Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) figures show a shocking 67% reduction in the monthly birth rates from between July and December 2021. The Government claims I’ve got my facts wrong but the data is published on the ABS website for all to see. Guess what significant event lines up with roughly nine months prior to this data…

Time Period | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |
Month of occurence | ||||||||||
Total | 308,518 | 305,355 | 307,753 | 303,954 | 308,987 | 299,189 | 296,447 | 294,883 | 285,047 | 273,301 |
· January | 25,745 | 26,135 | 25,344 | 25,575 | 25,398 | 25,373 | 25,529 | 24,796 | 24,611 | 24,793 |
· February | 24,637 | 24,111 | 24,823 | 23,692 | 25,392 | 23,480 | 23,381 | 23,293 | 22,798 | 24,695 |
· March | 26,397 | 26,405 | 26,438 | 26,172 | 27,365 | 26,426 | 25,768 | 25,632 | 24,794 | 27,433 |
· April | 25,060 | 25,117 | 25,605 | 24,994 | 25,928 | 24,461 | 24,137 | 24,666 | 23,729 | 25,342 |
· May | 26,394 | 26,486 | 25,964 | 25,199 | 26,293 | 25,608 | 25,387 | 26,004 | 24,424 | 25,669 |
· June | 25,240 | 25,007 | 25,003 | 24,942 | 26,016 | 25,070 | 24,503 | 24,041 | 23,776 | 24,928 |
· July | 25,940 | 25,719 | 26,325 | 26,347 | 25,785 | 24,973 | 24,915 | 25,049 | 24,490 | 24,905 |
· August | 26,406 | 25,495 | 25,535 | 25,589 | 26,003 | 25,795 | 25,195 | 24,666 | 23,926 | 24,060 |
· September | 25,463 | 25,575 | 26,383 | 26,027 | 26,248 | 25,185 | 24,385 | 24,557 | 23,760 | 23,558 |
· October | 26,914 | 25,931 | 26,794 | 26,009 | 25,661 | 25,156 | 25,344 | 25,616 | 23,806 | 23,073 |
· November | 25,392 | 24,507 | 24,353 | 24,194 | 24,387 | 23,888 | 24,123 | 23,332 | 22,238 | 18,186 |
· December | 24,930 | 24,867 | 25,186 | 25,214 | 24,511 | 23,774 | 23,780 | 23,231 | 22,695 | 6,659 |
Senator ROBERTS (Queensland) (14:28): My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Health and Aged Care, Senator Gallagher. It has been four weeks since the Australian Bureau of Statistics published data showing a 67 per cent reduction in Australia’s monthly birthrate between July and December 2021 as compared to the long-term average—a startling decrease. I drew attention to this data during Senate estimates, hoping for some reassurance. None was forthcoming. Let me ask again: Minister, why has Australia’s birthrate declined from 30 June 2021 to 31 December 2021, revealing a 70 per cent reduction?
Senator GALLAGHER (Australian Capital Territory—Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Finance, Minister for Women, Manager of Government Business in the Senate and Vice-President of the Executive Council) (14:29): I thank Senator Roberts for the question and I recall the discussion that we had at estimates and the fact that we requested, from Senator Roberts, some time to go through the information that he tabled in that hearing. I haven’t got that information back, but I think the advice given by the chief medical officer—who I was sitting next to—and me was that the data you were using didn’t align with the information we had. We hadn’t seen a drop-off of that size, which would be quite noticeable. In fact, that financial year of reporting, which incorporated births, actually showed the strongest birth record achieved so far—we had seen more births during that period. I’ll have to come back to you, because you tabled some documents in that meeting and the Department of Health took them away. If there’s anything further way in which I can advise you, I will do so.
The PRESIDENT: Senator Roberts, a first supplementary question?
Senator ROBERTS (Queensland) (14:30): Minister, that’s not as I remember it, but we’ll wait for your response. Is there any systematic information-sharing between the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Department of Health to keep an eye on key indicators reflecting on our COVID measures, or does the Australian Bureau of Statistics just publish critical data like this in due course and hope that somebody notices at some time?
Senator GALLAGHER (Australian Capital Territory—Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Finance, Minister for Women, Manager of Government Business in the Senate and Vice-President of the Executive Council) (14:30): I thank Senator Roberts for the question. The ABS work very closely alongside other departments with the data that they are collecting, and they keep an eye on tracking any significant changes. If the ABS saw something in their data that would concern them—and I would imagine the numbers you’re citing about declines in birth numbers in one month would raise attention—it would be dealt with across government. In their cause of death publication the ABS reported that there had been 15 deaths due to the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021. That was against vaccinations of 42.5 million vaccines administered in that year.
The PRESIDENT: Senator Roberts, a second supplementary question?
Senator ROBERTS (Queensland) (14:32): Minister, what specifically is the government doing to get to the bottom of this staggering decline in births?
Senator GALLAGHER (Australian Capital Territory—Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Finance, Minister for Women, Manager of Government Business in the Senate and Vice-President of the Executive Council) (14:32): The first thing—and I remember this quite clearly from estimates—was that we undertook to look at the information you tabled in that hearing and align that with some of the data the ABS were collecting. They collect their births and deaths data as soon as it is available from the state and territory registries of births, deaths and marriages. The first thing we need to do is to get to the bottom of the numbers that you provided and make sure that the data that we got from the ABS, which I saw in that hearing, didn’t align with the numbers that you tabled.
At least there is discussion about this subject in Australia. Our gov. here in the US is more preoccupied with people who have Gender Dysphoria and tell kids it’s ok to mutilate their genitals. The jab is evil.
If you dig into the data by state, Victoria in particular, it shows only 21 births in Victoria which you’d assume is inaccurate. Now they have an asterisk signifying a lag in registrations of births due to covid. Perhaps there will be a jump in births in Jan 2022.[cl]=TIME_PERIOD&ly[rw]=MONTH_OCCUR&vw=tb
It’s an artefact of slow processing of state data by the ABS. Two states – Qld and Vic report births independently and neither of these state datasets show a decline. It is possible to pull out what the ABS thinks are state data and match up the reported state births the difference is an ABS deficit of 3338 births in Dec 2021 for Qld and 8243 for Vic.
I was also very concerned about this but the data is not up to date. If you check each states births deaths and marriages, its quite a different figure.
Please continue with pursuing the truth of this data. Is it just poorly collected data, a change in methodology or a real reduction in birth / fertility of the Australian population. It does not seem to be a matter of concern for the government but you have correctly sounded the alarm on this matter.
False data = false conclusion = false distrust
Soooo. Something’s wrong with the numbers? Like those reports we cop ‘Australians are 100% in favour of the grubbymints decision on this matter’. Were you asked? I wasn’t.
For this woman, denial must be that river in Egypt. What has happened is so glaringly obvious that she must be held to account for trying to cover it up. Words fail me, but she manages to find a hundred, meaningless phrases that fail to answer Malcolm’s perfectly clear, direct questions.
Yes, there is often a delay in the reporting / registration of births. For example, if you give birth in December, there is a good chance you won’t register the birth officially until the following year, say January or February. It says this quite clearly on the ABS website. However, shouldn’t this delay be equalled out across all reporting years? So why the apparent drop in late 2021?
It is currently November 2022, shouldn’t this reporting lag be done with by now.
Lots of questions for the ABS.
By the time this is figured out, it will be too late.
Parents are required to register births normally within 60 days. There is no Lag delay.
The question that needs to be asked, is the current health of these babies that are registered, and also, Ms Hanson refers to the 9 month period prior to July 2021. How many recorded miscarriages are there?
What is the drop in male fertility?
Significant population reduction is only a generation away. And with only Media and politicians asking the questions, and media and politicians giving us the answers; based on these two institutions history with truth and honesty I would say, why worry.
Babies will go on being unborn, children will die, the old and infirm will die.
Whats needed is a good old fashioned war to distract us, and a good old fashioned World sporting event.
We need to know the dates when this subject was raised at Senate Estimates, and when these questions were raised in the Senate. It seems important enough for an interested government and Minister to require an answer within several working days, despite the apparent nonchalance of the Chief Medical Officer, who was sitting and heard the question during Senate Estimates.
The cause of rapid and sudden birth decline is climate change and penises not the vaccine.
Why are such figures being published on the ABS website already if there actually m is a lag period, the figures don’t match Births,Deaths & Marriages data or any other reason? ABS must be ensuring that it is up to date before they publish it – simple! That’s what the job is.
I believe there is a connection made in the last 3 years re depopulation and the vaccine, I wholeheartedly agree with depopulation, our planet is suffering badly, ?
Our air, our water, our oceans, every living breathing animal, is declining, how fast,
this depends on what was in our vaccine, put there by a chemical mistake, that only time will be decider.
As Senator Gallagher points out, the ABS data is not up to date as registrations did not happen in the same time-frame as usual. Nurses were short staffed in that time and did not register the births until the following months. If you follow the ABS link provided and hover over the asterisk for Dec 2021, it says as much there.
It’s bad faith on Senator Roberts’ part to keep this up and not acknowledge that as the probable cause of the discrepancy. We need to remain skeptical with out beliefs and wait until all possibilities are explored before jumping to conclusions as bold as his. Make sure the simple answers aren’t likely before you spread conspiracy theories, Mr Roberts. Spreading this kind of thinking unnecessarily can break up families.
This is true now but that asterix was added after questions were asked in Parliament, this video published and attention drawn to the data set. The ABS has also said before that it doesn’t publish incomplete data. If registrations were made in January for births in December then why weren’t those included in this publication?
The questions to the Minister were simply to provide for an explanation for the dip in this data which they did not provide at the time and which wasn’t available despite the fact that it had been raised in Senate Estimates more than two weeks prior.
Your criticism at Sen. Roberts is exactly what causes the neglection of responsibility to the people of this country. If Sen. Roberts did not raise the issue, the ABS, the Health department would let it slide because no one is holding them accountable. And as Sen. Roberts replied to you, the asterisk was only put there after being questioned. Still it has not been rectified whether more data is to be added, parents have 60 days to register the birth of their new-borns; then it should have been updated by February or March 2022 at the latest. We are at the end of November, it does not take 12 months to complete it. Where is the rest of the data or is that it?!!!
What do you mean the spreading of this can break up families? If 6000+ is the correct birth rate for Dec 2021, people need to be made aware of it and investigation needs to be carried out to know what caused it.
As an Australian citizen, I would expect nothing less from our politicians to do their job properly like Sen. Roberts has been doing. You should be thankful that there are a handful of Senator like Sen. Roberts who have the people’s interest at heart, and are fighting for us, holding the corrupted MPs and bureaucrats accountable and bringing justice to light.
We are dealing with, Psycopathic criminals who pay these Traitors to “LIE”
There will be alot of ropes around necks in the real world of TRUTH.