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The World Health Organisation’s pandemic treaty and International Health Regulation amendments are a threat to Australia’s sovereignty. Similar amendments were defeated before but we must defeat them again.


There’s plenty of discussion about the World Health Organisation’s proposed Pandemic Treaty and changes to International Health Regulations.

In short, the proposal is a dystopian nightmare.

The World Health Organisation, the W-H-O, is demanding the power to dictate Australian State and Federal health policy, including ordering compulsory vaccination, lockdowns, closures of borders and businesses and, worst of all, detention of anyone not complying with the latest vaccine mandates and forced medical procedures.

Under its arbitrary rules, W-H-O can order a company to stop making drugs – the catastrophic and murderous Ivermectin ban is one example of how this will be used.

Under these changes Australian Health Authorities would report to the W-H-O, not the Australian Parliament, ceding our national sovereignty to the W-H-O.

Killing accountability.

Australia will have to comply with every W-H-O dictate or face crippling export and money market sanctions.

The amendments even remove W-H-O’s overarching principle of “protecting the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons” and replace it with a meaningless equity statement. This reflects the intended use of these amendments to act contrary to human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms.

This power grab is being fine-tuned now in meetings behind closed doors and will be voted on at the World Health Assembly in May 2024.

If passed, both houses of the Australian Parliament will still need to ratify the changes. Yet given the nature of the globalist puppets in power in Canberra’s political parties this outcome would likely be a foregone conclusion.

Included in the current proposal are tens of billions of dollars to pay for pandemic preparedness in Africa, as well as giving W-H-O the ability to force medical companies to make drugs and devices and give them to African nations in a clear bribe to overcome Africa’s reluctance to cede their authority to W-H-O.

The Africans stopped the previous vote so now the UN is trying to buy African votes.

This is communist policy and everyday Australians will have to pay for it.

One Nation calls on the Albanese Government to not sign away Australian sovereignty to unelected, unrepresentative foreign bureaucrats responsible for millions of deaths globally.

My staff and I led opposition in the senate to the CashBan bill that Liberal-Nationals and Labor had pushed through the House of Representatives. Uniting with grass roots members of the Labor and Liberal parties we created so much political pressure that both these globalist parties were forced to drop the CashBan bill.

Together we can defeat the criminal W-H-O.

Reject the World Health Organisation’s grab for dictator powers. And while we’re at it withdraw from the WHO and the UN entirely. Aus EXIT.

29 replies
  1. EK Lippenmeyer
    EK Lippenmeyer says:

    Thank you, Malcolm, for having the courage and ethics to make a stand against the mad and heinous WHO legislation. We need far more politicians with your fibre to fight for the Australian people’s freedoms.

  2. Jonathan Parle
    Jonathan Parle says:

    The world is on the precipice of a global tyranny not seen since the dark days in Europe during the 1930s and 40s. Meanwhile, citizens across the world are oblivious. In my view, the two most sinister organisations that threaten the world today are the WEF and the WHO. On the one hand we have the WEF which is analogous to the Nazi dictatorship and for enforcement purposes we have the WHO who are analogous to the SS if this “pandemic treaty” sees the light of day. The WEF can effectively become a global dictator simply by installing puppets across so-called “democracries” as they have already been doing whilst the WHO can quell dissent simply by declaring imagined or vastly exaggerated health threats that “require” mass medical experimentation, lockdowns and the incarceration of non compliers. These dictators are also fully aware that the exact sort of people who are against this tyranny were also vehemently opposed to the COVID response and especially the forced vaccinations (they were forced regardless of what some might try to argue – having to choose between an income to put food on the table or being injected is a tyrannical form of coercion).

    The world let the Nazis have free reign until it was too late. Let us not make the same mistake again.

  3. john
    john says:

    Malcolm thank you for your true voice one the represents Australians. Time for the people to rise up against their own government and take control back. Had enough of the crap that comes out of Canberra.
    You should have a word to our elbow and just point out that HORSE FACE across the ditch just stood down as the people over there hate everything that she has done. Maybe he should look very hard at what he is trying to do here. Tell him he is not special to those overseas and just another puppet following their wants. He is expendable like the rest. As he should see they don’t care for people and he does not fit into their world.

  4. Stan Beattie
    Stan Beattie says:

    Thanks for your stand against WHO. Be my strong voice in Government against this grab for control.
    Be blessed Malcolm

  5. Margaret Higgins
    Margaret Higgins says:

    I am so glad you have taken this stand for our freedom, l fully agree that we should exit the WHO and the WEF, its the only way we will ever be able to keep our sovereignty. God bless you and One Nation in your fight for our freedom

  6. Ann
    Ann says:

    This treaty is probably a foregone conclusion BUT is there ANY chance we can withhold funds to the WHO like Trump did, or, better yet, get OUT of the UN?

  7. robert Wilkins
    robert Wilkins says:

    Thank you Malcolm. Every word a masterpiece!. We need you in Canada before our Prime “Sinister” Trudeau signs our lives away. Yes the bribes to Africa are obvious after the AFRICAN UNION voted against the passport system last year. I am sure the powers that be are busy bribing the heads of state in Africa with fresh money. Africa saved us but now here is the end run. Lets pray we can over come this but so few people are awake. God speed!

  8. Brian Johnston
    Brian Johnston says:

    Thankyou Malcolm for all your fantastic work. We need many more people like you to stand up to these criminals. They MUST be stopped and face prosecution for their hideous crimes against humanity. How many more have to die before the people wake up?

  9. Peter Hayes
    Peter Hayes says:

    The government cannot let this happen. We need to exit WHO & the UN now & get rid of this cowardly government

  10. Mark Wiltshire
    Mark Wiltshire says:

    You are on the right track with this. It would be madness to hand over sovereign power related to the health of Australian people.

  11. Joyce Soder
    Joyce Soder says:

    Malcolm, thanks for showing leadership in our Parliament. The WHO and WEF leaders are not committed to what’s best for the people particularly Australians. We donot want to relinquish our Australian sovereignty in Health and Finance to a foreign corporation/organization. Keep the fight going for Australia!


    Thank you Senator Roberts. You say we must reject the WHO’s power grab but can you be more specific as to how we as ordinary Australians can help to stop this insanity?

    • Gerda von Strunck
      Gerda von Strunck says:

      I signed a petition offered in the US, perhaps Senator Roberts can prepare one for us in OZ too. More people might have seen his video with Maria Zeee as well and now understand what is really going on.

  13. Grantham Wootton
    Grantham Wootton says:

    Malcolm I shake your hand and support your courage to DUMP the W>H>O and the W E F . We are AUSTRALIA !!!
    In my opinion this all comes from the roots of the USA and their weak lap dogs who.s only desire is to get rich
    I have six grand children, GOD help them if this is not scuppered.
    Something like 80 “foreign” owned military bases around the world and we are at this very moment “WELCOMING” one in Australia from the same source. ( And WE the genuine working people pay all the bills. .

  14. Estelle Tucker
    Estelle Tucker says:

    Have just read the book. The Happiest Man on Earth A Holocaust survivor shares his experiences. Eddie Jaku.
    This is the treatment we face if we don’t stop this tyranny by WHO and WEF. They don’t represent decent humans they have an evil agenda.

  15. Hal Bregg
    Hal Bregg says:

    I’m encouraged by the news that your opposition to the Cash Ban bill saw it being dropped. The apparent MSM narrative that only drug dealers prefer cash and digital money is convenient is disturbing and ignorant.
    If the Australian constitution allows sovereignty to be ceded by parliament then an addition to the constitution that outlaws this is needed. (As well as the secrecy eg “commercial in confidence” excuses) surrounding

  16. John Zamora
    John Zamora says:

    Thankyou Malcolm for your courage to talk and prevents us from falling into the varicious jaws of the world health org. In fact if I can share a little of my experience in south america from where I am just arriving after living and being raised for more than 45 years. The are already intervening in the chilean goverment making all this traits and weird laws that in case of a new pandemic the world health org will determine what will be aplicable or not in chile in relation to vaccination procedures. That means Chile is not independent anymore to what criterio must be applied in case of a new pandemic arising. Besides that in chile they are already applying the sixth dose of vaccination. Many people already devoloping heart diseases which they never had any récord before. The same org in conjuncion with united nations org have promoted an uncontrolled inmigration process which has affected the lo all economy. Many important shops in the capital City are closing down. I fully understant we are all inmigrantes but unless a goverment does not define a clear strategy to allow these processes in orden to keep everything in armony only chaos will reigh. It sounds weird that vaccination and pandemic controlling can be linked to inmigration processes but I am just trying to describe things as they are really happening there. Kind regards. Sincerely John Zamora.

  17. Annie
    Annie says:

    It beggars belief that our Government is so willing to allow the dictates of unelected organisations on the other side of the world to reign supreme.
    I cannot believe that our politicians have such doormat personas that they willingly allow outside-our-country interests to walk all over them.
    You, Senator Roberts, are a shining light in these dark times. Imagine how wonderful Australia would be if we rejected globalism and concentrated our efforts on providing first and foremost for every Australian without resorting to coercion and bullying. Keep fighting the good fight, Senator. We, the awakened, are with you.

  18. Lois Bird
    Lois Bird says:

    Thank you so much for fighting for us Malcolm! Should a petition for Australia to exit the WHO or at least oppose the Pandemic Treaty not be circulating?

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