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The evidence is in – protect our children from being given life-changing drugs and surgeries and make a ban on gender affirmation permanent and national, not just for a year.

Newspaper Article

8 replies
  1. Rick
    Rick says:

    Well done One Nation ! Puberty Blockers have been designed for and put into place for the young by politicians only for the purpose of exploitation and degradation .
    I don’t see Jeffery Epstein any worse than the politicians who are promoting it !
    Young people today need to stop focusing their genitalia and get on with life . Sex is just one aspect in the big picture of life’s experience and when it comes time to finally choose the permanent partner it’s always the most mentally compatible and not the hottest for a long satisfying relationship .

  2. maree martin
    maree martin says:

    We need them gone stop them from flying all these illegals into our country under the cloud of darkness!! Take away the spending spree with taxpayer money and make those responsible repay what they have stolen from all the taxpayers stop this madness about green energy it’s not working for anyone how can you call it green energy when the have destroyed our precious rain forests how is that called green energy !!! We put solar on our roof with the promise of cheaper electricity but they failed to tell us that the inverter was only 5 year warranty and we were never told to switch off your system when there is a storm we were told absolutely nothing now our inverter is no working we called the company who sold us the solar system they told us we were not entitled for warranty and told us we have to have a whole new solar system put up !! We are only pensioners and as most pensioners we live pay to pay we paid $7,000 for this system we can’t afford it and we are suffering from anxiety about this!!

  3. Patrick Nicollet
    Patrick Nicollet says:

    It is absolutely VITAL for the sake of our children & humanity at late that those apprentices sorcerers are put out of business one way or another .. !! For far too long big pharma under the disguise of protecting health has been used people as guinea pigs & from the third reich this hasn’t stopped & the western politicians at the payroll of big pharma are guilty of propagating genocide & should not only been accountable but also be Heavily Prosecuted for their actions …!!

  4. Lynda Joy Rowen
    Lynda Joy Rowen says:

    The drive by these unholy, inhumane groups is to destroy the family unit. Targeting these vulnerable “children” is about as low as they can go. All this talk about protecting the children and implementing policies in that name serves only to alienate
    them from their families.

  5. Chris Power
    Chris Power says:

    NO child under the age of 18 should NOT bring force up pond them to please the parents wanting a child to be made so they are happy what happens in years to come young adults start taking their life’s & the parents start to think what have we done, well done Malcolm Roberts & one nation,[ let kids be kids if they change to have a sex change than so be it]

  6. Dianne
    Dianne says:

    It’s good to see there are some politicians doing the right thing and protecting our children. Puberty is a confusing time and need to be addressed with love and support, not a knife.

  7. Bruce Jones
    Bruce Jones says:

    If puberty blockers and surgery are such a great advantage, then let a few politicians offer their children as guinea pigs for these experimental treatments. Let them see for themselves the ‘advantages’ of these treatments.

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