I’m not satisfied CASA is doing it’s due diligence, that it’s Medical Officers are properly dedicated to the job or that they are actually looking after pilots. I’ll share more of the details on my website when my questions on notice are answered.
I’m not satisfied CASA is doing it’s due diligence, that it’s Medical Officers are properly dedicated to the job or that they are actually looking after pilots. I’ll share more of the details on my website when my questions on notice are answered.
CASA in my opinion are changing the goal post in the hope that they don’t get sued for their crimes against humanity.
I could not believe CASA with a straight face could say there are no cardiac issues. I guess in that ivory control tower of theirs they haven’t heard the scuttllebut – pilots who know they have problems and are not coming clean. I guess CASA is fine with this since what they deny they know (or truly actually don’t know – hard to know which is actually worse) can’t hurt them. Well, thanks to Senator Roberts they can never deny it in the future when the inevitable happens.
I for one will never be getting in any commercial aircraft until this abject failure of public policy is acknowledged and accounted for. I am happy to still get into small GA aircraft where I have control access since I need not be in any faear of pilot incapacitation. Lucky I guess I am no longer inclined (or need) to travel very far these days.
Shame on you CASA. As an aviation enthusiast I used to look up to you.
They are aware of the presence of spike proteins in the jabbed; pure and simple. Will they admit as much? Unlikely. They will deliberately blur the distinction between those who have have C19 and those who are jabbed and have not had C19. The presence of nucleocapsid proteins plus spike proteins in those who have had the disease vs just the spike proteins in the jabbed are being revealed in autopsies: a clear distinction that CASA will avoid admitting. Mandatory jabbing was about compliance and control: not about a health choice. The financial incentives you are also investigating, Senator Roberts, are yet another smoking gun. I am an experienced pilot who refused the jab. CASA, CASA, pants on fire.
Maybe you should point out the distinctions you have mentioned to Peter Whish-Wilson who was the person who rudely interjected Malcolm Robert’s questioning.
Is Peter the bloke behind Malcolm? If it was …he was rude and unprofessional…eye brow movements etc.
“CASA claims to be an evidence-based and risk-based regulator”. I also refused to be jabbed. I have been in the mill for a reissue of a medical certificate after a nine year period of inactivity after 40 years of commercial flying at the ATPL level in helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. To say that CASA has taken a set against this applicant is an understatement as they seem to ‘play the man, not the ball’ in their exercise of demonstrable ‘Noble Cause Corruption’. I sent a copy of Pfizer’s initial 9 page admission of adverse effects to the head of Aviation Medicine along with a document produced as the result of an FOI stating that the TGA did not conduct any testing on the ‘vaccine’ and also sent was the address of the TGA web page giving details of the TGA members which demonstrated that nearly all board members have at one time or another being conflicted as recipients of Pharmaceutical grants. Specifically asked of the CASA AvMed representative was that given these admissions, is it CASA’s Aviation Medicals’ department intention to investigate these claims with the view of public safety, both flying and ground risk? Copies of these emails have been retained for possibly further enquiry. The reply from CASA was to shunt the question to a public section which affirmed confidence in the political narrative of the ‘Safe and Effective’ dogma. Had CASA done any ‘due diligence’ at? If they haven’t, why not? There is now a plethora of research publications one of which refutes their representative that C-19 causes myocarditis and pericarditis which is contrary to the report:
The Incidence of Myocarditis and Pericarditis in Post COVID-19 Unvaccinated Patients—A Large Population-Based Study
which states in conclusion “…Our data suggest that there is no increase in the incidence of myocarditis and peri carditis in COVID-19 recovered patients compared to uninfected matched control
I read this to be contrary to what the CASA representative stated to Senator Roberts that they ‘know’ that C-19 causes both heart conditions. I may have read it wrong but I do not think so. And if correct what public faith can be placed in the very Authority charged with aviation safety? Possibly a Investigative Commission with teeth could toss these charlatans out of their feed trough.
I sense a tragedy coming on.
I wrote to CASA and CEO of Qantas Joyce over a year ago ,asking who will take the responsibility for a catastrophic disaster …should a flight crew suffer adverse effects or possible death …as the result of the contradiction of the existing protocols of health and mandating experimental MRNA injection …..THAT HAS SUCH A DEVISTATING HISTORY OF DEATH AND ADVERSE EFFECTS ……NO REPLY …..NOTE THIS …. Joyce is a member of the WEF and an agent
“We’ll take that on notice” seriously do any of these inept public servants ever know what goes on in there departments? Do you ever get any meaningful responses to all these “We’ll take that on notice” questions?? So they are happy to ground pilots for weight loss drugs which I am assuming have listed side effects that they use to make judgement, however they refuse to acknowledge the known and documented side effects for the C19 vaccine. They are a disgrace.
Good on you Senator Roberts, like a dog with a bone, don’t let go.
You are a Hot Potato that Casa would prefer not to handle.
Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen & not if, When?
Too many lives are at risk when these flying machines go out of control.
Please keep at Casa & any other safety authority who may be putting lives at risk.
Profit before safety is not a good policy.
Thank you for all you are achieving, I wish others would get on board with you.
There has already been at least one – possibly two incidents in the US where a pilot has suffered a severe or fatal cardiac event during a large commercial passenger jet and it was only the presence of an able bodied first officer that averted a potential tragedy. In one of those events, the event occurred at around the point of rotation (issuing a pitch command to lift the aircraft from the runway once the airspeed is high enough) which is one of the worst and most dangerous possible times for it to happen outside of landing. Ergo, by statistics if nothing else it is simply a matter of time. It WILL happen – that is as certain as any other event probability determined by statistics. It will probably happen in the US first if only again due to statistics – much higher numbers of daily aircraft movements.
Ive watched quite a few of these parliamentary questionings and I’ve had enough of the flubbing of questions, avoidance and the “taking it on notice”.
If they can’t answer the questions then what the heck are they doing there?
It’s complete bullsh*t.
They know they’re supposed to be there then they should turn up and they should know their stuff.
Right now everybody seems to magically turned into Sargent Schultz
– “I know nothing”
This is a perfect example of why the people hold politicians and Australian institutions in such contempt.
Senator Roberts is a hero.
The CASA reps make me want to vomit. But it’s typical.
“Senator we’d take that on notice.”
Hey CASA you were on notice that you had to show up and answer questions.
Now grow up and answer the questions when asked.
When they state: that myocarditis and pericarditis are generally associated post COVID infection “much more common condition for someone that has had COVID” – where is the evidence to support their claim? This claim required an additional parameter “Yes, in only VACCINATED individuals”.
There is in fact an extensive Israeli study of 787,968 people that was undertaken in 2020/21 whilst the vaccines were being distributed, that shows as quoted: “In the current large population study of subjects, who were NOT vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, we observed NO increase in the incidence of myocarditis or pericarditis from day 10 after positive SARS-CoV-2” (COVID 19 infection).
(Ref: JCM | Free Full-Text | The Incidence of Myocarditis and Pericarditis in Post COVID-19 Unvaccinated Patients— A Large Population-Based Study https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/11/8/2219)
There is also another study drawn from this same Israeli data of 884,828 persons that shows there is in fact an elevated instance of myocarditis in those that are ‘vaccinated’.
“The vaccine was associated with an excess risk of myocarditis (1 to 5 events per 100,000 persons). The risk of this potentially serious adverse event and of many other serious adverse events was substantially increased after SARS-CoV-2 infection.”
(Ref: Safety of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine in a Nationwide Setting https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34432976/
Anecdotally, if SARS-CoV-2 infection CAUSED myocarditis/pericarditis then where were these diagnosis’ in 2020 during the worldwide proliferation of the ‘wild type virus’ – a clear safety signal would have been apparent, as it is post vaccination. Unfortunately, they are too blind or unwilling to see this.
Thank you Senator Roberts for everything you are doing.