What went wrong?
The World Health Organisation (WHO) was established in 1948 to improve health outcomes in developing nations. Since the appointment of Tedros Ghebreyesus as Director-General in 2017, WHO has undergone a complete change of direction.
The WHO is now a means to advance the wealth and power of predatory billionaires like Bill Gates, and pharmaceutical companies who make huge sums out of the health responses WHO promotes.
At the same time, its staff are unsupervised, with some engaging in child sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation. I have spoken about this in Parliament (links to those speeches are below).
Now the WHO and its billionaire backers are ramping up their profiteering by promoting new powers that will allow the WHO to increase the use of products these billionaires make.
The proposed treaty
In September 2022 the United States, supported by Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand, proposed a Treaty enabling the WHO to have the power to take over member states’ health measures, allowing the WHO to mandate health measures directly on everyday Australians.
Proposed measures include compulsory vaccination through mandatory detention and forced medical procedures. Other measures include the power to order border closures (including internal borders such as between Australian states), shutdowns for businesses & schools, international vaccine passports, restrictions on product sales (such as those which may compete with approved pharmaceuticals) and much more.
The Treaty would also elevate the billionaire owners of the WHO to full member status as “stakeholders”, meaning Pfizer for instance could vote on declaring a health emergency and mandating Pfizer vaccines.
Fortunately, the constitution of the World health Organisation prevented their executive simply signing off on these new powers. The only body that can change the rulebook at the WHO is an assembly of all 194 members states, called a World Health Assembly (WHA).
International Health Regulations (IHR)
Tedros Ghebreyesus responded to the proposal by appointing the IHR Working Group to oversee the changes from a procedural perspective, and an IHR Review Committee with leading WHO health experts from around the world to flesh out the actual detail.
In December of 2022, Ghebreyesus called a special meeting of the World Health Assembly to adopt these measures. However, resistance from the African bloc prevented the changes from passing.
It is important to understand the WHA does not vote, they work off consensus. While the 42-strong African bloc are only 24% of the membership, a measure which only has the support of 76% of the Assembly does not have “consensus”, so the proposal was not voted in – instead it was deferred.
The IHR Review Committee was then tasked with refining the proposal for discussion at the May 2023 WHA before a final vote in the WHA set for May, 2024.
The Committee initially reported in January 2023 that the amendments to elevate the WHO as ‘world health police’ should proceed. However, their report was greeted with such strong opposition they immediately backtracked.
In February 2023 the Committee issued a final report which withdrew the onerous parts of the regulation changes that impacted human rights and dignity and left behind just the commonsense recommendations based on lessons learned during COVID.
The Committee also pointed out the WHO charter explicitly calls on the WHO to be a voluntary organisation that must be invited in by host nations. Giving WHO powers to compel is a direct breach of their charter and should prevent the proposed changes from passing.
The Committee went on to say the proposal has cost the WHO significant loss of goodwill and would take them away from their core business of providing health support.
This is the “victory” I mentioned in a video in early February 2023, which is being posted up by some people on social media 6 months later as though it were current news and without the context I provided. This is misleading people for clicks and subscriptions.
The one part that was left in the IHR amendments was the section that allowed for a global digital health certificate. However, the current wording only allows the WHO to co-operate when someone else introduces a digital ID, it does not allow the WHO to introduce one. This is why the WHO are partnering with the EU Digital Health Certificate, which nations around the world are adopting of their own accord.
So please be clear, the fight over a digital health passport is not with the WHO, the fight is with any national government that introduces a digital ID or digital vaccine passport.
The WHO has no power to mandate the use of digital ID or vaccine passports, our own governments are doing this to us by themselves, with the UN cheering them on, of course.
Australia has not announced plans yet. One Nation will campaign strongly against any form of digital ID/Health passport should the Labor Government attempt to introduce one.
Where to from here?
This is where the good news ends. Undeterred by the Committee’s change of heart the pharmaceutical lobby has pushed forward with their attempts to use health as a weapon against the people. A new proposal was introduced – a “World Pandemic Treaty” which would give the WHO the same powers their own Committee just recommended against.
The treaty actually goes further than the regulation changes by expanding the definition of “pandemic” to mean health, social or environmental emergencies. This would without a doubt include climate change and allow global health powers to be exercised across multiple events on a permanent basis.
The other issue with the Treaty is that it comes into force the minute it is signed. This is a new concept, previously any UN treaty had to be ratified by the Parliament in each member state first. This change leaves us exposed to the whims of our representatives in Australia’s permanent mission to the UN.
The evolving pandemic treaty
In May of 2023 the World Health Assembly (WHA) met and considered the two proposals – the International Health Regulation (IHR) changes and the Pandemic Treaty. The result was no decision. The Assembly kept to the published timetable which was a final vote in May of 2024.
To be clear, the WHO have no new powers. The IHR amendments are not in force and the Pandemic Treaty is not in force. The Treaty has been re-named as an “instrument” to make it sound better, but the powers to compel nations to follow WHO mandates are still in the proposal.
For those who ask, “how could the WHO force us to do anything?” the answer is through sanctions. Russia was recently sanctioned by the UN using the UN-adjacent SWIFT payment system, effectively blocking Russia from making or receiving payment for exports and imports. The SWIFT charter requires it to follow sanctions received from the UN. Iran was sanctioned in this manner in 2012, at great cost to their economy.
Looking ahead – the Committee is being called back to consider the feedback on all these changes that came out of the recent WHA. They resume work in November 2023. We can expect to see a working document by January 2024 and a final recommendation by March 2024, which will then be decided at the World Health Assembly in May 2024. That timetable has not changed.
I also note that Australia’s Chief Medical Officer has called this timetable “ambitious”, so there is no guarantee the matter will be resolved within this timetable.
The United Nations must feel the proposal faces an uphill battle because they have now introduced their own version of a Treaty. At this stage it is only a treaty “framework”, which sets out how the actual Treaty will be written.
With almost a year to go before the 2024 WHA it is too soon to start a campaign given the proposal may (and I expect will) change when the Committee resumes their work at the end of the year.
For now, it is important to make the public, media and our elected representatives understand that the WHO is a corrupt, festering cancer on world health and should be disbanded or at the very least, purged of Tedros Ghebreyesus and his henchmen.
One Nation strongly opposes signing away our national sovereignty to an unelected and corrupt United Nations agency.
Feel free to use the information in this article and in the videos below, and let your local member and Senator know what you think of the WHO and the terrorist in charge.
About the IHR: https://www.who.int/health-topics/international-health-regulations#tab=tab_1
Critical committee report: https://www.who.int/news/item/05-05-2023-statement-on-the-fifteenth-meeting-of-the-international-health-regulations-(2005)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)-pandemic
Recommendations accepted at the May WHA: https://www.who.int/news/item/05-05-2023-statement-on-the-fifteenth-meeting-of-the-international-health-regulations-(2005)-emergency-committee-regarding-the-coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)-pandemic
Zero draft of the Pandemic Treaty: https://apps.who.int/gb/inb/pdf_files/inb4/A_INB4_3-en.pdf
All the changes that were agreed to in May of 2023: https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA76/A76_9Rev1-en.pdf
Full agenda of WHA76 – https://apps.who.int/gb/e/e_wha76.html
Very concerning.
Thank you for standing up for everyday Australian human beings.
I think the movie CRY FREEDOM, has been or is about to be released.
That will bring into public awareness pedophilia, child sex trafficking and depraved antics that have gone on for eons.
Thank goodness Africa blocked that earlier vote.
Do the members all have some sort of diplomatic immunity? If so, ways of removing that immunity from criminals like Tedros, would be a worthwhile investigation.
Thank you
Senator Malcolm Roberts and the
One Nation Crew
Thanks Senator Roberts
I was aware of this but your comprehensive explanation makes it very clear of what evil we are actually dealing with in most matters related to the UN and certainly the grubby Globalists infesting the EU, IMF, WEF, BIS and the IPCC. We really appreciate your work, which helps people like me spread the word using clear communication rather than the anger and emotion these evil people create in ordinary people like me.
Thank You
Please keep up the great work One Nation is doing
Thankyou for this article and exposing the sinister game plan behind the WHO
Thank you Malcolm and One Nation. The reasons for the legalisation of sexualisation of children is now clear as is the fate of humanity without God.
We no longer have to imagine , consequences in choosing to acquiesce to man over God. Man is attempting to enshrine evil into law….again.
The movie is SOUND OF FREEDOM and is about child trafficking.
Gives some sort of insight and good to watch.
As i have said before 97 percent of the idiots we call politicians and the bureaucrats behind them have no idea about the real world and what is happening out there.
Forgot they are the fools watching main stream media with all of its misinformation and disinformation.
Now they want to pass a law to block the truth and continue with their lies.
Also these fools do not have diplomatic immunity to a long piece of rope or a high speed projectile.
Judgement day is coming and people are sick and tired of their crap.
Screw the U.N and screw the WHO.
The labor puppets and their brought and paid for independents need to understand their is a lot of pissed off people here in Australia that are on the edge.
Directly to Malcolm.
John’s post was placed 5 days ago.
The unbecoming part has been identified to you and one nation on 3 occasions.
To your office by email and ‘phone and to Pauline by email.
Are you trying to depict this one nation site as a serious and self respecting website ?
Where are your moderators ?
Thank you for your diligence – this is very important work