The World Health Organisation was late in producing the Pandemic Agreement (formerly known as the WHO Treaty and Pandemic Accord). The WHO was supposed to produce this final draft at least four months in advance yet only published it in mid April leaving little time for government’s to examine the draft.

The Agreement is supposed to be voted on next month at the World Health Assembly and will be open for signature from July 2024. While it’s true that major changes have been made in line with some of the feedback and recommendations from the International Health Regulations, there are still areas of concern in this latest power grab from the United Nations WHO.
The IHR recommendations and public outcry have resulted in a draft that’s not quite as severe as previous ones, but it does not go far enough to respect national sovereignty. No government or organisation should enter into agreement with this organisation.
The WHO should not be making rules for the world. This is a corrupt organisation and exhibited shocking behaviour in the DRC Congo between 2018 and 2020 where WHO staff raped more than 100 members of the public, the largest known scandal among decades of abuses by UN staff. The WHO convened and funded an investigation into itself and none of the staff were criminally charged.
The WHO has removed the binding language, but it still says that pandemic prevention and collaborative public health surveillance is necessary. It gives itself the right to decide what is a pandemic. It can identify public health ‘risks’ including climate, environment and social risks. The WHO is driving this home with the One Health approach for pandemic preparedness. It wants to implement regular ‘reviewing’ of practices in member states and will send in educators to ensure countries are compliant.

Article 18 is about communication and public awareness and hints at censorship. It has wound back its ‘infodemic’ language which demanded heavy censorship. Yet there are still the elements here to ensure the control of information and behaviours that could hinder acceptance of vaccines.
The WHO still wants each member state to ensure that the laws in that country will allow the WHO and its One Health approach into the driving seat. This is a five year agreement and taxpayers will be paying for this according to what the WHO decides.

In Section 14, regulatory strengthening would create the framework in each country for the WHO to manage the products available during a pandemic.
It’s abundantly clear that it is the pharmaceutical interests which are being put first. No need to wonder why when you look at who is funding the WHO.
We the people, who by the way are NOT the government servants, want the corrupt WHO to clear off permanently. Our corrupt government, who are OUR servants, should do as they are told by the people.
The WHO should NOT be given ANY powers or SOVEREIGNTY rights.
Reject it.
My memory of origin of WHO was to provide medical help to 3rd world countries NOT RUN them or dictate control them.
No to the WHO
WHO ,,, like any entity that starts small and builds up gradually begins to run off the rails from the main roots which they began . Wether this can be prevented from happening or not brings many things into play , it always gets back to brainwashing the younger gens who think differently to the older ones and their ain’t no changing it . My advice to disgruntled older gens is “ live by your wits and knowledge of what’s going on “
Unless of course we can get the right man for the job to run the country like sen Malcolm Roberts that is
Thank you so much for keeping on this issue. Our understanding is that Australia is on the list of countries that would be effected, but it is for us to OPT OUT otherwise it is taken for granted that we agree. Watching sky news, there is no mention of this in.their comantry.
Quote from Dr David Martin; “the WHO is a criminal racketeering organisation – founded by the eugenicists – which has been since 1953, exclusively a vaccine prmoting enterprise, for the benefit of the people who have commercial interests in vaccines. The minute the people who have finacial incentive to gain from a decison to declare a pandemic, the minute they are the ones collecting the data…they’re going to collect the data that actually justifies their existence. As long as the financial interest that dictates what product is going to be promoted is the one making the declaration of the pandemic, we have no possibility for accountability. We have no possibility for justice” Dr David Martin. Watch the ‘Epidemic of Fraud’…. substack Broken Truth … for more on the WHO
The WHO is not only a corrupt organisation ,as is the UN,but run by an ex terrorist,Tedros. Why are we not told this? Albanese et al have,I understand,already signed the ‘treaty’. They were keen enough to try to push us into voting yes in the ill fated referendum and yet we are not consulted on this scary and invasive policy by an UNELECTED body. I for one am absolutely disgusted that our employees disdain those paying them. We, their employers, must stand together and make our voices heard. After all this affects us all,not just a section of our society. Our health is ours to manage not any arrogant but uninformed politician. REJECT THE WHO for the good not only of yourselves but for the well being of our wonderful country. AUSTRALIA.
Not interested in anything WHO has to say or do. Corrupt organisation and they can stick their pandemic where the sun don’t shine.