For more than three years now I have been trying to seek justice for casual coal miners who have been robbed of their entitlements.
In this session the Fair Work Ombudsman reveals the vital tool for identifying the true employer in a disputed relationship: the humble ABN in conjunction with ATO data can identify possible wage theft and other dodgy practices of employers and unions.
The question I have then, why is it taking so long? Langdon Langdon2023-03-01 08:47:242023-03-01 08:47:30Why is the FWO taking so long to confirm a casual miners employer?
Union are thriving business personal. I gave up on them in 1982
Megan Knight says:
Thank you for the efforts you put into achieving righteous results – on many counts
Bob Caine says:
Coal mining. The question I have then, why is it taking so long?
Dear Malcome.
A brief history on black coal mining.
I was a coal miner for around thirty years in that time I held various positions in the CFMEU.
The issue you have I’ve seen before what happened to the coal industry the Labor party and the union destroyed the workers rights within the industry by agreeing to Enterprises Bargaining and allowing contacting out a lot of mining jobs.
Because we were sold out by our union CFMEU and the labor party workers rights became a local lodge issue. When I was CFMEU President at Ulan Coal Mine Open Cut we had a similar situation.
How the union allowed the works to be ripped off was the company would contact out the work to a major company.
That company would then go through a labour hire company to contact the workers.
This was a way around true entitlements because they become employees of the labour hire company.
This was a a way to legally rip off workers. This is why you are getting the runaround.
This is what I mean about the Labor party and the union selling out work’s rights.
What it came down to was the CFMEU deemed the workers were contacted and not the responsibility of the union. Majority of coal miners agreed and did nothing. That’s not the case at then my lodge I’m a strong believer of equality and a fair go. When I was lodge president I put it to the company Exxon Coal in such a way when contractors worked at our mine thay received their interments.
The Labor party and the CFMEU new this was a deliberate way to rip-off workers and obviously still occurring. That’s it in a nutshell.
Hopefully this will give you an insight into you question.
The question I have then, why is it taking so long?
A: Because they don’t want you to know how they rip-off workers.
Regards Bob
David Lawrence says:
I’m so sick of excuses and useless people running every government department who have no commitment to the Australian people who they serve. The public service appears to be full of university drop outs with no experience in real world matters and no ability to “get the job done”. They would struggle working at a McDonalds drive through. And so for gender equality in the workplace, I don’t see any improvement with all the extra women being employed in these bureaucratic cushy positions. The government has been derailed by leftist and green false ideology and we have let it happen. It’s time to speak up. Say what you think and believe to be true. Do Not be afraid to express YOUR opinion.
Boys are boys and girls are girls. Parents have the right to discipline and guide their children until they become adults at 18 years old. Climate Change is a political term to promote a billion dollar industry that benefits the already rich globalists who invest in government subsidies and fake green alternatives. There is NO CLIMATE CRISIS, it’s a lie.
So the miner in a sense is on their own and if something was to happen to them. It wouldn’t be acted on immediately.
Union are thriving business personal. I gave up on them in 1982
Thank you for the efforts you put into achieving righteous results – on many counts
Coal mining. The question I have then, why is it taking so long?
Dear Malcome.
A brief history on black coal mining.
I was a coal miner for around thirty years in that time I held various positions in the CFMEU.
The issue you have I’ve seen before what happened to the coal industry the Labor party and the union destroyed the workers rights within the industry by agreeing to Enterprises Bargaining and allowing contacting out a lot of mining jobs.
Because we were sold out by our union CFMEU and the labor party workers rights became a local lodge issue. When I was CFMEU President at Ulan Coal Mine Open Cut we had a similar situation.
How the union allowed the works to be ripped off was the company would contact out the work to a major company.
That company would then go through a labour hire company to contact the workers.
This was a way around true entitlements because they become employees of the labour hire company.
This was a a way to legally rip off workers. This is why you are getting the runaround.
This is what I mean about the Labor party and the union selling out work’s rights.
What it came down to was the CFMEU deemed the workers were contacted and not the responsibility of the union. Majority of coal miners agreed and did nothing. That’s not the case at then my lodge I’m a strong believer of equality and a fair go. When I was lodge president I put it to the company Exxon Coal in such a way when contractors worked at our mine thay received their interments.
The Labor party and the CFMEU new this was a deliberate way to rip-off workers and obviously still occurring. That’s it in a nutshell.
Hopefully this will give you an insight into you question.
The question I have then, why is it taking so long?
A: Because they don’t want you to know how they rip-off workers.
Regards Bob
I’m so sick of excuses and useless people running every government department who have no commitment to the Australian people who they serve. The public service appears to be full of university drop outs with no experience in real world matters and no ability to “get the job done”. They would struggle working at a McDonalds drive through. And so for gender equality in the workplace, I don’t see any improvement with all the extra women being employed in these bureaucratic cushy positions. The government has been derailed by leftist and green false ideology and we have let it happen. It’s time to speak up. Say what you think and believe to be true. Do Not be afraid to express YOUR opinion.
Boys are boys and girls are girls. Parents have the right to discipline and guide their children until they become adults at 18 years old. Climate Change is a political term to promote a billion dollar industry that benefits the already rich globalists who invest in government subsidies and fake green alternatives. There is NO CLIMATE CRISIS, it’s a lie.