 and 40,991 recorded hospitalizations from this COVID-19 vaccine, 12,808 permanently disabled, 4,799 heart attacks and there is more please go to the web address.
    Many frontline doctors have testified that we have cheap and effective off the shelf drugs that can be used to treat COVID-19, these frontline doctors have also trialled these drugs as prophylactics with great success. Unfortunately using these cheap and effective drugs would save lives and prevent illness, yet our governments have allowed legislation to be passed preventing doctors from treating their patients as they see fit.
    This is totally unacceptable considering the LNP government is rolling out an unproven and inadequately tested mRNA gene therapy (vaccine) that does not work, I can say this quite confidently as the statistics are now revealing immune enhancement dependency is being seen in many heavily vaccinated countries. Recently in New South Wales it was announced that 141 people had contracted COVID-19, out of that total 140 were fully vaccinated and the remaining one had only the first jab, there were no unvaccinated cases recorded.
    Presently our State Governments are locking down using the information gathered by the PCR tests, the tests have been proven to deliver false positives and for our governments to be using them as a COVID-19 diagnostic tool is simply stupidity. As I’m sure you know the test takes a small portion of DNA material from the nose and multiplies it, a positive diagnosis of COVID-19 is made by the amount of coronavirus residue. These tests cannot distinguish between active infections and people that have conquered the disease in previous weeks sometimes even months, this would be taken as a COVID-19 positive result when really it should be identified as a cold positive.
    If the PCR test cannot distinguish between active infections and people that have overcome the virus then I would suggest to you that mass testing of the population will only leads to false data and bad government decisions. Presently it would appear both State and Federal Governments have the idea to eradicate this virus, this simply cannot be done as the virus like the flu will change.
    It is not realistic for Australia to continue locking down and destroying its economy bearing in mind that our wealth has provided us with our AAA health care system, and there is no scientific evidence that supports the notion that locking down our people will eradicate COVID-19. PCR testing for the masses must be stopped immediately, it is expensive and only delivers grey and misleading information and this data should not be used to drive government policy.
    Our governments were never elected to destroy our economies, the rollout of this dangerous vaccine must be halted immediately for the good of all Australians. If the PHON Party can do anything to help bring sanity back to the Australian Parliament I would be forever indebted to you.
    Gary Kennedy

  4. john lewis
    john lewis says:

    Hi Malcolm this is one of the worst Federal and State Govt s in the world , How do we stop the treason and incompetance , its almost too late .Thanks John Lewis

  5. Ciaran Whelan
    Ciaran Whelan says:

    How do we make these people in government? I am sick of the usual 2 parties stuffing up AUSTRALIA!

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